五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 9 (Story Time)教案 广州版_第1页
五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 9 (Story Time)教案 广州版_第2页
五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 9 (Story Time)教案 广州版_第3页
五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 9 (Story Time)教案 广州版_第4页




1、广州市小学英语五年级上册 Module 3 PlantsUnit 9 lets go further (Story Time) 一、教学内容分析:本节课的教学内容是Module 3 Unit 9 (Story Time),讲述的是龟兔的第二次赛跑,学生在unit7和unit8中已经学过了adj.和adv.的比较级,所以对本节课的语言知识有一定的了解。通过本故事的学习,学生对比较句的表达能进一步的提高,并通过学生们对龟兔赛跑的三次比赛结果,增强了学生们合作学习、互相帮助的团队精神,使学生更应该努力学习。二、教学对象分析:本班的学生对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,具有一定的英语语感和学习习惯。他们对新知识

2、的接受能力较强,但仍有部分学生对英语的使用和交流的能力较弱,因此,教师通过对故事的教学,分层次由浅入深,使每一层次的学生都能运用自己的语言知识去表达,并创设一定的台阶,通过探究学习,让高一层次的学生得到更好的发展。三、教学目标:1.语言知识(1) 掌握比较级句型:who runs faster?(2) 加强学生正确朗读故事对话的能力。(3) 发展用英语讲故事的能力。2.语言技能:通过图片发展学生阅读故事及口头表达语言的能力。3.情感态度:通过故事的学习,使学生学会合作学习,克服困难,努力达到目标。4.学习策略:(1) 培养学生自主,合作学习。(2) 培养学生的预测力,猜测力和假设力。(3) 指

3、导学生通过观察。比较,形成良好的学习习惯。四、教学重点:比较句的正确使用和表达。五、教学难点比较句的正确使用和表达。六、教学媒体:图片,多媒体七、教学过程ProcedureTeaching stepsTeachers activitiesPupils activitiesPurpose1.Leading1. Song2. chant3. Greeting1. song 2. chant3. Greeting1. Sing the song2. Chant the rhymeCreate pls interest2.Pre-task1.Review the comparative sentenc

4、e2.Learning objects3.1. Do the action about adj. words2. Give some pictures and words to make comparative sentences3. Give a model to chant.4. Introduce the role of the story.5. Review the first race. 1. guess the adj.2. act out and make sentence in groups.3. learn to chant4. review the first race a

5、nd try to sth. about the story.5. listen and watch the courseware.6. discuss the question1. Review the comparative.2. Review the old story.3.While-taskTelling the story about the second race.1. play the CAI2. tell the story with pictures.3. look at the pictures and try to tell the story with the pup

6、ils.4. let the pupils watch CAI5. check out 1. listen and watch CAI2. listen to the teacher.3. try to say sth. with the teacher.4. answer the questions.5. read the story.1. To cultivate Pls ability of listening, speaking and obverting.2. To make reading more enjoyable.4.Post-taskDevelopment and expa

7、nding1. listen and check out2. give some assessment3. Let pupils to think and create the third race.4. sum up 1. read the story in role.2. act out the story.3. think and create the third race.1. To develop their oral skill2. Develop pupils creative ability.5.HomeworkMake up the new story.课后反思 优点:1 本节课的教学环节比较连贯,通过龟兔赛跑的三个回合,由浅入深,指导学


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