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1、bl29 No4Aug 2007294Command Control & Simulation200781673-3819(2007)04-0114-04有限元法在结构件强度分析中的应用222006IDEASIDEAS0241 82 TH 114AApplication of Finite Element Method in StrengthAnalysis for Stmctural Parts° DONG Mei(Jiangsu Automauon Research Ensutute of CSTC.Lianyungang 222006. China丿Abstract:

2、In this paper, the pnnciple and 3tep3 of finite element method is dexnbed Making use of emulation module of IDEAS of finite element, the strength analysis to cover plate has been done. Based on working condition of cover plate whose geometric model is smiphfied properly and the finite element model

3、is established Thiough such operation as setting up boundary conditions, meshing and solving, the princip.e stress and displacement distnbuuon is obtained This method provides mechanics evidence on structure design of cover plate At the same time, an effective method is also presented to strength an

4、alysis of complicated structural pans such as shell of console and cabinet on ship-borne electric equipmentKey words: finite element method, IDEAS、cover board, strength checkdxdydzCAD/CAM/CAExyIDEASxy© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, bl29 No4Au

5、g 2007© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, bl29 No4Aug 2007© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, bl29 No4Aug 2007© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights re

6、served, bl29 No4Aug 20072007-02-272007-OL-28196S-© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 11629(F)=kX<5)4(F)(K)(/?、 空处釦乔a/l_Q+ + +G-l0>v少l¥亦一丈為l¥空丈办一 g1150kg32Crl3“ = 025E = 210GPa0 0 31o-2 o -2(1“川-2 o o-11 2o o乙7 xyuY k 27、66JVIVZ丿=(

7、DY)E(1-M)U+AXso o oj O o “-7O o片3片)一附)一© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 11629240 mm3Tetra FixDistortion Stretch.© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 11629© 1994-2012 China Academic Jour

8、nal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 116296Partition4© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 116293.5mm3.5 4 4.5 5mm1(mm)Von Miccc(MPa)Displace me ntxnmj351 20e-H)l7S6e-0341.13e-K)l7 85e-03451 02*17 8*0359 64eP07 83c-03Von MisesVon M

9、isesY54Xa)1.13e+01MPa Y7.85e-03mm5(b)© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 11629© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 11629i二三三二三三三二,2Crl3ah = 637MPa 151scr$ = 441MFa os! ah = 0.69 1.4-1.820 50血二

10、q / S = 441/2.5 = 16AMPa1.2001 MPa© 1994-2012 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved, 116291.20e+01 <crjM-1IDEAS21999.M1992习I-DEASLO Ohelp hbraiy.4卩】2006(5) 3S39251991.(l 丿M6M43IDEAS1998200792223I W&A*>3 HLA44 /678910II1213 /14 CAD CAE16000 ( )*>(5)34<499562


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