1、词义的理解与译名的确定词义的理解与译名的确定教学目标1、专业语境2、非专业语境3、不同专业语境4、如何确定不用语境下的词汇翻译(重点)讨论: 何为语境、如何判断1、专业语境 BitsStrong tough2、非专业语境3、不同专业语境下的词汇意义(一词多意)4、词义确定的方法 类别参照物 语法线索词本无义,义随境生。 从语言学的角度看,对于一个孤立的单词/短语或句子,我们是难以判断其完整意义的。只有在具体的语言环境中,有一定的上下文才能确定具体词语、句子的确切含义。 语境这一概念是人类学家马利诺夫斯基(Bronislaw Malinowski)在20世纪20年代研究原始部落土著人的语言使用情
2、况时提出来的。 他指出没有语境,词就没有意义。 20年代30年代,英国语言学家约翰.弗斯(John R. Firth)对语境有了更深入的研究,并扩展了“语境”的含义。他认为不仅一句话的上下句和一段话的上下段是 “语境”, 语言与社会环境之间的关系也叫“语境” 语境在解决语言单位多义性问题上起着至关重要的作用。 例如 Bendable switches consist of a continuous steel beam .弯曲的开关由连续钢条组成。Switch 开关 ; 道岔Continuous steel beam 无缝钢条曲性道岔由无缝钢条组成。 p词义的选择(Diction)1.根据词类
3、,确定词义(judging from parts of speech)2. 根据上下文选择词义 (judging from the context)3. 根据搭配习惯选择词义(judging from collocation)4. 根据学科专业选择词义(judging from different branches of learning and specialties)p词义的引申1.技术性引申( technical extension)2.修辞性引申(rhetorical extension)3.具体化引申(concrete extension)4.抽象画引申( abstract exte
4、nsion)在英语和 汉语这两种语言中,都存在着一词 多 用,一词多义(poly-semantic) 的现象。因此翻译时应根据具体情况,选择符合译文要求的词义。一般般可以从以 几个方面入手选择词义。词义的选择选择某个词的词义时,首先要判定这个词在原文中应属于那一种词类。根据词类再确定其确定其词义。Like charges/poles repel; unlike charges/poles attract.同种电荷(同性磁极)相互排斥;异种电荷(异性磁极)相互吸引。(like 是形容词,作“相同的”解)、根据词类,确定词义 (judging from parts of speech) Like
5、a liquid a gas has no shape, but unlike a liquid it will expand and fill any container it is put in . 气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体会扩散并充满任何盛放它的容器。(like 是介词,作“像”解。)、根据词类,确定词义(judging from parts of speech)It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like .正是原子构成了铁、水、氧等类物质。(like是名词,作“相同之物”解) we li
6、ke to study computer science more than chemistry.我们喜欢学习计算机科学更甚于化学(动词,喜欢)、根据词类,确定词义(judging from parts of speech)The transistor can go from an “off” condition to an “on” condition with great speed and minimal power.晶体管能以极快的速度和极小的功率由“截至”的状态转到“导通”的状态。(off 和再次为形容词。)、根据词类,确定词义(judging from parts of speec
7、h)2、根据上下文选择词义 (judging from the context)No context, no text. 同一个词在不同场合具有不同的含义。 Firth 对此说的很清楚: “The meaning of aword is the missing part of its context.”; “Each word when usedn a new context is a new word.。比如字母“”,在没有上下文的情况下,可以是“我”,也可以是元素“碘” 的化学符号。因此,在英译汉时,必须根据上下立的联系和语气连贯性来选择词义。例如 In developing the de
8、sign, we must consider the feasibility of processing. 在进行设计时,必须考虑加工的可能性。 Lung fever develops from flu. 肺炎是由流行性感冒引起的。2、根据上下文选择词义 (judging from the context)Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics.阿尔伯特爱因斯坦创立了相对论,他是通过数学获得这一理论的。Land animal are b
9、elieved to have developed from sea animals. 人们认为陆地动物是由海洋动物进化而来的。2、根据上下文选择词义 (judging from the context)According to the theory developed in Section 4-3, the apparent resistivity for a given layer stratification differs depending on the eccentricity of the electrode configuration.根据节所导出(讨论)的理论,一定底层层位的
10、视电阻率随电机系的偏移程度而发生变化。2、根据上下文选择词义 (judging from the context)不同的词汇进行不同的搭配时,其意义有所不同。切勿望文生义。如:What is familiar to everybody is the direct proportion of the volume of a gas to the temperature.大家熟悉的是气体的体积与温度成正比。3、根据搭配习惯选择词义The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the developm
11、ent of the iron and steel industry.这些巨型钢铁工厂的建立将会大大加速钢铁工业的发展。They have produced much pig iron from the blast furnace.他们从高炉里炼出了许多生铁。3、根据搭配习惯选择词义After careful examination, he found that the screw had worked loose.经过仔细检查后,他发现螺钉松了。The major problem in manufacture is the control of contamination and forei
12、gn materials.制造过程中的主要问题是如何控制污染和杂质。3、根据搭配习惯选择词义再如:Road bed 路基Rail bed 钢轨底座Shaker bed 分离筛River bed 河床Salt bed 盐层Screw-type cooling bed 螺旋式冷床Overload relief bed 过载安全工作平台3、根据搭配习惯选择词义在英语和汉语中,同一个词在不同的学科领域或者不同的专业中往往有不同的词义。例1 The lathe should be set on a firm base.车窗应安装在坚实的底座上。(机械)例2 Screen 屏幕(常用意) 但 shaker
13、 screen 不能译为 晃动屏幕 筛子(机械学)4、根据学科专业选择词义(judging from different branches of learning and specialties) 例3 “power” , 其基本意义是“力” ,“能力”,“体力”,“精力”, “权力 ”, “ 政权”,“强国”等,但在下列的例子中要注意辨别它的专业意义,以及在不同学科里的不同译法。4、根据学科专业选择词义(judging from different branches of learning and specialties)What is meant by “power”? By “power
14、” , we mean the rate of doing work功率是什么?所谓功率,我们指的是做功的速率。(机械学)Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruption that last less than two hours.在停电两小时以内的情况下,有专门设备能保证计算机正常工作。(电学)4、根据学科专业选择词义(judging from different branches of learning and specialties)The third powe
15、r of 3 is 27.的三次方是。(数学)This is a 20 power binocular microscope. 这是一架倍双目显微镜。(光学)It is beyond the power of medicine to cure him.他的病非药力所能治愈。再如:Power plant 在电学方面译作“发电厂” 在造船学方面译作“动力装置”。4、根据学科专业选择词义(judging from different branches of learning and specialties)As we all know , a base reacts with and acid to
16、 form a salt.众所周知,碱与酸反应生成盐。(化学)A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector.晶体管有三个电极,即发射极,基极和集电极。4、根据学科专业选择词义(judging from different branches of learning and specialties)Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC.AB线是三角形ABC的底边。He is on the second base.他在二垒。4、根据学科专业选择词义(jud
17、ging from different branches of learning and specialties) Science only learnt why in the 1940s with the discovery of rejection . When human organs are transferred from person to person , the immune system attacks and destroys what it sees as foreign substance.直到20世纪40年代发现了排异反应后,科学家才明白导致器官移植失败的原因。当人体
18、器官从一个人移植到另一个人时,受体的免疫系统即将其视作外来物质进行攻击和破坏。 The purpose of a foundation is to carry the load of a structure and spread it over a greater area evenly and without undue settlement , to the ground beneath.基础的作用是承受结构的荷载,并将其均匀地想基础之下更大面积的范围传递,避免不均匀的沉降。 A foundation normally consists of either plain or reinfor
19、ced concrete, which should be laid sufficiently below the ground frost level to avoid the possible danger of frozen soil lifting it . 基础通常是由素混泥土或钢筋混凝土浇铸而成的, 且应在地面冰冻层之下进行浇铸,以免冻土将其顶起。词义引申 英汉两种语言在表达的方法上存在许多差别,在词典上有时候找不到合适的词义。如果逐词死译,会使译文生硬晦涩, 含糊不清,不能确切表达原文意义,甚至会造成错误。 这时,只有根据上下文和逻辑关系,从一个词的基本意义(本义)出发, 进一步
20、引申词义,选择比较适当的汉语来表达,使原文的思想表现得更加准确。1、技术性引申 依靠自己的专业知识,采取适当的语言手段把原作的科学感念再现出来。 How rapidly a fuel burns depends on how thoroughly it is mixed with oxygen of air. 燃料的燃烧速度取决于燃料与氧气或者空气的混合程度。In order to get a great amount of water power we need large pressure and current.要得到巨大的水力,就需要高水压和大流量。He then found that
21、 the mercury column measured the height predicted.后来他发现,水银柱升到了预期的高度。1、技术性引申The CE circuit is widely favored since it can be designed for good voltage and current gains.CE电路得到广泛的应用,因为它能获得高电压增益和高电流增益。Why is the period of the pendulum independent of the size of the swing?为什么单摆的周期与摆动角度的大小无关?1、技术性引申常言道,言
22、之无文,行之不远。为了使译文增色,除了真实地再现原作中包含的内容外,还得讲究修辞。修辞性引申的目的是为了加深理解英语句子中的比喻型词汇,使译文语言流畅,文句通顺。2、修辞性引申(rhetorical extension) Today, however, the crystal-ball promises of nuclear power arent so clear. 然而,今天,原子能发展可以预测的前景却不那么光明了。 Albert Einstein was the first man to realize the fast amount of energy locked in the at
23、om 阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是第一个认识到原子里隐藏着巨大能量的人。2、修辞性引申(rhetorical extension) In his own lifetime Galileo was the center of violent controversy; but the scientific dust has long since settled. 伽利略在生前一直是激烈争论的焦点,但是有关他的学说的科学争论早已平息。2、修辞性引申(rhetorical extension)The shortest distance between raw material and a finished p
24、art is casting .铸造是把原材料加工成成品的最简便方法。The beauty of lasers is that they can do machining without ever physically touching the material.激光的妙处就在于它能进行机械加工而不必实际接触所加工的材料。2、修辞性引申(rhetorical extension)把原文中含义比较概况、抽象、笼统的词引申为意思较为具体的词。 避免造成译文概念不清或不符合汉语的习惯。Although a sharp dividing line between types of computers
25、is not always easy to see, computers are generally divided into two broad groups: digital and analog.计算机类型的准确分界线最然并不总是那么显而易见,但一般计算机分为两大类:数字计算机和模拟计算机。3、具体化引申(concrete extension) Other things being equal, iron heats up faster than aluminum. 其他条件相同时,铁比铝热得快。 Public opinion is demanding more and more urgently that something must be done about noise. 公众舆论越来越强烈地要求为消除噪音采取某些措施。3、具体化引申(concrete extension) These vacuum tubes will see
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