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14、7 Num erical si m ulation on characteristics of sedi m ent transport * under strong w ind and waves LI U Gui w e i , HUANG H a i jun , Q I U Zhong feng 1 , 2 1 1 ( 1 Institute of O ceanology, Chinese A cademy of Sciences , Q ingdao 266071 , Ch ina; 2 Gradu te S chool of Chinese A cademy of Sciences
15、, B eij ing, 100049, China Abstract : W e si m ulate the effect of strong w aves on the sedi m ent transport at the X iaoq ing R iv er estu ary areas using the 3D m ode l ECOM SED ( Estuarine Coasta lO ceanM ode lw ith sed i m ent transport w ith the w ave param eters from the w ave m odel S WAN ( S
16、 i m ulating W avesN earshore . The wa ter depth , tid al curren, t suspended sedi m ent and histo ri ca lm eteoro log ica l da ta are used to esti m ate the changes o f the suspended sedi m ent concen trat io ns ( SSC and the bed scour and siltat io n ( BSS caused by strong w in d and w aves . W e
17、com pare the si m ulat ion w ith the in situ data and fin d that the results are reliable . Resu lts show that the sed i m ent transpo rt change greatly under the in fluence o f strong w in d and w aves in the near shore areas . The va lu e o f SSC is 10 ti m es larger than that under the nor m a lw
18、 ind and w ave con d it io n . The change o f BSS cou ld be even as much as one hundred ti m es . The resu lt a lso show that the change o f BSS resu lt ing from strong w ind and w aves would have a great i m pact on the evo lution o f riv er estuary sandbars . K ey w ord s : strong w ind and w aves ; near shore areas ; sed i m ent transpor; t num erica l m ethods 征稿启事 !水科学进展 是以水为论述主题的学术期刊 , 主要反映国 内外在暴 雨、洪水、干旱、水资 源、水环境 等领域 中科学技 术 的最新成果、重要进展 , 当代水平和发展 趋势 , 报 道关于水圈研究的新事实、新概念
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