



1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级九年级教学形式教 师詹晓红单 位昆阳二中课题名称Unit6 I like music that I can dance to学情分析我班的学生特点是优生少,差生多;主动学习的少,被动、应付学习的多;家长关心学生的少,督促学习的更少,加上英语学科的特殊性,缺少语言环境,需要读背的多,针对学生的实际情况,我分析:1.部分学生的基础知识不够扎实,学生遗忘知识快,过去滚瓜烂熟的东西一段时间不用就忘了。2.学生的应变能力有待提高,不能正确写出单词的正确形式。3.理解能力不强,阅读理解失分较多,不能理解通篇大意。4.不能熟练运用学过的句型。5。学生懒,不愿背单词

2、、词组和句型,不愿做题,抄袭现象严重。上课时注意力易分散,上课效率不高,课后也不能及时复习巩固,做题时不能正确运用。针对此次考试所反映出来的现状,在平时的教学中,要注意抓住基础知识、培养与提高学生的阅读能力和写作能力。 我实施的方法具体如下:1.在进行单词和词组教学时,首先让学生读准音,然后反复读单词和词组,并找出同义词、反义词、类似用法的词一记。2.在进行句型时,以小组合作等方式举一反三,反复练习课堂上学习的句型。3.每个单元后都有一篇阅读。在阅读教学中,设计一些问题,通过学生自渎文章找出其答案,在整体上感知文章内容。而且讲解文章时,注意生词在句中的运用、注意文章里出现的词组,注意对关键句子

3、的理解。针对学生阅读能力差的问题,让学生每周阅读英语短文并做笔记。4.不会用英文写作文是绝大多数学生的通病。作文是由句子构成,一个正确的句子需要用正确的句型、正确的词组,正确的时态构成。写好作文,没有诀窍,只有多写多练。5.中考在即,我打算首先从思想上打消后进行的顾虑,让他们觉得自己还是有希望的,能够为班级和学校做一些自己力所能及的事情的。对于中等生,更加强基础的训练和技巧的传授,让他们能够发挥自己更多的能量。对于优秀生,鼓励他们如何在初三最后阶段大获全胜,实现自己的目标。教学目标Functions:Express preferencesStructures :Relative clauses

4、 with that and whoTarget language:I like music that I can sing along with.What about you? I prefer music that has great lyrics. I love singers who write their own music.Vocabulary :lyric, gentle, remind of, exhibition, prefer, photographer, energyLearning stage:Listening for specific informationTran

5、sforming information. 教学过程Unit 6: I like music that I can dance toPart 1: Teaching Design 第一部分:教学设计FunctionsExpress preferencesStructuresRelative clauses with that and whoTarget languageI like music that I can sing along with.What about you? I prefer music that has great lyrics. I love singers who w

6、rite their own music.Vocabulary lyric, gentle, remind of, exhibition, prefer, photographer, energyLearning strategiesListening for specific informationTransforming informationPeriod 1: Circling, Listening and Speaking (Page 44)(I like music that I can dance to.)Objectives To learn to understand and

7、use relative clauses with that To listen and speak about music that you likeProcedures Warming up by studying the title “I like music that I can dance to.”Hello, class. Listen to this music. Do you know what music it is? Do you like it? What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can dance t

8、o.Now look at this music and try to analyze its structure. I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢可以边听边舞的音乐。主语+谓语+宾语+定语从句(关系代词that指代先行词music引导定语从句,同时作定语从句谓语dance to的逻辑宾语。)I like lessons that I can learn by myself. 我喜欢可以自学的功课。I like jobs that I am interested in. 我喜欢我感兴趣的工作。I like dogs that I can keep o

9、ut. 我喜欢可以拒之门外的狗狗。I like cats that I can stay away from. 我喜欢可以泰然处之的猫眯。I like money that I can pick up. 我喜欢可以拣到的钱。1a Looking and circlingTurn to page 44, look at the picture and circle the sentences you agree with. Make your own sentences like this: I like music thatI like music that is written in Chi

10、na. I like music that sounds sweet. I like music that we can dance to. I like music that isnt too low. I like music that has good lyrics. I like music that we can easily sing along with. I like music that is made by our music teacher. 1b Listening and checkingListen to the tape and check the music t

11、hat Tony and Betty like.Music that I can dance toMusic that has great lyricsMusic that I can sing along withTonyBettyNow go to page 131 to read the conversation. While reading try to find all the sentences with “that relative clauses”. And also cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all the pr

12、edicates, circle all the linking words and underline all the expressions. Thats grammar study, indeed.sentences with the “make/s me infinitive, make/s me adjective structure” I like music that I can dance to.I prefer music that has great lyrics music that I can sing along with.I like songs (that)I c

13、an sing along with too. Copy the useful expressions in your notebook.Useful expressions from the conversationones favorite band, dance to, prefer music that has great lyrics, sing along withNow lets talk as they do in the conversation. We are going to talk in imitation of the conversation we have ju

14、st heard and read. 1c Pairing and speakingNow in pairs talk about the music you like.A: What kind of music do you like? B: I like music that I can sing along with.A: I prefer music that has great lyrics. What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that I can that I can dance to.A: I prefer music that I can sing along with.作业或预习1. Rea


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