The Interactive Teaching Approach in English Teaching论课堂中的的互动教学_第1页
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1、外语系本科毕业论文(成人教育)The Interactive Teaching Approach in English Teaching论课堂中的的互动教学 Acknowledgements During the months of research which led to this paper, I have received valuable instructions and innovative suggestions from Miss Ma , who had read the manuscript carefully and patiently. So I would like

2、to express my immense gratitude to him, and I owe my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have instructed me. AbstractThis paper aims to indicate the importance of interactive teaching approach and put forward some useful suggestions for interactive teaching in English classroom performance.

3、In order to improve the ability of English level, especially the oral English, interactive teaching approach must be applied to the English classes. Therefore, it is a key question that how to carry out interactive teaching mode in primary English class. In this paper, gives a brief introduction on

4、interactive teaching approach, including its definition and operating principles,strategies and some suggestions on carrying out interactive teaching approach. Key words: interactive teaching; students; teachers; strategies 摘 要这篇论文目的在于说明互动教学在课堂的重要性,以及提出了一些有用的建议。为了提高英语水平,特别是口语的能力,互动教学必须被运用到英语课堂中。因此,在

5、如何运用互动教学模式是非常关键的。在这篇论文中,对互动教学这种教学方法做了大概介绍,其中包括这种教学方法的定义,还有一些策略和建设性建议,以及在实施互动教学中的一些影响。关键词:互动教学;学生;老师;策略15ContentsAcknowledgements . .iAbstract .ii摘要 . iii1. Introduction.11.1 The concept of interactive teaching approach.11.2 Operating principles of interactive teaching approach 1.2.1 Learner-centered

6、 principle1 1.2.2 Activity-based principle3 1.2,3 Principle of relevance.42. Strategies for interactive teaching approach .62.1 Raising questions.62.2 Encouraging role-play .72.3 Creating interesting language games72.4 Engaing in cooperative learning.83. Suggestions on implementing interactive teach

7、ing approach.93.1 Reflective teaching.103.2 Cultivating positive techer-student relationship.11 3.3 Supporting learning enviroment.124. Conclusion.14Bibliography.15 1. Introduction With the development of society, interactive teaching approach is becoming more and more important in English teaching.

8、 Interactive teaching is a theoretic and strategic system applied by many countries in the world in the past three decades. However,English classes in China lack the atmosphere of interaction between teachers and students, and traditional teaching methods, which regard teachers as the core of teachi

9、ng actions, still play the important role in Chinese classes. Therefore, according to the situation of English teaching today, the author attempts to indicate the importance of interactive teaching approach, and advocates that interactive teaching can be carried out efficiently and widely in English

10、 classroom so as to help teachers to improve their teaching skills and help students to cultivate their study ability. At the beginning of this thesis, the definition of interactive teaching and operating principles of interactive teaching approach are introduced. The second part discusses the strat

11、egies for interactive teaching approach. And the third part attempts to bring forward some suggestions on implementing interactive teaching approach. With all the work done, the thesis comes to the conclusion that those approaches and suggestions the author given are useful and effective to cultivat

12、e interaction between teachers and students. 1.1 The concept of interactive teaching approachInteractive teaching approach indicates that teachers go beyond language structures and develop learners communicative competence through interaction. As Wilga M.Rivers points out,interaction refers tostuden

13、ts achieve facility in using a language when their attention is focused on conveying and receiving authentic messages(Rivers, 2000: 4). The interactive teaching approach,which emphasizes the values of interaction, is more a cluster of approaches than a single methodology. Interaction between teacher

14、s and students is an important feature of cooperative learning, which can help teachers guide students to improve their learning. Meanwhile, students are becoming more and more interested in their English learning by some activities and games. Therefore, interactive teaching approach plays a signifi

15、cant role in primary English class.1.2 Operating principles of interactive teaching approachInteractive teaching emphasizes on the interaction between teachers and students, but it is difficult to deal with the relationship between teachers and students in class. In order to avoid the situation that

16、 teachers dominate the whole class without interaction with students, some useful principles of interactive teaching will be operated in primary English class, including learner-centered principle, activity-based principle and principle of relevance. 1.2.1 Learner-centered principle Learner-centered

17、 principle is defined as the following: on the one hand, teachers should put students at the center of classroom organization and respect their needs,strategies, and style. That is to say,in primary English teaching-learning process, teachers should respect individual preference and assist students

18、in discovering their own preference in learning style, instead of interfere and control students. If students are more involved in the teaching and learning process, which means that they are learning what they would like to know and learning in their preferable way, they will certainly have more in

19、terest in the learning and feel more responsible for their learning. Moreover, the learner-centered classroom should guide the students to make contributions to lesson planning, presentation, and assessment. Students should share information with their classmates, and different groups explain gramma

20、r to share knowledge, and even students can take on teacher-like roles to organize. So teachers should give more chance to let their students play a main role in class. On the other hand,the teacher plays a diversified multi-dimensional role in an interactive teaching classroom. According to Marion

21、Williams & Robert L.Burden,there is a significant role for the teacher as mediator in the language classroom. The teacher can play an important part in promoting effective learning in other significant ways (Williams & Burden, 2000: 131). In traditional English classrooms,the teacher dominat

22、es the classroom because he is the authority of the knowledge and the center of the classroom activities. The most important things for teachers to do are to discipline the class,pass on the knowledge,and explicit the puzzles. In sum, teachers should relinquish control over the class but not lose co

23、ntrol, and as learner, students should regard themselves as the center of classroom to create their own learning space.1.2.2 Activity-based principle Activity-based principle in interactive teaching is that learning a foreign language is undoubtedly not only to create grammatically correct sentences

24、 but also to communicate effectively and appropriately, and activities should be implemented in order to transfer knowledge and skills. Those traditional teaching methods that emphasize on the mastery of knowledge but neglect cultivating students communicative competence result in that generally stu

25、dents fail to communicate in the target language. Its common in China that a university graduate who has learned English for ten years feels it difficult to have a conversation with a native-speaker about some common topics. It seems that he cant transfer what he has learned to the real communicatio

26、n. What the students do in a traditional classroom is to learn about the language, and even when they open their mouths,they are normally organized to do some repetition drills. Especially, some mechanic exercises to strengthen the knowledge or make a short response to some questions raised by their

27、 teachers. That is, teachers should create opportunities for students to take part in meaningful interaction, especially communicative activities. Communicative activities provide students with opportunities to work for the same goal, therefore it helps to develop positive relationship among student

28、s and result in creating an environment to support language learning (Littewood, 2000: 34). In short, people lay more and more emphasis on activities in English class. 1.2.3 Principle of relevance In order to carry out learnercentered and activity-based principle,the principle of relevance ought to

29、be stressed. The English classroom performance should be relevant to learners capability,interest and perceived needs . Ausubel contends that human learning takes place in the human organism through a meaningful process of relating new events or items already existing cognitive concepts or propositi

30、ons. Learning is therefore a process of relating and anchoring new material to relevant established entities in the learners cognitive structure (cited in Wang, 2000: 210). Effective activities are related to students capability and need. Nunan claims that It is these subjective needs derivable from

31、 information on learners wants, expectations and affective needs which are of most value in selecting content and methodology. Ifwhat to learn andhow to learn actually suit the students needs,they will be comparatively and easily motivated. Learning is not only a pains-taking preparation for the rem

32、ote future but also an enjoyable experience today. Especially for young children, they are not as persistent as adults, and learning for interest is more practical for them. Therefore, teachers should understand deeply students needs and students capability to adopt interesting and funny activities

33、for primary students. To sum up, these principles are very useful for teachers to operate the class, and they break up the traditional teaching methods to explore the new teaching approach-interactive teaching approach.2. Strategies for interactive teaching approachAs we know, principles need to be

34、understood and followed, but the strategies for interactive teaching approach must be to carried out, that is, strategies mean methods, which show how to implement interactive teaching approach in the real life. The following important strategies will be discussed, including raising questions, encou

35、raging role-play, creating interesting language games, and engaging in cooperative learning.2.1 Raising questionsRaising questions is a significant way for classroom teaching. Teachers attract students attention and focus by asking questions. Questioning initiates interaction between teachers and st

36、udents. It also serves as a means of feedback for teachers to check the effect of the teaching. Nevertheless,the strategy of questioning cant take effect if it is inappropriately manipulated in the English classroom. The effectiveness of questioning is mainly dependent onhow to askandwho asks. In Ch

37、ina,the traditional English classroom pay more attention to teachers talk and neglect the importance of students critical thinking. In interactive teaching,teachers should not dominate the questions but encourage student-initiated questions,which can demonstrate students individuality and prompt stu

38、dents interaction easily. Students pay attention to the social dimension as well as the functional dimension of the question. Students questions are more likely based on the answerers interest since they are adjacent in age,the level of knowledge,experience and feeling. So students seem to suffer fr

39、om lower anxiety when answering questions from their fellow learners. To offer students opportunities to ask questions encourages students critical thinking,spirit of questioning and creativity. In short, teachers need to spare sometime and enhances for student-initiated questions.2.2 Encouraging ro

40、le-play Role-play is defined as the following: learners are required to imagine they are in a situation which probably occurs in the real life, and they are asked to adopt a specific role in this situation, and then they are invited to behave as if the situation really exists in accordance with thei

41、r roles. The definition of role-play indicates that students can benefit themselves from role-play. For example: it mobilizes students resources in the field of verbal or non-verbal language, and students relate the new language to their own individual characteristic; it encourages students to devel

42、op language fluency; it enhances students attention to the social dimension of the language. Therefore, teachers should lay emphasis on encouraging role-play in class. It is wise for students to enjoy speaking fluent English and build up their self- confidence.2.3 Creating interesting language games

43、Language games mean that according to teaching goal, teachers adopt some interesting games and organize the whole students to engage in language drill and communicative activity. It can be manipulated for all types of EFL teaching,such as the teaching of grammar,vocabulary,writing or integrated skil

44、ls. Especially, this kind of games is suitable for the primary students. The most of primary students lack initiative of language learning. So teachers frequently organize some language games in order to provide a light-hearted form of language practice,either with relatively free use of language or

45、 where a particular structure is being repeated. For example, in order to reinforce the patternWhat does he do? A teacher may ask a student to act out his assumed occupation and ask the others to guess. Another example is called spelling word games. A teacher hands out several letters to two student

46、s, and asks a student to spell the correct words and then asks the other to read it exactly. These two examples are very typical and common in interactive teaching classroom. Therefore,teachers should combine the language element with game element, and lay an important value on interaction between t

47、eachers and students.2.4 Engaging in cooperative learningHowever, a kind of interactive teaching approach, like cooperative learning, is carried out between students and students, that is, cooperative learning lays an important value on interaction between students. As D. W. Johnson points out, stud

48、ent-student interaction may actually be more important for educational success than teacher-student interaction,constructive student-student interactions influence students educational aspirations and achievements, develop social competencies,and encourage taking on the perspectives of others (cited

49、 in Johnson, 2000:112). Five techniques are employed for cooperative learning: 1) Teachers assign tasks to be completed collaboratively in group, and eventually groups compete as teams against other teams. 2) Teachers rank students by academic ability levels and then create groups of students with d

50、ifferent ability levels so that they can tutor each other within each group. 3)Teachers organize student groups by particular interests, and allow the groups to gather necessary information. 4) In this activity, a question is posed or an issue is presented by other learners or the teachers, and lear

51、ners are given some time to reflect, take notes or engage in free writing and before turning to another learner and sharing what they have just thought and written about. 5) Learners can brainstorm in small groups for appropriate (Nunan, 2000: 236). Therefore, cooperative learning is also very impor

52、tant strategy of interactive teaching.3. Suggestions on implementing interactive teaching approachSome suggestions based on the experience of field training in some primary school, which may be beneficial to manipulate the interactive teaching approach in primary English class, including reflective

53、teaching, cultivating positive teacher-student relationship and supporting learning environment.3.1 Reflective teachingReflective teaching,Which means that teachers collect data about teaching, examine their attitudes,beliefs,assumptions,and teaching practices,and use the information obtained as a b

54、asis for critical reflection about teaching,leads teachers to a long-term development (Richards & Lockhart, 2000: 5). Teaching reflectively means to not only look back at what has happened in their classrooms in detail but also analyze why certain events took place and what next steps needs to b

55、e taken. So reflective teaching possesses the following advantages:It can help achieve a better understanding of ones own assumptions about teaching as well as ones own teaching practices; It can lead to a richer conceptualization of teaching and a better understanding of teaching and learning profe

56、sses; and it can serve as a basis for self-evaluation and is therefore an important component of professional development(Richards & Lockhart, 2000: 5). Reflective teaching has so many advantages, so teachers may reflect in a variety of ways and use different means to do. Among all the ways,mayb

57、e, action research is directly related to the outcome of the teaching, and action gives teachers direct access to the integration of theory and practice. For example: a teacher decides on a theme based on his observation and reflection of his own teaching, he decides to exam his use of the first language, and then he records classroom lesson. Next, he decides to diminish the use of the first language by familiarizing himself with English expression for classroom management. Afterwards he obse


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