已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、各位老师:这是4AM3U3的分课时教案。我们提供的内容有主题单元的整体思考,课时之间有一定的相关性与延续性,但由于时间仓促、经验有限,还较粗糙,仅供大家参考而已。大家务必做好相应的调整、补充或修改工作哦(尤其要用好配套资源)。 浦东教发院 吴建新 2012年11月16日Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)4A M3 U3 In the shop教学设计说明学生情况分析:四年级学生通过三年多的英语学习,已经积累了一定的语言知识。就词汇而言,学生在数词、食品类单词、水果类单词、学习用品类单词、玩具类单词、学校场所类单词等方面初有积累

2、;就句型而言,学生能熟练运用to be句型、to have句型和can句型等。因此,学生具有语言学习和交流的欲望,也愿意与同伴分享学习的快乐。可以说,他们活泼好动、愿意表现,对游戏、竞赛、故事等尤感兴趣,有着较强的求知欲和表现欲。模块教学任务分析:本模块的主题是Places and activities,共有三个单元组成。其中出现的学校、家和商店等都是学生生活中最为熟悉的场所;介绍的活动也是学生们日常生活中常常遇到的。第一单元的学习主题是In our school,重点是学习一些有关学校内场所类单词及There is/are 句型,要求学生能在特定的情境中操练与运用there be句型。第二单

3、元的学习主题是Around my home,重点是学习一些居家周围常见的场所类单词及Is/ Are there ? Yes, there is/are. No, there isnt/arent.句型,强化there be句型在学生实际生活中的运用,对社区初具一定的空间概念。第三单元的学习主题是In the shop,将学习的重点聚焦到某一生活空间,重点是学习一些有关食物类单词的量化表述以及How much ? Its/ Theyre yuan. 的价格询问,要求学生能进行适当的购物活动,初步形成对物品价格的合理认识。单元教学任务分析:通过本单元的学习,要求学生学会量词词组a bottle o

4、f , a packet of, a bar of, a loaf of, a bowl of 的基本用法;能了解并运用How much is it / are they?来询问物品的价格,并能对询问的价格作出正确应答;同时,通过模拟购物场景,来培养学生运用语言的能力。以下是对各学习项目的分析:Look and learn: 核心学习板块,主要进行词组学习,重点是a bottle of water, a packet of sweets, a bar of chocolate, a loaf of bread, a bowl of noodles, a packet of biscuits等。

5、Look and say: 核心学习板块,主要进行句型学习,重点是:How much is it / are they? Its /Theyre yuan.Say and act: 情景运用,是对Look and say的具体化。通过不同场景的创设,让学生来运用所学的新知。Read a story: 阅读延伸。通过阅读有趣的故事,了解所学内容在不同语境中的运用。同时,在阅读中让学生将新旧知识加以有机整合,使学生体验到阅读的快乐。Listen and enjoy: 通过儿歌吟诵,激发学习兴趣、巩固所学内容。Play a game: 游戏活动,是Look and say的延伸。通过模拟不同场景中购

6、物的过程来熟练掌握所学的内容,并学会合理购物。Learn the sound: 语音学习,感受辅音字母组合的发音,初步树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。 单元教学目标说明:1. 能正确朗读、拼写词组a bottle of water, a packet of sweets, a bar of chocolate, a loaf of bread, a bowl of noodles, a packet of biscuits等。2. 能正确使用量词词组,能与相应物品合理搭配,如a packet of sweets, a bowl of noodles等。3. 能用How much is it/

7、are they? 来询问物品的价格,并能作出回答:Its/Theyreyuan. 与此同时,初步形成对物品价格的合理认识。4. 能阅读、理解并表演对话。5. 能运用所学句型进行购物活动。6. 能正确读出字母组合:sm- sp- st- 在词首的发音,初具音素概念。学习重点和难点:1. 学习掌握量词词组并能进行合理搭配,如a bottle of water, a packet of sweets, a bar of chocolate, a loaf of bread, a bowl of noodles等。2. 学习掌握How much is it/are they? 来询问不同物品的价格,

8、并能作出回答Its/Theyreyuan. 与此同时,初步形成对物品价格的合理认识。 3. 能运用所学进行合理的购物活动。单元课时划分:课时词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合运用能力备注说明第一课时初步掌握如下核心词组:a bottle of water, a packet of sweets, a bar of chocolate, a loaf of bread, a bowl of noodles, a packet of biscuits能熟练运用如下句型:- Can you see my house? - Sorry, I cant see your house. - Is this my

9、 house?- No, its my house. Im Its not fit for you.初步掌握相关数量词组,能比较准确地使用量词词组。如:a bottle of , a packet of, a bar of, a loaf of, a bowl of等,能作出合理搭配。本单元将学习量词的表达法,如: a bottle of , a packet of, a bar of, a loaf of, a bowl of及购物时的基本用语。此类量词对初学者来说会有一定的难度,需要教师利用各种方式进行一定量的训练,以达到熟练掌握的程度。然而学生对于购物的基本用语并不陌生。本单元中教师可为

10、学生创设一定的场景。如:水果店、超市和玩具店,让学生通过模拟购物,运用所学的新知。同时,要求学生能将新旧知识进行有机地整合,对商品有更多的、更合理的认识。第二课时1. 进一步理解与运用第一课时的核心词组;2. 能初步感受理解如下词汇:expensive, dear, reasonable等。初步理解与运用如下核心句型:- How much is it/ are they?- Its/Theyre for is 能初步使用How much is it/are they? 询问物品的价格,并能作出相应的回答Its/Theyre;同时,对商品的价钱形成初步的合理认识。第三课时1. 熟练使用单元核心的

11、词汇2. 感受与理解如下词汇:bakery section, fruit section等。1. 熟练使用单元核心句型;2. 学习如下日常用语:Lets May I have some cakes? All right.I want通过创设情景,进行有关购物的对话操练。在模仿并表演Say and act 对话的基础上,将新旧知识整合在一起,创编新的购物对话。第四课时1. 熟练运用单元核心词汇2. 感受语音:forest yuan, magic glassessmoke, spider, star熟练运用单元核心句型,如:How much is it / are they? Its / They

12、reyuan.Do you have?Put on能理解故事的内容,并能够根据故事内容作出正确判断。同时,通过歌曲演唱,激发学习兴趣、巩固所学内容。第五课时单元复习第一课时教学目标1. 初步学习、掌握数量词组:a packet of, a bowl of, a bottle of, a bar of , a loaf of等;能了解与相应物品的搭配,如a packet of sweets, a bowl of noodles等。 2. 学习有关Miss Sweet的故事“Where is my house?”。在Miss Sweet寻家的情节推进中,通过练一练、说一说、猜一猜等系列活动操练新学

13、、模仿新学、巩固新学。3. 在完成由浅入深的学习任务中,感受生活中丰富多彩的食物,体会学习成功带来的喜悦。Where is my house?ProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Show a chant.2. Ask the questions.1. Say a chant.2. Answer the questions.用简单的chant为今天所学的内容做好相应的铺垫,同时用问答的形式引出内容的主题。While-taskprocedure1. To teach: a bowl

14、 ofa. Show the first part of the storyb. To elicit: a bowl ofc. Ask the students to act it out.2. To teach: a bottle ofa. Show the second part of the story.b. To elicit: a bottle ofc. Ask the students to act it out.1. To learn: a bowl ofa. Enjoy the first part of the storyb. Learn: a bowl ofc. Act o

15、ut the first part.2. To learn: a bottle ofa. Enjoy the second part of the story.b. Learn: a bottle ofc. Act out the second part.呈现故事的内容,让学生知道故事的起因,融入气氛中。通过模仿,让学生用主要的句型进行故事的完善。3. To teach: a bar of & a loaf of a. Show the third part of the story.b. To elicit: a bar of & a loaf ofc. Ask the st

16、udents to choose one part and act it out.4. To teach: a packet ofa. Show the last part of the story.b. To elicit: a packet ofc. Ask the students to act it out.3. To learn: a bar of & a loaf of a. Enjoy the third part of the story.b. Learn: a bar of & a loaf ofc. Choose one part and act it ou

17、t.4. To learn: a packet ofa. Enjoy the last part of the story.b. Learn: a packet ofc. Act out the last part.用平行叙述的方式,让学生自主选择故事的发展,从而实现学生的自主学习。通过系列的片段学习,展现故事的结尾,让学生感知a packet of sweets,达到操练并巩固的目的,也使故事实现一种圆满的结局。Post-taskactivity1. Ask the students to match the words.2. Ask the students order and choos

18、e one part to act.3. Ask the students name the story.4. Enjoy time.1. Match the words.2. Order and act out the part of the story.3. Choose the name of the story.4. Enjoy.考考学生还记得几个主人公,同时对相应的量词词组进行巩固。让学生通过对故事的情节的再次梳理、通过给图片排序、表演故事片段以及给故事起个名字的方式,加深对所学新内容的理解、记忆新学。Assignment1. Listen, read and copy the ph

19、rases on P42.2. Read the story nicely and write down the name.3. Act out the story with friends.板书设计教学反思Material:There is a sweet over there. She is sad. She cant find her house.A: , can you find my house? B: Sorry. I cant find your house.A: Is this my house?B: No, its my house. Im a Its not fit for

20、 you.Miss Sweet sees Mr Noodles. He is walking.Miss Sweet sees Mr Water. He lives in the bottle.Miss Sweet sees Mr Bread and Mr Chocolate. They are dancing happily.Miss Sweet sees a beautiful and clean house. There are a lot of sweets in it.第二课时教学目标Objectives: 1. Use wh-questions to find out the pri

21、ce of thingse.g., How much is it / are they?2. Use modeled sentences to give the price of things e.g., Its / Theyre . yuan.3. Identify single and plural forms and choose the proper questions or answers4. Collect information about price with new learned patterns 5. Understand that the same thing migh

22、t have a different price6. Reflect on their own experiences and understand of paying for a reasonable priceMaterials:1. Students Book 4A P43 2. Flash cards 3. PPT 4. Work sheet etc.In the shopPROCEDURECONTENTMETHODSPURPOSEPre-task preparationSing a song1. Have Ss sing the song How much is the doggie

23、 in the window2. Have Ss name the categories of the words they have got.know it is a pet shop3. Have Ss talk about all kinds of shops通过Listen and enjoy 进入新课的学习。While-taskprocedureThe new presentation: How much . ?1. Have Ss discuss the thing we can buy in the shop.2. Have Ss make dialogues with mode

24、led question and answer.3. Extend the model to different things.新授本课时的主要句型,并进行巩固。More input1. Introduce the story background to Ss 2. Make a shopping list according to the introduction3.Have Ss dialogue to buy different things they need. -Can I help you? -I want . -Here you are. -How much is it/ are

25、 they? - Its/ Theyre - Heres the money.帮助学生在掌握本课重点句型的基础上,依据思维同学的不同需求来进行采购。Post-taskactivityFinish the task1. Have Ss work in groups to make a shopping list 2. Have Ss talk and fill the dialogue.3. Have Ss make a brief report to the class.通过为班级准备聚会模拟任务,综合巩固所学内容,完成具体由而有意义的活动。Assignment1. Finish workbo

26、ok 4A, P62 (Part F)2. Write a dialogue about going shopping by the list made in this period板书设计教学反思学习材料的语言结构:- Can I help you?- I want a_.- How much is it? - Its _ yuan.- Here you are.- Can I help you?- I want _s.- How much are they? - Theyre _ yuan.- Here you are.In the supermarketContentM3U3 Say a

27、nd act (P44) (Period 3)Aims1. To know the different sections of the supermarket2. To make dialogues about shopping.3. To consolidate the dialogue4. Enjoy the better lifeLanguage focusTo make dialogues about shopping.Teaching aidsPPT, etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task

28、 preparation1. A song2. Pair work1. Listen and Enjoy2. Ask and answer通过问答,复习旧知,快速进入英语学习氛围。While-task procedure1. Ask:If you want to go shopping, where can you go?How is the supermarket?What can you buy in the supermarket?2. Ask: Where can you find these things?3. Introduce the sections of the superm

29、arket: bakery sectiondrink section snack sectionfish sectionfruit section clothes section4. Ask: What can we buy at the bakery section?(drink section / fish sectionfruit section )5. Listen to the whole dialogue6. Listen to the first part of the dialogue7. Listen to the second part of the dialogue8.

30、Listen to the third part of the dialogue 9. Learn Dont eat too muchAnswer the questionsLearn the sectionsLook and readLook and sayRead and fill in the blanks1. Fill in the blanks2. Act out the first part of the dialogue1. Fill in the blanks2. Answer the questions1. Fill in the blanks2. Answer the qu

31、estions3. Exercise: Dont /Do4. Act out the dialogue师生问答,导入新课。根据学生生活实际,拓展超市里不同的section名称,丰富学生词汇。 通过完整聆听短文,让学生对课文有个整体的概念,再进行分段教学,层次分明,同时学生在对话表演中感受文本。Post-task activity1. Listen to the whole dialogue 2. Say and act.Act the dialogue.让学生综合运用知识。Assignment1. Read and act out the dialogue on P442. Make a ne

32、w dialogue.板书设计教学反思文本:Oxford English 4AM3U3P44 课文Pandas Glasses ShopContentM3U3 Read a story (P45) (Period 4 Aims1. To learn how to express the money of animals e.g. eleven forest yuan2.To review the sentence structures of shopping.3.To improve the ability of acting.Language focus1. To use the sente

33、nce “How much?” to indicate the money.2. To review the imperative sentence structures.Teaching aidsPPT etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task preparation1. Daily talk.2. Listen and enjoy1. Ask and answer.2. Listen and enjoy通过日常对话来复习上一课时以及旧知识,从而为下文铺垫。While-task procedure1.

34、 Riddles2. To teach mole3. Ask questions4. To teach glasses5. Ask questions 6. Listen to the first part of the story7. Show a picture of the second part of the story8. Ask the questions9. Show the third part of the storyRead and guess what animals they are. 1. spell the word2. To learn Little Mole a

35、nd Mrs MoleAnswer the questions1. To learn glasses&a pair of glasses2. Ask and answer1. Listen to the whole story2. Answer the questions3. Read and fill in the blanks1. Read the first part of the story2. Role-play1. Think and fill in the blanks to finish the second part of the story2. Role-play1

36、. Answer the questions2. Understand the different meanings of too3. Read and fill in the blanks4. Role-play1. To learn magic2. Exercises3. Read and fill in the blanks4. Role-play通过猜谜语的形式,让学生了解本故事的几个主要人物,通过问答,了解故事背景。通过分段聆听故事,让学生感知故事大概,并通过回答问题深入理解故事,最后,将故事进行分段表演。Post-task activity1. Enjoy and learn th

37、e whole story.2. Finish the exercises1. Enjoy and act the whole story.2. T or F3. Role-play the whole story通过判断和表演的形式加以巩固。Assignment1. Read and act the whole story.( page 45)2. Retell the story让学生学会运用知识。板书设计Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 3 In the shopPandas Glasses Shop How much ? forest yuan ma

38、gic 教学反思文本:Oxford English 4AM3U3P45 课文 RevisionContentM3U3 Revision& Learn the sounds (P46) (Period 5)Aims1. To review and practise the language.2.To learn the sounds: sm-, sp-, st-.3.To improve the ability of acting.Language focusTo review the sentence “How much?” to indicate the money.Teaching

39、 aidsPPT etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activityPurposePre-task preparation1. Daily talk.2. Listen and enjoyAsk and answer.Listen and enjoy通过日常对话来复习上一课时以及旧知识,从而为下文铺垫。While-task procedure1. Review the words and phrases2. Review the dialogue3. Reading4. Learn the soundsa. sm- smokeb. sp- s

40、piderc. st- star5. Learn the rhyme (Watch a flash)1.Quick response2. Make a new dialogue3. Listen and write1. Listen and number2. Read the passage3. Read and complete the dialogue according to the passage4. Act out the story1. Rewrite the following sentence2. Read and judge1.a. Follow and learnb. Fo

41、llow and learnc. Follow and learnd. Say more words5. Follow and learn (Watch the flash)通过Quick response的方式将所学量词用法进行巩固。并让学生自编对话,姑息本单元重要句型。通过不同方式让学生操练和巩固知识了,达到语用的目的。学习三个辅音组合字母的发音,区分不同之处。通过观看flash进一步学习与三组辅音字母组相关的儿歌。Post-task activity1. Read page 462. Act the dialogues and a rhyme.Enjoy and act the whol

42、e story.通过表演来整合知识,操练语言。Assignment1. Read the whole unit.2. Make new dialogues.让学生学会运用知识。板书设计Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 3 In the shopRevision sm- smoke sp- spider st- star 教学反思Exercise 1:Part 1 Listen and write(听一听,填入所缺单词,每线一词):Lucy: Wow! The supermarket is so big!Mum: Yes, Lucy! Heres the ba

43、kery section. What do you want?Lucy: Mum, lets have a _ of bread and _ small cakes.Mum: OK! How much are they?Lucy: The bread is _ yuan. The cakes are _ yuan. They are fifteen yuan together.Mum: Do you want anything else(其他任何东西)?Lucy: May I have some _, Mum?Mum: Its not good for your teeth, but you

44、can have a _.Lucy: Thank you, Mum!(听力材料见练习册P60C)Part 2 Listen and number(听录音,用17给下列句子编号):( ) The small bottle of water is three forest yuan.( ) Little Elephant and Little Mole play ball games together.( ) Little Elephant wants a big bottle of water and Little Mole wants a small bottle of water.( ) T

45、he big bottle of water is six forest yuan.( ) There is a supermarket behind the tall tree.( ) They drink the water. They are very happy.( ) Now they are thirsty. They want to buy some water.(附听力文字:Little Elephant and Little Mole play ball games together. Now they are thirsty. They want to buy some w

46、ater. There is a supermarket behind the tall tree. Little Elephant wants a big bottle of water and Little Mole wants a small bottle of water. The big bottle of water is six forest yuan. The small bottle of water is three forest yuan. They drink the water. They are very happy.)Part 3 Read and complet

47、e(阅读短文,完成对话,每线一词):Little Elephant(LE) and Little Mole(LM) play ball games together. Now they are thirsty.LE: Lets buy some water. Is there a supermarket nearby?LM: Yes, _,_. Its behind the tall tree over there. Lets go.In the supermarket (SA=Shop assistant)SA: Good afternoon!LE: Good afternoon! I ha

48、ve a big _ of _.LM: And I _ _ small _ _ water.SA: They are nine forest yuan together. LE: How _ _ this big bottle of water?SA: Its sixe forest yuan.LE&LM: We want to go Dutch (AA制;各付各的)SA: All right.LE: Here is _ forest yuan.LM: And here is _ forest yuan.SA: Thank you.Part 4 Rewrite the followin

49、g sentences(按要求改写下列句子,每线一词):1. Is the packet of chocolate on the chair?(改成肯定句)_ _ _ _ _ on the chair.2. The small bottle of juice is three yuan. (根据划线部分提问)_ _ _ the small bottle of juice?3. Four bars of chocolates are twenty yuan. (根据划线部分提问)_ _ _ four bars of chocolates?4. There is a bowl of noodles

50、 on the table. (根据划线部分提问)_ _ _ of noodles _ there on the table?5. There are some bottles of juice in the fridge. (改成单数句)There _ _ bottle of juice in the fridge.Part 5 Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用T或F表示):( ) 1. Kally invites 4 friends to her party.( ) 2. John gives Kally a cake.( ) 3. Kally isnt nine ye

51、ars old.( ) 4. The children can eat and drink on the party.( ) 5. Kallys present is a camera.(附文字资料:Kally is having a birthday party at home. Sandy, Lucy and Frank come to her party. Theyre Kallys good friends. John comes, too. Hes Kallys cousin. He brings a big birthday cake. There are nine candles(蜡烛)on the cake. Kallys mother cooks for them. There is some fish, some bowls of noodles, chicken and some bottles of juice on the table. Kallys father takes photos. The children sing and dance. They are very happy.)Exercise 2Part 1 Look and write(根据图意,写出相应的单词,每线一词):(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)1.


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