



1、新概念英语2 Lesson 85 Never Too Old to Learn 活到老学到老I. 语法与词汇知识 1. The manager asked me: “Did you _ them that we would have a meeting?” .A. informB. giveC. takeD. send 2. Dr. Johnson _ a lecture this time tomorrow.A. giveB. will be givingC. is givingD. gives 3. Lilys failure is _ her stupid mistake.A. beca

2、useB. because ofC. due toD. for reason 4. The child couldnt help _ when he saw the monkey.A. to laughB. laughingC. laughedD. laughs 5. Peter only plays jazz as a _.A. hobbyB. habitC. workD. musicII. 连词组句:请将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次 6. as , this , dictionaries , useful , one , no , as , is , other_.7.

3、pleasure , it , work , you , find , a , I , with , great , to_.8. a , Mary , shopping , only , month , goes , twice_.9. going , anything , you , about , know , abroad , do_?10. we , last , finished , work , the , of , month , had , the , by , end_.III. 阅读理解Smoking does great harm to peoples health.

4、It can cause people to be infected with many different kinds of diseases. Thousands of people in the world die of lung cancer each year. Most of them are smokers. When people are smoking the air is polluted. Smoking is not only had for the health of the smokers, but also for that of the people aroun

5、d the smokers. Therefore, more and more people have come to realize that smoking is no good and decide to give it up. Most smokers want to stop smoking. Many of them have tried more than once but failed. Although they know smoking may kill them or cause a serious illness yet they cannot give it up.

6、The reason is that cigarettes contains nicotine (尼古丁) that is a drug which gets one into the habit of smoking. How to get rid of smoking is still a serious problem. I think that it is certainly important to make everybody be aware of the fact that smoking is harmful to their health and, in the meant

7、ime, government should pass a law that forbids people from smoking in public, or he/she will be punished.  11. How many people die for lung cancer every year?  A. A hundredB. Hundreds ofC. A thousandD. Thousands of 12. Smoking is not only bad for the

8、 smokers but also for _. A. the people around smokersB. the air around smokers C. the environment around smokersD. the living condition around smokers 13. People giving smoking up are difficult, because it contains _ that is a drug. A. sweetB. saltC. waterD. nicotine 14. There are two ways to help s

9、moker to stop smoking. One is to educate people, and the other is to pass _by government. A. a signB. a lawC. a ruleD. a test IV. 翻译 15. receive a letter_ 16. mark the occasion_ 17. sign ones name _ 18. a farewell dinner_ 19. a curious coincidence_ 20. 老板通知我会议推迟了。 The boss _ me that the meeting was

10、put off. 21. 孩子们记住了阿凡提的善良和智慧。 The children _ Afanti _ his kindness and wisdom. 22. 小姑娘不愿意上幼儿园。 The little girl is _ to go to kindergarten. 23. 这个月总共开了六次聚会。 _ _ _ six parties were held this month. 24. 他决定投身于教育事业。 He decided to _ himself _ teaching.新概念英语2 Lesson 86 Out of Control 失控I. 语法与词汇知识1. Neithe

11、r my sister nor I _ willing to work with Vivian.A. amB. isC. are D. / 2. There is _ wrong with my radio.A. nothingB. anythingC. something D. everything 3. Alexander Graham Bell invented _ telephone in 1876.A. aB. oneC. theD. / 4. It was careless _ him to lose his way.A. forB. byC. fromD. of 5. I wil

12、l lend you the book as _ as Kate returns it. A. soonerB. soonC. fasterD. fast 6. Have you moved into the new house? Not, yet. The rooms are _. A. being paintedB. paintedC. being paintingD. painting 7. Terry drank a lot of beer. When he drove the car, it went straight to a tree _ tremendous speed.A.

13、toB. forC. atD. by 8. Look _! There is a train coming.A. aroundB. forwardC. onD. out 9. Angela heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.A. itB. whichC. thisD. that 10. Kane hoped to complete the work before he _ the city.A. leavesB. will leaveC. leftD. has leftII. 完型填空 One winter e

14、vening Bill was driving in his car along a country road. He had been to New York, in which he had withdrawn $10,000     11     the bank. After he had put money in his pocket, he went     12     home. At the lon

15、eliest part of the road a middle-aged man in shabby clothes stopped him and     13     a lift. Bill told him to get into the car and continued on his way.     14     he talked to the man he knew that he had bee

16、n in     15     for robbery and had escaped out of prison two days     16    . Bill was very worried     17     his money in his pocket.Suddenly he saw a police-car and h

17、ad a clever idea. He had just reached a small town     18     the speed limit was 40 miles an hour. He accelerated the car and drove as     19     as it would to. He looked     20  

18、;   and saw the police-car had seen this and begun to chase him. After a mile, the police-car overtook him and ordered him to stop.11. A. toB. ofC. fromD. for12. A. backB. toC. inD. at13. A. called forB. asked forC. sent forD. looked for14. A. WhenB. WhichC. BecauseD. As15. A. roomB. parkC. prisonD


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