



1、doing 的用法总结一、动名词的作用1、 作主语谓语用单数。 It 代替动名词作主语,常用于如下结构:It s no good/use doing如: ···Seeing is believing.Playing with fire is dangerous.It s no good waiting here.2、 作宾语I enjoy listening to music.He often practices playing the piano in the evening.He is fond of playing basketball.He has giv

2、en up smoking.Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?(1) 只能接动名词作宾语的动词:admit , advise 建议, risk , appreciate, envy 嫉妒, avoid 避免,consider 考虑, delay 延迟, deny 否认, dislike 不喜欢, enjoy ,escape逃避, excuse 原谅、宽恕,finish 完成, forgive 原谅, understand 理解, give up 放弃, imagine 想象, keep 保持, mind 介意、在乎,

3、 miss 未达到, practise 训练, put off 推迟, resist 抵抗, suggest 建议、暗示can t help禁不住, can t stand无法忍受, devote to(to为介词 )致力于 ···,look forward to期望、盼望,stick to 坚持, be used to 习惯于, object to 反对, be busy 忙于 ··,fee like 想要 ·be surprised at 对 感到惊讶be proud of 以 为骄傲succeed in 在某方面成功be afr

4、aid of 害怕give up 放弃(2)只能接不定式作宾语的动词:happen 碰巧, offer 主动提出, promise 答应, agree 同意, refuse 拒绝, decide 决定,determine 决定、决心, pretend 假装, fail未能够, learn, wish 希望, hope, expect,afford 负担得起。(3)接动名词、 不定式均可, 意义相同的动词: like ,love,dislike ,hate,begin ,star,continue,prefer, can t bear/endure无法忍受, cease停止(4)下列词接动名词和

5、不定式均可, 但意义不同的动词: forget,go on,mean,regret,remember,stop, try 等Stop to do 停下来去做stop doing停止做Forget to do 忘记要做forget doing忘记做过Remember to do 记得要做remember doing 记得做过Regret to do 遗憾要做regret doing 后悔做过Try to do 企图做,尽力做try doing 试着做Go on to do 继续做(另一件事)go on doing继续做(同一件事)Mean to do 打算做mean doing 意味做(5) N

6、eed, require, want 作 “需要 ”讲,其后用动名词的主动式表示被动意义,be worth 也有类似用法。如:The flowers need watering/to be watered.The problem is worth discussing.3、 作表语有时的动名词可以和主语调换位置。如:My hobby is collecting stamps.Her job is washing, cleaning and taking care of the child.The film is touching.4、 作定语动名词作定语,一般表示用途。如:a waiting

7、room , a diving board , a reading room, a dining hall there are a lot of swimming pools in the city.注:( 1)现在分词作定语表动作,它与所修饰的名词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,一个定语从句。如果为单词,放在被修饰n 之前,为短语,放在被修饰n 之后。如: a sleeping boy =a boy who is sleeping可改写成a developing country =a country which is developing(2)动名词作定语通常表示它所修饰的名词的用途或性质,可改写

8、成一个for的短语,两者不存在逻辑上的主谓关系。如: a washing machine = a mashine for washinga swimming pool = a pool for swimming5.作状语( 1)现在分词在句中作时间、原因、伴随、条件、结果等状语。时间状语(分词作状语前面可加when, while等)Hearing the good news, he jumped with greatjoy.Not having finished her work in time, the boss fired her.原因状语Seeing nobody at home, he

9、 decided to leave them a note伴随状语The girls came in, following their parents.结果状语The poor old man died, leaving nothing to his children.注意:现在分词作状语的几个特性。时间性。与谓语动词同时发生,用一般时,如发生在谓语动作之前时则用完成式havingdone。语态性。与句子的主语之间的关系,是主谓关系或动宾关系。遵循的规则“主动进行,被动完成” 。人称一致性。分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。6. 作宾语补足语:We can see steam rising fro

10、m the wet clothes.可以带有这种复合宾语的动词有see, watch, hear, observe, feel, find, have, keep 等。二、动名词的时态和语态动名词的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,通常要用完成式,否则都用一般式。如:We are interested in playing chess.He was praised for having finished the work ahead of time.I m sorry for not having keptmy promise.若主语是动名词所表示的动作的对象,动名词用被动语态。如:We m

11、ust do something to prevent water from being polluted.I remember having been told a story.He was afraid of being scolded by the teacher.三。 . -ing 形式的复合结构。在 -ing 前加物主代词或名词所有格即构成-ing 的复合结构。其中的物主代词或名词所有格为-ing 的逻辑主语。这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,如: Your smoking and drinking too much will do harm to your health.四。 -

12、ing 形式与动词不定式在句中作主语、表语、宾语时的区别 。一般说来,表示一个比较抽象或泛指的动作时多用 -ing 形式。表示一个具体某一次的动作时,多用动词不定式,如: Our job is making steel. She likes playing the piano, but she doesnt want to play it today.五。 -ing 形式与动词不定式在作宾语补足语时的区别。( 1)不定式作宾补时,其动作一般发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后,如:I have told them to come again tomorrow. ( 2)在 see,watch, he

13、ar, feel 等之后, 如果用 -ing 形式作宾补, 表示其动作正在进行中,而用不带to 的不定式作宾补时,不定式所表示的动作是一个动作的过程,如:I hear her singing in the room.我听见她正在屋里唱歌。I hear her sing in the room. 我听见她在屋里唱过歌。10. -ing形式与动词不定式在句中作状语的区别。-ing形式在句作状语表示时间、原因、方式或伴随情况,而动词不定式一般式在句中作状语时,一般是作目的或结果状语,如: Not receiving his letter, I wrote to him again./I looked into the window to see what wasgoing on inside.六。独立主格结构:有时v.-ing 和过去分词在句中也有自己的独立的主语,这种独立的主语一般为名词或代词, 和 v.-ing 还有过去分词构成独立主格结构。 该结构在句中一般只作状语。独立主格中是使用 v.-ing 还是过去分词, 则要根据它们的主语和其所表示的动作的主动或被动关系来定,如: The bell ringing, we all stopped talk


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