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1、 高二(下)英语期末考前小练一单项选择。1.Which do you prefer to use, the red one or the blue one? To be honest, I dont likeof them. A. bothB. eitherC. noneD. neither2.Someone has upset the photographs Iso carefully, which made me quite angry. A. laid off B. laid outC. laid down D. laid aside3. Hardlyto the airporthe w

2、as surrounded by many journalists and fans. A. the famous singer had got; when B. the famous singer got; thenC. had the famous singer got; when D. did the famous singer get; then4. Mary felt from the outside world, since she lacked an Internet connection and couldnt receive any e-mail. A. cut down B

3、. cut in C. cut off D. cut out5. Sheherself. She said she would never marry young, but she did. A. did contradictB. didnt contradictC. wasnt contradicted D. was contradicted6. It was not until Mum agreed to take her to KFC, was her favorite, the spoiled girl stopped crying. A. that; thatB. which; wh

4、ich C. that; whichD. which; that7.Was the proposal passed at yesterdays meeting? Yes, but some members at the committee expressed. A. associationsB. authority C. cooperationD. reservations8.Sheclean out the spare room last week, but it was much too occupied at that time. A. intended toB. was intende

5、d to C. had intended toD. has intended to9.Charles did what he couldthe servant, although he himself was in danger. A. rescue B. rescuedC. to rescueD. rescuing10.The storm came on so suddenly that they were wet through _ they could get to shelter. A. since B. when C. until D. before11.How was the pa

6、rty last night? Wonderful! I have never had aone than that. A. more boring B. more enjoyable C. most enjoyableD. most boring12. The problem was that he didnt know what had hurt her and heher. A. dared not to ask B. not dared askC. didnt dare askD. didnt dare asking13.We are asking people to _ goods

7、from companies that use child labor. A. refuse B. resist C. reject D. boycott14.We are living in people call “Information Age”, so everything is possible.A.thatB.whichC.whatD. why15. It seems that you are familiar with this city. I _ English in a high school here for three yearsIt' s great to be

8、 back! Ahave taught Bhave been teaching Chad taught Dtaught16.Never there was a beautiful place nearby, so away . A. did they know; went they B. they knew; went they C. did they know; they went D. they knew; they went17. If the plan _last year, the present situation _ better. A. had been put into pr

9、actice, would have been B. had been put into practice, would be C. were put into practice, would be D. were put into practice, would have been18.-Who is making so much noise in the garden? - the children. A. There are B. They are C. It is D. That is19. It was not until last month critics found was s

10、hown on the screen Love is Not Blind was surprisingly well-received by young people. A. that; that B. that; what C. when; what D. when; that20. with a gradual rise of seawater, some nations in the Pacific are considering moving in the near future. A. Facing B. To face C. Faced D. Being faced21. to s

11、upporting the growing number of students seeking odd jobs, we will provide them with the information they need. A. Committing B.Committed C. Being committed D. Having committed22. the apartment, the firefighters shut off the gas, opened the windows and rescued the old couple. A. To break out B. To b

12、e broken into C. Having broken into D. Broken into23.I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere all the students feel respected and cared for. A. that B. when C. where D. which24.On AIDS Day, the Minister of Health Department demanded that the problemspaid special attentio

13、n to. A. referred to being B. referred to be C. refer to beingD. refer to be25. I still remember my happy childhood when my mother _ take me to Disneyland at weekends.A. mightB. mustC. wouldD. should二完形填空What is happiness to you?Are you happy? Do you remember a time when you were happy? Are you look

14、ing for happiness today?Many people have 26 a variety of sources for their feelings of happiness. Some have put their heart and effort into their work. Too many have turned to drugs and alcohol. Untold numbers have looked for it in the possession of expensive cars, exotic vacation homes, and other p

15、opular “toys”. Most of their efforts have a 27 in one common fact: people are looking for a(n) 28 source of happiness.Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes many people because they 29 the process and journey of finding it. I have heard many people say that, “Ill be happy when I get my new

16、promotion.” Or “Ill be happy when I lose that 30 20 pounds.” The list goes on and on. You probably have a few of your own you could 31 if you wanted.This thinking is 32 because it presupposes that happiness is a “response” to having, being or doing something. In life, we all 33 stimulus and response

17、. Stimulus is when a dog barks at you and bares his teeth. Response is when your heart beats faster, your palms get sweaty and you 34 to run. Today, some people think that an expensive car is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. A great paying job is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. A loving rel

18、ationship is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. This belief 35 us thinking and feeling: “Ill be happy when ”It has been my finding that actually the 36 is true. I believe that happiness is a stimulus and response is what life brings to those who are truly 37 . When we are happy, we 38 to have more

19、 success in our work. When we are happy, people want to be around us and enjoy loving relationships. When we are happy, we more 39 take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health. Happiness is NOT a response 40 , it is a stimulus.Happiness is a conscious 41 we make every day of our lives. For u

20、nknown reasons to me, many choose to be painful, unsuccessful and angry most of the time. Happiness is 42 .something that happens to us after we get something we want we usually get things we want 43 we choose to be happy.I have made only one 44 rule for my own happiness: Every day above ground is a

21、 GOOD day. 45 , I tend to have a lot of good and happy days continually. 26. A. ownedB. valuedC. ignoredD. sought 27. A. sense B. root C. theory D. view28. A. lasting B. confusing C. challengingD. existing29. A. dislike B. mix C. misunderstand D. miss30. A. valuelessB. miserable C. visible D. extra3

22、1. A. add B. make C. accept D. consider32. A. interesting B. dangerous C. unbelievableD. unacceptable 33. A. refuse B. receive C. witnessD. experience34. A. fear B. forget C. prepareD. hesitate 35. A. stopsB. suggestsC. leavesD. prevents36. A. belief B. statement C. idea D. opposite37. A. honest B.

23、happyC. lucky D. wise38. A. tendB. meanC. hopeD. wish39. A. properly B. practically C. naturallyD. possibly40. A. ratherB. thoughC. evenD. also41. A. decisionB. judgmentC. choiceD. conclusion42. A. just B. notC. perhapsD. almost43. A. unlessB. afterC. untilD. before44. A. simpleB. strict C. obvious

24、D. acceptable 45. A. However B. FinallyC. Fortunately D. Therefore三阅读理解Vinegar . . . Mother Natures Liquid GoldIf youre like me, you will be amazed at the various uses for vinegar.This common household product is packed with essential amino acids (氨基酸) and helpful vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Ap

25、ple cider vinegar was found to be an almost universal preservative and cure-all. The healthy goodness of apples is concentrated into a teaspoon of golden liquid - a teaspoon of which supplies a generous portion of the building blocks needed for a healthy body.The new book “The Vinegar Book” by natur

26、al remedies author Emily Thacker shows you over 300 ways to use vinegar for fighting germs, easing pain, improving health, cutting grease, and cleaning tips for a natural sparkle! She gives you recipes to make your own flavored vinegar that will perk up the taste of your food!Pain Relief·Reliev

27、e varicose veins·Fade headaches away·Kill infection·Soothe sore throats and coughsNatures Aid To A Healthier Body·Control appetite to lose weight·Protect skin from the ravages of the sun·Fade age spots·Minimize memory lossYour House Will Be Ready For The “White -Gl

28、ove Test!”·Use as a disinfectant some hospitals do!·Use in the laundry brightens colors! Whitens whites! Fades perspiration stain!·Removes carpet stains absorbs odors!·Repairs wood scratches and makes an excellent furniture polish!·Countertops, floors, windows and fixtures w

29、ill shine!Did You Know . . .·Vinegar is credited for saving the lives of thousands of soldiers during the U.S. Civil War?·Vinegar was used as a healing dressing on wounds and sores in Biblical times?Research Shows . . .When vinegar is made from fresh, natural apple, it contains a healthy d

30、ose of pectin(果胶). As pectin works its way through the digestive system, it binds to cholesterol. Then pectin pulls the cholesterol which is bound to it out of the body. Less cholesterol in the body makes for a reduced risk of cardiovascular problems, such as heart attacks and strokes.Order your cop

31、y of “The Vinegar Book” TODAY. All you have to do is write the word “Vinegar” along with your name and address on a plain piece of paper. Mail your remittance of only12 . 95 plus 2 postage and handling payable to: The Vinegar book, 718 - 12th Street N.W. Dept. F6165 , Canton, Ohio 44703 .Order an ex

32、tra for family and friends and SAVE. You can order 2 for only 20 postpaid !You may charge to your VISA or MasterCard by including your card number, expiration date and signature. For even faster service on VISA/ MasterCard, call toll free 1-800-772-7285, ext. F6165.If youre dissatisfied for any reas

33、on, you may return the cover only within three months for a full refund. Supplies are limited so you must act now.46. The passage is written mainly to _. A. introduce various uses of vinegar to readers B. attract more people to purchase the bookC. inform readers that vinegar is needed for a healthy

34、body D. stress the importance of vinegar in saving lives at war47. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Vinegar which is useful for our health is made by mother.B. Your house may become tidier after using vinegar.C. Vinegar can be applied to the wounds.D. Pectin helps to reduce the risk of

35、 heart attacks and strokes.48. If you order 4 copies of “The Vinegar Book”, how much should you pay? A. 53.8 B. 59.8 C. 40 D. 42五动词填空.(8选6)claim; calculate; accumulate; have a go at; classify; give thought to ; convey; be bent on1.It is very difficult stamps around a certain topic.2.The computer que

36、stions by level of difficulty.3. So far nobody has the money discovered in the library.4.David the driving test, but did not pass it.5.When making a national development plan, the government needs to the interests of the majority of the people.6.Her letter clearly that she was determined to go to co

37、urt over the matter.六任务型阅读Children suffer from sleepwalking due to health problems like weakness and stress among the children. During a survey, it was found that nearly 14% of the children surveyed suffered from sleepwalking. Many children had more than one sleepwalking experiences and it was also

38、observed that boys suffered more from this disease compared to girls. Many children who develop this disorder overcome it as they grow up and by adolescence theyre more or less cured. The disease of children sleepwalking can be cured by taking certain precautions (预防措施).Children who suffer from slee

39、pwalking face the condition in which the body can move even though the brain is half asleep. Sleepwalkers commonly get out of bed and roam (闲逛) all over the house. Some of them even get dressed and leave the house. Sleepwalkers eyes remain open, and they can see what is in front of them. However, th

40、eir expressions are blank and theyre unable to respond either to conversation or to their names being called out. Children suffering from sleepwalking dont have any idea about their walk and dont know any direction in which theyre moving.Sleepwalking in children is a poorly developed sleep/wake cycl

41、e. In normal circumstances, the entire brain awakes at the same time. A sleepwalkers brain, however, is different in the sense that only a portion of it wakes up at a time. The portion of the brain that manages mobility awakens while the portion that deals with cognition and awareness is still aslee

42、p. A sleepwalking child is actually fast asleep and doesnt have any idea of the sleepwalking session in the sleep. Children sleepwalking is the symptom of disorder in children due to improper diet or other health problems like weakness and stress among the children. Certain precautions should be tak

43、en to protect sleepwalkers from dangerous situations. Make sure that sleepwalking children are in a safe place during their sleepwalking sessions. Take care to ensure that they will not get injured during a sleepwalking session. Parents should not keep any sharp or fragile objects in a childs room.

44、Lock the door of a sleepwalkers room to prevent him or her from venturing out at night. Fixing a bell to alert a parent or caregiver if a child goes out of the room is a great idea. Large glass doors or windows should be covered by heavy curtains to prevent sleepwalkers from trying to walk through t

45、hem during their sleepwalking sessions. Children who sleepwalk should be given ample protection till they overcome this disorder. There is a possibility of them running into dangerous situations during their sleepwalking sessions.Children sleepwalking(1) about the disease Many children suffer from s

46、leepwalking. Boys are more (2) to sleepwalk than girls. Sleepwalking can be overcome with children (3) up.Symptoms of sleepwalking The body can move though the brain is half asleep. It is (4) for sleepwalkers to get out of bed and roam all over the house. Sleepwalkers, with eyes open and blank expre

47、ssions, cant make any (5) to conversation or to their names. They dont know (6) theyre walking.(7) Improper diet Some health problems like weakness and stressPrecautions (8) that sleepwalking children are in a safe place during their sleepwalking sessions. Keep any sharp or fragile objects (9) of a

48、sleepwalking childs room. Lock the door of a sleepwalkers room at night. Fix a bell to alert a parent or caregiver. (10) large glass doors or windows with heavy curtains.七书面表达。你校拟组织学生在课间进行长跑活动,大部分同学认为这种活动不仅有利于增强体质,还可以放松身心、缓解学习压力;可是有的同学却认为这种活动容易使学生疲劳,增加患感冒的几率,从而影响学习。请用英语写一篇短文,介绍同学们的不同观点,并谈谈你的看法。注意:1.

49、 词数150左右;2. 为使行文连贯,可适当增加细节;3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。One possible version:Recently my school has been trying to organize the long-distance running during the break. However, we have different opinions about it.Most students are in favor of the activity. They believe that running is a good way to build up their bodies. Whats more, it can help them t


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