



1、;.Unit1 Main Task参考教案一、教学课题:Main Task二、教学内容:1. To plan ideas for writing2. To learn the proper and easy ways to write something;3. To write a description of the appearance and personality of a friend.三、教学目标:1. To plan ideas for personal writing 2. To write a description of the appearance and persona

2、lity of a friend 3. To write for an audience 4. To write for a newspaper competition using appropriate register 5. To develop an understanding of the structure of the letter: introduction, main body and conclusion四、教学重点难点:A级单 词 1. smiling 2. pleasant 3. wear词 组 1. live next door 2. wear a smiling on

3、 her face 句 子 1. She lives next door ( to me ). 2. The smiling eyes make her really pretty and kind. 3. She always wears a smile on her face. 4. She likes to work with children.B级单 词 1. general 2. appearance 3. ability句 子 1. We have been friends for almost ten years.五、背景材料 Each main task requires st

4、udents to use a range of skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in order to produce a final product. It also further develops the main theme of the unitwriting an article about a friend for a newspaper competition. Students have a chance to look at Daniels notes and his article about his

5、best friend. Explain that this is a specific genre which is different form ordinary letters or stories. Students need to understand the purpose of the article and the audience they are writing for. Emphasize the fact that this article is for a competition in a magazine and will be read by the teenag

6、e readers of the magazine who will make their choice of the best friend based on the qualities described in the article. 六、教具:1.小黑板2. 录音机 / 卡片 / 投影仪七、课型:New lesson八、教学过程:Five finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习In this unit, we have learnt a lot about how to describe our best friends. Show

7、 three photos of Betty, Max and May. Ask some students to describe them. Revise some useful words and expressions. Ask: What aspects can we talk about from when we talk about our best friends?Whats his/her name?Whats he/she like?Whats his/her quality of a good friend (personality)?What does he/she l

8、ike doing?What would he/she like to do in the future?Please keep them in your mind. We will talk about them step by step.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现1. Explain the context of entering a writing competition of a teenage magazine. If possible, find out about similar writing or drawing competitions in ma

9、gazines or newspapers, and show them to the students. 2. Ask students to look at Daniels notes in Part A. for weaker classes, read the words students and explain the meanings of difficult words. Ask some students to read the words to check for correct pronunciation. 3. Remind students that when we t

10、ake notes we do not need to write in complete sentenceswe just need to write down the keywords. 4. For less able students, tell them to look back at Daniels list and underline the adjectives which can be included in their own writing to describe their best friends. 5. Encourage students to use a var

11、iety of adjectives to avoid repetition. Remind them of the adjectives they have learned in this unit. Allow them to go through the pages of the unit to look for suitable vocabulary. Go around the classroom to offer help with spelling. 6. Ask students to read Daniels article in Part C on their own. T

12、hen ask general questions to check comprehension, e.g., Who is Daniels best friend? Where does she live? What does she look like? Whats she like? What would she like to be when she grows up? 7. Ask students to underline the adjectives in the article. 8. Ask students to identify the four paragraphs i

13、n the article. Help them identify the purpose of each paragraph. Then focus on the layout of the article, e.g., introduction, main body and conclusion. Ask stronger classes to write a heading for each paragraph. 9. Make sure that students are aware of the use of pronouns, which help link different i

14、deas and sentences together and avoid repetition of names. 10. Ask students to write a rough draft using their notes in Part B, Daniels article as a model and the plan in Part D. 11. In pairs, students read, check and correct their partners drafts. Encourage more able students to comment on their pa

15、rtners drafts. Go around the class to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes and to suggest improvements in the use of words and structures. 12. Ask students to rewrite their articles on a separate sheet of paper. Encourage students to add illustrations or photos of their best friends to make the

16、ir articles more attractive. 13. Ask volunteers to read out their articles in class. Display the articles in the classroom.Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固Phrases and sentencesNow we have these words. Is it enough to write a passage? No. So we still need some phrases and sentences structures. Try to find

17、the phrases and sentences Daniel used in his passage.IV. Paragraphs1. ElicitOK. Im going to write about my good friend. is my best friend. (put these phrases and sentences together randomly)(ask for their opinion about this passage)So the structure of a passage is very important. 2. Ask Ss to find o

18、ut the structure of the passage by themselves. T can help them when needed. IntroductionBody(appearancepersonality and ability)Conclusion(hobbies and future plans)Go back to the beginning of this class.Have we learnt how to write about these in this unit? Can you remember what we talked about at the

19、 beginning of this class?Whats his/her name?Whats he/she like?Whats his/her quality of a good friend (personality)?What does he/she like doing?What would he/she like to do in the future?Are you ready to write about your good friends? Lets have a try. (They can talk about sb in the class in groups fi

20、rst. In this way, the weak students will know what to write and how to write it.)Writing and checkingAfter they finish writing, use some of their passages as a model. Show them to the whole class and ask the other students to find out the good points in each passage. After talking about some passages, ask them to rewrite their passages to make th


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