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1、重庆市江津五中中考英语 万能短语或句型复习 人教新目标版1. 我发现学英语很难I find I have much difficulty / trouble in learning English .I find it is difficult / hard to study English . ( it 作形主)I find it difficult / hard to study English . ( it 作形宾) I find English is difficult to study . ( sb / sth be +adj +to do ) 2.众所周知,许多学生不喜欢英语 许多

2、: a flood of ; a stream of , a large quantity of ; a collection of As we all know , a good many students dislike English .As is well-known to us all , plenty of students dislike English .Its well-known to us all that a great number of students dislike English .Whats known to us is that many students

3、 dislike English .3. 大多数学生不了解中国文化Most of the students have no knowledge of Chinese culture . The majority of students know nothing about Chinese culture . 4. 总而言之in a word ; in conclusion ; to sum up ; on the whole ;all in all;to conclude 5. 简而言之In brief ; in short ; briefly ; in summary 6. 一方面,另一方面

4、for one thing . for another ( thing ) .on the one hand .on the other hand 7. 相反On the contrary ; instead ; by contrast 8. 因.而感谢某人express ones thanks / gratitudes to sb for sth thank sb for sth be grateful / thankful to sb for sth Thanks so much for sth I cant thank you enough . 非常感谢你I appreciate you

5、r (you) helping me . 感谢你帮助我I would appreciate it if you could help me .感谢你帮助我9. 帮助某人help sb (to) do sth ; help sb with sth 帮助某人做aid sb to do ; aid sb in doing sth帮助某人做give / lend sb a hand ; do sb a favor 帮助某人10 .就我个人而言in my opinion / view / eyes / sight ; in the eyes of me as for / to me ; as for a

6、s I am concerned from a personal point of view ; personally (speaking) for my part ; to my mind ; as for as I am judge from my point of view ; I hold the view / opinion that .11、最重要的是 above all; most importantly; most important of all Whats the most important is that . Nothing is more important than

7、 to do sth12、很明显 Its obvious/ evident/apparent that13.众所周知 as far as I know, Its well-known that . As is well-known to us all , . What is well-known to us all is that. Its universally acknowledged that. Its generally/widely accepted that .14、因为 The reason why/for which .is that. just for the reason

8、that The reason is thatbecause ; now that ; seeing / given that ; on account that +句子due to ; owing to ; thanks to +名/代/doingbecause of ;on account of ; as a result of +名/代/doingjust because +句子=just for the reason that 仅仅因为15、我们不能. On no account can we.16、对有好处 be good for = do great good to be of g

9、reat benefit(advantage) to sb/sth be beneficial to sb/sth17、.的优点是. The advantage of sth is that. The advantage of sth can be as followed, firstly . Secondly.thirdly18、努力 do what/ all that/everything sb can to do sth spare no effort to do ; take trouble to do make every effort to do; do my utmost to

10、do exert all my efforts to do 19、因此 as a result ; as a consequence; consequently; hence/ therefore/ thus20. 我希望 I do/sincerely hope . I am writing to you in the hope that./ hoping to do have a strong desire to do 21、我相信. Its my belief that. I hold a firm belief that I do / firmly believe I am confid

11、ent/convinced that. My belief is that.22、此外 whats more; in addition; besides; moreover; furthermore; apart/aside from the above apart/aside from whats mentioned above23、更糟糕的是. whats worse; worse still; even worse; worst of all to make the matters worse what makes matters worse is that.24、擅长于 be good

12、 at / do well in be excellent/ skillful in ; have a good mastery / knowledge/ command of 25、打算 plan/attempt/ intend to do = make an attempt to do 26、为了 in order to do/so as to do ; in order that/so that+句子 The purpose/aim of doing is that with the aim/purpose of doing /that I am writing to you aimed

13、 to do / aimed at doing27、同时at the same time; in the meantime; meanwhile 28、相反 on the contrary; instead; by contrast 29、事实上 in fact/effect/reality; as a matter of fact; actually 30、喜欢 show strong love for ; be pretty crazy about ; be keen on develop /show a keen interest in ; have a fancy for ; Im r

14、eally fond of ; be interested in 31、不知道 be at a loss ; have no idea 32、各种各样的all kinds of ; various; a variety of ; varieties of ; a wide range of 33、充分利用make full use of ; take full advantage of ; make the best/most of 34、此外besides ; what's more ; in addition ;furthermore ; moreover apart from t

15、he above 35. chat with sb = have a chat with sb 与某人聊天communicate with sb ; exchange one's minds with sb与某人交流 take with sb heartily与某人交流 have good communicate with sb与某人交流 have a deep conversation with sb 与某人交流36. 参加(活动)take an active part in ; participate in ; join in37. 俗话说得好as a famous saying

16、goes ; as a famous man says There's a famous saying that .There's a proverb(谚语 ) that.38. 因此as a result ; therefore ; thus ; henceconsequently ; in consequence ; as a consequence 39. 对感兴趣show interest in ; be crazy about be keen on ; be into sth ; care for be fond of ; be interested in ; hav

17、e a keen interest in40. 同意agree with sb ; agree to sth be for sth / be in favor of / be in support of I firmly support the view that I fully agree with the statement (说法) that 反对:disagree with ; be strongly against sth (强烈反对)41. 盼望你早日回信Reply to me as soon as possible I'm looking forward to your

18、early reply You're expected to reply to me as soon as you can42.与有关have something to do with sth be closely / deeply related to sth be connected with 43. 换句话说that is ; that is to say ; namely ; in other words 44. 充分利用make the best / most of make good use of ; take full advantage of 45. 直到才I didn

19、't go to bed until you came home .It was not until you came home that I went to bed .Not until you came home did I go to bed . 46. 首先 :to begin / start with ; at first ; firstly ; in the first place ; first ; at the beginning 其次:secondly ; second ; then 最后:lastly ; finally ; at last ; in the end

20、 ; last but not the least 47. 例如 for example / instance ; such as +名/代/doingtake for example 以为例48. It's time for sb to do sth It's high time that sb should do sth 该时候了It's high time taht sb did sth 该时候了49. 采取措施take action / steps to do take an effective measure to do 采取有效措施50.短语:respond

21、 to the call 响应号召on / upon arrival / arriving 当达到时can't wait to do 迫不及待There's no doubt that 毫不疑问There's no point / sense in doing 做无意义It's no good / use doing 做无意义improve our intergration capability 提高综合能力develop and expand the traditional virtue 发扬传统美德build one's sense of langu

22、age 培养语感a fairly sensible choice 一个明智的选择have a mastery of sth 掌握the fastest and most efficient way 最快最有效的方法the way to do / of doing 的方法show your respect 表示你的尊重promote understanding 促进理解improve the relationship of each other 改善彼此的关系help each other 互相帮助 learn from each other 互相学习add to friendship 增进友谊

23、shorten the generation gap 缩短代沟have a positive / negative attitude towards life 对生活有乐观/悲观的态度meet with difficulty or frustration 遭遇困难和挫折enrich one's mind and life 丰富思维和生活keep pace with society 与社会同步enrich / increase our knowledge 丰富知识broaden our horizens 开拓视野strengthen our awareness of sth 增强意识ha

24、d better do sth 最好There's nothing better to do sth 最好may / might as well do 最好with the development of sth 随着发展according to sth 根据to my surprise / joy 令我惊讶/高兴的是get / keep in touch with sb 与某人取得(保持)联系be concerned about 关心in genneral / generally speaking 一般来说achieve / reach one's aims / goals 实现某人的目标realize / live one's dream ; make one's dream come true 实现某人的梦想as shown in the chart 正如表格中显示的那样decide to do


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