



1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 翻译(3)控江中学高三备课201409171. 既然你没有努力,那么你就只能面对失败。(cannot choose) Since you didnt work hard, you cannot choose but face the failure. 2他说他是清白的,谁也不相信。(claim) Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent. He claimed that he was innocent, but nobody believed him. He claimed to be inno

2、cent, but nobody believed him. 3. 你要表明你是想改进现状而非招惹麻烦。(make clear) You should make it clear that you want to improve the present situation rather than cause trouble. 4. 公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品。(combination) The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.5. 每碰到一个生词,我就把它写到

3、笔记本上。(come across) Whenever I come across a new word, I put it down in my notebook.6. “新新人类”这一词汇是什么时候出现的?(come into being) When did the term of new-new people come into being?7. 据主席说,这项有关于住房问题的新协议将于下月生效。(come into effect) 7. According to the chairman, this new agreement about the housing problem wil

4、l come into effect next month.8. 当门“砰”地关上的时候,她好像又清醒过来了。(come to) When the door banged, she seemed to come to life again.9. 说到艺术,没人能与Jasper媲美。(come to) When it comes to the art, no one can compete with Jasper. 10. 警察命令司机迅速停车,因为他超速了。(commandv. ) The policeman commanded the driver to stop the car, for

5、he was overspeeding. 11. 令我吃惊的是,尽管他俩毫无共同之处,他们却成了好朋友。(common) To my surprise, even though they have nothing in common, theyve become good friends. 12. 我在学校学会的最重要的一点就是如何与别人交流。(communicate) The most important thing I learned in school was how to communicate with others.13. 他竟然把我的秘密告诉了Joy, 我最不喜欢Joy了,实在出

6、乎我的意料。(communicate) He even communicated my secret to Joy, whom I dislike most, which is out of /beyond my expectation.14. 我希望你能待在家里陪我,没有你,我觉得太孤独了。(keep company) I hope you can stay at home to keep me company, for I feel rather lonely without you. 15每次期末考试后,老师总拿我跟Joy比。跟她比,我的英语差多了;可是比起Jasper, 我感觉好多了。

7、(compare; comparison) Every time after the final exam, the teacher always compares me with Joy, in comparison with whom, I am much poorer at English, but compared with Jasper, I feel much better. 16. 我一直在努力想在英语方面与Joy一争高下,可总是输给她。(compete) I am always trying to compete with Joy in English, but always

8、losing to her. 17. 我经常听到丈夫们抱怨妻子花钱比他们挣的多。(complain) I often hear husbands complain that their wives spend more than they earn.18. 我已经厌倦了他们对考试的种种抱怨。(complaint) I have been tired of all their complaints about exams.19. 我很后悔买下这件昂贵的大衣,虽然很多人都对这件大衣大加赞叹。(compliment n. ) I really regretted buying the expensi

9、ve coat, which many people paid me a compliment on, though. 20. 朋友不断地称赞我戴的这条假的钻石项链,这使我相当尴尬。(compliment v.) My friend constantly complimented me on the false diamond necklace I was wearing, which made me rather embarrassed. 21. 这支由三个中学生组成的乐队一度很受年轻人的欢迎,但最近听说解散了。(compose) The band which was composed of

10、 three middle school students was once very popular with teenagers, but it was heard to have been dismissed recently. 22. 在教室里我无法集中思想听老师讲课,因为外面的音乐实在太吵了。(concentrate) I cant concentrate on what the teacher is saying in the classroom, because the music outside is rather too noisy. 23. 老师向我们透露这次考试中的作文与

11、社会话题有关。(concern) The teacher revealed to us that the composition in this coming exam was concerned with the current social topics. 24. 听了老师的话,我开始明白不关心时事就无法通过考试。(concern) After hearing what the teacher said, I came to understand that I would not pass the exam unless I was concerned about/with the cur

12、rent affairs. 25. 就我个人来讲,这不是什么问题,因为我天天都有看报纸。(concern) As far as I am concerned, it is out of question, for I read newspaper every day. 26. 最后我得出结论学生不仅要学好课本知识,更要了解国内外所发生的事情。(conclusion) At last I came to / drew/ reached / arrived at a conclusion that a student should not only gain the knowledge from

13、the textbook but also keep himself informed of what happened both at home and abroad. 27. Bob向老师坦白每次考试他都作弊,所以他的所有成绩都是不真实的。(confess) Bob confessed to his teacher that he had cheated in all the exams and that therefore all his marks were false. 28. 对于Bob这样在英语上缺乏信心,老师不断鼓励他以激发他的信心,终于经过一年的努力,Bob对自己的英语越来越

14、有信心了。(confidence; confident) In order to inspire confidence in Bob, the teacher constantly encouraged him, who lacked confidence in himself. Now after one years hard work, Bob is more and more confident of himself in English learning. 29. Bob在英语上取得了这么大的进步,我一定要恭喜他。(congratulate) I must congratulate B

15、ob on his having made such great progress in English. 30. 人人都在指责我,但我不想多做解释,因为我问心无愧。(conscience) Everyone is blaming me, but I dont want to give a long explanation, for I have a clear conscience. 31. 学生们自愿筹款帮助地震灾区地受害者。(volunteer) The students volunteered to raise/ collect money to help the victims in

16、 the earthquake-stricken area.32. 很明显,如果你不满足他涨工资的要求,他就会毫不犹豫地辞职。(hesitation) It is obvious that he will resign without hesitation if you dont meet his demand for a rise in salary.33. 没有一个良好的管理,一家工厂即使装备了最先进的机器也不能盈利。(even if) Without (a) good management, a factory cant make profits even if it is equipp

17、ed with the most advanced machines.34. 创建于一百多年前的复旦大学是一所许多学生盼望就读于其中的重点大学。(found) Fudan University, founded more than one hundred years ago, is a key university many students look forward to studying in/ attending.35. 据报道,许多面临严重经济危机的农场主说他们已经黔驴技穷只得解雇一些工人。(dismiss) It was reported that many farmers who

18、were faced with the severe financial crisis said that they had no choice but to dismiss some employees.36. 听说已经制定法律,禁止在公共场合吸烟。(It) Its said that a law has been made to prohibit/ ban smoking in public.37. 他在昨天的比赛中表现很好,但很少有人意识到他做出的巨大努力。(effort) He performed well in yesterdays match, but few people cou

19、ld realize the great efforts he had made.38. 政府能够改善农村地区的医疗技术仍然不得而知。(remain) Whether the government can improve the medical technology in the rural areas remains a question/ a mystery/ to be seen/ to be known. It remains a question/ a mystery/ to be seen/ to be known whether the government can improv

20、e the medical technology in the rural areas.39. 你不能否认这个事实,一个穿着整洁的候选人更有可能给在场观众留下好印象。(likely) You cant deny the fact that a neatly-dressed candidate is more likely to leave a good impression on the audience present.40. 很多人正申请这个职位,年龄从25到35不等。公司将尽快安排他们面试。(range) A lot of people, ranging in age from 25 t

21、o 35, are applying for the post. The company will arrange for them to be interviewed as soon as possible.41. 我最喜欢的运动是打网球。(play) My favorite sport is playing tennis.42. 应该给予孩子们更多心理上的抚慰。(comfort) Children should be given / provided with more psychological comfort.43. 不管多么困难,我们都应该按时完成这项利民工程。(however) H

22、owever difficult it may be, we must finish the project that benefits ordinary people on time.44. 人们很少仅仅因为这座城市的生活节奏太快而决定离开。(Rarely) Rarely do people decide to leave the city only because of its too fast pace of life.45. 她既然认为自己没有做错什么,那又何必要违心地当众认错呢?(against) Why did she admit her mistake against her will


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