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1、高一英语必修三unit1 单项选择及单词考查1. With the development of modern science and technology, changes in the ways that people perform their work are sure to .A. to be taken place B. take place C. be happened D. be replaced2. The origins of some religious ceremonies are in no way .A. to find out B. to be discovere

2、d C. discovered D. found out3. Many festivals are held our ancestors for their contribution to theworld.A. in honor of B. in the honor of C. in memory to D. in the memory of4. Please never do such things other people.A. that will do harm to B. as will do harm toC. as they will do harm to D. which ar

3、e harmful to5. Different peoples at different festivals in different ways because oftheir cultural or religious .A. dress up; beliefs B. put on; believes C . wear; belief D. dress up; believes6. his arrival at the classroom on his first day at school, the teacher .A. At; was played a trick onB. On;

4、played a trick at his studentsC. To; played a trick on his students D. On; was played a trick on7. The old professor travelled from one school to another, first-handinformation about the education situation in China.A. to gather B. collecting C. getting together D. to get together8. Handsome, young,

5、 energetic and talented, the manager both by themale and female in the company.A. is admired B. is fond of C. is enjoyed D. is appreciated9. the project completed, all the workers anxiously looked forward to _what they should.A. With; be paid B. After; pay C. After; being paid D. With; being paid10.

6、 Food, , shelter and transportation are the four basic necessities of life.A. clothes B. clothing C. cloth D. dress11. The loud noise outside our teachervs oice so that we didn twhat he was saying.A. put out; hearB. drowned; make outC. cut out; recognize D. threw away; know12. She promised to at the

7、 meeting but shedidn t.A. turn up; keep her word B. present; keep her promiseC. attend; turn upD. appear; keep her words13. It was obvious that the ship on its voyage without from theofficials in charge or it would not have sailed off so secretly.A. set off; a permissionB. set out; permissionC. set

8、off; permitD. set out; a permit14. Whoever such a rare chance to get promoted is a foolA. throw out B. throw away C. throw off D. throw up15. The old man is so that he has to his meals every day.A. forgettable; be reminded of B. forgetful; be remembered ofC. forgetful; be reminded of D. forgettable;

9、 be remembered of16. With pressure from life and work increasing day by day, there should be something for people to A. make fun of B. have fun with C. play tricks on D. have for fun17. and see how long you can it.A. Take your breath; hold B. Hold your breath; doC. Catch your breath;D. Make your bre

10、ath; make18. -You should to her for what you did her the other day.-Why should I? It was not my fault.A. apologize; to;B. have apologized; to;C. apologize; with; D. have apologized; about19. Day and night, the old woman wept over the death of her only son, sheforgave the driver who killed him.A. as

11、though B. even though C. all though D. even20. I really don t understand whatit to hold beauty contestworldwide. In my opinion, it is a waste of money, time and energy.A. on the earth; is B. on earth; means C. at all; means D. in the world; is 用所给单词的恰当形式填空1. The (arrive) of the aircraft has been del

12、ayed due to fog.2. We must train them to think (independence).3. The French, Germans and Spaniards are (Europe).4. He tried to appear a bit more (energy).5. Smoking is not (permission) in this office.6. They didn tsee any (possible) of improvement.7. The death of his dog added to his (sad).8. I m no

13、t at all (satisfy) with the present situation.9. He was a danger to (social).10. Is she sorry? (obvious) not! Look at her.单选 1 5 BBABA 6 10DBADB 11-15 BABBC 16-20BBABB高一英语必修三unit2 单项选择及单词考查1. He sat at the desk, a novel.A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads2. If you cheat in the exam, you could har

14、dly it.A. throw away B. get away C. get away from D. get away with3. No potatoes for me I m a diet.A. at B. in C. on D. with4. The speed of cars and trucks is to 30 kilometers per hour in large cities inChina.A. limited B. limiting C. limiting to D. limited to5. Smoking is a bad habit. You should it

15、.A. throw away B. get away with C. get rid of D. throw6. I m really tired Tom. He had me for two hours in the rain.A. of, waiting B. with; wait C. of; waited D. with; waited7. Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen this yearA. the best B. betterC. the most D. more8. Filled with

16、anger, he didn tshout or swear, but just silently at me.A. looked B. stared C. glared D. glanced9. Why was Tom scolded by our teacher? For .A. tell a lie B. telling lies C. told lies D. telling lie10. Anything new in the new regulations? They will be to us allA. of great benefit B. do harms C. do ma

17、ny good D. for the beneftit11. Must I get through the business in one evening? No, you .A. mustn t B. haven t C. needn ttoD. don t have to12. Your article is too long. You must to about 3000 words.A. cut it off B. cut it up C. cut it down D. cut it into13. If your knowledge can be in some way with m

18、y experiences, we aresure to succeed.A. joined B. united C. connected D. combined14. The news was so that all the people present at the meeting were at it.A. amazing, amazingB. amazed, amazedC. amazing, amazedD. amazed, amazing15. You be sitting in this waiting room, sir. You see, it is for women an

19、dchildren only.A. oughtnttoB. dare not C. need not D. will not用所给单词的恰当形式填空1. Don t give the baby meat to eat because he cannot (digestion) it.2. Outdoor sports are (benefit) to our health.3. Her (curious) made her open the forbidden door.4. John (competition) for a place at the school, butdidn tget

20、it.5. That s the only of the system.6. In Tokyo, all bridges are (strength) to withstand earthquakes.7. It was difficult to (calmly) my brother down.8. She is working with extraordinary (energetic).9. There are only a (limit) number of tickets available so you shouldbuy one fast.10. Once or twice sh

21、e disagreed (gentle) with his views.单项选择: 15 A C D C C 610 D C B C C 1115高一英语必修三unit3 单项选择及单词考查11. -Would you permit me here?Sorry, we don t permit here in the lab.A. smoking, smokingB. to smoke, to smokeC. smoking, to smokeD.to smoke, smoking12. Sometimes she d ask the driver to stop in front of a

22、particular building and would sit into the darkness, saying nothing.A. staringB. glaring C. watching D. noticing13. After going into the concert hall, the mother a friend and went overto greet him.A. searched B. knew C. spotted D. realized14. Do you mind my taking the books away? .A. Certainly, plea

23、se do. B. No, go aheadC. Yes, not at allD. No, please don t15. His mother was ill and he had to look after her in hospital. That s he was absent from the meeting.A. because B. what C. why D. which16. After the hurricane was over, the citizens looked at was left of theirhouses, feeling sad.A. whatB.

24、thatC. whichD. all17. that he managed to get the information. Oh, a friend of hishelped him.A. Where was it B. What was it C. How was it D. Why was it 18 Do you know why the teacher asks for me? He wants you to your absence last night.A. account for B. call for C. reach for D. send for19 Will you go

25、 to his birthday party? No, I won t invited.A. if B. as if C. what ifD. even if20 Did you plan to meet here? No, we met .A. by mistake B. by accident C. by the way D. with chance21 Mum, hurry up.We blle late. I will be through in a minute. Have a little .A. timeB. patience C. custom D. presence22the

26、 visitors around the school, we took them to the library building.A. Have shown B. Shown C. Having shown D. To show 23We were about to climb up to the top of the mountain it began to rainheavily.A. asB. whileC. whenD. since24 .He can t get used to the city life here because he was in the countryside

27、.A. grown up B. brought up C. fed D. trained25 I will take my mid-term exam tomorrow. .A. Forget it B. Congratulations C. That s all right D. Good luck 用所给单词的恰当形式填空1. The boy spoke to the teacher and was punished for his (rude).2. Though it was (pay), many volunteers were still willing to take anact

28、ive part.3. It seemed to me that my (appear) at the party was not very welcome.4. At one time during the meeting we lost all (patient) with him andbegan shouting.5. My mother (simple) wouldnpt ut up with her.6. A politician should be a (serve) of the people.7. They did n t show much (willing) to hel

29、p.8. He can (probable) tell us all the details we want.9. A is a person who (direct) a play or film byinstructing the actors, cameramen, etc.10. The play, written by an American , was so (humour)that the audience laughed all through it.单项选择11 15 DACBC 16 20 ACADB 21 25 BCABD高一英语必修三unit4 单项选择及单词考查1.

30、The plan sounds good in , but I am afraidit s not in practice.A. theory B. fact C. opinion D. thinking2. I thought we would be late, but eventually we were just for the train.A. at a time B. in the time C. in time D. at the time3. The peace talk between the two parties concluded in a friendly and fr

31、ank ,reaching a series of agreements.A. windB. atmosphere C. spirit D.weather4. One day, the farmer found that the golden egg by his only hen wasstolen.A. liedB. lain C. laid D. lay5. most young students of his time, he has developed a keen interest inarchaeology.A. DislikeB. Unlike C. In common D.

32、As6. Our government has adopted a series of policies to economy from theworldwide crisis.A. protectB. keep C. stopD. prevent7. The result of the game is really , and the majority of the fans were _it.A. disappointed; disappointed with B. disappointing; disappointed atC. disappointed; disappointed ab

33、out D. disappointing; disappointing at8. I am really upset about tomorrowes xam. I am always so slow. ! You can pass it. You have been working hard on it,haven tyou?A. Go ahead B. Just feel at home C. Are you kidding D. Cheer up9. Her cat was found several days later, on the river, .A.floating; dyin

34、g B. floated; dying C. floating; dead D. floating; died10. really puzzles the scientist is the cloud of dust comes from.A.What; what B. What; where C. What; that D. What; /11. makes a lot of difference whether everyone tries to live a low carbonlife.A.WhatB. It C. That D. As12. is reported, Foxcom c

35、ompany is going to set up another new factory inHenan.A. As B. It C. What D. That13. Experts say armed conflicts are likely to between the two countriesalong the border.A. break out B. break in C. break off D. break down14. everybody is here now, lets start our new lesson.A. Although B. As though C.

36、 Now that D. After15. Though she was in great pain, she a smile at her children.A. pulled B. forced C. spread D. pushed1 .A in theory 在理论上; in practice 在实践中; in fact 实际上。2 . C at a time 意为 “一次,一次动作” ; in time 意为 “及时,终究” 。3 .B atmosphere 有 “气氛,氛围 ”的意思; spirit 意为 “精神;情绪”。4. C lie 作为规则动词时,意为 “撒谎,说谎” ; lie 作为不规则动词,意为 “躺下 ” ,过去式和过去分词分别为 lay, lain 。 而 lay 意为 “平放;放下;下蛋” , 其过去式和过去分词分别为 laid, laid 。5. B dislike 是动词; in common with 与 , 一样; unlike 与 , 不一样。6. A protect sb from sth 为常见用法, 意为 “保护某人不受某事伤害” , from 不能省略;keep sb from doing 意 为 “阻 止 某 人 做 某 事 ” , from 不 能 省 略 ; stop / prevent sb from doin


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