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1、Then, how to choose a career? Choosing a career is an involved _ that is based on a number of things, including your _, skills, work-related _ , and personality. You might want to meet with a career counselor. A career counselor will use various tools to help you_ . This is called self-assessment. I

2、f _ are an issue, dont let that keep you from getting the help you need. Check with public library or local colleges and universities. Compound Dictation What you should end up with is a list of suitable careers based on your self-assessment. _ you cant do everything on your list. You need to do som

3、e _ first. You should begin to gather information about these careers that include a job _ , outlook for the field and required training and education. When you have _ down your choices to just a few, then you should investigate even further, perhaps conduct some informational _ with those working i

4、n the field. You can now make a decision about what career to pursue.Compound Dictation Choosing a career is an involved _ that is based on a number of things, including your _, skills, work-related _ , and personality. You might want to meet with a career counselor. A career counselor will use vari

5、ous tools to help you_ . This is called self-assessment. If _ are an issue, dont let that keep you from getting the help you need. Check with public library or local colleges and universities. Compound Dictationprocessinterestsvaluesevaluatefinances What you should end up with is a list of suitable

6、careers based on your self-assessment. _ you cant do everything on your list. You need to do some _ first. You should begin to gather information about these careers that include a job _ , outlook for the field and required training and education. When you have _ down your choices to just a few, the

7、n you should investigate even further, perhaps conduct some informational _with those working in the field. You can now make a decision about what career to pursue.Compound DictationObviouslyresearchdescriptionnarrowedinterviewsWords 1. given a. Lin5,Para 1: Many students havent really thought serio

8、usly about why they are choosing a given occupation. 1. specified or stated 特定的;规定的;确定的 You have to finish the work within the given time. 你们必须在规定时间内完成这项工作。你们必须在规定时间内完成这项工作。 这项工作必须在规定的时间内完成 The work must be done within the given time. 2.介词介词 prep. 如果有如果有;假如假如;考虑到考虑到+(that) Given good health, I hope

9、to finish the work this year. 如果我身体不错的话,我希望今年能完成这项工作。 鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值是不可避鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值是不可避免的。免的。 Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued. 鼓励鼓励;支持支持(的事物的事物);激励激励;促进促进(的事的事物物);起激励作用的事物起激励作用的事物 spiritual encouragement Encouragement is ox

10、ygen to the soul. 鼓励是灵魂的氧气。鼓励是灵魂的氧气。 take encouragement from . encouragement nu.idealize 将将.理想化理想化;把把.视作理想的人视作理想的人(或事或事);理想化地描述理想化地描述(或反或反映映) 大一新生往往把大学生活理想化了。 Freshmen tend to idealize their lives in college. Young men make great mistakes in life; for one thing, they idealize love too much. 年轻人一生中常犯

11、大错误;其中之一就是把爱情太理想化了。 Collocation: ideal a. 理想的;完美的;最合适的 n. 完美的人或事 ideally adv. 最理想的是;最适合 idealism n. 理想主义 Ideally, everyone would be given equal opportunities. 最理想的是,人人都能有平等的机会。后缀后缀“ize(中国的使动用法)(中国的使动用法)” “-ize”的意义如同中国古代汉中常用的的意义如同中国古代汉中常用的“使动使动用法用法”,加在英语形容词或者名词之后,使形,加在英语形容词或者名词之后,使形容词或者名词变成动词,其名词形式是容

12、词或者名词变成动词,其名词形式是“ization”。 modern-modernize-modernization(现代化) industrial-industrialize-industrialization(工业化) real-realize-realization(使成真;实现) ideal-idealize-idealization(理想化) span vt. 跨越跨越, 穿越穿越, (时间时间)持续;包括持续;包括(广大地区);涵盖(多项内容)(广大地区);涵盖(多项内容) line14,Para 2span a considerable period of time His res

13、earch in cancer that spanned 15 years has made considerable headway in the end. 他对癌症持续15年的研究终于取得了极大的进展。 Many bridges span the Thames. 很多桥横亘在泰晤士河上。 ethnic adj. 1. 种族的, 部落的, 民族的2. 某文化群体的, 具有民族特色的, 异国风味的 ethnic identity 种族身份种族身份 ethnic groups少数民族少数民族 ethnic costume 民族服装民族服装 . ethnic affairs commission民

14、族委民族委员会员会 Abstract n.概要,摘要 vt摘要, 提炼, 抽象化 adj. 抽象的 The word “poem” is concrete, but “poetry” is abstract. “诗歌”是具体的,而“诗意”是抽象的。 Harper made an abstract of Prof. Hunters lecture. In the end he abstracted the most important points from his long speech. 最后他从自己的长篇演说中提取出最重要的几点。 coordination 协调; 整理; 跳舞可不是个简单

15、的活儿,它需要身体各部分的协调性。 Dancing is not a simple job, which involves the coordination of different parts of your body. V. coordinate协调,调节,使调和 If we coordinate our efforts we should be able to win the game. 如果我们同心协力,我们应该能够打赢这场比赛。 measurement n.(量得的)尺寸,大小;测量;衡量(方法) ;衡量;评估 The measurements of the room are 10

16、by 15 feet. 这个房间的面积为1015英尺。 兴趣评估已经十分流行,并广泛应用于职业规划。 Interest measurement has become popular and is used extensively in career planning.Collocation: measure ones strength with 和较量 in some measure 某种程度上 take ones measure 量尺寸(做衣服 measure up to 胜任,合格;符合;达到 Lei Feng never ceased trying to measure up to hi

17、s ideal.雷锋努力按这个理想去做,从不停息。 moderately adv. 1. 适度地,有节制地2. 普通地;温和度;不过度地 They lived moderately. 他们生活有节制。 a moderately wealthy family 一个普通富裕的家庭 moderately tight financial policy 适度从紧的财政政策 Drink moderately, love moderately, live moderately: everything in moderation. 喝得适度,爱得适度,生活得适度:一切都不过度。 slight adj. 微小的

18、, 轻微的, 微不足道的 a slight fever/cold. The boss decided to pass over his slight mistakes. 老板决定原谅他的小错。 a slight relationship between interests and abilities a slight criticism 温和的批评 Collocations Not in the slightest =not at all He didnt mind in the slightest. The slightest . =any I dont have the slightest

19、 idea. go through (L17) experience, endure or suffer sth 经历、忍受或遭受某事 鉴于他经历过的种种遭遇,他的乐天达观令人惊叹。 Hes amazingly cheerful considering all that he has gone through. Life is meant to be hard. You will have to go through one hardship after another. 生活原本就是艰辛的。你得准备经历一个又一个的磨难 Collocation: go after 追求 go by (时间)过去;遵守,遵循 go in for 开始;参加 go into 开始从事;调查 go out 熄灭,停止运转;过时 go over 复习;检查 stand a chance of 有机会, 有希望 I will stand a good chance of going


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