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1、Unit 5Marine Disasterso Pre-reading QuestionsoBefore you read the text, take a few minutes to think about the following questions:o1.What marine disasters do you know? Name some of them.o2.What can human beings do to prevent and mitigate these natural disasters?o3. What do you know about algae? Is i

2、t harmful or not? 1.What marine disasters do you know? Name some of them.o tsunamis, some earthquake, some volcanic eruption, shipwreck, oil spill.2.What can human beings do to prevent and mitigate(缓解) these natural disasters?ocreate awareness of the importance of preventing and mitigating disasters

3、;ogain and store up the knowledge on disaster preventing and mitigating;oraise money for scientific research on disaster warning systems and know more about nature and about the law of nature; omake evacuation plans for governments and local authorities;oacquire surviving and first-aid skills for in

4、dividuals;oprevent from flooding and build dykes (堤坝), dams and reservoirs;othe dams and reservoirs can also be used to fight a drought by allowing the irrigation(灌溉) of dry fields;oprotect our environmentStructure AnalysisoPart 1: General information about “HABs” (Paras.1-3)oSome of phytoplankton a

5、nd cyanobacteria create potent while some of them are harmless.oDifference between HABs and red tide: oRed tide includes blooms discoloring the water but causing no harm; excludes blooms of highly toxic cells but often almost invisible.oTwo mechanisms to cause harm:o1. the production of toxinso2. hi

6、gh biomass accumulationoPart 2: Impacts of HABs (Paras.4-11) oImpacts on human healthoExample : in 1990, six fishermen almost died from eating mussels during a fishing trip.oImpacts on wildlifeoHABs-related animal mortality includes:ofish kill, bird kill, or stranding of manatees and whales.oImpacts

7、 on ecosystemoImpacts include:oloss of shellfish, loss of habitat, sea grass die-back, and altered food web interactions that decease preferred higher tropic level species.oExample: some species cause brown tides.o Two ways that HABs impact ecosystem: the top-down & bottom-upo Impacts on socio-e

8、conomyo Reasons for expansion of HABs impacts: n the demand for seafoodn globalization of trade and tourism.o The fields that money is spent to address problems :o public health, commercial fisheries, recreation, tourism, environmental monitoring, and bloom management.o III Vocabulary Studyo A. o 1.

9、 ultimately2. inadvertently3. decay4. mechanism5. precaution6. sustain7. recurrent8. teem9. penetration10.contaminateB. o 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. Bo 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. Co C. o 1.maintain 2. reserve 3. excluded 4. incur 5. resumeo . Cloze o 1in2transfer3one-month4tourism5reducing6where7portion8ra

10、nk9potent10safety11component12Moreover13unknown14estimating15disrupted16alternate17reservation18about19ruined20adverselyV. TranslationoA. o 海洋和淡水中聚集着生命,许多很微小,许多没有危害;实际上,所有水中生命最后都以这种微小生命为生。尽管大多数浮游生物和蓝细菌是无害的,但仍然有一些在特定的情况下会产生毒素。有害藻类通过自身产生毒素或通过聚集大量生物来危害一方,进而影响共生的有机物,从而改变食物网循环。这些影响包括食用海产品或间接暴露于赤潮毒素中而导致的人

11、类疾病和死亡,沿岸居民和渔业的经济损失,由赤潮导致的鱼类、鸟类和哺乳动物的死亡。从人类肉眼来看,有害藻类经常呈现绿色、棕色,甚至红黄色。不同颜色是由于海藻的种类,水中的生态系统,和有机体的聚集度来决定的。o 藻类泛滥既发生在海水中也发生在淡水中。它主要通过以下两种方式产生危害。第一种危害是由产生的毒素造成的。毒素直接杀死鱼类或贝类,或者人类通过吃受污染的海产品致病。第二种是通过大量生物群聚集,从而造成环境恶化。这些影响具体包括光线变弱,鱼鳃结块,或者是藻类细胞腐烂消耗了过多的氧气。还有一些有害藻类是因为其物理形状,它们寄生在鱼鳃的组织中,引起鱼的生理反应,导致鱼的死亡。 oMarine wat

12、ers teem with microscopic life. Some of them create potent toxins and some of them do harm by accumulating. The algae causing harm is called Harmful Algal Blooms. It not only has impact on health of human beings (such as some known and even unknown diseases), but on wild life as well. In fact, more

13、than 50% of the unusual marine mortality events are now associated with HABs. It is another societal concern that HABs have profound influence on ecosystem. Sometimes, the impact works from bottom up (such as affecting predators and grazing), and sometimes from bottom-up (such as affecting plankton)

14、. In spite of the precautions, the socioeconomic impact is substantial. Many millions of dollars are spent annually addressing the HAB-related problems. The money on public health accounts for the largest part, followed by commercial fisheries and tourism.o Extended Exerciseso 1.feel in the pinko 2.

15、feeling blue o 3. sing the blues o 4. tickled pink o 5. raises a red flag o 6. yellow journalismo 7. brown as a berryo 8. black sheep o III Vocabulary Studyo A. o 1.pagate3.rupture4.detect5. pensity8.evacuation9.trigger10.disturbanceB. o 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. Ao

16、 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. Ao C. o 1.Seismology 2.residence 3.depression 4.generate 5. hydroelectrico . Cloze o 1earthquakes2rarely3awesome4of5occurring6localized7underneath8frequent9margins10at11other12aware13dramatically14coastal15modify16inland17extreme18largest19while20byV. TranslationoA. o 按照是否引发

17、海啸,地震可分两类。一是深震(凭经验,在20公里或12英里以下),隆升通常被表层所吸收,因此不会引发海啸或只引发小型海啸。二是浅震(20km以上),由于地表震感强烈,因此也更危险。目前的问题是如何区分这两种地震。只要有全面的数据,则可较精准地测算出地震的深度。然而,这一过程需花费一定时间。例如,近期日本地震最初深度测算为地下83公里,而最近的一次测算结果却显示,深度实为30公里。通常来说,30公里仍可划入安全等级。但此次地震能量巨大,以往的经验概不管用。o 新系统的秘密在于地震深度对地震性质的改变不仅仅停留在是否引发海啸的问题上。岩层断裂可引发深震,且传播速度很快大约3公里/秒。而浅震中岩层断

18、裂传播速度较慢:一般约1.5公里/秒。速度可能与断裂岩层的坚硬程度有关,深层岩体受压力更大,也更坚硬。浅层岩体有韧度,可减缓断裂。地震学家可据此迅速估算地震深度,如果是海洋地震,还能估算地震是否引发强烈海啸。oSeismologists have long known that some marine earthquakes generate fierce tsunamis and some do not. The problem is deciding which is which. A new tsunamis-prediction system is under development. It makes an instant estimate of an earthquakes depth through selecting date of propagating speed when rupture occurred in the rock. And thus it can predict the risk of creating a big tsunami. The researchers tried their system out and analyzed many earthquake and predicted some tsunami


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