



1、名胜古迹英语情景对话下面为大家带来出国旅游必备英语口语对话,欢送大家学习!名胜古迹英语情景对话1 : A:Do you know Dunhuang?A:你知道敦煌 吗?B: Yes,it's in Ga nsu Provi nee.知道,它在甘肃省。A:Is there any thi ng in terest ing in Dun hua ng?A:敦煌有什么好玩儿的 吗?B:The most famous spot of interest is Mogao Grottoes.B:最有名的名 胜是莫高窟。A:I thi nk I knew it.A:我想我知道。B:Mogao Gro

2、ttoes are really a world-fa-mous art treasury.B莫 高窟真 是举世闻名的艺术宝库。A:What are the main art works?A: 主要是什么艺术品呢 ?B:There are many murals and seulptures.B有 许多壁画和石刻。A:It must be beautiful, I want to take some pictures there.A:那一定很 漂亮,我想去那儿拍些照片。B:In order to proteet the eultural relies,tourists are not allo

3、wed to take any camera in to it.B为了保护文物,游客们是不能带任何摄影器材 进人窟内的。A: What a pity!A: 真遗憾 !名胜古迹英语情景对话 2: A:This isTian'anmen Square.A这就是天安门广场。B:What a beautiful square!B多漂亮的广场啊!A:Yes it is also the biggest square in the world.A是的,这也是世界上最大的广场。B:What's the building over there?B:那边的建筑是什么?A:lt's the

4、 Great Hall of the People.A 那是人民大会堂。B:lt's so mag nifice nt.B 太宏伟了。A:Right. You may not know that the construction of the whole thing took less tha n a year.A是 的。你也许不知道,全部建设用了不到一年的时间。B:Really? That's amazing!E真的?这简直是个奇迹!A:On the east side of the Tian'anmen Square,the building are the Mus

5、eum of History and the Museum of the Chi nese Revolutio n.A天安门东侧是历史博物馆和中国革 命博物馆。B:Let's go and have a look.B我 们去看看吧。A:OK. Let's go.A好的。我们走。A:There are so many rooms,too.A房 间也很多。B:Y es. It is said that the Palace Museum contain s,9999 rooms.B 是的。据说故宫有 9 999个房间。A:9,999 rooms? I hardly believe

6、it.A:9 999 间?我真不敢相信。B:Do you know why it's called Forbidde n city in an cie nt times?B:你知口 道古代它为什么叫紫禁城吗?A:No, I don't know.A不,我不知道。B:Because it's "forbidde n"to the com mon people.B:因为它是 禁止老 百姓人内的A:So we are lucky now.A所以我们现在很幸运。B:l thi nk so.B我也这么认为。名胜古迹英语情景对话 4: A:When were t

7、he Mogao caves dug?A莫 高窟是什么时候开凿的 ?B:The first cave was dug in the year 366 A. D.B: 第一个石窟是公元 366 年开凿的。A:A nd the n people con ti nued to dig new caves here,right?A 然后人 们就继续开凿新石窟了,对吗 ?B:That's right. These caves were dug over a period of more tha n 1 000 years through 10 dyn asties.E是卩阿。这些石窟的开凿历经

8、1 0个朝代,前后 1000多年。A:How many caves are there?A:这里有多少个石窟?B:There were already more than 1,000 caves dug by the Tang Dynasty. However, nature and human destruction have claimed a lot of them. Today,there are only 492 caves left.B到唐朝时已经有1000多个。然而,大自然和人为的损毁破坏了许多。今天只剩下 492 个。A:It's still an asto un di

9、 ng figure.A 这仍然是个了不起的数字。B:As you can see , the caves are arranged in rows,with one row on top of ano ther, formi ng a five-storey massive structure in some places.B :你们 可以看到, 石窟一排排地排列, 一排上面又有一排, 有些地方形成了 5 层楼高的结构。A:What an imposing scene!A真是壮观!B:Yes,l like it so much.B是啊,我太喜欢莫高窟了。A:Me too.A :我也是。名胜古迹英语情景对话相


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