



1、 1 期黄凤良等: 影响流体力学仿真精度的数值积分因素 93 Factors of num er ica l in tegra tion affecting the prec is ion of the f lu id m echan ica l em ula tion HU AN G Feng 2liang, ZHOU Yan 2huang (N an jing U n iversity of Science and T echno logy, N an jing 210094, Ch ina Abstract In flu id m echan ica l em u la t ion, t

2、here ex ist lo t s of facto rs affect ing the p recision. T he facto r of num erica l in teg ra t ion, one of tho se facto rs, w a s stud ied in th is p ap er. A s a resu lt, the m ethod, w h ich can ob ta in the p recise em u la t ing effect, is p resen ted. A t the sam e t i me the p recision and

3、the step a re g iven fo r the m ethod. Key words: t ra jecto ry; num erica l in teg ra t ion; flu id m echan ica l em u la t ion ( 上接第 80 页 Na tura l character istics of long - span cable - stayed br idges and ca lcula tion of its cr itica l w ind veloc ity of f lutter 1 1 1 2 H E J ian , TAN G J in

4、 2chun , SU N B ing 2nan , QU W ei2lian (1. D ep artm en t of C ivil Eng ineering, Zhejiang U n iversity, H angzhou 310027, Ch ina; 2. D ep artm en t of A rch itectu ral Eng ineering, W uhan U n iversity of T echno logy, W uhan, 430070 Ch ina Abstract T h is p ap er erect s the sp ace ca lcu la t in

5、g m odel of cab le 2stayed b ridges in acco rdance w ith it s con st ruct ion ba sed on the fin ite elem en t m ethod theo ry; estab lishes it s 32 D sp ace na tu ra l . T he au tho r vib ra t ion equa t ion; ana lyzes and seek s the so lu t ion of it s na tu ra l cha racterist ics a lso erect s 32

6、D sp ace vib ra t ion equa t ion of long 2sp an cab le 2stayed b ridges w ith the w ind load ing; p resen t s a sub 2dom a in com p lex eigenva lue m ethod to study the flu t ter and ob ta in s the theo ry fo rm u la fo r ca lcu la t ing the crit ica l w ind velocity of flu t ter; m akes up the m u lt i2 m ode & tw o 2 p a ram eter sea rch ing com p u ter p rog ramm. Key words: cab le 2stayed b ridges; na tu ra l cha racterist ics; flu t ter; cri


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