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1、The Virtues of Growing OlderBy Carol Siskin Pre-reading questions (1) Suppose you are making a deal with the devil, trading your youth for whatever you want. What would you trade your youth for? Why? (2) What would you like your life to be when you are retired? The Virtues of Aging by Jimmy Carter W

2、e are not alone in our worry about both the physical aspect of aging and the prejudice that exists toward the elderly, which is similar to racism or sexism. What makes it different is that the prejudice also exists among those of us who are either within this group or rapidly approaching it. When I

3、have mentioned the title of this book to a few people, most of them responded, Virtues? What could possibly be good about growing old? The most obvious answer, of course, is to consider the alternative to aging. But there are plenty of other good answers-many based on our personal experiences and ob

4、servations. What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of growing older? What do you think are the virtues of being young? How should the whole society take care of the old people? Describe some of the occasions that people show their concern to the old. poor memory Will You Marry M

5、e? A widower and widow had known one another for a number of years. One evening there was a community supper in the big activity center. These two were at the same table, across from one another. As the meal went on, he made a few admiring glances at her and finally gathered up his courage to ask he

6、r, Will you marry me? After about six seconds of careful consideration, she answered. Yes. Yes, I will.The meal ended and with a few more pleasant exchanges, they went to their respective homes. Next morning, he was troubled. Did she say yes or did she say no? He couldnt remember. Try as he would, h

7、e just could not recall. Not even a faint memory. With trepidation, he went to the telephone and called her. First, he explained to her that he didnt remember as well as he used to. Then he reviewed the lovely evening past. As he gained a little more courage, he then inquired of her When I asked if

8、you would marry me, did you say Yes or did you say No?He was delighted to hear her say, Why, I said, Yes, yes I will and I meant it with all my heart. Then she continued, And I am so glad that you called.because I couldnt remember who had asked me. poor health Im Dead An older couple is lying in bed

9、 one morning, having just awakened from a good nights sleep. He takes her hand and she responds, Dont touch me.Why not? he asks.She answers back, Because Im dead. The husband says, What are you talking about? Were lying here in bed together talking to one another.She says, No, Im definitely dead.He

10、insists, Youre not dead. What in the world makes you think youre dead?Because I woke up this morning and nothing hurts. poor hearing Hearing Test An elderly gentleman feared his wife was getting hard of hearing. So he called her doctor to make an appointment to have her hearing checked. The doctor m

11、ade an appointment for a hearing test in two weeks, and meanwhile suggested the husband try a simple informal test to give the doctor some idea of the state of her problem. Heres what you do, said the doctor, start out about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if

12、she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.“ That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and hes in the living room. He says to himself, Im about 40 feet away, lets see what happens. Then in a normal tone he asks, Honey, whats for supper?No re

13、sponse. So the husband moved to the other end of the room, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, Honey, whats for supper? Still no response.Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, Honey, whats for supper? Again he gets no response so he walks up to the

14、 kitchen door, only 10 feet away. Honey, whats for supper? Again there is no response, so he walks right up behind her. Honey, whats for supper?Finally he hears this response: Damn it Earl - for the fifth time - chicken! Success At age 4 success is.not peeing in your pants. At age 12 success is.havi

15、ng friends. At age 16 success is.having a drivers license. At age 20 success is.having sex. At age 35 success is.having money. At age 50 success is.having money. At age 60 success is.having sex. At age 70 success is.having a drivers license. At age 75 success is.having friends. At age 80 success is.

16、not peeing in your pants. wrinkle nasolabial folds (法令纹) 18-68 aging 18岁 28 油性肤质,肌肤出现瑕疵 38色素沉积;肌肤特征发生改变;下巴处肌肤质地开始改变;上眼睑开始松弛 。 48眼圈出现,面积变大;深度鱼尾纹和川字纹出现;色素沉积不均匀;下巴轮廓继续变得模糊。 58嘴角处有了十分明显的变化;色斑变深、变大;颈部明显变得更松弛 68脸下半部的松弛变得明显;上眼睑明显凹陷;颈部和下巴处肤质改变;每一个老化临床特征都开始加深。 亚洲女性不同部位亚洲女性不同部位肌肤的老化特征肌肤的老化特征 脸的下半部脸的下半部脸下半部的老化

17、在岁之间十分明显。虽然开始较晚,但演化十分快速。 老化的主要特征之一是下巴肤质改变,包括下巴形状的改变和脸颊松弛,从而导致脸部轮廓巨大改变。颈部变粗,由于肤质改变,常伴有松弛。改变从多岁开始,岁起逐渐变得明显。 嘴部嘴部 由于频繁的肌肉运动,再加上其他习惯,如:吸烟,上嘴唇上的细纹出现于岁左右,并从此开始剧烈变化。这会导致脸颊松弛,加上肌肤老化,法令纹因而加深,岁变得非常明显,多岁明显加深。 眼部眼部 眼部是经受肌肉剧烈活动最多的部位之一。因为较薄和更为脆弱,更加容易缺水和干燥。眼部下方在早期由于微循环变化而经常带着一些细纹和黑眼圈。渐渐地,细纹会从纵向排列并变长、变深。到了约岁,上眼睑会在重

18、力作用下开始松弛。同时,眼袋变得越来越明显。随着时间,它们会由于皮下组织的演变而逐渐加剧。由于重复的表情动作和肌肤的老化,鱼尾纹开始明显。上眼睑松弛,岁起变得十分明显,而且演化剧烈,直到岁趋于稳定。眼袋岁时已经出现,岁之间演化剧烈。之后的演化变得缓慢,直到岁趋于稳定。 肌肤色素沉积肌肤色素沉积 由于亚洲地区的高强度紫外线(主要为),以及亚洲肌肤中黑素细胞对紫外线的特别反应,亚洲女人由于黑色素过量生成和沉积,会形成色斑,而且会令肤色暗沉;另一方面,肌肤质地也会由于环境和日晒逐渐改变。到岁间,色素沉积不均匀并不明显。之后,色素沉积开始发生明显变化。直至近岁,才趋于稳定。防晒,运动,按摩,补水,饮食

19、,排毒. 亚洲女性不同年龄段的亚洲女性不同年龄段的肌肤特征肌肤特征 岁 第一次有色斑出现 眼袋开始出现 第一道细纹出现在眼部下方 岁 肤质开始改变 色斑变深、变大 上眼睑开始松弛 岁 岁左右,两眼间的川字纹开始变得明显 皱纹加深 肤质开始变得松弛 岁 脸下半部的下垂开始变得明显 从岁开始,大部分老化迹象变得十分明显 上眼睑明显凹陷 岁 皱纹继续加深 椭圆形脸部轮廓渐渐消失 pop stars aging安吉利娜裘莉布拉德皮特等 泽塔琼斯黛米莫尔等 哈里贝瑞朱莉亚罗伯茨等 珍妮佛安妮斯顿强尼戴普等 玛丽亚凯利梅尔吉布森等 麦当娜伊丽莎白赫利等 妮可基德曼莎朗斯通等 In 1994 In 2007

20、Text Comprehension 1. General questions (1) What is the writers attitude towards growing old? (2) What are the main benefits of growing old listed in the text? (3) What examples does the writer use to illustrate each of the benefits? text structure Part 1(Para.1-2): the two paragraphs make up the fi

21、rst part of the text. Part 2(Para.3-5): the writer, in paragraph three, offers the first advantages of growing older not being obsessed with ones appearance. The second advantage is discussed in paragraph 4people in their forties are less uncertain than adolescents. Paragraph 5 presents the third an

22、d the greatest benefit of growing older Part 3(Para.6): after sharing her own experience in contrast to adolescents problems with the readers, in this paragraph the writer turns the issue to the similar to the one mentioned in the first paragraph: the validity of American values on the aging problem

23、. Part one (1-2) 1. Why do people want to hide their gray hair and delay the effect of aging? 2. What does the writer mean when she says “its un-American to say so”? 3. Does the writer deny the virtues of being young? worship 1.to show respect and love for a god, especially by praying in a religious

24、 building. a church where people have worshipped for hundreds of years 2.to admire and love someone very much He absolutely worships her. 3. worship the ground somebody walks on to admire or love someone so much that you cannot see their faults Hero-worship: great admiration for sb. who is thought t

25、o be very brave, good, skilful etc - often used to show disapproval They bowed their heads in worship. Your/His Worship: to talk to or about a public official such as amayorormagistrate act of worship (=religious ceremony) convince: v. to bring by the use of argument or evidence to firm belief or a

26、course of action convince sb of 除非你能说服我这次活动的安全性,否则我不会批准。 I wont approve this operation unless you can convince me of its safety. convincing & convinced. He is so _ of his own theory that it is impossible to turn him around. I had to let him go, because his reasons are very _. Grecian Formula Oil

27、 of Olay jog to run slowly and steadily, especially as a way of exercising I go jogging every morning. to knock or push something lightly by mistake = bump You jogged my elbow. jog somebodys memory to make someone remember something Dread to feel great fear or anxiety about E.g. Ive got an interview

28、 with the bank manager tomorrow Im dreading it. E.g. He always dreaded asking them for their rent because he knew it would end in an argument. Aging the process of growing old E.g. Our society is full of attitudes towards aging and old people. Age bracket: the people between two particular ages, con

29、sidered as a group = age group =age range single people in the 40-50 age bracket the age of consentthe age when someone can legally get married or have a sexual relationship the New Age movement: relating to spiritualbeliefs, types of medicine, and ways of living that are not traditional Western one

30、s Old age pension: money that is paid regularly by the state to old people who do not work any more = social securityDistinct noticeable; unmistakable E.g. There is a distinct possibility that shell be appointed manager of the company. clearly different or belonging to a different type distinct type

31、s/groups/categories etc distinct from A distinct lack of enthusiasm Para 3 The first advantage of growing older-not being obsessed. The technique of contrast is used to project the difference between adolescents and people in their forties. They are focused on 2 aspects: the shape of their bodies an

32、d clothes. With her own experience, the writer drive home her point. be apt to do somethingto have a natural tendency to do something exactly right for a particular situation or purpose = appropriate Love at first sight is a very apt description of how he felt when he saw her. The punishment should

33、be apt for the crime. an apt pupil/student formala student who is quick to learn and understand Obsess: if something or someone obsesses you, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else - used to show disapproval (be) obsessed with /by to have an unreasonably

34、strong and continuous interest in particular things or persons E.g. She became obsessed in her old age with what to do with her immense wealth. be obsessing about/over something/ somebody (informal) to think about something or someone much more than is necessary or sensible Stop obsessing about your

35、 hair. Its fine. A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight Mega-: a million - used with units of measurement; extremely; very big 1000 megawatts of electricity Her family is megarich! a megastore (giga-: a billion) Adj. very big and impressive or enjoyable Their first record was a mega hit.

36、diet V. to limit the amount and type of food that you eat, in order to become thinner N. the kind of food that a person or animal eats each day balanced/healthy/poor etc diet Bamboo is the pandas staple diet (=main food). a diet of something too much of an activity that you think is boring or has ba

37、d effects Kids today are raised on a constant diet of pop music and television. Plead: to ask for something that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way = beg: plead with somebody (to do sth.) plead guilty/not guilty/innocent She stayed home from work, pleading illness. The wife of one of

38、 the hostages appeared on TV last night to plead for her husbands life. school blazer Freak: someone who is extremely interested in a particular subject so that other people think they are strange or unusual a fitness / religious / computer freak someone who is considered to be very strange because

39、of the way they look, behave, or think = weirdo These glasses make me look like a freak. tailor: v. to fit or provide (a person) with clothes made to that persons measurements; to make, alter, or adapt for a particular end or purpose 我们应该使自己的知识符合社会的需要。 We should tailor our knowledge to the need of t

40、he society. tolerate: v. tolerance (n), tolerant (adj.), tolerable (adj.), intolerable (adj.) If I can be _ of this monstrosity, then there is nothing _ to me. Tolerant: adj. allowing people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them tolerant of/towards, a tolerant s

41、ociety Tolerable: a situation that is tolerable is not very good, but you are able to accept it The heat in this room is barely tolerable. Agony: very severe pain; a very sad, difficult, or unpleasant experience extreme mental or physical pain or suffering E.g. He lay in agony until the doctor arriv

42、ed. He was in agonies of remorse. Agony aunt: someone who writes an agony column Deny oneself not to allow oneself to have something that one normally has; to decide not to have something that you would like, especially for moral or religious reasons: E.g. He denied himself all small pleasures and l

43、uxuries in his effort to live a holy life. deny that/doing something theres no denying (that/something)为了保持身体苗条,她克制自己不吃冰激凌。To keep slim, she denied herself ice-cream.to refuse to allow someone to have or do sth.His parents denied him the opportunity to go to university.She could deny her son nothing

44、. Pecan pie Lanky: someone who is lanky is tall and thin, and moves awkwardly = gangling: Leggy: a woman is tall and attractive with long legs Giant: a man is very tall, esp. when you are surprised. lanky leggy mercy if someone shows mercy, they choose to forgive or to be kind to someone who they ha

45、ve the power to hurt or punish 8. preferable: adj. more desirable or worthy than another; preferred prefer: v. prefer A to B:喜欢A多过B 我喜欢在黑夜里游走而不是在白天徘徊 I prefer roaming at night to wondering in the daytime. preference: n. e.g. sexual preference, political preference, etc. 9. critical: adj. very import

46、ant, essential, urgent; crucial, etc. e.g. a critical situation, a critical element, etc. 10. await vt. wait for 等待 (it is a vt.!) e.g. The committee is awaiting a decision from head office before it takes any action. 11. pursue: v. to strive to gain or accomplish追求 n. pursuit (in pursuit of) 世人对名利的

47、疯狂追求令我恶心。 The worlds mad pursuit of fame and fortune sickens me. 12. sanity: n. the quality of being sane. 心智健全 sane: adj. insane e.g. You went all the way to him in the rain? Thats just insane! 13. automatically: adv. 自动地 automatic. adj. automation: n. (自动化) 14. contradict v. to be opposite in nature to 同.矛盾, 同.抵触 e.g. The results of his experiments seemed to contradict the laws of physics. n. contradiction adj. contradictory e.g. Your eloquence doesnt help a lot since your theory is contradictory to common sense. 15. premise: n. 逻辑前提;房产 要先


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