



1、第五模块全练全测听力部分(40分)、听音,选择你所听到的单词。(10分)()1.A.French()2.A.readingB. ChineseB. ridingC. EnglishC. writing)3.A.dressB.addressC. dresses()4.A.pleasedB. plays()5.A.courseB. cousin二、听音,选择你所听到的句子的答语。C.C.pleasecomputer(10 分)()1.A.Jim can.()2.A.Yes, I can.()3.A.This is my sister.()4.A.He's from London.()5.A

2、.No, I can't.B. Because he can speak French.B. Sorry, you can't.B. She is from Australia.B. Pleased to meet you.B. Thank you.、听音,判断下列句子与你所听到的句子是 (S)否(D)一致。(10分)()1.I like music and riding my bicycles.( )2.Can you do what I can do?()3.I can't write in Chinese.()4.I've got two friends

3、from England.( )5.This is my address in China.四、听音,填入所缺单词。(10分)Daming: Hello.Is that Simon?Jane Sorry, I'm Simon's 工 Jane.Daming: Hello.Pleased to 2.to you.I am 3.New York.Can Simon 4.me this_5.?Jane OK.I will tell him.笔试部分(60分)五、请将下列城市与其所在的国家连线。(10分)A. China1. London2. ShanghaiB.Australia3.

4、 SydneyC.England4. San FranciscoD.America六、按要求完成下列各词。(10分)1. swimming(原形)2. write(过去式)3. their(同音异义词)4. in English(汉语意思)5. speak Chinese语意思)七、单项选择。(10分)()1.She can English and Chinese.A. speaksB. speak( )2.I like.A. dancing and painting B. dance and paint drawing( )3.Please my pen friend.A. isB. are

5、( )4.You can speak EnglishA. wellB. very good( )5.Pleased you.A. to meetB. too meetC. spokeC . paint andC. beC. goodC. two meet八、按要求完成下列句子。(10分)1. I can't write in Chinese彼为肯定句)2. I can write emails in English.I can write stories in English.0成个句子)3. Jim can be my pen friend.就画线部分提问)4. He is twel

6、ve.(改为同义句)5. You can be my Chinese pen friend变为一般疑问旬)九、阅读表格,完成短文。(10分)NameAgeAddressCanLikeGao Ming12Beijing Chinaspeak Englishdancing drawingNancy11SydneyAustraliawrite inEnglishmusicfootballLily13New YorkAmericaspeak Frenchbasketball paintingJack11LondonEnglandspeak Chinesebasketball reading1.is t

7、welve.He is in China.He can speak 2. Nancy is in 3. She likes 4 and_5.Jack can speak_6.Helives in England.He likes Z and_8. Lily likes basketball, too.Shealso likes 9. And she can speaklO.十、小练笔。(10分)根据这封电子邮件给对方回信。要求:格式正确,语句通顺。Dear Friend,I am a boy.My name is Bob.I live in London, England.It's a

8、 big city.I am a student.I can write emails and stories in English.I like music and playing computer games.I've got a pen friend in Australia.I want a pen friend in China.Can you be my pen friend ? I want to go to China someday and visit the Great Wall.Can you tell me more about your country?Fro

9、m,Bob听力录音原文1、 1.French 2.writing 3.address 4 pleased 5.cousin2、 1.Who can speak Chinese?2 Can you be my pen friend?3 Where is Laura from?4 Pleased to meet you.5 Can you write stories in English?3、 1.I like music and riding my bicycles.2 Can you do what I can do?3 I can write in Chinese.4 I've go

10、t three friends from England.5 This is my address in China.4、 Daming: Hello.Is that Simon?Jane: Sorry, I'm Simon's cousin, Jane.Daming: Hello.Pleased to speak to you.I am from New York.Can Simon meet me this Saturday?Jane: OK.I will tell him.答案全析全解1、 1.A2.C3.B4.A5.B2、 1.A2.A3.B4.B5.A3、 1.S2.

11、S3.D4.D5.S4、 1.cousin 2.speak 3.from 4.meet 5.Saturday5、 1 C 2A 3 B4 D6、 1.swim 2.wrote 3.there 4.用英语5.说汉语7、 1.B2.A3.C4.A5.A8、 1.I can write in Chinese.2 I can write emails and stories in English.3 Who can be your pen friend?4 He is twelve years old.5 Can I be your Chinese pen friend?9、 1.Gao Ming 2

12、.English 3.Australia 4.music 5.football 6.Chinese 7.basketball 8.reading 9.painting 10.French十、 Dear Bob,I am a boy, too.My name is Li Qiang.I live in Beijing.It's the capital of China.I can speak a little English.I can be your pen friend.I like playing computer games , too.And I also like readi

13、ng books.Please come here and we can visit the Great Wall together.China is very big and it's very beautiful.I will send you some pictures of China.From,Li Qiang1、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any

14、of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the

15、sqmeday,1dl might-snow in the morning, rainat noon, shine in the afternoon andbewndj J TSeforeT the night falls. So I think I was lucky 。年6月28日星期日2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。二O二O年六月二十八日3、有勇气4、与肝胆蠢者妻跖虫好'Z新桃船096.282O2ol0:0lP极偏踊秋的226夜202010096.182020蜃建202澜8像蠢点曲好盥黑,09心情像桃花一5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作献励日,20June 20Sunday, June 2820206/28/202010 时 9 分 10 时 9 分 28-Jun-206


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