



1、Unit2 I think the mooncakes are delicious说课稿尊敬的评委上午好,我是肖锦宏,今天非常荣幸有这个机会在此分享此课。本节课主要包含五部分。Good morning, dear judges. I am Xiaojinhong. It is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of Six parts.Part One说教材Analysis of this lessonI think that moo

2、ncakes are delicious! 这一单元是义务教育教科书人教版九年级(全一册)第2单元的内容。本单元的核心话题是谈论节日,主要介绍了国内外不同的节日文化和风俗习惯。本课的教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,容易引起学生兴趣。本节课内容中的宾语从句,是中考的一个重点,也是难点。学生必须通过学习能够正确地运用宾语从句,对节日做出自己的反馈和评价,同时能够详细的运用所学句型去介绍自己喜欢的或熟悉的节日。This is the first lesson in Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! The main topic of this

3、 unit talks about Festivals. It mainly introduces festivals of different cultures and customs between China and foreign countries. The lesson can stimulate Ss learning interest easily for its contents connect with Ssdaily life tightly. The Objective Clause of this lesson is not only a very important

4、 part in big exams but also a difficult one. After learning this unit, Ss can use Object Clause freely; make responses and evaluation about festivals and introduce their favorite festivals using the sentence patterns theyve learnt.Part Two说教法 Teaching methods语言学习的目的是为了实际的交流,为了使课堂更加生动,有趣,真实我采用了多媒体教学。

5、运用任务教学法,合作探究法等使课堂更加有效。The purpose of learning English is for real communication.In order to make the class more vivid, real and interesting. I will use Multi-media method “Task-based” teaching method and cooperative teaching method.Part Three说学法 learning methods 我主要采用的学法是合作交流法.归纳总结法。引导学生通过合作探究、归纳总结等

6、方法逐渐感知语言,在不断参与团结合作的互动环节中培养学生自主学习能力和归纳总结的能力,使学生学到的是学习方法,提高的是学习能力。In this part, I mainly use summarizing method, Co-operation and competition method. Students cooperate and compete with each other by working in groups from which they can improve their learning ability.Part four教学目标 Teaching Process通过新

7、课程标准:语言为了交流。学生能够在真实情景中使用语言,主要在一些不可控制的情境中,发展学生的四项技能,提高他们发现,分析,解决问题的能力。我制定了以下教学目标。(1) 知识与技能目标 通过本节课的学习,学生能够运用相关词汇和句型谈论节日。并能初步感知宾语从句,进行模仿运用。(2) 过程与方法目标通过情景对话、小组竞赛、游戏等活动培养学生的观察力和表达能力。通过听力练习提高学生的听力技巧。(3) 情感态度价值观目标通过对中西方节日的谈论,了解中西方文化差异,培养学生的文化意识,提高民族自豪感。According to the new curriculum standards: Language

8、is for communication. Students can use it freely in real, largely uncontrolled situations, develop students four skills, and improve their ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems. I made my teaching aims: No1. Knowledge &skill aimsBy learning this lesson, the Ss can master the rela

9、ted words and sentence patterns to talk about festivals. Get known about the Objective Clause and try to use it.No2 Process & method aimsThrough some group works and games to cultivate Ss ability to observe and express.By listening practice to improve Ss listening skillsNo.3 Emotion attitude and

10、 value By talking about Chinese and western festivals,Ss understand the differences between Chinese and western culture, cultivate the students' cultural awareness, enhance the sense of national pride.Part five教学重点、难点Teaching important points and difficult points教学重点:掌握谈论节日的词汇、短语和句型并初步学会使用宾语从句。教

11、学难点:掌握谈论节日的词汇、短语及句型。Teaching important points:Master words, phrases and sentence patterns about festivals. Learn how to use object clausesTeaching difficult points:Master words, phrases and sentence patterns about festivals.Part Six教学过程第一步导入。幻灯片展示关于不同节日的图片。询问学生关于节日的一些问题。为接下来的1a做出语言准备。Step1 Lead inDi

12、splay some pictures about festivals on PowerPoint. Ask questions. 1. What is the Chinese name for this festival? And what is it in English? 2. What do you know about this festival? 3. What do people do on that day? 4. Do you like this festival? Why?This part makes preparations for 1a.第二步内容展示。1a.学生独立

13、完成1a.组内核对答案。鉴于这部分简易程度,可以让一些基础薄弱的同学来回答,增强他们学英语的信心。Step2 PresentationMake students finish this part by themselves.First check their answers in groups. This part is not so difficult so ask some general students to answer it. So as to increase their learning self-confidenceb. 1b. 要求学生阅读并翻译1b的句子。教师获取反馈。纠

14、正语音语调,确定学生理解句子含义。随后,播放录音。学生按要求完成1b的活动。师生核对答案。并要求学生找出听力中的宾语从句。解释宾语从句的含义。本活动旨在提高学生的听力技能,并对宾语从句有初步的理解。Ask some students to read and translate the four sentences. Make sure all the students to understand the meaning. Correct some pronunciation mistakes if possible.Make clear the key words they will list

15、en.Play the recorder. The students finish listening.Check the answer.Ask students to find out the Objective Clause. Explain the definition of it.This part is to improve Sslistening skills and get familiar with Objective Clause.c.1c 小组活动 学生自学。找出对话中的宾语从句。让学生做类似的对话并展示。给出适当的评价和鼓励。本环节给学生提供练习口语和宾语从句的机会。c.

16、1c Pair workAsk the students to learn individually. Find out Objective Clause.Let Ss make similar conversations and make presentationGive proper praise and comments.This part gives a chance to practice Ssspeaking skills and Objective Clause.d.2a. 首先确认弄懂听力中的句子。教师处理生词和短语。单词:Stranger relative 短语:Put on

17、 go to sp for vacation 提出根听力内容相关的问题,讨论问题,为听前做准备。播放录音。学生完成2a.核对答案。要求学生用正确信息将四个句子串联起来进行课堂陈述。本环节继续练习听力技巧并运用重点句型进行口语练习。First, make students understand the four statements. The teacher deals with some new words and phrases.Next, ask some questions to help Ss get known about the characters and background

18、of the listening material. 1. Are Wu Ming and Harry boys or girls? How do you know?2. Whose vacation are they talking about? Wu Mings or Harry?3. Did Wu Ming visit anyone on his trip?4. What do you think he did during his trip?Then, try to guess the answer according to the statements.Play the tape.

19、Ss finish 2a.Check the answer. Especially ask students to make whole sentences use the correct information.This part not only gives Sschance to improve their listening skills but also to practice their spoken English using the target language.e.2b 让学生读懂活动要求和表格。明确fun activities 和downsides的含义。播放第二遍录音。

20、学生边听边完成表格。随后,组内核对答案,互相补充。修正填写内容,最后全班核对答案。Make students read the requirements and table. Make sure they know the meaning of fun activities and downsides.Play the tape for the second time. Ss finish the table.Check the answer in groups.Check the answer in class.f.2c 小组活动。学生集体朗读2c示范对话。小组内进行角色扮演。鼓励学生结合各

21、自的经验创编内容更加真实更加丰富的对话。教师提供必要的语言支持并要求学生课堂展示。本环节用所学的目标语言表达和宾语从句练习口语的机会。f.2c pair work.Read the conversation together. Role play it with their group mates.Provide necessary words and expression to help Ss make their own conversations according to their experience.display it in front of the class.This par

22、t provides oral practice using the target language and Objective Clause.i.总结 summary总结重点单词和短语,进一步巩固本节所学知识。Summarize to strengthen some important words and phrasesThe Water Festival The Dragon Boat Festival The Chinese Spring Festival The Lantern Festival watch the races a little like best gofor ones

23、 vacation enjoy doing sth. put on h.随堂练习 test检测学生掌握程度,发现问题,解决问题。To find the problems they have and correct them.1. Can you see the _ (灯笼) over there? How beautiful they are!2. Parents often tell their children not to speak to _ (陌生人). 3. I got a lot of gifts from my _ (亲戚) on my birthday. 4. Dont ea

24、t too much, or youll _ (增加) your weight.5. The car cost him 2000 _ (英镑).1. I don't know _ he will come tomorrow. _ he comes, I'll tell you A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. If; If 2. I don't know _ the day after tomorrow. A. when he comes B. how will he come C. if he comes D. whether he'll come 3. Could you tell me _ the nearest hospital is? A. what B. how C. whether D. where 4. Could you tell me _ the radio without any help? A. how did he


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