已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you New words and expressions ( in reading )make fun of 取笑取笑, 拿拿开玩笑开玩笑Similar phrases: play jokes on 开开的玩笑的玩笑 play a trick on 捉弄捉弄,开玩笑开玩笑 make jokes about 拿拿开玩笑开玩笑response n. 回答回答, 响应响应, 反应反应e.g. She made no response. respond vt. 回答, 响应, 作出反应 vi. 有反应e.g. She responded to

2、 my letter with a phone call.她收到我的信她收到我的信, 给我回了个电话。给我回了个电话。 in response to 对对.作出反反应作出反反应e.g. I am writing in response to the question you raised in your letter.reaction n. 反应react v. 起反应, 起作用, 反抗, 起反作用e.g. react strongly against tax increases 强烈反对增税强烈反对增税react to sb / sth 对作出反应react with sth 与起化学反应r

3、eact against sb/sth 反对; 反抗impressionist adj. 印象模仿的 n. 印象主义者, 印象派作家impress sb with sth 给予某人深刻印象; 使某人钦佩而起敬:impress sth on / upon sb 使某人铭记某事物;使某人深深意识到某事物e.g. 1.The girl impressed her fiances family with her liveliness and sense of humor. 2. His words are strongly impressed on my memory.impression n. 印象

4、, 感想, 盖印, 压痕 impress vt. 印, 盖印, 留下印象queue vi. 排队,列队 n. 行列, 长队, 队列 queue up 排队,列队 e.g. 1. By 7 oclock a long queue had formed outside the cinema. 2.他们排着队等候看电影。他们排着队等候看电影。到到7点钟时点钟时, 电影院门外已经排成了长队。电影院门外已经排成了长队。Theyre queuing up to see a film. later on 后来;以后;过些时候后来;以后;过些时候 At first things went well, but

5、later on we ran into trouble.起初事情进展得很顺利,但起初事情进展得很顺利,但后来后来我们遇我们遇到了困难。到了困难。 academy n. 学院,研究院,学会。 academic adj. 学院的, 理论的 e.g. 1. a students academic average. 2. If you like music, I suggest you choosing an academy of music after graduation, where you can enjoy a good academic atmosphere in music. 一个学生

6、的学术能力一个学生的学术能力如果你喜欢音乐,我建议你在毕业之后选择如果你喜欢音乐,我建议你在毕业之后选择一所音乐学院一所音乐学院, 在那里你可以在那里你可以享受到良好的学享受到良好的学院的音乐氛围院的音乐氛围。award n. 奖, 奖品 vt. 授予, 判给 e.g. 1. an award ceremony 2. award sth to sb 授予,判定某人授予,判定某人She was awarded a medal for bravery.她因勇敢而获得奖章。她因勇敢而获得奖章。颁奖仪式颁奖仪式live adv.adj. 现场直播的, 生动的 e.g. a live football

7、match 2.The landing on the moon was telecast live. 现场直播的足球赛现场直播的足球赛现场转播了登月行动。现场转播了登月行动。living; alive; lively; live的区别:1)alive “活着”,指人或物,可用来作表语,后置定语或宾补。 He is dead , but his dog is still alive . He wanted to keep the fish alive . No man alive is greater than he . 2)living “活着”,指人或物,作定语或表语。My first te

8、acher is still living . English is a living language . He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present . 3)live “活着的活着的”,通常指物,不不指人,常用来作定语放名词的前面。还指“实况转播的”。a live fish 一条活鱼Do you like a live show or a recorded show ? 你是喜欢直播还是录音 。 4)lively 则意为“活泼的活泼的”,“活跃活跃”,“充满充满生气的生气的”,可作定语、表语或宾补,既可指人,又可指

9、物。例如:Jenny is a lively girl . He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting . make up 1)Girls make up 45of the student population in our school 2) make up a story / an excuse3) Because of his illness,he had to make up for the missed lessons4) We havent been getting on wellLets ma

10、ke up 5) Tom watched his sister make herself up for her date.构成;占构成;占比例比例,相当于form编写;捏造编写;捏造弥补,补偿弥补,补偿和解,调停和解,调停化妆化妆silent adj. 寂寞的,沉默的silence n. 静, 寂静, 沉默, 静默 vt. 使沉默, 使安静in silence 沉默着e.g.1. I assume that your silence implies consent.2. try to silence a noisy crowd设法使喧闹的人群静下来设法使喧闹的人群静下来 amuse vt .

11、使愉快,使高兴e.g. 1. Everyone was amused at / by the story about the dog. 2. 他们以看旧照片消遣。他们以看旧照片消遣。 大家听了关于那只狗的故事都笑起来了。大家听了关于那只狗的故事都笑起来了。They amused themselves by looking at old photographs. amusement n. C 娱乐品; 娱乐活动; 消遣 U 娱乐; 快乐e.g. 1. The program offers a variety of amusements. 2. To my great amusement his

12、false beard fell off. amusing adj.好笑的; 有趣的; 引人发笑的 an amusing story amused adj. 愉快的, 开心的, 好玩的不久以后,很快不久以后,很快不知何故的;以某种方式不知何故的;以某种方式 Dont worry; well get the lost money back somehow. 别担心,我们总会把丢失的钱找回来。别担心,我们总会把丢失的钱找回来。entertainment n. 娱乐 entertain vt. 娱乐, 招待, 接受, 怀抱 e.g. 1. Could you entertain the children


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