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1、基础英语模拟试题(一)I.Vocabularyand Structure (每小题 3 分,共 30 分)1. This rock has to bein order to build a road.A. blasted B.explored C.hiredD.mai ntai ned2. He did not go to the party last ni ght, whichher feeli ngs deeply.A.wo un dedB.injured C.hurt D.injury3. Whe n they returned to the river, they found that

2、 the boat hadaway.A.framed B.frosted C.frow ned D.floated4.If you n eed further in formati on, pleaseour office.A.c on sta ntB.con struct C.con tact D.contain5. Duri ng the war, many soldiers were killed not by, but by disease.A.bullets B.devi C.bible D.depth6. We watched the ship un til it became o

3、nly ain the dista nee.A.poi nt B.jar C.stove D.dot7. The English proverb he rod and spoil the child' means that if you deep frompunishing the child, you will spoil its character.A.rule B.rug C.clap D.spare8. Thewas only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000.A.worm B.trial C.tube D.crimi nal9. Highe

4、r educati on in China is free but thefor entrance is strong.A.comparis onB.con seque nee C.competiti on D.crawl10. The light is toofor me to read .I can n ot sta nd any more.A.rid B.ripe C.soup D.dimII. Cloze (每小题2分,共40分)As former colonists of Great Britain, the Founding Fathers of the United States

5、 adopted much of the legal system of Great Brita in. We have a “ com monlaw ”,or law made by courts 1 a mon arch or other cen tral gover nmen tal 2 like a legislature. The jury, a 3 of or dinary citize ns chose n to decide a case, is an 4 partof our com mon-law system oUse of juries to decide cases

6、is a 5 feature of the American legal system. Few other countries in the world use juries as we do in the United States. 6thecenturies, many peo ple have believed that juries in most cases reach a fairer and more just result 7 would beobtained using a judge_8_, as many countries do.9_a jury decides c

7、ases after “ 10 ”, or discussions among a group of people, the jury ' decision is like ly to have the 11 from many different people from d-ifferent backgrounds, who must as a group decide what is ri ght oJuries are used in both civil cases, which decide 12 am on g 13 citize ns, and crim inal cas

8、es, which decide cases brought by the government 14 that individuals have committedcrimes. Juries are selected from the U.S. citizens and 15 . Jurors, consisting of 16 number s, are called for each case requiring a jury。The judge 17 to the case 18 the select ion of jurors to serve as the jury fo-r t

9、hat case. In some states, 19 jurors are questioned by the judge; in others, they are questioned by the lawyers representing the 20 under rules dictated by state law。1.Aother tha nBrather thanCmore tha nDor rather2.Aage ncyBorga ni zati onCi nstituti onDauthority3.Apa nelBcrewCba ndDflock4.A inn ateB

10、i ntactCi ntegralDi ntegrated5.Adiscrimi nati ngBdist in guish ingCdetermi ningDdimi nish ing6.AlnBByCAfterDOver7.AthatBwhichCthanDas8.AalikeBalo neCaltogetherDapart9.AAlthoughBBecauseCIfDWhile1O.Adeliberati onsBmeditati onsCreflectio nsDspeculati ons11.Aoutli neBoutcomeCi nputDi ntake12.Aargume nts

11、Bc on troversiesCdisputesDhostilities13.AfellowBi ndividualCpers onalDprivate14.Aassert ingBallegi ngCmai ntainingDtestifyi ng15.AassembledBevokedCralliedDsum moned16.AsetBexactCgive nDplaced17.AallocatedBallottedCappo in tedDassig ned18.Aadmi nistersBma nagesCoverseesDpresides19.Ai nspectiveBirresp

12、ectiveCperspectiveDprospective20.AbodiesBpartiesCsidesDu nitsIII. Error Correction (每小题 2 分,共 20 分)A great many cities are experie ncing difficulties which are nothingNew in the history of cities, expect in their scale. Some cities have lost theirOrigi nal purpose and have not found new one. And any

13、 large or rich city is 1Goi ng to attract poor immigra nts, who flood in, filli ng with hopes of2Prosperity which are the n ofte n disappo inting. There are backward tow ns on theEdge of Bombay or Brasilia, just as though there were on the edge of3Seve ntee nth-ce ntury London or early nin etee nth-

14、ce ntury Paris. This is new is 4The scale. Descriptio ns written by eightee nth-ce ntury travelers of the poor ofMexico City, and the eno rmous con trast that was to be found there, are very 5Dissimilar to descripti ons of Mexico City today-the poor can still be numbered6In millio ns.The whole mon s

15、trous growth rests on econo mic prosperity, but beh ind it lies7Two myths: the myth of the city as a promised land, that attracts immigra nts 8From rural poverty and brings it floodi ng into city cen ters, and the myth of the 9Country as a Garde n of Eden, which, a few gen eratio ns late, sends them

16、 flood ing 10Out aga in to the suburbs.IV. General Knowledge (每小题 2 分,共 20 分)1. The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by.A. He nry James B. O. He nryC. Harriet Beecher Stower D. Mark Twain2. The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any day on which we

17、don ' t have to work. This is an example of.A. meaning shiftB. wide ning of meaning C. n arrow ing of meaningD. loss of meaning3. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.?A. Hust on B. Baltimore C. Philadelphia D. Bost on4. Which of the following is NOT a Romantic Poet

18、?A. William Wordsworth B. Percy B. Shelley C. George G. Byro nD. George Eliot5. The study ofis Syn tax.A. textual orga ni zati on B. sentence structures C. word formati onD. la nguage fun cti ons6. The capital city of Can ada is.A. Mon treal B. Ottawa C. Van couverD. York7. The Ion gest river in Bri

19、ta in is.A. Severn B. Tees C. Thames D. Clyde8. Inthe Roma ns conq uered Greece.A. 146 B.C. B. 1200 B.C. C. 700 B.C. D. the 5th cen tury9. In his in augural speech,said that“ the only thing we have to fear is fear itselfA. Woodrow WilsonB. Fran kli n D. Roosevelt C. Harry Truma n D. Benjamin Fran kl

20、i n10. The Head of the Represe ntatives is called.A. Chan cellor B. Speaker C. Chairma nD. LeaderV. Reading Comprehension (每小题 2 分,共 40 分)Passage OneStill, the image of any city has a half-life of many years. (So does its n ame, officially cha nged in 2001 from Calcutta to Kolkata, which is closer t

21、o what the word sounds like in Bengali.Conversing in En glish, I n ever heard anyone call the city anything but Calcutta.) To Wester ners, the con veya nee most ide ntified with Kolkata is n ot its moder n subway a facility whose spacious statio ns have art on the walls and cricket matches on televi

22、si on mon itors but the han d-pulled rickshaw. Stories and films celebrate a primitive-looking cart with high wooden wheels, pulled by some one who looks close to n eed ing the succor of Mother Teresa. For years the gover nment has bee n talk ing about elim in at ing han d-pulled rickshaws on what i

23、t calls huma nitaria n grounds principally on the ground that, as the mayor of Kolkata has often said, it is offensive to see “ one man sweati ng and stra ining to pull ano ther man.” But these days politicia ns also lame ntthe impact of 6,000 hand- pulled rickshaws on a modern city' s traffic a

24、nd, particularly, on itsimage.“ Westerners try to associate beggars and these rickshaws with the Catta Iandscape, butthis is not what Calcutta sta nds for,” the chief mini ster of West Ben gal, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee,said in a press conference in 2006.“ Our city stands for prosperity and developmen

25、t.” Thmini ster the equivale nt of a state gover nor went on to announce that han d-pulled rickshaws soon would be banned from the streets of Kolkata.Rickshaws are not there to haul around tourists. (Actually, I saw almost no tourists in Kolkata, apart from the young backpackers on Sudder Street, in

26、 what used to be a red-light district and is now said to be the single place in the city where the services a rickshaw puller offers may include providing female company to a gentleman for the evening.) It' s the people in the lanes who mostregularly use rickshaws not the poor but people who are

27、 just a no tch above the poor. They are people who tend to travel short dista nces, through lanes that are sometimes in accessible to even the most daring taxi driver. An older woman with marketing to do, for instanee, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait un til she comes back fro

28、m various stalls to load her purchases, and the n be take n home. People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambula nee service. Proprietors of caf s or corn eEstores send rickshaws to collect their supplies. (One morning I saw a rickshaw puller take on a load of live chickens tied in pairs by t

29、he feet so they could be draped over the shafts and the folded back can opy and even the axle. By the time he trotted off, he was carrying about a hundred upside-down chickens.) The rickshaw pullers told me their steadiest customers are schoolchildre n. Middle-class families con tract with a puller

30、to take a child to school and pick him up; the puller essentially becomes a family retainer.From June to September Kolkata can get torre ntial rains, and its dra in age system does n' t netorrential rain to begin backing up. Residents who favor a touch of hyperbole say that in Kolkata"if a

31、stray cat pees, there' s a flood. ” During my otaybio ut48 hsciuedl Entireneighborhoods couldn' t be reached by motorized vehicles, and the newspapers showed pictures ofrickshaws being pulled through water that was up to the pullers' waists. When it ' s rainingnormal customer base fo

32、r rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. A writer in Kolkata told me,“ When it rains, even the gover nor takes rickshaws.”While I was in Kolkata, a magaz ine called In dia Today published its annual ranking of In dia n states, according to such measurements as prosperity a

33、nd infrastructure. Among India' s 20 largeststates, Bihar fini shed dead last, as it has for four of the past five years. Bihar, a couple hun dred miles north of Kolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers come from. Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or

34、in a dera a comb in ati on garage and repair shop and dormitory man aged by some one called a sardar. For sleep ing privileges in a dera, pullers pay100 rupees (about $2.50) a mon th, which sounds lik e a pretty good deal un til you' ve visited a dera.They gross betwee n 100 and 150 rupees a day

35、, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees for the useof the rickshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing a street where rickshaws are prohibited. A 2003 study found that rickshaw pullers are n ear the bottom of Kolkata occupati ons in in come, doing

36、 better tha n only the ragpickers and the beggars. For some one without la nd or educati on, that still beats trying to make a livi ng in Bihar.There are people in Kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in a rickshaw, because they are offen ded by the idea of

37、being pulled by ano ther huma n being or because they con sider it not the sort of thing people of their stati on do or because they regard the han d-pulled rickshaw as a relic of coloni alism. Ir oni cally, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws. The editor of the edito r

38、ial pages of Kolkata' sTelegraph Rudra ngshu Mukherjee, a former academic who still writes history books told me, for instanee, that he sees humanitarian considerations as coming down on the side of keeping hand-pulled rickshaws on the road." I refuse to be carried by another human being my

39、self,said, “ but I questio n whether we have the right to take away their livelihood.” Rickshawsupporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, rickshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.When I asked one rickshaw puller if he thought the government' s plan to rid the city of

40、rickshawswas based on a genuine in terest in his welfare, he smiled, with a quick shake of his head a gesture I in terpreted to mean,"If you are so n aive as to ask onchvaiqaestwer it, but itis not worth wasti ng words on.” Some rickshaw pullers I met were resig ned to the imminent endof their

41、livelihood and pin their hopes on being offered someth ing in its place. As migra nt workers, they don ' t have the political clout enjoyed by, say, Kolkata' s sidewalk hawkers, who, aftersupposedly being scaled back at the beginning of the modernization drive, still clog the sidewalks, sell

42、ing absolutely everything or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything butone sardar told me.umbrellas. “ The gover nment was the gover nment of the poor people, they shake hands with the capitalists and try to get rid of poor people.But others in Kolkata believe that rickshaws

43、will simply be confined more strictly to certain n eighborhoods, out of the view of World Bank traffic con sulta nts and Califor nia in vestme nt delegations or that they will be allowed to die out naturally as they' re supplanted by moremoder n con veya nces. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, after all,

44、 is not the first high West Ben gal official to say that rickshaws would be off the streets of Kolkata in a matter of mon ths. Similar stateme nts have bee n made as far back as 1976. The ban decreed by Bhattacharjee has bee n delayed by a court case and by a widely held belief that some retraining

45、or social security settlement ought to be offered to rickshaw drivers. It may also have bee n delayed by a quiet relucta nee to give up someth ing that has bee n part of the fabric of the city for more tha n a cen tury. Kolkata, a reside nt told me, “ has difficulty lett ing go.” One day a city offi

46、cial han ded me a report from the muni cipalgovernment laying out options for how rickshaw pullers might be rehabilitated.“ Which opti on has bee n chose n?” I asked, no ti ng that the reptedwlmi olst exactly a yearbefore my visit.“ That hasn ' t been decided,” he said.“ When will it be decided?

47、”“ That hasn ' t been decided,” he said.1. According to the passage, rickshaws are used in Kolkata mainly for the following EXCEPTA. tak ing foreig n tourists around the city. B. providi ng tran sport to school childre n.C. carry ing store supplies and purchases D. carry ing people over short di

48、sta nces.2. Which of the following statements best describes the rickshaw pullers from Bihar?A. They come from a relatively poor area.B. They are provided with dece nt accommodati on.C. Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.D. They are often caught by policemen in the streets.3. That “ For

49、someone without land or education, that still beats trying to mke a living inBihar ” (4 paragraph) means that even so,A. the poor prefer to work and live in Bihar.B. the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.C. the poor n ever try to make a living in Bihar.D. the poor never seem to resent their

50、 life in Kolkata.4. We can infer from the passage that some educated and politically aware peopleA. hold mixed feeli ngs towards rickshaws.B. stron gly support the ban on rickshaws.C. call for huma nitaria n actions fro rickshaw pullers.D. keep quiet on the issue of banning rickshaws.5. Which of the

51、 following statements conveys the author' s sense of humor?A. "not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor.” (2 paragraph)B. “,.which sounds like a pretty good deal until you' ve vgraph)a dera. ” (4 paraC. Kolkata, a reside nt told me,“ has difficulty lett ing go.” (7 pa

52、ragraph).D. "or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas.” (6paragraph)6. The dialogue between the author and the city official at the end of the passage seems to suggestA. the uncertainty of the court' s decision.B. the inefficiency of the municipal gove

53、rnment.C. the difficulty of finding a good solution.D. the slow ness in process ing opti ons.Passage TwoDepending on whom you believe, the average American will, over a lifetime, waitin lines for two years (says National Public Radio) or five years (according tocustomer-loyalty experts).The crucial

54、word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers(peoplewho still believe in and practice waiting in lines). Poor suckers, mostly.Airports resemble France before the Revolutio

55、n: first-class passengersenjoy " date" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul the Jetway.At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line. This summer I haplessly watched kids use

56、 a $52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most major American theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats.Flash Pass teaches children a valuabl

57、e lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important than you, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada-get this-"we have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."Almost eve

58、ry line can be breached for a price. In several U.S. cities this summer, early arrivers among the early adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhone purchasers offered to pay "waiters" or "placeholders" to wait in line for them outside Apple stores.Inevitably, some semi-populist politicians have seen the value o


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