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1、Unit 6 Enjoying cyclingTopic 1 We' re going on a three -day visit to Mount Tai.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕一次春游活动而展开。主要内容包含:选择目的地、制定出游计划、选择交通工具、预订车票、预订房间、筹集经费、记录经历。所有活动都与春游活动息息相关。在进行这些活动时,逐步展开 动词不定式的学习。通过学习本单元,可以培养学生独立自主的能力和合作的意识。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 2, 3第二课时:Section A-4 , Section B-1a,1b

2、,1c第三课时:Section B-2, 3, 4, Section C-2第四课时:Section C-3a, 3b, 1a, 1b, 1c第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, 2, Project第一课时(Section-A 1a,1b,2,3 )教学设计思路:本课时主要是引入春游这个话题和动词不定式。首先通过简练的英语谚语引入动词不定式,通过活动来感知新语法知识。然后引入话题,学习 1a ,1b和2。最后通过对子活动来谈论自己的出游计划,巩固 句型和语法。I . Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims :(1)学

3、习动词不定式的用法。(2)复习询问价格、时间、原因等问句。2. Skill aims:(1)能够听懂含有不定式的对话。(2)能够用不定式来谈论价格、时间等。(3)能够制定出游计划。3. Emotional aims:培养学生的合作意识。4. Culture awareness:n . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1) Words and expressions : field, proper, price ,total ,mount, vehicle, airline(2) Sentences: We are going

4、on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.It' s too far to cycle.1 ' d love to go by plane.We will decide on the best way to travel on our field trip.2. Difficult points :理解动词不定式在句子中的不同成分。出.Learning strategies1 .学习动词不定式在句子中的成分时,结合汉语的相关知识。2 .要利用图片等信息大胆地猜测新词汇的意思。3 .要积极参与讨论,勇于张口,不怕出错。N . Teaching aids录

5、音机/多媒体/小黑板/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(4mins)Getting students ready for learningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(ClassPresent some proverbs whichTranslate and observe学生学习含有动词activity)contain infinitiveson thethe proverbs.不定式的谚语,可Bb/screen.T: Hi, class! Do you know these pro

6、verbs?T: It doesn ' t matter. Now, think about them. Try to speak them out in Chinese. I ' msure you can do it. Let' s begin!T: These proverbs are very useful. I hope you can use them later. Next, please observe these proverbs, see what you will find out.T: You are totally right! That

7、9; s exactly what we will learn today. We call it a infinitives ” (write down on the Bb).Proverbs:1.It is better to give than to take.2 .To see is to believe.3 .Eat to live, but not live to eat.4 . It ' s never too old to learn.5 . It ' s hard to please all.Ss: Sorry, we don' t know.S1:I

8、 thinkNo.1is.S2:I thinkNo.1is.S3:I thinkNo.3is.S4: There is"todosth. "ineachsentence.以激发他们的兴趣,又可以通过观察句子特点引入动讯不7E式。Remark:老师在选择谚语时尽量挑选句子简短,词简单的句子。谚语只是导入动词小定式的载体。如果学生能够说出大致相同的意思就应该表扬。老师应该把准确的汉语最终展示给学生。Stage 2 (8mins)RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Classactivity

9、)Present pictures of means of transportation.T: What' s it?T: How about this one?T: And this one?T: How do you usually come to school, xxx?T: How about you, xxx?T: And you, xxx?T: You see, they choose different vehicles. Planes, trains, buses and bikes are all vehicles. Sometimes we have to choo

10、se proper vehicles.Revise the means of transportation.Ss: It ' s a plane.Ss: It ' s a train.Ss: It ' s a bus.51: I usually come to school by bus.52: By bike.53: In myfather ' s car.复习交通方式,学习部分新词汇。2(Pair work)Divide the Ss into pairs. Let them discuss what kind of vehicle they will ch

11、oose.T: Look at the pictures in 2, can you guess the meaning ofUse thesentencepattern in 2 to discuss what kind of vehicle they will choose.Ss:价格。让学生讨论选择2中合适的交通工具,既可以猜测学习部分新词汇,也可以运用动词/、定“ price ?Ss:合计,总共式,还可以培养学T: Then how about“total " ?生综合考虑的能T: Right! Suppose you have 3力。days off and you are

12、 going toPair 1:have a spring field trip toWe decide to take aMount Tai, what kind oftrain. Because it onlyvehicle you will choose. Youcosts 145 yuan and itshould tell us the reason. Andtakes us only 7 hours toyou can follow the example inget there.2 when you are discussing.Pair 4:T: Hi, volunteers!

13、 Which pairWe will choose bus.is first to report?Because buses leave atany time. And they canmeet us at our schoolgate. We get thereT: Well done! You all had aearly, we can climbwarmdiscussion and chose theMount Tai per vehicle.Pair 2 :Wethink the best way toget to Mount Tai isby., because.

14、Remark:在学生讨论时,老师要四处走动,督促学生运用2中的例句。Stage 3 5 5mins)Pre-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Classactivity)Present a Chinese poem by Du Fu to introduce Mount Tai.T: Look at this poem, which mountain does it talk about?T: No, guess again.T: Sorry, have another try.T: Yes. Whe

15、re is Mount Tai?T: Right. It ' s in Taian City, Shandong province.T: Great! Who can recite another poemabout Mount Tai?T: Many poets in the past wrote many poems to describe the beauty of Mount Tai. You can collect someafter class.Learn something aboutMount Tai.51: Mount Hua.52: Mount Huang.53:

16、Mount Tai.55: It ' s in Shandong.S4:.利用杜甫的诗句“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”来激发学生的兴趣,顺势导入到1a.2 (Individualwork)Let the Ss read the statements in 1b.T: Miss Wang s class are going to have a spring field trip. Theyplan to visit Mount Tai. Now, they are discussing about their trip. Next youRead the statements in1b to

17、 prepare for the listening.听前阅读听力任务更能让学生有的放矢。13willlistento theirdiscussion.Before listening,you' dbetter read the statements in 1b, some of them may be true while others may be false.Remark:关于泰山的诗句学生可能了解的不多,老师可L些关于泰山的古诗句。Stage4 (4mins) : While-listeningStepTeacher activity1(Individualwork)Play

18、the tape recorder.T: Now, let ' s listen to the tape. Please markthestatements while listening.T: It ' s easy, isn ' t?T: Have you got the answers?T: Showmeyour answers then.T: Terrific!Remark:这是个相对比较简单的任务,只要绝大多数学4Stage 5 2 20mins) : Post-listening川攵集几首展示给学生,最好鼓励学生课后收Student activityDesi

19、gning purposeListen to the tape andmark T or F in 1b.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes.Ss: T,F,T,F,F通过听录音来学习1a的内容。匕答案正确就只要听一遍就够了。StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Let the Ss read1a andunderline the infinitives.T:We have learnedinfinitives,now I ' d likeyou to read 1a and find out i

20、nfinitives T: Which group is the first?Read 1a, underline the infinitives.Group 2:I have some exciting news to tell you.But it will take us a few days to get there by bike. .Group 1:It ' s too far to cycle.Helen, you need to find the cost for the bus. .通过找课文中的动词不定式,让学生熟悉新的语法项 目。2(Group work)Let

21、the Ss discuss the uses of the infinitivesin thesesentences.T: I ' m very happy you found outtheinfinitives.Infinitives can act different sentence elements, such as subject, object,Discuss the uses of infinitivesin thesesentences.Group4:In the first sentence,让学生分析动词不 定式在句子中充当 何种成分,使学生 能恰当地运用这一 新

22、语法。objectcomplement,attributive,adverbial andpredicative.Next, I'd likeyou to discuss the kind of sentenceelementtheinfinitiveacts ineachsentence.T: I know it ' s difficult for you, but don ' t be afraid of making mistakes. Failure is the mother of success. Just speak out your opinion.we

23、 think it ' s. Thesecond one is .Group3:Wethink the first oneis. The fourth oneis .3(Group work)Let the Ss read 1a again and findout the difficultpoints. Solve the problems within the group first.T: Maybe some of you still don' tunderstandthedifferentusesofinfinitives.Dod t worry, wewill go

24、on learning them later. Next, please read 1a again and point out the difficultpoints, firstsolvethem inyour group, thenpresent them to the class, weRead 1a again and find out the difficult points.Discuss ingroups.Group 1:Can we use "find " instead of “find out” ?What does “decide on"

25、mean? .让学生找出难点,并让他们先小组内讨论解决,可以培 养学生的自主学习 能力和合作精神。can solve them together.T: It ' s time to deal with your problems. Speak them out, please.Group 2:What does “airline ” mean? .Let the Ss look at the pictures in 3, follow the example and talk about their own trip.T: Hi, boys and girls! Do you like

26、 traveling?T: Suppose you have time and money, where would you like toLook at the pictures in 3 and talk about their own trip.Ss: Of course.S1: Where do you plan to visit?通过完成3这个任 务来巩固动词/、定 式的用法,让学生 可以口头运用。4(Pair work)go, Harbin, Xiangshan or Jiuzhaigou? Talk with your partner. You can follow the ex

27、ample. I will choose some pairs to report after a while. T: Volunteers, please!T: Good performance!S2: I plan to visit .S1:.S2:.Remark:分析理解动词不定式的用途既是本课的重点,也是难点。由于学生对句子成分了解不多,理解有一龙日勺困难,老师不要花太多白勺时间讲它在句子做什么成分,让学生解即可。对于句子成分的专业术语,学生可以用汉语说,但老师要用英语表述出来。Stage 6 (4mins) : Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Classactivity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key pointsT: Clas


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