已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、ARTICLE 6INDEMNIFICATIONINDEMNIFICATION 用于赔偿条款或独立的赔偿协议中时指的是一个广义的过程,包括索 赔,赔偿,对赔偿的限制,救济等一切与赔偿相关的行为。 Indemnity 一词的本义是指赔偿 物,但在合同英语中,将 indemnity 与 Indemnification 不加区别地予以互换使用的情形也不 鲜见。Definitions此标题 Definition 及其下各词条应当纳入对应的定义与解释条款中,亦即合同第一条或者附 件之中。“Affiliate m”eans, with respect to any person or entity, ea

2、ch stockholder, subsidiary, officer, director, agent and employee of that person or entity.评述:“ affiliate ”一词的译法以前的课时中已经提及,不再赘述。需要提出的是:“ entity ”一词本意为机构、实体,为在中国法中为之找到对等语以便更符合法律专业人士的通常提法, 不妨译为组织”。由于在此句中entity” 一词显然与person”形成对照,可考虑分别译 为“组织”和“个人” 。译文:“关联方” ,就任何个人或组织而言,是指该个人或组织的每一股东,子公司,高 级员工,董事,代理及雇员。“

3、Claim” has the meaning assigned in Section6.09(a).“索赔”一词具有“claim ”一词在法律语境中作为名词使用时,通常表示“索赔”或者“权利主张”或者“赔 偿请求权”。Eg1: (b) Specific Assignments Prohibited. Assignments prohibited under subsection (a) include, without limitation, assignment of(i) any claim for damages arising out of the Non- assigning par

4、tys breach of thewhole contract; and(b) 特定转让的禁止。(a)款项下禁止的转让包括,但不限于下列转让:(i) 因非转让方违反整个合同引起的任何 损害赔偿请求权之转让;及译文:“索赔”一词具有第 6.09(a)项中所赋予的意义。“Indemnifiable Losses ” means the aggregate of Losses and Litigation Expenses.“Indemnifiable Losses ”是指“应赔偿损失” 。在法律英语中有很多生僻用词, 一般词典上难 以查到。由于 “Indemnifiable ”是一个明显的派生词,

5、其词根部分“ Indemnify ”的含义赔 偿一我们是知道的,问题在于其后缀有两种不同含义:一曰“可的”(如edible,可食用的);二曰“应的”(如receivables,应收款项)。依法律常识,此处应当译成“应赔偿损失”。译文:“应赔偿损失”是指累计损失及诉讼费用。“Indemnitee ” means any person who makes a claim for indemnification under this Article, and each Affiliate of the Indemnitee.译文:“受偿方”是指提起本条项下赔偿请求的任何人及其每一关联方。“Indem

6、nitor ” means any personagainst whom an Indemnitee makes a claim for indemnification under this Article.译文:“赔偿方”是指被“受偿方”提起本条项下索赔的任何人。fees, other profesLitigation Expense ” means any court filing fee, court cost, arbitration fee or cost, witness fee, and each other fee and cost of investigating and d

7、efending or asserting a claim for indemnification un der this Article, in clud ing, without limitati on, in each case, attor neys fees, and disburseme nts.评述:在英文合同中fee, cost, expense, disbursement等表示费用的近义词非常多,但汉语中 用来表示对等概念的词汇相对较少,彼此间的区分界限也不明朗。在英美法语境下,Fee通常是指政府机关或专业人士为其所提供的服务收取的费用。Cost通常指经营某项营业的成本。Ex

8、pe nse则多用来表示种花费,通常在中文中译为花费”或支出。译文:诉讼费”是指任何立案费,庭审成本,仲裁费或仲裁成本,证人费以及为调查,抗 辩或提出本条项下的某项赔偿请求而支出的每一其它费用和成本,包括但不限于为每一案件支出的律师费,聘请其它专业人士的费用和支出。Loss” means any liability, loss, claim, set tlement payment, cost and expense, interest, award, judgme nt, damages (in clud ing pun itive damages), diminu tio n in val

9、ue, fin es, fees and pen alties or other charge, other tha n a Litigati on Expe nse.译文:“损失”是指不属于“诉讼费用”的任何责任,损失,索赔,和解费,成本与花费, 利息,不利裁决或判决,损害赔偿(包括惩罚性赔偿),价值减损,罚款,费用及违约金或其它收费。“Third Party Claim” has the meaning assigned in Secti6r10 (a).译文:“第三方索赔”具有第 6.10 (a)条中赋予的含义。Section 6.01. Indemnification of Buyer

10、. Subject to the limitations set forth in Section 6.03 Survival of Represe ntati ons and Warra nties, Secti on 6.05 Basket, Section 6.06 Limitati on of Indemnity Obligation, and Section 6.07 Taxes, Seller and ParentCo. shall indemnify Buyer against all Indemnifiable Losses arising out of or relating

11、 to any one or more of the following:(a) Any material misrepresentation or breach by Seller of any representation or warranty set forth in this Agreement or any Closing Document that Seller delivered.(b) Any material breach by Seller of any covenant or other agreement set forth in this Agreeme nt or

12、 any Clos ing Docume nt that Seller delivered.(c) Seller s failure to pay or discharge any Retained Liabilities.(d) The claim (referred to in Item of Section of Seller Disclosure Schedule) |(pertaining to the action ( to hold Seller responsible for the insert the disclosed liability againstwhich Sel

13、ler will indemnify Buyer. )评述:1. 本条的标题“ Indemnification of Buyer.若不注意,译成中文时极易造成歧义。比如直译 成“买方赔偿”,则单就标题译文表达的意思而不参照下文具体内容是很难明确到底是“买 方享有的赔偿”还是“买方承担的赔偿”之意。因此,为免含混,最好是增译成“买方享有的赔偿”。2. Subject to”和“ arising out of or relating to ”是法律英语中常见的表达,前面的课程中已 有述及,不再赘述。3 Closing 的本意是指结算,但在法律语境下, “交割”一词正式程度更高,也完全涵盖了 “结算

14、”所涉及的范围,因而为多数译者采用。4有时两个动词分别应当对应不同的宾语,但起草者为了提高行文的效率或者追求语言结 构上的美感而将动词与宾语分别“编组”而非按照动词+宾语的形式来对照。此时译者应当让它们分别各归原位。本条(a)项即属于此种情形。5. ( b)项中出现了两次agreement”且含义明显不同,前者指双方达成的一致或共识, 后者指协议。6. 赔偿条款的实质是损失风险的转移。转移中必然涉及责任分担的问题。 一方无法合理转移给它方的责任在英文中往往称为“ Retained liability ”,因此,依其原意可相应地译为“保 留责任或遗留责任。在(c)项中,同一宾语Retained

15、liability 对应两个含义不尽相 同的动词pay”和discharge” “pay通常用来表示金钱的支付,而discharge则常用来表示债务的清偿。 依法律基本常识, 债务的清偿通常包括两种方式: 金钱的给付和非金钱义 务的履行。可以看出 discharge 涵盖了 pay 的词义范围,因此为避免译文中出现同语反复的 现象,在翻译时我们仅取其中词义范围涵盖相对较广的一者即可。7. (d)项中出现了一个中心词附带三个后置定语的结构。其中第一个后置定语与第二三两 个后置定语所形成的整体之间是并列关系, 但在第二三两个定语内部则是叠加关系。 第一个 后置定语语义简短, 译文中可直接将之提前。

16、 对于第二三两个定语构成 “两环相扣”的后置 定语复合结构,我们必须将之另句处理。对此种结构我们应当综合使用“分译”加“逆译” 的方法译文: 6.01. 买方享有的赔偿。 在不违反第 6.03 款声明与保证的继续效力 ,第 6.05款起赔 金额,第 6.06 款赔偿义务限制 ,及第 6.07税收之规定的前提下, “卖方”及其“母公司” 应当赔偿买方因下列一项或多项原因而起或与之相关的“应赔偿损失” :(a) “卖方”对本协议 或者卖方提供的任何“交割文件”中规定的任何声明所作的 重大不实陈述或者对本协议 或者卖方提供的任何“交割文件”中规定的任何保证的严重违反。(b) “卖方” 严重 违反“本

17、协议” (或“卖方”交付的任何“交割文件” )中规定的承诺或 各方达成的一致。(c) “卖方”未能清偿任何“保留责任” 。(d) “卖方披露时间表” 第_条第_项中提及的索赔, 该索赔与要求 “卖方” 对填入“卖方”将就之向“买方”提供赔偿的已披露责任承担责任的诉讼相关。Section 6.02. Indemnification of Seller. Subject to the limitations set forth in the Sections, if any, setting forth the contractual statute of limitations, the bas

18、ket, and cap with respect to indemnification of Seller, Buyer shall indemnify Seller and ParentCo. against all Indemnifiable Losses arising out of or relating to any one or more of the following:(a) Any material misrepresentation or breach of warranty by Buyer of any representation or warranty set f

19、orth in this Agreement or any Closing Document that Buyer delivered.(b) Any material breach by Buyer of any covenant or other agreement set forth in this Agreement or any Closing Document that Buyer delivered.(c) Buyers failure to pay or discharge any Assumed Liabilities.评述:1. 通过浏览,我们发现本段原文与前段原文结构大体

20、相似,赔偿主体的地位进行了互换。 在合同的翻译过程中,关于签约双方义务的规定中最容易出现这种结构相似的情形。在 翻译策略上,我们应当本着效率加合理谨慎的态度先将前段译文直接复制过来,然后在 对两段原文进行对比的基础上对粘贴过来的译文进行相应的修改, 以此保证翻译的高效 性与准确性兼顾 。2 Statute of limitation 是指“法定时效” ,因此 the contractual statute of limitations 也就是合 同相关的法定时效。3. “Cp”是一个初学英语的人也熟悉的单词,意为帽子,此处显然不是这个意义,参阅下文我们可以发现该词实际是赔偿限额的意思。译文:

21、6.02. 卖方享有的赔偿。在不违反就“卖方”享有的赔偿规定的合同相关法定时效,起赔点及赔偿限额条款(如果有) 所设限制的前提下, “买方”应当赔偿“卖方”及其“母 公司”因下列一项或多项原因而起或与之相关的“应赔偿损失”:(a) “买方”对本协议 或者卖方提供的任何“交割文件”中规定的任何声明所作的重大不实陈述或者对本协议 或者卖方提供的任何“交割文件”中规定的任何保证的严重违反。(b) “买方” 严重 违反“本协议” (或“卖方”交付的任何“交割文件” )中规定的承诺或 各方达成的一致。(c) “买方”未能清偿任何“保留责任” 。Section 6.03. Survival of Repr

22、esentations and Warranties. Except as otherwise provided, the representations and warranties contained in Article insert the number of the Article containing Seller respresentations and warranties survive the Closing Date to and including the day immediately preceding the second anniversary of the C

23、losing Date; except that(a) the representations and warranties contained in Section insert the number of the Section that sets forth the representation and warranty concerning taxes survive the Closing Date to and including the 60th day after the expiration of the applicable statutes of limitation f

24、or the assessment of Taxes;(b) if any representation or warranty contained in Article insert the number of the Article containing Seller s representations and warranties is fraudulently given, it survivtehse Closing Date for an unlimited period of time; and(c) any representation or warranty that is

25、the subject of a claim or action survives until either(i) the claim is resolved or the action is final (including any appeals); or(ii) payment in respect of any claim or action, if any is owing, is paid, but only if the party asserting the claim or prosecuting the action gives notice pursuant to Sec

26、tion 6.评述:1. Survival 的本意是“幸存者” ,在法律语境中表示“继续有效” ,其本意反而罕见使用。 该词常见于杂项条款中,用于表示合同的特定条款于协议期满或终止后继续有效。本段 中是指在“交割”之后的一段特定时间内继续有效。2. “to and including ”是一个法律英文中经常用来明确特定时间或空间或数量范围的上限或下限的复合介词短语,相当于汉语中的“至止(含)”3. immediate”在法律用语中常用于三种含义:(1) . 直接的(与 consequential 互为反义词) eg. immediate beneficiary 直接受益人,immediate

27、con seque nee直接后果;(2) .流动的,eg: immediate assets 流动资产,immediate liability 流动负债(3) . 最近的,即期的, eg. immedite funds 即期资金, immediate transportation entry 途中报关进口。本段原文中使用的是其第三种含义, 但为副词形式。 Immediately preceding to 意即“离 最近的”4. (a)项中的assessment of Taxes是一个专业术语,意为税额评定”,税额评估”。译文:6.03声明与保证的继续效力。除本协议另有规定外,第填入包含卖方声

28、明与保证的条款编号条中的声明与保证于“交割日”之时起直至其后届满两年的前一日(含)期间 继续有效,但是: 第填入规定税收相关声明与保证的条款之编号条中的声明与保证于“交割日”之时起直至相关税额评定的法定时效届满后第六十日(含)期间继续有效;Section 6.04. Right to Rely Despite Investigation. Buyer is entitled to rely fully upon the representations, warranties, and covenants of Seller set forth in this Agreement and upo

29、n the accuracy of any document, certificate, Exhibit or Schedule Transaction Document given or delivered to Buyer contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement or at the Closing, despite in each in sta nee,(a)any right of Buyer to investigate fully the affairs of Seller; and(b)any kno wledg

30、e of facts determ ined or determ in able by Buyer pursua nt to its in vestigati on or right of in vestigati on.评述:1. Right to Rely Despite InvestigationRight to Rely即Right of Relianee (信赖权),在合同中是指一方有权以另一方在“声明、保证与承诺”条款中所作的相关声明、 保证与承诺为基础来展开自己的履行,若因此受到损失或损害,则另一方应当予以赔偿。这一机制在英美法上也称“信赖保护”原则。Despite Invest

31、igation意思是“无论是否进行调查”或者说是指“无论调查结果如何”,但是,若这一表达与前面的right to rely (信赖权)结合起来,则此条的整个标题译文为“无论 是否进行调查的信赖权”或者“无论调查结果如何的信赖权”,显得繁冗拖沓,应当予以简化,可考虑译为“无需调查的信赖权”,既然调查与否或者调查结果都不重要,那么将之简化为“无需调查”应当是准确的。2. Con tempora neously with此短语意思是“ Originating, existing, or happening during the same period of time ” 即“同 一时期产生,存在或发

32、生的” ,与“ at the same time as ”或者 “simultaneously with 含义相 同,不过合同英语或者法律英语中,律师们更喜欢使用contemporaneously with这一表达而已,就意义上来讲其实并无实质区别,至多在风格上显得更显庄重而已。因此, contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement 可译为 “本协议签署之时” 。值得注意的是 con tempora neously with the executi on of this Agreeme nt or at the Clos ing 不

33、 能依原文译成“本协议签署或交割之时”,因为极易引起歧义,读者可能误解为“本协议签署之时或本协议交割之时”,依据常识,“协议”不存在“交割”的问题,合同起草者的 意思是“本协议”项下的交易交割之时,因此,在翻译时应当进行增译,把起草者默示的含 义译出来。3. despite in each instanee此短语的意思是:无论在每一情形下。按中文的思维逻辑,我们通常会先陈述条件,后陈述结果。而英文的思维逻辑则是将最核心的意思放在前面,然后再陈述限定该核心内容的条件,原因等。若译者更注重符合中文读者的习惯,则全条可按如下语序翻译:译文1: 6.04.无需调查的信赖权。无论在每一特定情形下(a)

34、“买方”是否享有全面调查“卖方”事务的权利;以及(b) “买方”是否已经根据其调查结果获知了任何已经确定的事实或已经通过行使其调查权 获知了可以确定的事实,“买方”均有权完全信赖“卖方”在本协议中所作声明,保证和承诺以及在“本协议”签署 之时或“本协议”项下交易“交割”之时交付给“买方”的任何文件,证明,附件或附表的准确性。若译者更希望能在形式上与原文保持一致,则全条可按原文语序译为: 译文2: 6.04.无需调查的信赖权。“买方”有权完全信赖“卖方”在本协议中所作声明,保 证和承诺以及在“本协议”签署之时或“本协议”项下交易“交割”之时交付给“买方”的 任何文件,证明,附件或附表的准确性,而

35、无论在上述每一情形下(a) “买方”是否享有全面调查“卖方”事务的权利;以及(b) “买方”是否已经根据其调查结果获知了任何已经确定的事实或已经通过行使其调查权 获知了可以确定的事实。Section 6.05. Basket. Buyer is entitled to seek indemnification under this Article only when the aggregate of its Indemnifiable Losses exceeds $, in which case Seller and ParentCo. shallin dem nify Buyer purs

36、ua nt to this Article from the first dollar of the Indemni fiable Losses.评述:1. Basket在合同或法律文件的翻译中,限于译者个人的知识范围以及两大法系制度或者文化的差 异(如barrister和solicitor的译法),难免会遇到一些无法查证的专业术语。此时,一条可 行的途径即为参照该术语出现的语境来获得启发,从而从中国法中找出对应的或大致对应的术语。如本条中的 Basket 一词的本义是“篮子”,查遍字典也未见与法律语境相关的含义, 但通过阅读该标题项下的具体条文,发现条文大意是说“买方”对金额超过一定数量的“

37、应赔偿损失”享有求偿权。由此,我们得到启发,该条文的核心意思其实是规定一个赔偿的起 点金额,这样我们可以考虑把basket译成“起赔金额”或者“起赔点”。虽然该译文还谈不上是中国法上的专业术语,但也没有更好的, 更简练的对等语能够传达原文的意思,这也是法律英文的译者不时可能面对的窘境之一。2. AggregateAggregate多作形容词使用,意思是与total相同,但本条中显然作名词使用,指“累计金额”。3. 在翻译时,本条中的前半句应当作语序调整,其理由参见第6.04条的“评述” 3。4. From the first dollar此短语的字面意思为“自第一块美元起”,结合原文,该条的后

38、半句可译为:“卖方”及其母公司应当根据本条规定向买方全额赔偿“应赔偿损失”。译文中将“自第一块美元起”这种口语化的表达替换成了 “全额赔偿”这一相对正式的表达,以适合法律语言“正式”、“简练”的语风。译文:6.05.起赔金额。仅在“应赔偿损失”累计金额超过 $时,“买方”方有权寻求本条项下的赔偿。此时,“卖方”及其母公司应当根据本条规定向买方全额赔偿“应赔偿损失”。Section 6.06. Limitation of Indemnity Obligations. The aggregate obligations of Seller and Pare ntCo. un der this Ar

39、ticle are limited to $, except that the obligati ons are un limitedwith respect to any Indemni fiable Loss aris ing out of or relat ing to fraud or willful misc on duct by Seller or Pare ntCo.评述:1. Limitation of Indemn ity Obligati ons 直译过来是指赔偿义务的限制” 。就赔偿义务”而言,可能包括金钱的给付,也可能是指非金钱义务的作为或者不作为。具体本条的规定,起草

40、者的意图明显是指赔偿金额,“are limited to $, ”中的美元符号可资为证。因此,不妨将标题译为“赔偿限额”,与“赔偿义务限制”的译文比较起来显得简单明了。2. fraud or willful misc on ductFraud是指欺诈行为,这一点没有疑义。Misconduct则有很多译法,“不当行为”有之,“不法行为”有之,“过失行为”有之,在刑法语境下还有“渎职”之义。考虑到前面的willful(故意的)这一限定词,“过失行为”显然是不妥的,“故意”和“过失”是相对的概念,“故 意的过失行为”本身是矛盾的。其次,“不法行为”在英文中对应的表达通常是 illegal (unla

41、wful) act/practice,或者 malfeasanee,因此,willful misconduct 最好译为“故意的不当行为” 。3. Except thatExcept that 同 provided (however) that, Un less and un til , Save 一样,都是法律英语中的“除 外条款”或“但书”标记,在翻译时要特别注意它们所引起的句子在译文中的位置,否则, 很容易导致译文不符合中文的语言习惯。这些短语的详细用法将在本课程的后文中作专题讨论。4. Obligati on with respect to 后半句中的“ obligation ”显然是

42、指“赔偿义务”,而with respect to这短语介词所引导的部 分是全句的状语,是对“赔偿义务不受限制”的范围的限定,换言之,即在何种范围内该赔 偿义务不受限制。基于此种理解,后半句可译为:就与“卖方”或其“母公司”之欺诈行为 或故意不当行为引起的任何“应赔偿损失”而言,其赔偿义务将不受限制。但是,此处也可 以将以“Indemnifiable Losses为中心的名词结构在译文中转换为动词结构,转换后不仅原文的意思不发生变化,而且译文会更加流畅易懂:若任何“应赔偿损失”系由“卖方”或其母 公司之欺诈或故意不当行为引起或与之有关,则上述赔偿将不受限制。译文1:6.06.赔偿限额。“卖方”及

43、其母公司在本条项下的赔偿金额以$ 为限,但是,就与“卖方”或其“母公司”之欺诈行为或故意不当行为引起的任何“应赔偿损失”而言,该赔 偿金额将不受限制。译文2:6.06.赔偿限额。“卖方”及其母公司在本条项下的赔偿金额以$ 为限,但是,若任何“应赔偿损失”系由“卖方”或其母公司之欺诈或故意不当行为引起或与之有关,则该赔 偿金额将不受限制。Secti on 6.07. Taxes.(a) Net Tax Ben efit Payme nt. If an Indemn itor is liable to an Indemn itee un der this Article, the Indemn i

44、tee shall pay the Indemn itor an amount equal to the value of any net Tax ben efit that the Indemn itee actually realized and used to reduce its otherwise payable Taxes.(b) Purchase Price Adjustme nt. For purposes of determ ining the net Tax ben efit of any payme nt to Seller, the payment is presume

45、d to be a Purchase Price adjustment rather than constituting taxable income to Seller, unless Buyer provides Seller an opinion of nationally recognized tax counsel that the payment should not be treated as a purchase price adjustment for federal income tax purposes.(c) Entitlement to a Gross-Up. An

46、Indemnitor shall increase its payment to an Indemnitee by the amount calculated pursuant to subsection (d) if(i) the Indemnitor is obligated to make a payment to an Indemnitee pursuant to this Article; and(ii) there is an increase to the tax liability of the Indemnitee as a result of(A) an Indemnifi

47、able Loss; or(B) its receipt of a payment pursuant to this Article.(d) The Amount of the Gross-Up. The Indemnitor shall increase the payment to the Indemnitee so that(i) the amount of the payment, including any increase, minus(ii) the amount of all taxes payable with respect to its receipt (but taki

48、ng into account all correlative tax benefits resulting from an Indemnifiable Loss and its payment);equals the amount of the payment that the Indemnitee is otherwise entitled to receive pursuant to this Article.Section 6.07. Taxes.(a) Net Tax Benefit Payment. If an Indemnitor is liable to an Indemnit

49、ee under this Article, the Indemnitee shall pay the Indemnitor an amount equal to the value of any net Tax benefit that the Indemnitee actually realized and used to reduce its otherwise payable Taxes.6.07. 税款(a) 净税项收益的支付。若依本条规定某赔偿人对某受偿人负有赔偿责任,则该受偿人应当 向赔偿人支付与受偿人应交未交的净税项收益等额的款项。(b) Purchase Price Adju

50、stment. For purposes of determining the net Tax benefit of any payment to Seller, the payment is presumed to be a Purchase Price adjustment rather than constituting taxable income to Seller, unless Buyer provides Seller an opinion of nationally recognized tax counsel that the payment should not be t

51、reated as a purchase price adjustment for federal income tax purposes.购买价格的调整。 在确定任何支付给卖方款项之净税项收益时, 该付款应当视为卖方对购买 价格的调整而非卖方的应纳税所得, 但是, 若买方向卖方提供一份由全国公认的税务顾问出 具的意见书 ,且该意见书表明,不得为了规避联邦所得税之目的而将上述款项视为购买价格 调整,则不得适用前述规定。(c) Entitlement to a Gross-Up. An Indemnitor shall increase its payment to an Indemnitee

52、by the amount calculated pursuant to subsection (d) if 返计还原权。下列情形下,赔偿方应当对根据(d) 款规定计算出的,应赔偿给受偿方的款项予以增加:(i) the Indemnitor is obligated to make a payment to an Indemnitee pursuant to this Article; and(i) 赔偿方依本条规定对受偿方负有赔偿义务;且(ii) there is an increase to the tax liability of the Indemnitee as a result o

53、f(ii) 下列事件导致受偿方的纳税义务增加:(A) an Indemnifiable Loss; or 应赔偿损失的出现;或者(B) its receipt of a payment pursuant to this Article. 受偿方收悉本条规定项下的付(d) The Amount of the Gross-Up. The Indemnitor shall increase the payment to the Indemniteeso that返计还原金额。赔偿方应当增加其支付给受偿方的款项之金额,以使得(i) the amount of the payment, includin

54、g any increase, minus 该等付款金额(包括任何增 加额)减去(ii) the amount of all taxes payable with respect to its receipt (but taking into account all correlative tax benefits resulting from an Indemnifiable Loss and its payment); 所收悉的款 项(应当将 “应赔偿损失” 及其支付所产生的相关税收利益计算在内)之全部应纳税额 后,所得差值equals the amount of the payment

55、that the Indemnitee is otherwise entitled to receive pursuant to this Article. 等于受偿方依本条规定(若无需纳税)本应获得的付款金额。Section 6.08. Exclusivity. The rights and remedies set forth in this Article constitute the exclusive rights and remedies of Seller, ParentCo., Buyer and Buyer Asffiliates in respect of the matt

56、ers indemnified under Sections 6.01 and 6.02. 唯一性。本条所规定的权利和救济构成卖方及其母 公司,买方及其关联方就第 6.01 条和第 6.02 条项下赔偿事宜可得享有的唯一权利和救济。Section 6.09. Non-Third Party Claims. 非第三方索赔(a) Indemnitee to Give Notice of Claim. An Indemnitee shall notify each Indemnitor in writing,and with reasonable promptness, of any claim t

57、hat does not involve a Third Party Claim (a “Claim ”受)偿. 方发出索赔通知。 受偿方应当就每一起与第三方索赔无关的任何索赔 (以下称 “索赔”)书面通知每一赔偿人。(b) Ramification of Indemnitees Failure toTDimeleivlyerNotice. It is a condition precedent toan Indemnitor s obligation to indemnify an Indemnitee with respect to a Claim that the Indemnitee perform its obligations under subsections (a) and (c). However, failure to satisfy the condition precedent relieves an Indemnitor of its obligation to indemnify with respect to a Claim only to the extent that the Indemnitor actually has been prejudiced by the Indemnitees failure to give notias


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