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1、As we all know,there are many famous doctors in chinese history,like Hua Tuo 、Li shizhen and Zhang Zhong jing.In fact,the doctors are very respected at past.mIt is said that a people who lived in He Nan named Fei Changfang came cross an old man in the street.The old man had a gourd,and cured for peo

2、ple free of charge.Fei respected the old man deeply.The old man invited Fei to go with him.Finally,Fei decided to be a doctor like the old man to help the poor.That gourd became the sign of tradional chinese medicineNowadays,the relationship between doctors and patients is becoming worse and worse.T

3、he bad relationship always lead tomedical troubleand criminal behaviors.Whats more,some patients and their families blame the doctor.They even dare to do something illegally to revenge.As a result,doctors are in danger at any time.In june 2009,six medine trouble events had taken place in our country

4、.About 20 doctors were killed or injuried.So that month was called black month by doctors.What led to this situation?What led to this situation?Medical workers point that the patient have high demand for services, high expectations for Medical workers point that the patient have high demand for serv

5、ices, high expectations for the doctor. the doctor. The fact is likely ignored that doctors can do only three things :reduce the pain, prolong life, improve the quality of life.Media has been called the uncrowned king, should be in the development of the society plays an important positive role,but

6、in the processing of medical error accident case, media have contradictions, in order to attract eyes and sensationalism,played their part by hype them regardless of the social impact, make the doctor-patient relationship more nervous .False propagandaFalse advertisementstCurrent problemsCurrent pro

7、blems1.Government investment is insufficient ;2.Relevant laws and Regulations construction lag;3.Patients with medical expresses burden overweight,medical security system construction lags behind;5.The unfair distribution of health resources;what we can do?what we can do?mFirst ,reestablish doctorpa

8、tient trust relationship 。Trust is the basis for constructing a good physicianpatient relationship 。mSecondly ,strengthen the communication between doctors and patients 。Communication between doctors and patients is the important skill for learning sickness ,treatment and rehabilitation 。mThird ,dev

9、elop new harmonious physicianpatient relationship by creating positive hospital image of medical service ,quality and environment 。The father of medicine Hippocrates in ancient Greece has a famous saying: the doctor has three The father of medicine Hippocrates in ancient Greece has a famous saying: the doctor has three magic weapons, the first is the language, the second is a drug, the third is the scalpel.magic weapons, the first is the language, the second is a d


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