1、 5 结 语 采用模块化建模思想 , 结合试验建立了燃机各部 件的静态模型以及控制系统和燃料伺服机构的动态模 型 。在 Simulink 平台上构建了系统整体仿真模型并 进行仿真计算 。通过仿真结果与试验数据的对比 , 表 明了模型建模的正确性和有效性 。该模型可用于控制 系统的改进 、 实时仿真以其动态特性分析等多方面 。 参 考 文 献 1 倪维斗 ,徐向东 ,李政 ,等 . 热动力系统建模与控制的若干 问题 M . 科学出版社 ,1996. 2 潘蕾 ,杨瑜文 , 林中达 . 重型单轴燃气轮机发电机组的综 合动力学建模方法的研究 J . 燃气轮机技术 , 2002 , 22 (5 . 3
2、 潘蕾 ,杨瑜文 , 林中达 . 重型单轴燃气轮机发电机组机理 灰箱型建模法的研究 J . 燃气轮机技术 ,2003 ,16 ( 4 . 4 王松岭 ,张学镭 ,陈海平 ,等 . 基于相似定律外推压气机通 用特性曲线的方法 J . 动力工程 ,2007 ,27 ( 2 . 5 张学镭 ,王松岭 , 等 . 基于基元叶栅法的轴流压气机变工 况性能计算模型 J . 热能动力工程 ,2006 ,21 (2 . 6 李政 ,王德慧 , 倪维斗 . 考虑冷却空气影响的大型燃气轮 机性能计算 J . 动力工程 ,2006 ,26 ( 2 . 7 林汝谋 ,金红光 . 燃气轮机发电动力装置及应用 M . 中
3、 国电力出版社 ,2004. 8 潘蕾 ,杨瑜文 , 林中达 . 燃气轮机双燃料伺服系统动态数 学模型的研究 J . 动力工程 ,2001 ,21 ( 3 . ( 下转第 38 页 图8 甩负荷模型验证 25 热力发电 ,2005 ,34 ( 6 :527. 2 阎维平 , 梁秀俊 , 等 . 300 MW 燃煤电站锅炉积灰结渣计 20 ( 9 :84288. 3 周俊虎 , 赵晓辉 , 等 . 神华煤结渣倾向和结渣机制研究 J . 中国电机工程学报 ,2007 ,27 ( 8 :31236. 算机在线监测与优化吹灰 J . 中国电机工程学报 ,2000 , TEST STUDY ON POL
4、L UTION BEHAVIOR OF HEATING SURFACE IN BOIL ERS BURNING S HENHUA COAL OU Zong2xian ,ZHU Yu2do ng , YAN Wei2ping Nort h China Elect ric Power U niver sit y ,Baoding 071003 , Hebei Province ,PRC Abstract :Directing against t he co mparatively serious p ro blems of slagging and ash depo sition in 2 600
5、 MW boilers burning Shenhua coal in Guodian Dingzho u Power Plant ,test o n pollutio n behavior of heating surfaces in boiler no . 1 has been carried o ut . Through model for mo nitoring pollutio n on t he heating surface ,t he pollution growing behavior ,as well as upper and lower limitation of pol
6、lu2 tion on each heating surface have been monito red ,and t he blowing effectiveness of soot blowers being checked. The test data can p ro2 vide basis fo r optimizing t he soot blowing mode and for ensuring safe and eco nomic operatio n of t he boiler. Key words :boiler ; Shenhua coal ;heating surf
7、ace ; slagging and ash depo sitio n ; soot blowing ;test ( 上接第 25 页 STUDY ON INTEGRATED MOD ELL ING AND EM ULATIO N OF SINGL E SHAFT GAS TURBINE AND ITS CONTROL SYSTEM ZHAN G J un2yi1 , YU Yue2feng1 , HU So ng2 1. Shanghai J iaoto ng U niversit y ,Shanghai 200240 ,PRC 2. Yueliangwan Gas Turbine Powe
8、r Plant ,Shenzhen 518000 , Guangdo ng Province ,PRC Abstract :Adopting t he met hod of combining mechanism analysis wit h test s in t he field ,t he mat hematic model for t he singel2shaft gas t urbine p roper ,it s co nt rol system and f uel servo mechanism has been established respectively. Taking
9、 t he GE S P G 9171 E gas t urbine as an o bject ,an emulatio n of t he model established on MA TAL AB/ SIMUL IN K platfo rm has been carried o ut . Result s show t hat t he said models boast comparatively good accuracy and p racticability. Key words :gas t urbine ;modularity ;model establishment ;e
10、mulation ;cont rol ( 下接第 84 页 STRENGTH ANALYSIS OF HOT EXTRUD ED TEE2TYPE UNEQUAL2D IAMETER THREE2WAY JOINT FOR MAIN STEAM PIPEL INE OF UL TRA2SUPERCRITICAL UNIT L IU Xue1 ,L I Guo2do ng2 , YAN Ping1 ,XIN G Cang1 1. China Huadian Engineering Corporatio n L t d ,Beijing 100044 ,PRC Abstract :U sing f
11、inite element met hod ,t he st ress analysis o n inner and outer surface of Tee2type t hree2way joint s of t he main steam pipeline for ult ra2supercrical unit has been carried out ,and t he relationship between corner radius variatio n in t he t ransitio n region f ro m inner to o uter wall of t he t hree2way joint and t he st ress level of t he said t hree2way joint s being st udied ,p roviding wit h t heoritical basis for f urt her imp roving t he st ruct ure design of Tee2type t hree2way joint s. Key words : Tee2
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