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1、笔 试 部 分( 105分 )I.选择填空. ( 20分)( )1.Where _ Linda and Tina come from? A. do B. are C. does( )2. We went to Hainan Island on May Day and had great fun_ in the sea.A. swim B. swimming C. to swim( )3._ other movies do you like? A.W hat B. Why C. How( )4. -What are you? -Im _. A: drinking some tea B.OK C.

2、 a cleaner( )5.Lets _ our lesson. A. starts B. to start C. start ( )6.Everyone _ listening to him now. A. do B. is C. are ( )7.Mary likes _ glasses. A. putting on B. in C. wearing ( )8.Our Chinese teacher has a beautiful_. A. good-looking B. look C. hat ( )9.They would like _ to school by car. A. go

3、 B. to go C. going( )10.Jim _ stand the boring lessons. I cant stand them,_. A .cant; either B. cant too C. can ; too( )11.Kate doesnt agree _ the teacher. A. to B. on C. with( )12.The _ woman has three daughters and two sons. A. forty years old B. forty-year-old C. forty-years-old( )13. -_do you th

4、ink of the movie? -Its boring, I dont like it.A. What B. Why C. How( )14.Toms father enjoyed_ English songs. A. listening B. listening to C. to listen( )15.My brother often _ some things after school. A. makes B. does C. exercises ( )16.My father _ the article yesterday. A. look B. reads C. read ( )

5、17.Tom _ carefully but _ nothing. A. listen; hear B. listened; heard C. heard; listened ( )18.-_ do you like Fuyuan? -Because _ is my hometown. A. Why ;it B. What; they C. How ; it ( )19.Please go _ this road and_ right. You can find the supermarket. A. down; turn to B. along; turn C. straight; turn

6、( )20.The snow is very _. A. heavy B. heavily C. big( ) 21. This car is too _. I can't buy it.A. cheap B. dear C. hard D. big( ) 22. Can you come me to the shop?A. with B. and C. to D. for( ) 23. Near our school _ a factory.A. Has B. there is C. have D. there are( ) 24. How much is the milk? It&

7、#39;s _.A. a kilo four yuan. B. a kilo is four yuan.C. four yuan a kilo. D. four yuans a ki1o( )2 5. The people in the shop _ very _.A. are.friend B. are.friend1y C. are.friends D. is.friendly( )2 6. You can see a factory _ home. A. on the way to B. on your way toC. in the way D. on your way( ) 27.

8、I want _ of meat, please.A. two kilo B. two kiloes C. two kiloss D. two kilos( ) 28. My father is ill . He is _home today.A. at B. in C. on D. to( ) 29. Could I have _ kilo of meat?A. a half B. an half C. half an D. half a( ) 30. Good morning! Can I help you? _. I want some bread and milk.A. Yes, p1

9、ease. B. Yes, you must help me.C. No, you can't. D. I'm hungry. ( ) 31. I want to cook some food _ breakfast.A. in B. for C. at D. on( ) 32. You don't like that green blouse. _ this one?A. What about B. What C. How D. Where( ) 33. Do you like _ basketball?A. play B. plays C. is playing D

10、. playing( ) 34. We _bread and milk _ breakfast.A. eathave B. have.eat C. havehave D. havefor( ) 35. Do you _ the shopping basket? No, I don't.Would you _ it, please?A. do.get B. know.have C. have.get D. helphaveVI.按要求改写下列句子(10分)36. We went to school at seven yesterday. (改为否定句)We _ _ to school a

11、t seven yesterday.37. There is only one child in the room. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ are there in the room?38. Play games after school. (改为否定句)_ _ games after school.39. The students are listening to the teacher in class. (就划线部分提问)_ _ the students listening to in class?40. The pen is green. The pen is red. (改为

12、选择疑问句)_ the pen green _ red?V.补全对话.(10分)A. Where were you born? B: Why did you move there? C. How are you? D. When were you born? E. How long did you live there? Lin Peng: Hello, Bill ! Nice to meet you. _(41) Bill: Fine, thank you. And you? Lin Peng: Im fine too. Can I ask you some questions? Bill:

13、 Certainly! Lin Peng: _(42)Bill: On February 18,1981. Lin Peng: _(43)Bill: I was born in New York, the USA. Lin Peng: _(44)Bill: For about twelve years. Then we moved to Canada.Lin Peng: _(45)Bill: Because we wanted to find a job there.Lin Peng: Nice talking to you. Goodbye.VI.用所给词的适当形式填空.(15分)46.Wh

14、at about _ (have) a rest?47. He _(do) some exercises every day.48.Did you go _ (shop) with mom yesterday? 49.He _ (play) basketball with us now.50.You cant _ (talk) in class. 51. Whose books are those? They are _ (Jim).52. Can you see any _ (woman) over there?53. Can I borrow _ (you) rul1er?54. The

15、teachers are very _ (friend).55. My uncle _ (teach) Eng1ish in a school.56. My mother 1ikes _ (cook) very much.57. The small house looks _ (difference) from this one.58. You are a worker. What about _ (she)?59. The window is _ (close) now.60. P1ease give _ (I) an app1e.VII完形填空. (10分)Today is Sunday.

16、 Kate and her father are in a big bus.        are many people in       bus. Some of       come from England, and some come from America and Canada. The people in the bus        their friends

17、. They       to the Great Wall.  There are two Chinese in the bus.        is a woman. She is driving(驾驶) the bus. The other is a young man. He can       English. Now he       about the Great

18、 Wall. They        him. They want to         it very much.  (    )61. A. They    B. There    C. Those     D. Here  (    )62. A. a  

19、0;    B. the       C. one       D. /  (    )63. A. they     B. their     C. them      D. theirs  (    )64. A. are all

20、60;  B. all are    C. is all      D. all is  (    )65. A. go      B. come     C. are going  D. are coming  (    )66. A. One     B. She  

21、;    C. This       D. That  (    )67. A. speak    B. talk      C. say        D. tell  (    )68. A. says     B. talks

22、0;    C. is saying    D. is talking  (    )69. A. listen          B. listen to  C. are listening    D. are listening to  (    )70. A. see     B.

23、look       C. watch       D. look at  VIII. 阅读理解.(30分)A) 根据短文内容判断正误.正确的用(T),错误的用(F).(10分)A little girl often goes to a shop. In summer, she usually gets some ice cream. In spring, winter, and autumn she asks for some chocolate(巧克力). Th

24、e man in the shop knows her well. One day, its cold and windy. The snow is falling(落下). The girl goes into shop and asks for some cigars(雪茄烟). The man says, “ No you cant ask for that. You are under 18 years old. Look, a policeman is coming” “It doesnt matter. He is my father.” The girl says. 71.The

25、 girl wants ice cream all the time. ( )72.The man in the shop doesnt know her ( )73.She doesnt like chocolate. ( )74.One cold winter day, the girl goes to the shop for some cigars.( )75.The girl says the policeman is her father. ( )B)阅读短文,从所给答案中选择最佳的. (10分)Mr. Brown is one of my friends. He can run

26、very fast (快) and like to show people how fast he can run. One day, a thief (小偷) got into his house, took some of his things and ran out of the house fast. Mr. Brown found it and ran after him, and shouted (喊), “Hey(嗨)! Dont you know you cant get away from (逃脱) me? But the thief ran faster. Mr. Brow

27、n got angry (生气) and ran faster, too. He was soon a few kilometers away from his house. He was running hard when he met me. “Why are you running so fast?” I asked. “I want to catch the thief,” said Mr. Brown. “ But where is the thief?” I asked. “Kilometers behind”, said Mr. Brown proudly. “Hethought

28、 he could run faster than me, but you see he is wrong.”( )76.Did the thief steal(偷) anything from Mr Browns house? A. Yes, he was B. No, he didnt C. Yes, he did( )77. Who ran faster, Mr. Brown or the thief?A.Mr. Brown. B.No, the thief. C.the thief.( )78.What did Mr.Brown do when he found the thief?

29、A.He caught him. B.He ran after him. C.He stayed behind him.( )79. Did Mr. Brown catch(抓住) the thief? A. yes, he did. B.No, he didnt C.No, but his friend did.( )80.What does the word “proudly” mean? It means_? A.自豪地 B.难过的 C. 突然地C)根据短文填空.(10分) TV Show List9:00 Cooking with Mr. Bean 16:00 Animal World

30、10:20 Pop Music on Show 17:00 Arts Class11:00 Nature and Science 19:30 American News13:30 Sports Time 20:00 Soap Opera14:50 Cartoon City 21:30 Lets Learn English81. If you want to watch a soccer game, you can watch _82. The show of _ can teach you a lot about America.83. If you like animals, you mus

31、t like to watch _.84. The show of _ can make you enjoy the pop music.85. If you want to study English, you watch_.IX.写作. (10分)每个学校都有规章制度,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请你向新同学Tom介绍.1.上课不能迟到. 2. 课堂要保持安静. 3. 不许在教室里吃东西. 4.不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏. 5.不要损坏花草树木.-26.They can English .A .say B .speak C .talk D .tell( )27.Dont play bas

32、ketball .Please play guitar .A . the ,the B .the , / C . / , / D . / , the ( )28.How about the music ?A .listen to B .listen C .listening to D .listening( )29. students are there in your class ?A .How much B .How many C .How D .What ( )30.There some milk in the glass .A .are B .is C .has D .have ( )31.Can Lucy ? No , she .A .swim , cant B .swims ,


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