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1、江苏省徐州市2015-2016学年七年级下学期期末英语考试试题(含解析)1. Which photo are they talking about?【答案】C 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 根据听力材料可知,他们正在谈论富士山,结合图片,故选C。2 、What does Simon's cousin do? 【答案】C 【解析】知识点: 听力 略3 What will they do tomorrow? 【答案】A 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 根据听力材料可知,他们明天计划去种树,结合图片,故选A。4 What

2、can Henry fix? 平均得分:0.7 分 (答对19人/答错9人/班级得分率67.9%) 我的备注 答题统计 【答案】B 【解析】知识点: 听力 略5 When did Sandy start to play the violin? A. When she was 5.B. When she was 6.C. When she was 7.【答案】B 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 根据听力材料可知,桑迪从6岁开始起弹小提琴,故选B。6 How is the man's neighbourhood? A. Cle

3、an.B. Quiet.C. Kind.【答案】A 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 略7 Who are they talking about? A. An amazing man.B. A funny man.C. A strange man.【答案】A 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 根据听力材料可知,他们正在谈论一个令人吃惊的人,这个人能同时使用两只手分别写和画。故选A。8 What is Daniel's favourite subject? A. E

4、nglish.B. Science.C. History.【答案】C 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 略9 Why will they go to Beihai Park in the afternoon? A. The air in the park is fresh.B. They can row a boat on the lake.C. There are not many people in the park.【答案】B 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 根据听力材料可

5、知,他们下午去北海公园划船,故选B。10Where are they speaking? A. At school.B. In hospital.C. At home.【答案】C 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 略11 What time will they meet at the school gate tomorrow? A. At 8:00.B. At 8:30.C. At 9:30.【答案】B 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>长对话 根据听力材料可知,他们计划明天上午

6、8点半在学校大门口见面。故选B。12 How will they go camping tomorrow? A. On foot.B. By bike.C. By bus.【答案】A 【解析】知识点: 听力>>对话>>短对话 略1315 This is my family!Fatheran _  (1)  _works hardMotheran English teachercan _  (2)  _ wellMy sister and II am 12 and

7、 my sister is 10our favourite place at home is the _  (3)  _(1) A. artist B. office worker C. engineer(2) A. play sports B. sing and dance C. cook and draw(3) A. dining room B. living room C. bedroom【答案】【小题1】C【小题2】B【小题3】

8、A【解析】知识点: 第13题: 听力>>短文>>选择填空 第14题: 听力>>短文>>选择填空 第15题: 听力>>短文>>选择填空 根据听力材料,父亲是一名工程师,故选C。根据听力材料可知,妈妈擅长于唱歌跳舞,故选B。根据听力材料可知,姐姐和我最喜爱的地方是餐厅,故选A。21 Excuse me, I can't find _ camera. Can I use _? A. my; yourB. mine; yourC. my; yoursD. mine; yours【答案

9、】C 【解析】知识点: 词法>>代词>>物主代词 句意:打扰一下,我找不到我的相机了。我能使用你的吗?前一空后有名词,该用形容词性物主代词;后一空后没有名词,该用名词性物主代词。my是形容词性物主代词,意思是“我的”;yours是名词性物主代词,意思是“你的”。故选C。22_? Sorry, he isn't in. Shall I take a message for you?A. Who is Jack B. May I speak to JackC. How is Jack today . What's wr

10、ong with Jack【答案】B 【解析】知识点: 情景交际 句意:我可以找Jack接电话吗?对不起,他不在家。我可以为你带个口信吗?结合语境可知,双方是在打电话,想找某人接电话常用May I speak to.?,故选B。23 There's _ wrong with the washing machine. It works well. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything【答案】C 【解析】知识点: 词法>>代词>>不定代词 根据“它运转正常”可知,洗衣机无

11、故障。本题考查不定代词something/nothing/everything的用法。something意为“某事、某物”;everything意为“一切(事、物)”;nothing意为“没有(事、物)”。故选C。24Why are you standing there, Anna? I can't see the words on the blackboard. Two tall boys are sitting _ me.A. in front ofB. behindC. next toD. beside【答案】A 【解析】知识点: 词法&g

12、t;>介词和介词短语 句意:Anna,你为什么站在那儿?我不能看见黑板上的单词。两个高个子男孩正坐在我前面。由前句看不到黑板上的单词可知,两个男孩是坐在Anna前面。in front of在前面;behind在后面;next to紧挨,在隔壁;beside在旁边。故选A。25 I was ten minutes late, so I _ the beginning of the film. A. missedB. lovedC. gotD. hid【答案】A 【解析】知识点: 词法>>动词>>动词辨析 句意:我迟到了10分钟

13、,所以我错过了电影的开头。A.missed错过;B.loved喜爱;C.got得到;D.hid藏。根据句意,故选A。26 You look so _. Why not stop to have a rest? A. lazyB. surprisedC. tiredD. sad【答案】C 【解析】知识点: 词法>>形容词>>形容词辨析 句意:你看上去这么累。为什么不停下来休息一下?由后句叫他休息一下,可知这里是说他看上去累了。lazy懒惰的;surprised惊讶的;tired累的;sad伤心的。故选C。27Oh, dear! I

14、will be late. The meeting will begin in 20 minutes. _. I can drive you there in my car.A. Good ideaB. Don't worryC. I have no ideaD. Have a try【答案】B 【解析】知识点: 情景交际 句意:哦,天呀!我要迟到了。会议20分钟后开始。别担心,我可以开车送你去那里。A.Good idea好主意;B.Don't worry别担心;C.I have no idea我不知道;D.Have a try试一试。根

15、据句意,故选B。28 Look! Millie is giving her seat to an old man. She is _ girl. A. a luckyB. a helpfulC. a braveD. an excited【答案】B 【解析】知识点: 词法>>形容词>>形容词辨析 句意:看!Millie正把她的座位让给一位老人。她是一个乐于助人的女孩。由前句让座可知,她是乐于助人的。lucky幸运的;helpful乐于助人的;brave勇敢的;excited激动的。故选B。29I live on the second

16、 floor. Daniel lives below me. He lives on the _ floor. A. firstB. thirdC. fourthD. fifth【答案】A 【解析】知识点: 词法>>数词>>序数词 句意:我住在2楼。丹尼尔住在我的楼下。他住在一楼。A.first第一;B.third第三;C.fourth第四;D.fifth第五。故选A。30 _ eat little or nothing for a long time in cold winter. A. GiraffesB. 

17、;CamelsC. SnakesD. Ants【答案】C 【解析】知识点: 词法>>名词>>名词辨析 句意:蛇在寒冷的冬天,很长时间吃得很少或什么也不吃。根据常识可知,蛇冬天冬眠,吃得少。giraffes长颈鹿;camels骆驼;snakes蛇;ants蚂蚁。故选C。31 "all" rhymes with "bail". Which word rhymes with "bite"? A. petB. wideC. friendD. fight【答案】

18、D 【解析】知识点: 语音>>字母及字母组合>>字母读音及在单词中的读音规则>>字母在单词中的读音 句意:单词all和bail押韵。单词bite bat与哪个单词押韵?petpet;wide wad;friendfrend;fight fat。根据音标可知,故选D。32Could I smoke here? Sorry, I'm afraid you _.A. canB. can'tC. couldD. couldn't【答案】B 【解析】知识点: 词法>>动词>>情态动

19、词 句意:我能在这儿抽烟吗?对不起,恐怕你不能。结合语境可知,他不能在这儿抽烟,排除A和C。could表请求时,答语不用could,用can,排除D。故选B。33 Go and clean the table, Nancy. But Mum, I _ the bed just now. Ask Tom to do it.A. makeB. am makingC. will makeD. made【答案】D 【解析】知识点: 词法>>动词>>动词基本形式 词法>>动词>>时态>>一般过去时 句意:

20、南希,去擦桌子。但是妈妈,我刚刚整理了床铺。让汤姆去擦桌子吧。just now意思是“刚刚”,和一般过去时搭配,故选D。34 Which is NOT the right way to be careful with fire? A. Don't play with matches.B. Keep the hair away from fire.C. Be careful with fireworks.D. Put hot things into the rubbish bin.【答案】D 【解析】知识点: 情景交际 句意:哪一个不是小心火的正确

21、方法。A.Don't play with matches.不用玩火柴。B.Keep the hair away from fire.使头发远离火。C.Be careful with fireworks.小心焰火。D.Put hot things into the rubbish bin.把热的东西放进垃圾箱里。根据常识可知,故选D。35Shall we go swimming this afternoon? I'd love to, _.What a pity! Maybe we can go next time.A. but I'm too busy to

22、goB. thank you very muchC. sorry to hear thatD. that's interesting【答案】A 【解析】知识点: 情景交际 句意:今天下午我们去游泳吗?我很乐意去,但是我太忙了,不能去。多么遗憾!也许我们下次可以一起去。A.but I'm too busy to go但是我太忙了,不能去;B.thank you very much非常感谢你;C.sorry to hear that听到那个我很难过;D.that's interesting很有趣。根据语境,故选A。3645 People lik

23、e dolphins because they are both lovely and _  (1)  _. They have an amazing IQ. Dolphins can 'talk'. Scientists try to 'talk' with dolphins, and the results (结果) make _  (2)  _ really surprised. They find that dolphins _  (3) 

24、60;_ understand them so well.    _  (4)  _ animals enjoy playing, but dolphins like to make their games different. On a beautiful day in 1997, scientists on a beach watched a little _  (5)  _ going into the sea. They were surprised to see the do

25、lphins come up to the dog and then start throwing it into the air. The dog _  (6)  _ the 'game' and kept playing with the dolphins for over an hour!    Dolphins live in a very different world from ours, _  (7)  _ they are very good at ou

26、r 'IQ tests'. For example, in the picture above, a dolphin jumps _  (8)  _ the water when he hears a whistle (哨声). He does this because he will get a _  (9)  _ as an award,    However, there _  (10)  _ still much to l

27、earn about these lovely friends.(1) A. clever  B. careful  C. gentle  D. soft(2) A. me  B. you  C. them  D. him(3) A. can    B. may  C. must  D. should(4) A. Few 

28、60;B. No C. Most D. Both(5) A. parrot B. rabbit C. mouse D. dog(6) A. left B. hated C. hunted D. enjoyed(7) A. and  B. but C. so  D. or(8) A. into B. out of  C. onto D. a

29、cross(9) A. carrot  B. fish    C. leaf    D. bone(10) A. is B. are    C. was    D. were【答案】【小题1】A【小题2】C【小题3】A【小题4】C【小题5】D【小题6】D【小题7】B【小题8】B【小题9】B【小题10】A【解析】知识点: 第36题: 完形填空>>题材>>日常生活类 完形填空>&g

30、t;考查类型>>词义辨析 第37题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>词义辨析 完形填空>>考查类型>>逻辑推理 第38题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>词义辨析 第39题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>词义辨析 第40题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>逻辑推理 第41题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>词义辨析 完形填空>>考查类型>>逻辑推理 第42题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>词义辨析 完形填空>>考

31、查类型>>逻辑推理 第43题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>词义辨析 第44题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>词义辨析 第45题: 完形填空>>考查类型>>基础语法 【文章大意】短文介绍了海豚既可爱又聪明。他们能理解人的语言,会玩些不同的游戏等。句意:人们喜欢海豚,因为他们既可爱又聪明。根据下句:他们有惊人的智商。可知,海豚很聪明。clever聪明的;careful仔细的;gentle温柔的,轻柔的;soft柔软的。故选A。句意:科学家们试图与海豚交流,结果使他们很惊讶。结合句意可知这里是指科学家们很惊讶,me我;yo

32、u你,你们;them他们;him他。故选C。句意:他们发现海豚能这么好地理解他们。canm能,可用来表能力;may可以,常用来表许可;must必须;should应该。结合语境可知,海豚能理解科学家们是一种能力,故选A。句意:大多数动物都喜欢玩,但海豚喜欢使他们的游戏不同。few很少;no没有;most大多数;both两者都。结合生活常识可知,大多数动物喜欢玩,故选C。句意:在1997年一个晴朗的日子,在海滩上,科学家们看到一只小狗进入大海。有下文They were surprised to see the dolphins come up to the dog可知答案,故选D。句意:小狗喜欢这

33、个游戏,一直和海豚们玩了一个多小时。由后句与海豚一起玩,可知小狗喜欢该游戏。leave离开;hate讨厌;hunt打猎,猎寻;enjoy喜欢,享受。故选D。句意:海豚生活在一个与我们的不同的世界,但他们很擅长我们的“智商测试”。and和,而且;but但是;so所以;or或者,否则。结合句意可知,这里表转折,故选B。句意:例如,在上面一幅画中,一只海豚听到哨声时从水里跳出来。into到里;out of从出来;onto到上;across穿过。结合句意可知,故选B。句意:他这样做是因为他知道他会得到一只鱼作为奖励。carrot胡萝卜;fish鱼;leaf树叶;bone骨头。根据常识可知,海豚吃鱼,故

34、选B。句意:然而,关于这些可爱的朋友还有许多东西可学。由上文可知,这里应用一般现在时,主语much为不可数名词,be动词用is,故选A。4648 A    This is one page of Mary's diary. Sunday         June 26           Sunny    Today is my birthday.

35、We had a big party for my birthday and my grandma's birthday. Grandma's birthday is the day after mine. My mum made a chocolate cake for us. It was delicious! There were eighty candles on the cake thirteen for me and sixty-seven for my grandma. The guests were friends and family. I got lots

36、of presents but my grandma got more than me!(1) How many candles were there on the cake? A. 13    B. 18    C. 67  D. 80(2) When is Grandma's birthday? A. On June 25. B. On June 26. C. On June 27. D. On June 28.(3) Wh

37、ich sentence is WRONG? A. Mary is thirteen years old this year.B. Mary loved the chocolate cake very much.C. Friends and family came to the birthday party.D. Mary thought she got as many presents as her grandma.【答案】【小题1】D【小题2】C【小题3】D【解析】知识点: 第46题: 阅读理解>>题材>>日常生活类 阅读理解

38、>>考查类型>>细节理解 第47题: 阅读理解>>考查类型>>细节理解 第48题: 阅读理解>>考查类型>>推理判断 【文章大意】这是从玛丽的日记中截取的一页。日期是6月26日星期日,这天是玛丽的生日,第二天是奶奶的生日。所以他们家为奶奶和玛丽举办了一个大型生日聚会,妈妈为他们做了一个巧克力蛋糕。上边插了80根蜡烛奶奶67岁,玛丽13岁。客人们包括朋友和家人。玛丽收到了很多礼物,奶奶收到的礼物更多。根据There were eighty candles on the cake可知蛋糕上一共有80支蜡烛。故选D。根据Gran

39、dma's birthday is the day after mine.可知奶奶的生日比玛丽晚一天。玛丽的生日是6月26号,所以奶奶的生日是6月27号,故选C。根据I got lots of presents but my grandma got more than me!可是玛丽认为奶奶得到的生日礼物比她更多,而不是一样多。故选项D错误,故选D。4951 B    Did you read Alice in Wonderland? I did and I really liked it. It's a story full of magic a

40、nd danger. Yesterday I saw Tim Burton's version of the film at the cinema.    This story is about Alice. She is not a child now. A man wants to marry (结婚) her, but she runs away and falls down a rabbit hole, She travels to Wonderland, and she visited it before as a child. She meet

41、s lots of amazing people in Wonderland.    There is a lot of good animation (动画) in the film. The Red Queen is very rude. Johnny Depp is great as the Mad Hatter. He acted in a lot of films before but this is my favourite one. Mia Wasikowska is good as Alice. This is her first big film

42、 and I think she's going to be a big star!    I think this is a good film for children, but it's a bit long.(1) How many times did Alice visit Wonderland in Tim Burton's film? A. Only once.  B. Twice.  C. Three times.  D. Four times.

43、(2) What is Red Queen like in the film? A. Rude.  B. Great.      C. Weak.      D. Careless.(3) What does the writer dislike about the film? A. The animation.B. The long time.C. The bad story.D. The poor acting.【答案】【

44、小题1】B【小题2】A【小题3】B【解析】知识点: 第49题: 阅读理解>>题材>>人物传纪/故事阅读类 阅读理解>>考查类型>>细节理解 第50题: 阅读理解>>考查类型>>细节理解 第51题: 阅读理解>>考查类型>>细节理解 【文章大意】短文介绍了提姆伯顿的版本爱丽丝梦游仙境电影的主要内容。由句子She travels to Wonderland, and she visited it before as a child.可知她去过两次,故选B。由句子The Red Queen is very

45、 rude.可知答案,故选A。 由句子I think this is a good film for children, but it's a bit long.可知,作者觉得这部电影有点儿长。故选B。5255 CHi DanielHow is it going? I'm really happy because we finished our exams last week! Chinese and Maths were better than last year but my Geography exam was terrible. I didn't un

46、derstand any of the questions! What about your exams? Were they OK?At the moment we are planning a party for the end of the school year. We are going to have a disco and I'm going to play all the music. I can't wait!Are you doing anything special at your school? Are you going to your grandpa

47、's house by the sea again this summer? We're going on holiday in August. I've got a new surfboard so I'm going to go surfing at sea every day. Surfing is the best sport in the world. I'll teach you if you like. I've also got a tent for my birthday so we can camp in the garden

48、 too.Did you read Ricky's email? I can't believe he is going to a summer camp in the USA. Lucky him!Write back soonTom(1) What subject was Tom NOT good at this term? A. English B. Chinese C. Maths D. Geography(2) What are the students in Tom's class planning

49、 now? A. A show. B. A report. C. A party. D. A celebration.(3) What sport is Tom's favourite? A.  B.  C. D. (4) There are four paragraphs , , , in this email. Which paragraph tells us about a friend's news? A. Paragraph B. Paragraph C.&#

50、160;Paragraph D. Paragraph 【答案】【小题1】D【小题2】C【小题3】A【小题4】D【解析】知识点: 第52题: 阅读理解>>题材>>日常生活类 阅读理解>>考查类型>>细节理解 第53题: 阅读理解>>考查类型>>细节理解 第54题: 阅读理解>>考查类型>>细节理解 第55题: 阅读理解>>考查类型>>主旨大意 【文章大意】这是一封汤姆写给丹尼尔的信。信中介绍了自己的考试成绩,为庆祝学年末计划举办一次聚会。并就“丹尼尔的假期计划”提了一

51、些问题,最后问丹尼尔是否读过里基的邮件,他认为里基去美国度过夏令营很不可思议。根据but my Geography exam was terrible.可知本学期汤姆地理学的不好。故选D。根据At the moment we are planning a party for the end of the school year. 可知他们正在计划一次聚会。故选C。根据Surfing is the best sport in the world.可知汤姆最喜爱的运动是冲浪。结合图片,故选A。第一段介绍了自己的考试成绩,第二段介绍他们为庆祝学年末计划举办一次聚会。第三段就“丹尼尔的假期计

52、划”提了一些问题,第四段问丹尼尔是否读过里基的邮件,他认为里基去美国度过夏令营很不可思议。所以第四段告诉我们关于一个朋友的消息,故选D。1620 I lost Spotty!When did I lose Spotty?Last _  (1)  _.Where did I lose Spotty?In the _  (2)  _ of Sunshine Road.What is Spotty like?Black and white; very healthy; lovely. Sometimes he can b

53、e _  (3)  _, but he will not _  (4)  _ peopleIf you see him or think you know where he might be Please call Helen at _  (5)  _【答案】【小题1】 Saturday【小题2】 north【小题3】 noisy【小题4】 hurt【小题5】 739402【解析】知识点: 第16题: 听力>>短文>>补全信息 第17题: 听

54、力>>短文>>补全信息 第18题: 听力>>短文>>补全信息 第19题: 听力>>短文>>补全信息 第20题: 听力>>短文>>补全信息 略略略略略56/nd/ 【答案】nod【解析】知识点: 语音>>音素、音标和音节 根据音标可知单词是nod,故填nod。57 /smel/ 【答案】smell【解析】知识点: 语音>>音素、音标和音节 smell/smel/,意为“气味,闻到,嗅觉”。故填smell。58 /p:t/ 【答案】part【解析】知识点: 语音>>音

55、素、音标和音节 根据音标可知单词是part,故填part。59 /tt/ 【答案】touch【解析】知识点: 语音>>音素、音标和音节 touch/tt/,意为“接触,触摸,触觉”。故填touch。60 /fækt/ 【答案】fact【解析】知识点: 语音>>音素、音标和音节 根据音标可知单词是fact,故填fact。61 /'rb/ 【答案】rubbish【解析】知识点: 语音>>音素、音标和音节 rubbish/'rb/,意为“垃圾”。故填rubbish。62 /'tre(r)/ 【答案】treasure【解析】知识点:

56、 语音>>音素、音标和音节 根据音标可知单词是treasure,故填treasure。63 /'lun/ 【答案】alone【解析】知识点: 语音>>音素、音标和音节 alone/'lun/,意为“独自的,单独的,孤独的, 独自地,单独地”。故填alone。64 /'eri/ 【答案】area【解析】知识点: 语音>>音素、音标和音节 根据音标可知单词是area,故填area。65 /d'sad/ 【答案】decide【解析】知识点: 语音>>音素、音标和音节 decide/d'sad/,意为“决

57、定”。故填decide。6675 A)选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。reach, broken, worry about, complain, protect, at least(1) You _ too much. The bag isn't that heavy. (2) In our town, most families have _ one TV set. (3) I'm too short to _ the picture on the wall. (4) Do you _ how to desig

58、n your home? I can help you. (5) Bad luck! My bicycle was _ on my way to school! B)根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(6) December is the _ (twelve) month of the year. (7) Daniel woke up and found _ (he) in hospital. (8) I am looking forward to _ (hear) from my elder sister. (9) My cat

59、caught three _ (mouse) yesterday. (10) Last week, a five-year-old boy _ (lose) his way and cried in the street. 【答案】【小题1】 complain【小题2】 at least【小题3】 reach【小题4】 worry about【小题5】 broken【小题6】 twelfth【小题7】 himself【小题8】 hearing【小题9】 mice【小题10】 lost【解析】知识点: 第66题: 词法>>动词>>时态>>一般现在时

60、第67题: 词法>>介词和介词短语 第68题: 词法>>动词>>动词基本形式 第69题: 词法>>动词>>动词基本形式 第70题: 词法>>形容词 第71题: 词法>>数词>>序数词 第72题: 词法>>代词>>反身代词 第73题: 词法>>动词>>非谓语动词>>动名词 第74题: 词法>>名词>>普通名词>>可数名词及其单复数 第75题: 词法>>动词>>时态>>一般

61、过去时 句意:你埋怨太多了。包没那么重。结合语境可知这里是说埋怨太多,complain埋怨,根据isn't可知这里应用一般现在时,故填complain。句意:在我们镇,大多数家庭至少有一台电视机。at least至少,故填at least。句意:我太矮,够不到墙上的画。reach够到,too+adj.+to do太而不能,故填reach。句意:你为如何设计你的家而担心吗?我能帮你。worry about为担心,助动词do后接动词原形,故填worry about。句意:真倒霉!我的自行车在去学校的路上坏了。broken坏的,是形容词,故填broken。句意:十二月是一年的第十二个月。结合

62、句意可知,这里应用twelve的序数词twelfth,表第十二,故填twelfth。句意:Daniel醒来了,并发现他自己在医院。句子的主语和find的宾语是同一个人,宾语应用反身代词,he的反身代词是himself,故填himself。句意:我正盼望收到我姐姐的来信。look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事,故填hearing。句意:昨天我的猫捉了三只老鼠。由three可知mouse应用复数,其复数形式是mice,故填mice。句意:上周,一个五岁的男孩在街上迷路并哭了。由last week可知,此句应用一般过去时,lose的过去式是lost,故填lost。7680阅读

63、对话,在76至80题横线上填入适当的句子,使对话意思完整、通顺。Peter: I keep some goldfish at home. _  (1)  _, Amy?Amy: Yes, I have a pet dog called Star.Peter: _  (2)  _?Amy: Because he looks like a super dog star.Peter: _  (3)  _?Amy: He is very clever.Peter: Clever? H

64、ow can a dog be clever?Amy: Well, yesterday I took off my coat and put it on the ground under a big tree. I said to Star, "Watch my coat, Star." Then I went home.Peter: _  (4)  _?Amy: Late in the evening Star didn't come home. Then I remembered him. Quickly I went back to the tree. Star wa


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