1、Electronic Teaching Portfolio Book FourUnit Seven: Reading and ReflectionPart I Get StartedSection A Discussion Sit in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions.1 Why do you think we need to read?2 What do you prefer to read poems, novels or plays?3 What role do you think literary works pl
2、ay in our lives? Answers for reference:1 Hints:l Reading broadens our horizons.l Reading enriches our knowledge.l Reading puts us in contact with the best minds of human history.l Reading enriches our experience.l Reading empowers us with knowledge.l Reading improves our character and taste.l Readin
3、g is a good pastime.2 Some hints: a) Different people read literature for different reasons and purposes because of their different backgrounds, tastes, experiences and educational background. b) Those who prefer reading novels may think novels are more interesting and easier to read probably becaus
4、e novels usually have plots. They can take readers to other places and times, real or imaginary, allowing them to meet people and experience life in many different ways. A good novel makes readers think, laugh, cry or wonder. 3 Reference: Literary works play an important role in our life. They can b
5、roaden our horizons. They help us experience a kind of life which we cannot have in real life. They help us see the things which we tend to ignore in our daily life. They can also help us escape from reality.Section B Quotes Study the following quotes about reading and reflection and discuss in pair
6、s what you can learn from them. Francis BaconSome books are to be tasted; others to be swallowed; and some few to be chewed and digested. Francis BaconInterpretation:There are different ways of reading books. To taste a book, one can read it in a state of relaxation. To swallow a book one can glide
7、his eyes across the lines of a book. To chew or digest a book one should read it actively. And when he has finished reading a book, the pages are filled with his notes. Only when good books are chewed and digested can they have a lasting influence on ones life.About Francis Bacon (1561-1626): an Eng
8、lish politician, philosopher, and writer. Francis Bacon graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge. He was the founder of English materialist philosophy, as well as of modern science in England. He is especially famous for his Essays, in which his practical wisdom is shown through his reflections and
9、 comments on rather abstract subjects. Benjamin Franklin Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. Benjamin FranklinInterpretation:Reading broadens our horizons, molds our temperament and enlightens our minds. Reading provides us with the possibility of opening ours
10、elves up to the world, which helps us to become learned and knowledgeable persons. Thinking deeply helps us gain an insight into human life. Having scholarly conversations with others helps us become wiser.About Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790): a US politician, writer, and scientist. He was involved i
11、n writing two historically significant documents, the Declaration of Independence (独立宣言) and the Constitution of the United States (美国宪法). He is famous for proving that lightning is a form of electricity by doing a scientific test in which he flew a kite during a storm, and he invented the lightning
12、 conductor. He is also well known for his literary works such as Poor Richards Almanac (穷理查德年鉴1732-1757;亦译作格言历书、穷理查历书) and Autobiography (自传1790). Denis Parsons Burkitt It is better to read a little and ponder a lot than to read a lot and ponder a little. Denis Parsons BurkittInterpretation:What rea
13、lly counts is not how many books we have read but whether we spend time thinking over what we have read. So we should read selectively and reflectively. About Denis Parsons Burkitt (19111993): an accomplished British surgeon. His major contribution to medical science was the description, distributio
14、n, and ultimately, the etiology (病因学;病源论) of a pediatric (小儿科的) cancer that bears his name Burkitts lymphoma (伯基特氏淋巴瘤). Louisa May Alcott Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable. Louisa May Alcott Interpretation:Books and friends should be few but good.
15、 We should be highly selective in reading books, and our greatest pleasure in reading comes from the best books.About Louisa May Alcott (18321888): an American novelist best known as author of the novel Little Women (小妇人).Section C Watching and Discussion Watch the following video clip “Reading Real
16、ly Matters” and do the tasks that follow.Introduction of the video: Dana Gioia, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, is talking about arts education. First he mentions a problem in the United States: People are reading less and employers are facing a serious problem that their new employ
17、ees cant read and cant write. According to Dana Gioia, those people who read do exercise more and do more volunteering charity work. Then he comes to talk about how reading actually matters to a person. 1 Now fill in the note form according to what you hear. Topic: Reading Awakens Something inside t
18、he Reader1) reading increases your sense of your own personal destiny. 2) reading makes the lives of other people more real to you.In summary, reading makes you understand that other people have an inner life as complicated as your own.Reading builds a society with not only imaginative capability, i
19、ntellectual capability, but compassion, and humanity.2 Discuss the following questions.Do you agree that Chinese people are reading less?Do you think modern technology has influenced the way people read?Open. Script: Americans are reading less. Because they read less, they read less well. Because th
20、ey read less well, they do less well in the educational system. We are in the process in the United States of producing the first generation in our history thats less well-educated than their parents. Now, I mean, to me, this is, you know aan abandonment of the whole American misroutes of self impro
21、vement. Because they do less well in school, they do less well in the job market and economically. The number one problems for new employers in the United States: new employees cant read, new employees cant write. And in fact, for those people who cant even read above the basic level, 55% of those p
22、eople end up unemployed. And even on a further level, they overwhelmingly are like, you know, are more likely to end up in the criminal justice system. Only 3% of the people in U.S. prisons read at a proficiency level. Because they read less well, you know, because in a sense they dont develop these
23、 things, they are also less likely to be engaged in personal positive behavior however you wanna measure it. We can measure it many different ways. You would not think it, but it is overwhelmingly demonstrable: that people that read exercise more; people that read join, play sports more. They belong
24、 to civic organizations more. They do volunteering charity work nearly 4 times the level of non-readers. Well, when I saw these data, I said, well, wait. We have to be measuring something else. Were measuring income, and were measuring education. If you take the poorest people in the United States w
25、ho read, they do volunteering charity work at twice the level of people who dont read. So what does it say to us? It says something we know, each of us knows this: when you read, when youre engaged in the arts, it awakens something inside of you. That does two things: the first is that it increases
26、your sense of your own personal destiny. But, secondly, it makes the lives of other people more real to you. It creates a heightened sense of yourself as an individual, but it also brings you, maybe, especially when youre reading novels or imagining the literature in which you follow the stories, th
27、e lives of the people in the dailiness of their existence, socially, economically. Maybe understanding, a man understanding how a woman thinks, and a man understanding how a man thinks, a person understanding how somebody from a different country, from a different race thinks and feels. This imagina
28、tive exercises, this meditative exercise, makes you understand that other people have an inner life as complicated as your own. And so, if you have a society, in which tens of millions of people guided by pleasure no less, undertake these types of contemplations and meditations, you have a society w
29、hich builds not only its imaginative capability, its intellectual capability, but its compassion, and its humanity. Part II Listen and RespondSection A Word Bankcontend vt. claim; say or state strongly正式声称,断言,主张purchase n. fml the act of buying 正式购买,采购prelude n. sth. that is followed by sth. larger
30、or more important 开端,序幕,前奏indispensable a. too important or too useful to be without 必需的,必不可少的fundamental a. basic 基本的,根本的,基础的Section B Task One: Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the information contained in the listening passage. 1 Wha
31、t does the speaker mean by efficient reading or reading efficiently? A) Reading a book for pleasure.B) Writing between lines while reading.C) Remembering the authors thoughts.D) Scanning a book for facts.2 What is the advantage of marking up a book according to the speaker? A) Marking up a book help
32、s readers take in the brilliant ideas in the book.B) Marking up a book enables readers to know what they read.C) Marking up a book makes readers feel like the owner of the book.D) Marking up a book makes readers conscious of the fact that they are reading actively.3 What is the true sense of owning
33、a book? A) Marking it through active reading.B) Purchasing it with ones own money.C) Writing ones name on it.D) Understanding every word in it.4 How do people read books for pleasure? A) They read them consciously.B) They read them in a state of relaxation.C) They read them passively.D) They read th
34、em actively.5 How do people know they have read actively when they finish reading a book? A) They establish a relationship with the author.B) They gain possession of the book.C) The pages are full of their notes.D) Their spoken language has been improved.Key:1) B 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) CSection C Task Tw
35、o: Zooming In on the Details Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading it? First, it keeps you 1) _. And I dont mean merely 2) _; I mean wide awake. In the second place, reading, if it is 3) _, is t
36、hinking, and thinking tends to 4) _ itself in words, spoken or written. The marked book is usually the thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the 5) _ you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.If reading is to 6) _ anything more than passing time, it must be active. You cant l
37、et your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an 7) _ of what you have read. The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state of 8) _ and nothing is lost. But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that 9) _ and tries to answer fundamental questions, 10) _ the most act
38、ive reading. When youve finished reading a book, and the pages are filled with your notes, you know that you read actively. Answers:1) awake 2) conscious 3) active 4) express5) thoughts6) accomplish 7) understanding8) relaxation9) raises 10) demands Script:Reading EfficientlyYou know you have to rea
39、d “between the lines” to get the most out of anything. I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading, that is: “write between the lines”. Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading. I contend that marking up a book is an act of
40、 love.There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the bes
41、t way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it.Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading? First, it keeps you awake. And I dont mean merely conscious; I mean wide awake. In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken
42、 or written. The marked book is usually the thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it must be active. You cant let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and
43、 come up with an understanding of what you have read. The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation and nothing is lost. But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that raises and tries to answer fundamental questions, demands the most active reading. When youve finish
44、ed reading a book, and the pages are filled with your notes, you know that you read actively.Part III Read and ExploreText A Section A Discovering the Main IdeasExercise 1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A. 1 What is the difference between the lives of those who
45、 read and those who do not?2 Can reading newspapers be categorized as reading? Why or why not?3 What is the art of reading according to the author?4 What does the author think of “the taste for reading”?5 Can people benefit from reading the same books at different ages? Why or why not? Answers for r
46、eference:1 According to the author, those who do not read are just like prisoners confined to their immediate world in respect to time and space. Their life falls into a set of routines and they see only what happens in their immediate neighbourhood with few friends and acquaintances to communicate
47、with. In contrast, those who read have the privilege to escape temporarily from the present world and enter a different country or a different age as soon as they pick up a book. Good books put them in touch with the best minds in history and they are always carried away into a world of thought and
48、reflection. Books broaden their horizons and their life is never a set of dull routines.2 According to the author, reading newspapers does not belong to the category of reading because the average reader of a newspaper is mainly concerned with getting reports about events and happenings without cont
49、emplative value. The best reading does not merely offer a report of events, but is able to lead readers into a contemplative mood.3 According to the author, only reading with the object of enriching ones charm and flavor can be called an art. The charm here is not related to ones physical appearance
50、, but ones inner aura of elegance which can only be acquired through reading. And flavor here refers to the flavor in speech, and its cultivation entirely depends on ones way of reading.4 The author thinks that taste is the key to all reading and is individual and selective. Each person has his own
51、taste in the kinds of books he enjoys reading. Forcing one to read books that he dislikes will achieve no positive results.5 Yes. People can benefit from reading the same book at different ages and get different flavors out of it. According to the author, people at different ages should read differe
52、nt kinds of books and good books can be read more than once at different ages.Exercise 2 Text A can be divided into four parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.PartParagraph(s)Main IdeaOne1-3Two4-5Three 6-8Four9 Answers for referenc
53、e:PartParagraph(s)Main IdeaOne1-3The benefits of reading can be seen from such comparison: Nonreaders are imprisoned in their immediate world, while readers can travel freely in their mind to different countries or different ages. And the best reading leads readers into a contemplative mood, not mer
54、ely occupied with the report of events.Two4-5The object of reading is to cultivate personal charm of appearance and flavor in speech, not to “improve ones mind”, which kills the joy of reading and forces one to read with a sense of obligation. Three6-8The key to all reading lies in taste, which is s
55、elective and individual. No one should be forced to read books against his own will and there is no book that one absolutely must read. It is wise to read books that meet the development of ones intellectual interest. Four9Benefit from reading relies on the contributions of both the author and the r
56、eader. The profit will be greater if one is lucky enough to find his favourite author.Section B In-depth StudyIn the following text, Lin Yutang, the Chinese writer, translator, linguist and inventor, shares with us his insight into reading as an art. He not only addresses such questions as why to re
57、ad, what to read, and when to read, but also convinces us of the beauty and benefits of reading as an art.The Art of ReadingLin Yutang1 Reading or the enjoyment of books has always been regarded among the charms of a cultured life and is respected and envied by those who rarely give themselves that privilege. This is easy to understand when we compare the difference between the life of a man who does no reading and that of a man who does.2 The man who has not the habit of reading is imprisoned in his immediate world, in respect
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