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1、Divisio n/Departme nt: Supply Chai n Departme nt部门:物流部Job title:Raw Material Purchase Agent职位名称:原材料采购专员Reports to: Supply Chain Man ager汇报对象:物流经理Resp on sibilities :岗位职责:?Number of subord in ates :0下属人数:0? Leadership style (for man agers in charge of subord in ates only)领导风格(仅针对有下属员工的经理)?Resp on sib

2、ilities:职责:1 ? Responsible for the purchase procedure( purchase documents, price quotation,pack ing list)负贵米购流程相关事项(处理米购文件、报价、装箱单等)2. Resp on sible for the purchase order负责采购订单事宜:3. Resp on sible for the inv oice checki ng负责采购发票的核对。Con te nts of the job:工作内容:1 ? Make the purchase order:下采购订单;? for t

3、he domestic purchase (cast ing, profiles parts, subc on traded parts, cover ing plate, mould)国内订单(铸件、型材、外加工、罩壳、模具的采购订单);for the in ter natio nal purchase (fini shed pumps, mecha ni cal seal)2. Make the delivery form whe n the goods arrive, and give it to the Warehouse Keepers, the n make the QC insp

4、ection form and give it to the QC Manager5. With the Draw ing Tech ni cia n : to get the baseplate draw ing, make the prices quotatio n and makethe purchase order accord ing to this draw ing与绘图员的匚作联系:从绘图员处获取焊接底座的图纸,并根据图纸询价下订单;Work processes of the compa ny in which this positi on takes place :参与公司的各

5、项流程如下:Purchase process, stock man ageme nt process采购流程和出入货流程:Tasks :任务?Main Tasks :85%主要任务:85%型材方面报价。Kno wledge requireme nts:知识技能要求:? Degree/Experie nee : Senior High School Degree or Tech ni cal Sec on dary School Degree with one year of experie nee or less学历/经验:高中或中专技校学历,少于或等于 ?年相关经验:? Diploma :

6、No special diploma requireme nt, but an acco untant certificate and logistic assista nt certificate would be better执业证书:没有特别要求,但最好有会计上岗证、初级物流师证书;?Lan guages : Basic writte n En glish语言:具备根本的英文写作能力;?General knowledge :To know the office software 常规知识:熟练应用 Office 软件;?Tech ni cal or practical kno wledg

7、e :技术和操作技能:? To have a basic kno wledge in machi nery根底机械知识;?To have a basic knowledge in metal (different material, basic composition)根底金属材料知识 (对不同材料及根本成分有?定的认识):?To have a basic kno wledge in hydraulic pressure and tran smissi on根底的传动液压知识。Relati onal conten ts :联系相关项:? Internal & freque ncy:内部

8、联系频率1 ? With the QC Manager (twice a day)QC经理(1天2次)2. With the Supplier Developme nt Man ager (twice a week)供给商开发经理(1周2次)3. With the Supply Chai n Ma nager (4-5 times a day)物流经理1天4-5次4. With the Warehouse Keepers (at least 4 times a day)仓库管理员(1 天至少 4 次)5. With the Producti on Man ager (3-4 times a w

9、eek)生产经理1周3? 4次6. With the Tech nical & Production Director (3-4 times a week)7. 生产技术总监(1周3? 4次)编号:时间:2021年x月X日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第一 6-页共9页8. With the Drawi ng Tech ni cia n (3-4 times a week)绘图员(1周3-4次)9. With the Material & Cost Accountant (twice a week)材料本钱会计(1 周 2 次)10. With the AP &

10、AR Accountant (twice a week)应收应付会计(1 周 2 次)11 ? With the Finanee Manager (once every 2 weeks)|财务经理(2周1次)12. With the Mould QC (twice a week) 模具质检(1 周 2 次)External (& freque ncy):With the suppliers, to com muni cate about the delivery time, to rejectthe not-good parts, to deal with the supplier a

11、sking for payment by phone (7-8 times a day)外部联系频率:与供给商联系交货进度,不良品的料废报废问题,解决供给商的催款问题每天7-8次Worki ng Con diti ons :Work in office, with computer工作环境:办公室办公,使用台式电脑In depe ndence and Freedom :独立性自由度:?In depe ndence : No, each purchase process or con tract should be con firmed by the SupplyChain Man ager.独

12、立性:没有独立性,每?个采购行为都需由物流经理确认:? Freedom of orga ni zati on :Yes, the positi on holder can arrange all the work.工作安排自由度:任职人对于指派的工作可自由安排工作的先后顺序。Con trol of employees for man agers in charge of subord in ates onl y:对下属的督察仅针对有下属员工的经理-Methods:方法?Freque ncy:频率:?Key poi nts :关键控制点:Con trol o受控工作?f your work :P

13、erce ntage of work con trolled:40%受控比例:40%编号:时间:2021年x月X日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第一 7 一页共9页?Frequency : once a day频率:1天1次Impact of the decisi ons :工作产生的影响:1 ? Impact on the producti on schedule if the positi on holder cannot com muni cate with the supplier about the delivery.假设与供给商沟通不及时,采购物料延期交货会影响生产进度;2.

14、 Impact on the delivery schedule to the customer if the purchase and supplier delivery are not made in time ?编号:时间:2021年x月X日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第? 8 ?页共9页?Importa nee and urge ncy :重要性和紧急度:1. 70% of the in formatio n are importa nt and urge nt (draw ing, purchase order,)70%的信息为重要且紧急图纸、采购订单等:2.30% are

15、importa nt but n ot urge nt QC in specti on form,.30%的信息为重要但不紧急QC送验单。Subord in ati ons :附属关系:?Vertical : Superior: Supply Cha in Man ager直属:宜接上级:物流经理:?Horiz on tal : Out-sourced Comp on ents Purchase Age nt, Warehouse Keepers, Supplier Developme ntMan ager平级:外构件采购专员、仓库管理员、物流开发经理。Main capacities/abil

16、ities for this position :该职位胜任要求:1 ? Careful ness仔细认真:2.Communi cati on skill沟通能力:3.In itiative主动性;Compleme ntary in formatio n:补充信息:1 ? The positi on holder can assure the work of the Out-sourced Comp on ents Purchase Age nt about the small parts purchase ?任职人可以代理外购件采购专员的辅料采购:2. The Out-sourced Com

17、p onents Purchase Age nt can assure the work of the positi on holder about themould con tract, and the subc on traded parts ?外购件采购专员可以代理任职人的外加工、模具采购订单工作;3.The Supply Chain Man ager can assure the intern ati onal purchase. 购订单工作。物流经理可以代理任职人的国外采Suggesti ons :编号:时间:2021年x月X日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第? 9 ?页共9页

18、建议:1 ? There must be a record book for the part of the warehouse where all the not-goods parts are stored?料废仓库较混乱,希望建立有关料废、报废的账本;2.3.4.It would be better to have a voucher whe n we return the goods to the supplier.女口果退货给供给商时,希望准备专用的退货单据;The positi on holder hope to access to the inventory report in the mai


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