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1、Absolute pressure 绝对压力Absolute temperature 绝对温度Adiabatic compression 绝热压缩过程Air padding (压缩)空气(填充)输送Aluminalkyle 烷基铝Ammonia synthesis 合成氨Antisurge protection 防喘振(保护)Areas and circumferences of circles 圆的面积和周长Asphalt production 沥青生产Atmospheric pressure and barometric readings at altitudes 海拔高度大气压力和气压表

2、读数Autofrettage 自增强Barrel compressor (见垂直剖分型压缩机Vertically split compressor) 筒形压缩机Bearing 轴承Circular 圆形Compliant su*ce 顺性表面Cryogenic 深冷Damper 阻尼Elastohydrodynamic 弹性流体动压Elliptical 椭圆形 Film thickness 膜厚Flow 流量Fluid film 流体膜Gas 气体Hydrostatic 流体静压Journal 轴颈Liner 衬套Materials 材料Magnetic 磁力Multipad 多瓦块Rolli

3、ng element 滚动Tapered land 斜平面Temperature 温度Threelobe 三叶Thrust 止推Tilt pad 可倾瓦Benedict-webb-rubin-starling 模型(model)Capacity 排气量Capacity control 排气量调节Bypass 旁路Clearance pocket 余隙(补助)容积Finger unloader 指式卸荷器Port unloader 孔卸荷器Screw compressor slide 螺杆压缩机滑片Variable speed 变速Centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机Bal

4、ance piston 平衡鼓Casing 机壳Coupling 联轴器Diaphragm 隔板Diffuser 扩压器Discharge nozzle 排气接管Discharge volute 排气蜗壳Electrical system 电气系统Foundations 基础Guide vane 导叶Impeller 叶轮Intercooling 中间冷却器Inlet nozzle 进气(接)管Inlet volute 进气蜗壳Multistage 多级Off design operation 非设计工况操作Oil system 密封油系统Performance 性能Slope 倾斜Split

5、ter vane 分流叶片Thrust bearing 止推轴承Choking 阻塞(工况)Clearance volume 余隙容积CNG codes and standards CNG规范和标准CNG station CNG加气站CNG pressure vessel CNGwiki压力容器/wikiCNG compressor CNG压缩机Blow down gas recovery 排放气体回收Crankcase 曲轴箱Lubrication 润滑Sealing 密封CNG dispenser CNG售气机CNG fill system CNG加气系统Coatings 涂层Fluoro

6、carbon 碳氟化合物Nickel 镍Compressibility 压缩性(系数)Compressibility factor 压缩性系数Compression ratio 压缩比Conversion factors 换算系数Critical speed 临界转速Cracking 裂化Crosshead 十字头Auxiliary 辅助Connection 连接形式Guide 导轨Pin load reversal 活塞杆(销)载荷反向度Cylinder 气缸Autofrettage 自增强Construction 结构Elastic simulation 弹性模拟Fatigue tests

7、 疲劳试验Finish 光洁度Heavy walled 厚壁Hypercompressor 超高压压缩机Materials 材料Stress distribution 应力分布Tie rods 拉杆Damped systems 阻尼系统Dewhirl vanes 破涡片Diaphragm compressor 隔膜式压缩机Accessories 附件Applications 应用Cleaning and testing 清扫和测试Head assembly 缸头组件Limitations 局限性Operation 操作Pressures 压力Discharge of air through a

8、n orifice 空气通过孔板的流量Displacement 压缩机汽缸工作流量Double flow compressor 双吸压缩机Effective head 有效能头Efficiency 效率Compression (adiabatic) 压缩(绝热)Compressor (polytropic ,hydraulic ,stage) 压缩机(多变效率,流动效率,级效率)Delivery 排气Isentropic 等熵Mechanical wiki机械/wikiVolumetric 容积Emissions control 泄露控制Energy equation 能量方程Entering

9、 sleeve 导入套筒Euler equation 欧拉方程Finite element method 有限元方法Fixed clearance 固定余隙Flow 流量Coefficient 系数Subsonic 亚音速Foundations 基础Anchor bolts 地脚螺栓Grout 灌浆Materials 材料Pile cap 桩平台Reinforcing 密布(钢筋)Repair 改造Skid mounted / packaged 撬装 / 整体式Soil frequency / vibration 土壤频率 / 振动Table top 台板Types 形式Frame load

10、机身力Free air 大气Friction coefficient 摩擦系数Gas booster 气体增压器Applications 应用Construction 结构Cooling 冷却Drive 驱动Flow chart 流动曲线Pressure ratio 压力比Storage tant 储罐Valves 阀Gas laws 气体定律Gas reinjection 天然气回注Gas sampling 气体采样分析Gas transportation 天然气输送Hans Hoerbiger 汉斯 贺尔碧格Hans Mayer 汉斯 梅尔Heat transfer 热传递,热交换Hori

11、zontally split compressor 水平剖分型压缩机(壳)Horsepower 功率,马力Air indicated 空气指示功率Brake (shaft) 制动功率(轴功率)Theoretical (polytropic) 理*率(多变压缩过程)Hypercompressor 超级压缩机Hyper packing 高压填料Impeller 叶轮Backward leaning 后弯Discharge section 出口截面Forward leaning 前弯Inlet section 进口截面Manufacturing 制造Overhung 外悬臂Radial 径向Thru

12、st 止推力Incidence 冲(击)角Indicator card 示功图Intercooling 中间冷却Isentropic compression (见绝热压缩过程 Adiabatic compression)等熵压缩过程Isentropic head 等熵能头Isentropic temperature exponent 温度等熵指数Isothermal compression 等温压缩过程Liquids 液体In gas stream 气流(工艺气体)Liquefaction 液化Load factor 载荷系数Loss of air pressure due to pipe f

13、riction 管道摩擦产生的空气压力损失Loss of pressure through pipe fittings 通过连接管件的压力损失Lubricant production 润滑剂生产Lubrication 润滑Additives 添加剂Feed rate 注油速度Gas absorption 气体吸收Hydrocarbon dilution 烃稀释Low flow sensor 低流量传感器Lubricators 注油器Oil ring 油环Pre-post lube 预润滑停机后润滑Removal 除(油)Synthetic 合成Viscosity 粘度Mach number 马

14、赫数Methanol synthesis 甲醇(合成)Mollier chart mollier 图(焓熵图)Myhlestad prohl calculation Myhlestadprohl 数值计算法 N value and properties of gases 气体N值和特性Nonlube compressor 无润滑压缩机Oxygen compression 氧气压缩机Packaging compressor 撬装式压缩机Base design 底座设计 Cooler design 冷却器设计Line sizing 管道设计Pressure relief valve 安全阀Puls

15、ation bottle design 缓冲罐设计Scrubber design 分离器设计Packin 填料Breaker rings 减压环Cooling 冷却Cup stress 填料盒应力Distance piece venting 隔离是排气Emissions control 控制排放(填料函缓冲气控制)Friction 摩擦Heat generation 热量产生High pressure 高压Leakage 泄露Lubrication 润滑Partition 隔板Purged 清洗Nomenclature 术语Rod size effects 活塞杆尺寸影响Seal rings

16、密封环Static sealing 静密封Thermal effects 热效应Wiper 刮油环Partial pressure of water vapor in air 空气中水蒸气分压Piping 管道Acoustics 声学特性Flow straightener 整流器Velocity profile 速度分布Pipeling compressor 管道压缩机Piston ring 活塞环Friction 摩擦Leakage 泄露Instantaneous pressure 瞬时压力Rider rings 支承环Polyethylene wiki聚乙烯/wikiHigh densit

17、y (HDPE)高密度(HDPE)Low density (LDPE)低密度(LDPE)Safety aspects 安全状况Polymer buildup 聚合物堆积Polytropic compression 多变压缩过程Polytropic head 多变能头Pressure distribution 压力分布Pressure drop 压降Contour 叶型Endwal 端面Friction 摩擦Impact 激波Incidence 冲击Mixing 混合Overall 总(压降)Pressure ratio 压力比Pressure /Time (pT)patterns 压力 / 时

18、间(pT)图Pressure volume (pV)diagram 压(力)容(积)(pV)图Procedure for determining compressor size 确定压缩机的尺寸步骤Pulsation 压力波(脉)动(气体脉动)Purging 吹扫Nitrogen 氮气RedlichKwong equation of RedlichKwong 状态方程Reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机Capacity control 排气量调节Cooling 水冷Crankcase lubrication 曲轴箱润滑Cylinder lubrication 气缸润滑

19、(预润滑)Electrical controls 电(气)控(制)(盘)Foundations 基础Loading / unloading 加载 / 卸载Manual controls 手动控制Monitoring 监测, 检测Pneumatic controls 气动控制Rod drop 活塞杆下沉Sensors 传感器Reforming 重整Regasificaion 再气化Reynolds number 雷诺数Rod load 杆力(活塞杆载荷)Rotor dynamics 转子动力学Rotor balancing 转子Rotary screw compressor 螺杆式压缩机Adia

20、batic efficiency 绝热效率Advantages 优点Applications 应用Helical rotors 螺旋转子Packaging 撬装式Sizing 选型Screw compressor 螺杆式压缩机Heat transfer 热传递Leakage 泄露Port losses (吸排)气口损失Pulsation 压力波动Scroll compressor 涡式压缩机Construction 结构Lubricated 润滑型Oilless 无有型Principal of operation 工作原理Seals 密封Balance piston 平衡鼓Bellows 波纹

21、管式(密封)Bushing 套筒(密封)Carbon ring 碳环(密封)Circumferential 圆周(密封)Double 双(密封)Honey comb 蜂窝(密封)Interstage 级间(密封)Labyrinth 迷宫(密封)Mechanical 机械(密封)Oil 油封Performance 性能Rotary contacting 接触式Rotary non contacting 非接触式Sleeve 轴套(密封)Sliding 滑动(密封)Tandem 串联Tip 顶端(密封)Simulation 模拟Buried piping 埋地管道Dynamic fluid tra

22、nsient systems 运动流体的瞬态系统Pulsation 脉动Static systems 静态系统Stress 应力Thermal flexibility 热挠曲Vibration 振动Sommerfield number sommerfield 数Speed *(见速度矢量图velocity vector diagram) 速度三角形Specific heat ratio 比热比Spring 弹簧Valve 气阀Stall 失速Standard air 标准大气Steam properties 蒸汽特性Stonewall(见阻塞choking) 极限(工况)Straight lo

23、be compressor 直叶罗茨式压缩机Bearings 轴承Construction 结构Installation 装置Noise 噪声Operating principle 操作原理Pulsation 脉动pV diagram pV图seals 密封strain gage method 应变计法stress 应力axial 轴向circumferential 周向factor of safety 安全系数radial 径向risers 集中von Misessupercompressibility 超压缩性(系数)surge 喘振swirl (见破涡片dewhirl) 涡动tank car unloading 罐车卸车pump 泵vapor recovery 蒸汽回收Temperature conversion chart 温度换算曲线Temperature rise vs compression ratio 温升系数压缩比关系图Temperaturerise ratio 温升比Testing centrifugal compressors 离心式压缩机试验Economizer nozzles 节能器接口Eff


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