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1、Unit 2 What should I do?1.语言功能:谈论难题及提出劝告。2.重点词汇:keep out , stereo , loud , argue , serious , out of style , what s wrong? haircut , argument , either , tutor , original , trendy , bake , teen , except , upset , leave out , lose , get on , fight , caller , aunty , pay for , ask for , the same as , at

2、 school , look for , call someone up , go to someone s house , every night , stay at home , argue with sb. , talk about , write sb. a letter , have an idea , borrowfrom , have a bake sale , find out , have a problem , be angry with , have a fight with , give sb. some advice.3. 重点句型: What should I do

3、? You could write him a letter.What should he do? Maybe he should say hes sorry.What should they do? They shouldnt argue.Whats wrong/the matter? My clothes are out of style. Maybe youshould buy some new clothes.Why don t you? (formulaic) That s a good idea./an okay idea./a bad idea.4. 语言结构(1)情态动词: c

4、ould , shouldo(2) 运用 Why dont you.? 表达建议的客套语。基础卷(20分钟)一、找出与下列句子相对应的图片( ) 1. Tomorrow is my friend Lisas birthday. I should buy her a present in a shop.( ) 2. The teacher asks Jim to give a talk about pollution. He should look up some information about it in the library.( )3. Maries English is not go

5、od. She should join the English club to practice her English.( )4. You left your maths book in Emmas house , but you need to do homework now. I think you could go to her house for it.( ) 5. The twins are free this afternoon. They wouldnt like to stay at home. They could go to a movie.答案:CBEAD二、在栏中找出

6、与栏相对应的句子 ( ) 1. My friend is angry with me. A. Thats a good idea.( ) 2. Why dont you tell her to get different clothes? B. I dont have enough money.( )3. Whats the matter? C. You should say youre sorry.( )4. My best friend is more popular than I. D. My haircut is out of style.( )5. You could give hi

7、m a ticket to a football game. E. You could be friendlier to others.答案:CADEB三、按汉语提示完成句子1. You shouldn t_(和争吵) your best friend.答案:argue with2. I dont want to_(使他大吃一惊).答案:surprise him greatly3. Ali needs to get some money to_(为付款)summer camp.答案:pay for4. Geoffrey wears_(与相同的发式)Denny does.答案:the same

8、haircut as5. How are you_(和相处) your classmates?答案:getting onalong with解题点拨:与相处可用get on with或get along with两种形式表达。四、单项选择( ) 1. Lily_ read a book when she was young.A. couldnt B. cant C. shouldnt答案:A解题点拨:由句意判断,此处应用cant的过去式couldnt。( )2. Everyone _be polite to their parents.A. could B. should C. may答案:B

9、解题点拨:should意为“应当,应该”,表示义务,责任。( )3. Why _come a little earlier? All right.A. dont B. not you C. not答案:C解题点拨:Why not+动词原形?用来表示“征求对 方的意见、建议”的常用句型之一,意思是“为什么不?”( )4. Could you please give me_? Sure.A. some advice B. an advice C.any advice答案:A解题点拨:Could you please?是一表示请求的疑问句型,some用于表示请求的疑问句中,advice是一个不可数名

10、词,如一条建议意见忠告只能表示为a piece of advice。( )5. I think you could _some money from your friends.A. ask B. get C. borrow答案:C解题点拨:borrowfrom意为“从(向)借”,是一固定表达。提高卷(20分钟)一、根据句意和首字母完成单词1. She always has an a_ with her husband about money.答案: argument解题点拨:have an argument with sb意为“和某人争论争吵”。2. I think Ding Zhaozhon

11、g is an o _scientist.答案:original3. My aunty didnt go to the park. My cousin didnt go there , e_答案:either解题点拨:too,意为“也”,用于肯定句中,either也意为“也”,用于否定句中加强语气。4. Now some teens like wearing t_ clothes.答案:trendy5. Bettina failed her test , so she was terribly u_.答案:upset二、用所给词的正确形式填空1. I think Erin should tel

12、l her friend Anna not_ (be) late for class again.答案:to be解题点拨:tell sbto do sthnot to do sth是一固定句型。2. Pollution is one of the most serious _ (problem) in the world.答案:problems解题点拨:oneof表示“其中之一”,后面必须接可数名词的复数形式。3. Kim _(lose) his library book last week ,he couldnt find it.答案:lost4. Tony always plays th

13、e stereo much_(loud) than his sister does.答案:louder解题点拨:两者的比较,用比较级。5. The sweaters are only 15 yuan each. Theyre very_.(expensive)答案:in expensive/cheap解题点拨:expensive与inexpensive是一对反义词。三、将下列句子按逻辑意义重新排列A. I think you could get a part-time job.B. What should I do?C. Whats wrong , Nicole?D. But I dont h

14、ave enough money to pay for it.E. We are going on summer camp in July.F. Thats a good idea.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._5. _ 6._答案:CEDBAF四、组词成句1. tell , you , to , clothes , Emillio , should , get , different答案:You should tell Emillio to get different clothes.2. some money , needs , buy , to , for , gifts , Mari

15、a , her family答案:Maria needs some money to buy gifts for her family.3. my sister , Mary , a fight , to , with , don t , I , have , want答案: I don t want to have a fight with my sister Mary.4. me , David , has , haircut , nicer , than答案:David has nicer haircut than me.5. I , Joe , the same , wearing ,

16、 like , does , clothes , as答案: I like wearing the same clothes as Joe does.综合训练卷(70分名钟,满发100分)一、单项选择(每小题2分,共30分)( ) 1. Shall we leave at six? _.A. No , lets go to the zoo B. No , lets leave ,at half past sixC. Sorry , I m busy D. Let s go to the shop答案:B解题点拨:Shall we?是用来表示征求对方意见、建议的常用句型之一,意为“咱们好吗?”。

17、( )2. Mrs White will _about computer games with the headmaster tomorrow afternoon.A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk答案:D解题点拨:talk aboutwith sb是一固定表达,“意为和某人交谈有关”。say,speak,talk,tell都有说的意思,但用法不同:say着重指说的内容,说的话可以是直接引语或间接引语;speak意为讲话、发言,指开口发声的能力、运用语言的能力,多用作不及物动词;talk意为“谈话、交谈”,与speak意义较近,也是着重说话的动作,而不着重所说的内容

18、,一般用作不及物动词。但talk常常是对某人说的,含有讨论、谈论的意味;tell意为“讲、告诉”,常指告诉某人一件事或讲述一件事,后面多跟两个宾语。( ) 3. May I use your bike ,please? Sure , but please _it as soon as possible.A. return B. give C. take D. bring答案:A( ) 4. He went to the bookshop and _about 100 yuan_the new books.A. took ,to B. spent ,in C. paid ,for D. paid

19、 ,with答案:C解题点拨:pay与spend均有“花费”之意,但它们的习惯搭配分别为“payfor”和”spendon(in) doing sth”。( )5. What do you do with your homework? Im sorry I_ it at home.答案:B解题点拨:要表达把某物忘在某个地方,不能用forget一词,应用leave。A. forgot B. left C. stayed D. kept( ) 6. How long could I_ the magazine , Miss Yang? Only one week.A. borrow B. retu

20、rn C. give back D. keep答案:D解题点拨:borrow是指从别人、别处借东西,常与from 连用,它是一个结束性动词,不能与时间段 连用,表达长时间的借要用keep。( ) 7. There are so many nice skirts in the store. I dont know _ to choose.A. which B. what C. who D. where答案:A解题点拨:which作为疑问词比what的选择余地要小, what在使用时范围没有限制,which则范围有限制。( ) 8. Lucy is the same _as Lily. They

21、are twin sisters.A. old B. age C. young D. size答案:B解题点拨:“与年龄一样大”应表示为“the same age as”或“as old as”。( ) 9. Shut the window and _the cold wind out.A. leave B. take C. keep D. stop答案:C解题点拨:采用排除法,leaveout意为“忽略,遗漏”,takeout意为“把拿出去”,keepout意为“不让进来”,stopout表达不正确。故选C。( ) 10. His father told him _ his best fri

22、end to dinner this Sunday.A. invite B. ask C. to invite D. asking答案:C( )11. Why is Peter unhappy? Because he _the final exam.A. failed to pass B. passedC. went through D. didnt fail答案:A解题点拨:fail后面接动词不定式,表示“未能、没有”的意思,因此考试不及格可以表示为:fail to pass the examnot pass the examfail the examfail in the exam。( )

23、 12. The chair is broken. Please _who broke it.A. look for B. find C. find out D. look at答案:C解题点拨:find和lookfor都有找的意思,但两者有不同之处:find指的是寻找的结果,意为“找到”;lookfor指的是寻找的动作及过程,意为“寻找”;find out意为“有意去找而找到”或者意为“查明、发现(事实的)真相”。( ) 13. All of the classmates went to the park_ Lewis. He had to look after his weak mothe

24、r at home.A. only B. beside C. besides D. except答案:D解题点拨:except意为“除之外”,后面接的内容属例外情况,即不在所说的范围之内。besides也有“除之外”之意,但其后所接的内容包括在所说的范围之内。( )14. I think the new comer is easy to_A. get along B. get on withC. get up D. get off答案:B解题点拨:与相处可表示为get onalongwtth,此题中的动词不定式与宾语从句中的主语在逻辑上是动宾关系,选项B是对的。( )15. Bob didnt

25、 do his homework again. The teacher was very _with him.A. popular B. pleased C. surprised D. angry答案:D解题点拨:由句意可知,此处应该是老师对他非常生气,对某人非常生气应表示为be angry with sb.。二、根据对话内容填入所缺的句子(每空2分,共10分)A: Jim ,do you know when Fathers Day is? I think its next week ,but Im not sure.B: Yeah , thats right. 1 Do you plan t

26、o get Dad a present?A: Yes ,but Im not sure what to buy for him. 2 B: How about a football T-shirt? I m sure hell be pleased if you buy him a Liverpool football T-shirt !A. 3 He isnt interested in football.B: OK. 4 Im sure hell like a book!A: Hmm , 5 I think I ll talk to Mum. Im sure she should know

27、 what Dad likes.1._2._3._4._5._1. 答案:Its next Sunday.解题点拨:由上文和常识知,此处应填“父亲节在下个星期日”。2. 答案:Do you have any ideas? /Do you have a good idea?解题点拨:由上、下文可知,此处应是征求对方的意见,即“你有好的主意吗?”。3.答案: I dont think so.解题点拨:联系上、下文可知,此处应是“我并不这么认为”。4.答案: What about a book?解题点拨:由下文知,此处应用表达建议的用语“What How about a book?”。5.答案: I

28、m not sure if thats a good idea.解题点拨:由下文知,此处应是A对对方Jim的建议无法确定是否可行。三、完形填空(每空2分 ,共20分) I lose (丢) things every day , but not very important things. I always find them again. When I find them though , its too 1 I dont need them any more! For example (例如) , I needed 2 a letter ,so I looked for the stamps

29、 I 3 yesterday. I couldnt find them , so I had to buy some more. I am usually very careful 4 my things. But there are 5 which I just can t keep. Umbrellas (伞) , for example. I buy two or three umbrellas every year. I put them 6 in shops , restaurants or in the cinema 7 I forget them. I lose papers a

30、nd keys usually important papers. I also leave my phone card in the telephone. Last month I 8 my bag in a shop. Another thing I often lose is my car keys. Lastweek I lost 9 so I took the bus to 10 When I got home , I found them in the rubbish bin (垃圾箱) !( ) 1. A. good B. late C. nice D. happy答案:B解题点

31、拨:由I dont need them any more这一句可知后文,然而我找到那些东西时,又太迟了。( ) 2. A. to post B. have C. to get D. putting答案:A解题点拨:该句中的stamps意为“邮票”,只有寄信时才需要邮票。( ) 3. A. saw B. brought C. met D. bought答案:D解题点拨:由句意知,邮票是昨天买的。bonght是buy的过去式。( ) 4. A. for B. with C. to D. at答案:B解题点拨:be careful withof意为“小心,注意”。( ) 5. A. some thi

32、ngs B. nothing C. anything D. everything答案:A解题点拨:nothing,anything,everything等不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数,而句子谓语动词是are,故排除B、C、D三项。( ) 6. A. home B. below C. behind D. down答案:D解题点拨:putdown意为“放下”。( ) 7. A. or B. that C. and D. than答案:C解题点拨:and在这里表示顺承关系。这两空所在的句子意为“我把它们(伞)在商店、饭馆或电影院里放下后便忘了”。( ) 8. A. found B. got C.

33、 took D. left答案:D解题点拨:leave的过去式是Left。 Leave sh+表示地点的介词短语,意为“把某物遗忘在某地”。( ) 9. A. their B. it C. them D. that答案:C解题点拨:them在这里指代前面的复数名词keys。( ) 10. A. my office B. here and there C. your turn D. up and down答案:A解题点拨:该空前有介词to,故后面必为名词。B、D为副词短语,故排除。用C句意不通。四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)(一) Little Tom likes cartoons (动画

34、片)very much. When the cartoons begin on TV , he does nothing until theyre over. Sometimes hed rather (宁可) wait for a long time and go to bed late. In the morning his mother has to wake him up , or hell be late for school. Yesterday Tom heard there would be an interesting cartoon today. This morning

35、, as soon as he got up ,he turned on the television ,but he didnt see the programme (节目) on it. He had to have breakfast and then go to school. After school be ran home while his mother was cooking supper in the kitchen. He hurried to the sitting room and turned on the television again ,but he could

36、n t find the cartoon. He rushed into the kitchen and asked his mother for help. “Its only five now , ”said the woman.“Your programme will be after supper.” “Well , lets have supper right now!”( ) 1. Tom goes to bed late sometimes ,so_.A. hes late for schoolB. he goes to school by busC. he cant wake

37、himself up in the morningD.he has to go to school without (没有)breakfast答案:A解题点拨:从文中第一自然段可知。( ) 2. Tom spends (花费)much time_ when hes free.A. playing football B. watching football matches on TVC. doing his homework D. watching cartoons on TV答案:D解题点拨:从文中第一自然段的第三句可知。( ) 3._ , so he turned on the televi

38、sion after getting up this morning.A. Tom thought he had some time leftB. Tom didnt know when the cartoon would beginC. Tom wanted to know the important newsD. Tom hoped to watch a TV play答案:B解题点拨:从文中第二自然段的第二句可知。( ) 4. Tom was afraid_ , so he ran home.A. to miss the interesting cartoonB. to miss the

39、 last busC. he would be hungryD. he had little time to finish his homework答案:A解题点拨:这是一个推理题,他放学后跑回家的原因是他怕错过了那部有趣的动画片。( ) 5. Tom thought_A. supper should be readyB. his mothers watch was slowC. the cartoon would begin as soon as he finished supperD. his mother cooked supper too late答案:C解题点拨:从文中最后两个自然段

40、可知。(二) In England , if people need some help , they can go to Help the Aged , Shelter , Child Line , Weight Watchers and Relate for help. Help the Aged helps old people. Shelter helps the people with no place to live in. Child Line is a telephone help-line for children to call when they have problem

41、s. Weight Watchers helps fat people to be thinner and Relate helps people with problems when they cant get on well with (与相处得好)others. In universities (大学) , students have their own counsellors. Jan Murray is such a woman. She works in a university as a counsellor. Students can come and see her if t

42、hey need help. I asked her when her office was open and what kinds of problems students had. “In my office , Im here every day during the week , and the other person (人) is here in the evenings and on weekends. Students can find either of us in the office at any time. Theres also an emergency (紧急情况)

43、 telephone number at night.” “People come to me with all kinds of problems. A lot of them are worried about their lessons and exams. Some worry about their money. Some need help with finding bedrooms. Sometimes they are ill and they want to talk about seeing doctors. The biggest problem is that thou

44、gh (虽然) universities are wonderful and interesting places , a lot of students find it difficult to make friends. They miss their families and friends and feel lost in this new place. My work is to listen and try to understand what they re feeling. But of course I also give them some ideas when its n

45、eeded.” “Ive had a visit from a young student today. I asked him what the matter was. He told me that he was lonely and unhappy (not happy). He asked me if (是否)other students felt the same and he asked me where he could go to meet people.”( ) 6. Mrs Hill is about sixty. Now she wants some help. She

46、can go to _A. Weight Watchers B. RelateC. Help the Aged D. The university答案:C解题点拨:从文中第一自然段第二句可知。( )7. Look at the four people. Who should often go to Weight Watchers?答案:D解题点拨:从文中第一自然段的最后一句可知。8. You can find Jan Murray in her office _.A. on any day B. on Tuesday morningC. in the evening D. on Saturda

47、y afternoon答案:B解题点拨:从文中第三自然段的第一句可知,Jan Murray在周一至周五期间白天在办公室,故此处的正确选项为B。9. What does a counsellor do?A. A counsellor does important and helpful work for students.B. A counsellor solves (解答) all the problems of the students.C. A counsellor gives students lessons and helps them to pass the exams.D. A c

48、ounsellor gives money to students when they need it.答案:B解题点拨:从之中第二、三、四、五四个自然段可知。文中的顾问帮助解答学生们的所有的难题。( ) 10. Students feel it difficult to make friends because_.A. they miss (想念)their families and their old friends very muchB. the counsellor cant give them good ideasC. they worry about their lessons v

49、ery muchD. they are new at the university答案:C解题点拨:从文中倒数第二自然段倒数第三句可知。五、阅读填词(每空1分,共10分) Henry is a fifteen-year-old boy. He s 1 in a middle school. He often watches TV and likes the trendy hair s 2 . His parents and teachers tell him not to do so , but he doesn t l 3 to them. One Sunday afternoon his mother bought a beautiful shirt for him and he loved it very much. The next morning it was c 4 outside. But he wanted to s 5 it to his classmates and put it on. That evening he caught a bad cold. He was brought to


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