九年级英语上册《Unit 3 English Around the World》Topic3 SectionA 教案 仁爱版_第1页
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1、九年级英语上册Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic3 SectionA 教案 仁爱版. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases: dare, at times, grammar, copy, notebook, keep a diary, pardon, repeat2. Learn some useful sentences:(1)Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A.?(2)I dare not speak

2、 English in public.(3)I beg your pardon? / Pardon?(4)Im sorry, I only know a little English.(5)How do you say in English?3. Learn the usage of “wh-+to do”:(1)I dont know what to do.(2)I dont know how to say/spell that in English.4. Talk about language learning strategies. . Teaching aids 教具录音机/教学挂图.

3、 Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)师生互动,复习上一话题所学内容,培养学生的听、说能力,导入新课。1. (检查作业,教师让两名同学复述英式英语和美式英语的主要差异及产生差异的原因,巩固上一话题所学内容。)T:Lets review the last topic. I will ask one student to tell us the differences between British English and American English. Who can try?S1:Let me try. G

4、enerally speaking, American English is different from British English in pronunciation, spelling and expression. But people from the two countries do not have much difficulty in understanding each other. T:Nice work. Now who can tell us how these differences came about?S2:I know. Long ago, many Brit

5、ish people were forced to leave their country. They brought the English language to other countries, such as America, Australia and Canada. So the language changed little by little from one part of the world to another and the English language is changing all the time.T:Great. You learned a lot.2. (

6、师生问答,讨论学习英语是否有困难,导入新课。)T:As you know, with the development of the world, its more and more important to learn English well. Do you agree with me?Ss:Yes.T:Do you think it is easy to learn English well?Ss:No, we dont think so.T:Do you want to get some suggestions?Ss:Of course.T:OK, lets begin our new

7、lesson to talk about how to learn English well. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)通过分组讨论,师生互动,听录音等形式完成2,呈现1a,完成1b。培养学生的听、说能力和自主解决问题的能力。1. (学生分组讨论学习英语时遇到的困难,老师给出建议,同时呈现并教学生词。)Example:T:What problems do you have in learning English?S1:I forget new words easily.T:Copy them in a notebook and take it wi

8、th you.(板书并要求学生掌握。)copynotebookT:What about you, S2?S2:I find it difficult to write compositions.T:Keep a diary to practice it.(板书并要求学生掌握。)keep a diaryT:S3, do you have any problems in learning English?S3:Yes, Im afraid of speaking English in public.T:You mean you dare not speak English in public. D

9、ont be shy. Be confident.(板书并要求学生掌握。)dare2. (教师总结讨论结果,同时教学部分生词。)T:Many students have difficulty in learning English. Some forget new words easily. Some dare not speak English in public. Some are not good at grammar. Some even feel like giving up learning English at times (板书并要求学生掌握。)grammarat timesT

10、:Do you want to get more suggestions? Lets listen to the tape and check Li Mings difficulties. Then match them with Miss Wangs suggestions.3. (听2录音,核对答案,完成2。)(如果学生感觉有困难,可再放一遍录音,必要时老师给以指导。)4. (导入新课,呈现1a,完成1b。) (1)(出示课文图片,导入1a。)T:Heres a picture. Now look at the picture. Whos that boy?(教师指着图中的王俊锋)Ss:H

11、e is Wang Junfeng.T:Yes. He is back from the U.S.A. Do you think he had a good trip?Ss:Yes.T:Did he have any difficulties in the U.S.A.?Ss:We think so.(2)(听1a录音,回答问题。)T:Now listen to the tape and answer the following question. What difficulties did Wang Junfeng meet in the U.S.A?(师生核对答案。)T:Who can a

12、nswer the question?S4:He couldnt make himself understood in the U.S.A. at times.T:Do you agree with him/her?Ss:Yes.S5:He couldnt have long conversations with the people there.T:Very good! Do other students agree?Ss:Yes.(板书)He couldnt make himself understood(讲解make oneself understood)Example:Can you

13、make yourself understood in our class?(3)再听1a录音,找出李明和李想的困难是什么,完成1b。T:Listen to 1a again and find out what troubles Li Ming and Li Xiang have.(核对答案。)5. (让学生再读课文,找出疑难点,并要求学生分组讨论解决疑难点,教师作补充讲解。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)通过角色表演、复述等形式巩固1a。1. (让学生再读1a,然后三个人一组,分角色表演1a。)T:Now, its time to act out th

14、e dialog. First, Ill ask a group to come to the blackboard. Are you ready?Ss:Yes. (尽量多找几组同学表演, 了解学生对1a的掌握情况。)2. (找同学分别复述Li Ming、Wang Junfeng和Li Xiang在学英语方面的困难。) S1:Im Li Ming. I dare not speak English in public.S2:Im Wang Junfeng, Ive worked hard at it, but I havent made any progress. I feel like gi

15、ving up. S3:Im Li Xiang. Its so difficult for me to remember new words. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过师生互动,小组对话等形式讨论学生英语学习中遇到的困难及解决方案,进一步学习1a,完成3。1. (让学生讨论1b中孩子们的困难并根据2中的内容给出恰当的建议。)T:Wang Junfeng, Li Ming and Li Xiang have some difficulties in studying English. How can they study English well? Do

16、 you know how we can help them? That is to say, do you know how to help them?(板书)Do you know how we can help them?Do you know how to help them?(解释语法结构how+to do,让学生用how+to do造句。)T:Lets make some sentences using how+to do.S1:I dont know how to learn English well.(根据2中的内容给出恰当的建议。)T:Very good! Now, answ

17、er my question “do you know how to help them?”S2: They can take part in the English corner. S3: They can copy new words in a notebook.S4: They can keep a diary.S5: They can buy a grammar book.S6: 2. (让学生两人一组自由对话,讨论英语学习中的困难及解决办法。)S7: I forget new words easily. S8: You can copy new words in a notebook

18、 and take it with you. S7: I cant pronounce well. S8: You can often listen to the tape. S7: I am not good at grammar. S8: You can buy a grammar book. S7: I am not good at writing compositions. S8: You can keep a diary in English. 3. (分组活动。完成3。)(1)(完成搭配, 教师核对答案。)(学生在自由对话过程中,教师就其中某一内容故意装作没听清楚。)T:Im so

19、rry, I cant hear you clearly. (教师向其他同学提问。) What should I say when I cant hear clearly?S9:Can you speak more slowly, please?S10:Sorry, I cant follow you.T:Yes. We can also say “I beg your pardon?/Pardon?/Repeat it, please!”(板书并要求掌握repeat, pardon;理解beg。)beg, pardon, repeat(2)(教师让学生两人一组利用(1)部分的句子练习对话。)

20、Example:S11: Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to the post office?S12: Im sorry, I cant follow you. Can you speak again more slowly?S11: Could you tell me how to get to the post office?(让学生两人一组做更多的对话,加深对特殊疑问词+to do这个语法的运用。)(板书)Could you tell me how to get to the post office?4. (以造句形式复习特殊疑问词

21、+to do sth.。)Example:(1) Could you tell me where I should go? Could you tell me where to go? (2) I dont know how I learn English well. (3) He doesnt know which one he should buy. (4) He is thinking whether he is going abroad or not. (5) I dont know what time they will start.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动

22、(时间:8分钟)让学生通过讨论、完成表格及写作等形式,进一步探讨英语学习中遇到的困难及相应策略。1. (学生小组讨论,并向全班汇报。)T: Discuss in groups of six and fill out the table. Then report it to your class. You can ask and answer like this: Example:S1: What difficulties do you have in your English study?S2: I dont know how to write compositions well. S3: You need to keep a diary often.(教师向学生呈现表格形式,让学生完成表格。)T: You c


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