七年级英语上册 lesson 42 letgo to the city 课件 冀教版 课件_第1页
七年级英语上册 lesson 42 letgo to the city 课件 冀教版 课件_第2页
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1、Lesson 42 Lets Go to the City Studying aims (2 minutes) v掌握词汇: city hotel park street excuse v office follow man map therev短语和句型:Excuse me! Where is?v Is far from here?v Here/There it is!v Im lost.v Can you help me?v Go down this street and turn left/right.v Guide onevRead the text and answer the fo

2、llowing questions within 3 minutes.v1, Where is the library?v _.v2, Is the library far from here?v _.v3, Does Jenny get there?v _.Its near the office.No, it isntYes, she does. Guide twovPlease read silently(默读)within 3 minutes vWhile reading underline the difficult points(重点,难点)Key sentence pattern(

3、4 minutes)v1, Sorry 和Excuse me辨析: v Excuse me,强调为给别人带来的麻烦和不便表示歉意,意为“劳驾,请原谅”,它在英语中试用频率很高。问路时一般先说Excuse me;打断别人说话时一般也要说Excuse me;你想从人群中穿过,必须说Excuse me;和别人谈话期间打喷嚏或咳嗽,也要说一声Excuse me. Sorry指因自己的过失表示歉意,强调事后道歉,表示“对不起如果你不小心撞到了别人,或踩到了别人的脚,也要说Sorry.v2, Let me show you.让我来指给你。v Let sb do sth.意为让某人做某事。 如:Let me

4、 help you. Lets go to the library. v Show sb sth=Show sth to sb意为“把某物展示给某人。 如:Can you show your new car to me? Can you show me your new car?v3, Here it is.在这儿。 There she is 她在那儿。 There is the school. 学校在那儿。There is your book.你的书在那儿。v4,Follow me 祈使句,意为”跟我来“ Guide three vRead the text and answer the f

5、ollowing questions within 5 minutes. v1,Where is Danny looking for?v 。v2, Does Danny have a map?v 。v3, Does the man know the way to Zhongshan Hotel ?v .v4, How does Danny go there?v _。 He is looking for Zhongshan Hotel.Yes, he does.Yes, he does.He walks there./ He goes there on foot. Guide fourvPlea

6、se read silently(默读)within 3 minutes vWhile reading underline the difficult points(重点,难点)Key sentence patternv1,Go down this street and turn left.沿着这条 街走,然后向左拐。v down =along为介词,意为“沿着” turn rightv 向右拐。v2,Im lost . 我迷路了。be lost = get lostv lost是形容词,如:a lost book 一本丢失书 the lost boy 那个迷路的男孩子。v v。根据句意和首字

7、母完成下列单词 1 Jack is living in the h_. 2 The boy is playing in the p_. 3. Danny and Jenny are walking in the s_. 二.在B栏里找出A栏英语句子的合适答语 (A)1. Where is the office? 2. Is your school far from here? 3. Do you have a map? 4. Where is Tom playing? 5. Excuse me. (B)A. Yes. Here it is. B. Its near the library. C. No. Its near here. D. Ye


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