已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、影响高中英语课堂有效性的问题及其对策影响高中英语课堂有效性的问题及其对策稽山中学 郑春红【摘要】本文从谈论高中英语课堂有效性的定义出发,结合笔者对教师课堂行为,课堂语言,以及教学设计步骤的具体分析,对常见的几种高中英语课堂教学的低效行为表现进行梳理,并且提出了相应的应对策略。【关键词】有效教学 影响 因素 策略一、引言新课标的实施推动着课堂教学的改革,新的教学理念已经被大多数的教师接受并努力地进行实践。高中英语课堂教学模式也变得多姿多彩,但很多教师也因此而产生了新的困惑-以学生为中心的,伴随丰富多样活动的课堂似乎并未取得很好的教学效果,也就是说,新的教学观念没能转化为有效的课堂教学行为。但每一

2、个教师都清楚,任何的课程改革,其首先必须思考的问题便是“课堂教学的有效性”,否则改革便失去了意义。课堂教学的有效性是教学的生命线,学生能学到什么,提高什么,在哪方面得到了发展,这都应该是每一位教师关注的重点。那么,“有效教学”的定义到底是什么呢?目前国内外学者对有效教学研究的视角主要有:1、从教师教学行为的角度看质量的高低;2、从学生学习收获的角度看效果的有效性;3、从教学投入(或教学所耗)与教学产出(或教学所得)的关系来界定有效教学。 本文更多关注的则是教师的教学行为与学生在课堂上的学习行为之间存在的联系,努力寻求达成高效的路径与措施。而教师的教学行为,学生的学习行为主要是在课堂上形成的,因

3、此有效课堂是有效教学研究的一个重要角度,它也是实现有效教学最基本的最重要的途径。有效课堂对于有效教学来说,它是指在“课堂”这个特定的时空,教学是否具有有效性、高效性。而有效教学的实现,需要教师在课堂教学的各环节上下工夫,讲究以下几个方面:教学设计的有效性;教学组织的有效性;学习指导的有效性;组织活动的有效性以及知识巩固的有效性。二、影响高中英语课堂有效性的常见问题分析及其对策1. 教学目标的不明确性让我们来看下面一位教师讲授The Olympic Games时的教学目标设计吧。 (NSEFC Module2 Unit2 The Olympic Games)Teaching aims and d

4、emands(一)知识技能 A. Basic knowledge (1)Words and phrases :compete, unusual, swift, athlete, motto, medal, prize, take part in, every four years, in modern times (2)Sentence structures: Many of the sports were the same as they are now.(3)Grammar (prep.+关系代词)In Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold meda

5、ls, of which 12 were won by women.B. Basic skills(1)Using different reading techniques(such as ,Skimming and Scanning)to get the general idea of the whole text and that of each paragraph; Careful reading to find some specific information.(2)Having a clear picture of the passage structure according t

6、o the key words and the clue. (3)Talk about the topic Sports ,which the students are interested in; Develop the students ability of speaking English.(二)情感态度(1)通过对本单元内容的学习,引导学生在体育运动中不仅锻炼身体而且培养自己勇敢顽强的性格。(2)学习奥运精神,并在今后的学习生活中具有竞争意识,树立强烈的爱国主义情感立志为祖国的利益而拼搏。(3)通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。(三)学习策略(

7、1)认知策略 在学习中能根据上下文猜测词义和推测段落大意;学会分析和归纳文章内容。(2)调控策略 拓宽学英语的渠道,参与课堂上的活动积极思考,主动与老师同学交流体会,解决学习中遇到的困难。(3)交际策略 充分利用采访、表演等真实交际活动提高用英语交际的能力,在其过程中能借助手势、表情等非语言手段提高交际效果,能克服语言障碍,维持交际。(4) 资源策略 通过计算机网络,图书馆广播和电视等资源获得广泛的英语信息,拓宽知识面。(四)文化意识体育是没有国界的。全世界爱好体育的人们,不分种族,民族,语言,肤色,宗教信仰聚集在一起,共享体育运动带给人们的快乐和幸福。通过学习这篇课文,增进同学们跨文化理解和

8、跨文化交际的能力,培养学生的世界意识。这样的目标设计看似很全面,授课者应用了新课标课程目标结构图中的四个维度来加以详细的陈述。但仔细分析这一教学目标,它存在着以下几个问题:(1)目标大而空,要求学生在一个课时学习后四个维度都发生变化是不现实的;(2) 授课者混淆了教学过程,教学内容以及教学目标之间的关系;(3)该目标制定的中心主语是教师,而不是学生。这样的目标预设,课堂效益的底线就很难把握。对策一:教学目标的制定应该具体、明确、能评价,就如中国科学院心理研究所研究员张梅玲先生所指出:(1)目标指向是学生的预期学习结果。因此,行为的主体应该是学生,而且是全体学生。(2)使用的行为动词要清晰、可把

9、握,不能含糊其词,因为教学目标也是课后评价的依据。(3)学生行为的表现程度也应具体化。依据这样的要求,我们的目标设计应尽量避免“To get the students” “To improve the students ability” “To promote the students” “To master” “To understand”这类的结构来进行描述。而可以采取这样的描述方式:(1)The students will be able to learn about(2) The students will be able to learn for specific informati

10、on about and then summarize (3) The students will be able to understand and use the following words and expressions(4) The students will be able to form their opinions aboutby working in groups. (5)The students will be able to showby speaking and writing.等等。2. 课堂环节的不连贯性 英语课堂是由许多的课堂环节组成,课堂教学的环节和过程应该保

11、持衔接自然、流畅,浑然一体。在公开课中的观摩中,我们不难看到,很多教师对教学活动的精心设计让在座的教师都折服,但即使同样精彩的设计,不同的教师语言,因为不同的逻辑性和连贯性,其教学效果就是不一样的。以下就是一个课堂环节缺乏连贯性的案例:(NSEFC Module3 Unit5 Canada-“The true north”)step1 Warming Up 1. Lead in the topic - travel by asking the students some questions about traveling and sightseeing.2. Give the ss a sug

12、gestion about where to go by showing some pictures of Canada and make them interested in the places and eager to find out what places they are.3. Some introduction about Canada. .step2: Pre-reading1. What do you expect to see in Canada if you have a chance to take a trip to Canada?2. Look at the tit

13、le and ask students to guess why the title is given as Canada-“The True North” and imagine what topics will be talked about in the passage. step3: Reading 1Ask the ss to scan or skim for the answers to some general questions: 2The teacher helps the ss deal with some detailed questions:3. Ask the stu

14、dents to put some of their experiences on their journey into the right order. step4: Reading difficulties ( focus on language points)1.Ask students to go over the passage and find out their own difficult points in reading. Then discuss in groups of four trying to solve the problems together.2.The te

15、acher get them to paraphrase some sentences and check their understanding.step5: Discussion1.Group work: What impressed you most in your hometown? Suppose two teachers from Canada are visiting your school, make an introduction about your hometown to them. 在真实的课堂观察中,授课教师从谈论旅游的话题入手,引到加拿大,对加拿大的一些基本的知识进

16、行了介绍,然后运用不同的阅读策略关注了文章的细节问题和语言知识问题,也关注了文章题目的含义,从课文到最后的discussion环节,教师的过渡语为:In this class, we have learned so much about Canada through Li Daiyu and Liu Qians trip to Canada. Now suppose two teachers from Canada are visiting your school, can you introduce your hometown to them? 这里,教师考虑到了环节的语言连接,但没注意到学

17、生思维活动的断裂,此前学生的思维都围绕着加拿大转,教师引导他们获取了课文的语言信息,但并没有引导他们对课文的篇章结构进行概括,提炼,如果这两个环节之间能加入一个环节-通过对课文中怎样描述一个地方进行几方面的概括,学生的反应就不会是茫然不知所措,原先良好的课堂气氛也不会嘎然而止。 对策二:教师在安排教学设计步骤的同时,应精心设计步骤与步骤之间的连接语以及课堂用语。教师自身话语的逻辑性和连贯性是保证课堂环节连贯性的前提,教师的课堂用语要清晰,具有交际性,它不仅起着课堂组织作用,而且还起着促进学生语言习得的作用;除此,课堂环节的连贯性还应该包括三个方面:活动内容本身的逻辑性以及学生思维活动的连贯性,

18、避免教学设计的突然性与跳跃性,否则,在有限的时间内,学生的思维的展开就会受到局限。3. 课堂时间分配上的不合理性 课堂时间的把握问题也是关系到教学实效性即教学成败的问题, 如果整堂课各环节时间分配合理,详略得当,重点突出,课堂的魅力便能呈现出来。以下是一个常见的课堂时间安排失误案例:(NSEFC Module4 Unit1 Women of achievement)Step one Warming Up and Lead-in 1. The teacher shows the class a picture of “The Thousand-handed Goddess of Mercy” a

19、nd ask:Who is the lady in the front of the team? Have you seen any performance given by her? What is it? Lets watch the video. Later, Id like you to talk about her. (1 minute ) 2. The students watch the video. (3 minutes) 3. T: What do you think of the dance “The Thousand-handed Goddess of Mercy”? D

20、o you think it is easy for these dancers to give such an amazing performance? Why is it difficult? Ss: The dance is wonderful. It is difficult because they are all disabled women. (1 minute) T: Yes, it is hard for all of them, especially the leader Tai Lihua. Then what do you think of Tai Lihua? Do

21、you think she is a woman of achievement? Ss: Yes.T: Do you know any other women of achievement? (collect the ss answers) On page one of the textbook, there are some introductions to six great women and Id like you to read them quickly, work in pairs and then tell me which of these women you think is

22、 great. Give your reasons for your choice. Ss: (5-6 minutes)Step two Pre-reading 1. The teacher shows the students an introduction to Jane Goodall. ( 1 minute) 2. A video about Jane Goodalls research work and her activities with chimps. ( 3 minutes) 3. T: From the video, do you know anything about t

23、he life of chimps? 4. Ss: .5. T: Then will you go to the forest to study it alone just like the Chimp Lady- Jane Goodall? Today well have a look at this great and mysterious woman. (1 minute) 这是一个Women of great achievement 的阅读课案例,课的重点应该放在阅读篇章以及相关的有用信息上,但上述案例的导入时间长达15分钟,占课堂的1/3 。其中第1段3分钟的video属于无效的非教


25、后设置一个伸缩环节。其次,教师事先对课型要有正确的理解,如阅读课型中“导说” 的比例应少于“读”;读写课型中反复的“读”是为“写”做铺垫,我们不能使“写”延伸为“课外作业”等等。最后,无论在听力,阅读,综合技能,写作,语法,还是在练习讲评课中,教师都要对以发展语言能力及学生自主学习能力为最终目的的语言运用活动以及学习策略训练给予足够的重视,给学生思维的时间,使课堂真正成为全体学生实践,体验,探究,合作与交流思想的平台。4. 教师课堂提问的不科学性 有效的英语课堂,缺少不了有效的师生双边活动,而师生双边活动最基本也最重要的形式便是课堂提问。通过巧妙的提问,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,启发其思维,获得


27、Module2 Unit5 Music)T: what do you usually do in your spare time? Do you like listening to music? S: Playing football. Yes.T: How often do you listen to music in your free time? S: very often.T: What kind of music do you like best? S: Pop music and jazz.T: Who is your favorite singer? Does he belong

28、 to a band? S: Bryan. Yes.T: Is it your favorite band too? S: Yes. Westlife.T: What kind of music does the band play? S: Pop music. T: Do you often listen to such kind of music? S: Yes.这是一段教师与学生在一堂阅读课前导入时的一段对话,这段对话最大的问题是:教师提出的问题缺乏探究性,无法启迪学生的思维,学生的对答往往只需是简单的“yes”或 “no”, “what”或“who”,如此简单机械的重复,无需学生的分析

29、,综合,组织语言,运用语言,也就很难使学生的思维处于一种兴奋的状态,或者使课堂处于形式化的热闹之中。案例二:(听说课:A birthday party in an American family)Step two : While-listeningThe first and second listening1. What does this dialogue begin with?2. How old is Richard? 3. Who is late for the party?4. Why is he late?5. What is his name? (How do you know?

30、)6. Did they make the cake or buy the cake?7. What present does Richard receive from his grandpa?8. Why does his grandpa give Richard this present?(一次听力后学生答出的题目平均是3-4题左右,很多学生对此缺乏信心。)The second listening(再次听力旨让帮助学生听懂一些较难的词汇,以及掌握一些词汇的用法。)这个案例最大的问题在于教师设计的问题在难度上缺乏梯度。教学内容应该从易到难,提问也应该如此,这才符合学生的认知水平和接受能力。其

31、实现实课堂上的冷场往往是由于教师一系列的过深过难的问题堆砌而造成的。对策四:对于较难的问题,此前一定要设计一系列的小问题,力求深入浅出,化难为易,才能激发学生进一步探究的积极性。如上述的案例我们只要作如下的变动,效果便是完全不同的。Step two : While-listeningThe first listeningWhose birthday is it?Who is late for the party? Why?The second listeningHow old is Richard?Did they make the cake or buy the cake? Who?What

32、s the name of the father? ( How do you know?)What present does Richard receive from his grandpa? (问题的设置,在难度上设有一定的梯度,但授课教师在环节处理中作了以下的变化:一、事先对学生可能的难点作事先的铺垫;强调了让学生要特别留心的地方;二、通过预测,对学生有难度的两个题目进行有目的地部分回放,并且教学生猜测的技巧-如从最后乐器的声音猜出礼物harmonica是“口琴”;经过这样的处理,学生原先对听力的障碍取消了,课堂的气氛恢复了生机,教师也不再陷入冷场带来的尴尬境地。)5.课程资源利用的不充分

33、性 随着现代信息技术的发展,教师手中除了教科书,各种图书资料、报刊杂志、录像录音、光盘、计算机软件以及网络信息化资源应有尽有,因此我们可以看到许多教师在追求“内容新颖”的目标驱使下,搜寻大量的相关教学资源,使课堂成为大量材料的简单堆砌和展示。这些课外资源也往往如过眼云烟,给学生留下印象的并不多。这其中授课教师忽略了最重要的一点:教材才是最核心的英语课程资源,尤其是新课程理念下的英语教材内涵已经有了新的发展,只要我们灵活处理、综合整理运用,课堂的有效性便能得到保障,学生在此后的巩固复习中也有了可以参照的材料。课程资源利用的不充分现象尤其体现在高中英语阅读课堂中,以下便是一个典型的低效阅读课堂的例

34、子:(M4 U2 Working the land )Step 1 : Brainstorming1.Talk about the words and phrases related to “agriculture”. 2. Show the students a lot of pictures and ask them to make a list of agricultural products .Step 2. Warming up1. Match the picturesthe procedures about how to grow the grain.2. Pre-reading

35、discussion: Rice is our main food. 1.What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat? 2. If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world, what would you do? How to solve hunger?3. Play a short video -introduce the main character of the text, Dr. Yua

36、n4. Showing the students the flash version of the traditional Chinese ancient poem and understanding the title of the text-Pioneer for all people Step 3 Fast-reading 1. The students read the text quickly and do the true or false judgment exercises (10 sentences) 2. Match the main idea of each paragr

37、aph. Step 4 Careful reading 1. Answer five questions about Yuan Longping What does Dr Yuan look like?What is his achievement? Why did Dr. Yuan want to increase the rice output when he was young?How does he help rid the world of hunger?What did Dr Yuans rice look like in his dream? 2. Complete the pe

38、rsonal information about Dr. Yuanlongping by doing a cloze test. Step 5 Post-reading and discussion Activity1: What kind of person is Dr Yuan Longping in your mind?Activity2: Compare Dr. Yuan and Jane Goodall and find their similarities and differences to be a great scientist. Activity3: Do you thin

39、k Dr Yuans dreams can come true? Why do you think so? Give your reasons.对策五:要改变这种低效阅读课堂模式,以下几点是关键:1、 导入的目的是为了引入到阅读的主题,让学生熟悉一些相关的词汇和知识,所以教师对大量的,形式多样的课外课程资源应该进行精心的删选,如上述的图片展示,电影短片,flash动画等,都要思考其所花时间与语言学习习得之间的关系。2、在学生阅读过程中,教师应设计多种形式的任务引导学生关注语言材料本身,千万不要以挖掘几个没有层次的问题,以匹配文章的段意,以正误句子的判断等简单的思维活动代替文章篇章及对文章中精彩

40、语言现象的分析。3、最后的discussion环节语言应考虑语言输入与输出之间的关系,帮助,启发学生运用新的语言现象或者提取文中精彩的观点去表达或升华自己的观点。6. 课堂活动的形式化以学生为主体,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,营造活跃的课堂气氛,是新课程理念的体现。但我们看到的往往是对这一理念的曲解-即过多的表演式课堂活动造成了形式化的英语课堂。这种形式化往往体现在以下两方面:(1)哗众取宠的多媒体的应用。多媒体课件集声音、图像、文字等多种信息于一体,能极大程度地满足学生的视听等感官需求,激发学生对课堂内容的极大兴趣,使课堂看上去很热闹,于是很多教师便在课件中集中了大量声音图像信息,并在课堂上充

41、分运用。但这样做的弊端往往是限制了学生的思维及想象力的发挥,同时也占用了大量的课堂时间。(2)无序的或者是随时穿插的小组合作活动,这是最常见的课堂活动形式化的体现。让我们看以下案例:( M1 U2 Festivals around the world)T: Since we have learned so much about the diversity of the English language around the world. Now let relate it to a similar situation in China. China is so large a country

42、that it has so many dialects , but the Chinese government is encouraging people to use one. Do you know what it is?Ss: Putonghua. T: Yes, then let have a discussion in groups of four, and tell me whats your opinion about this action? Do you think all the Chinese people should use the only language o

43、r should we still maintain the present situation, that is , to keep the diversity of the Chinese language? Now lets go.(学生3分钟的讨论时间)T: (问第一组学生) Can you tell me the result of your discussion? Who will be the reporter? (冷场)No one in your group? Any volunteers? (学生面面相觑) Then what about you? 在这个案例中,我们不难看

44、到教师在组织四人一组的小组活动前并没有对小组的形成做出任何的指导,更没有对小组成员之间的分工合作做任务上的分配,从而导致较长时间的冷场,也造成了不必要的课堂时间浪费。 对策六:新的课程标准提倡学生之间的“合作学习活动”。但小组合作需要每个学生都应承担具体的任务,并对自己的任务负责,通过合作最终完成共同的目标。要改变小组活动无序的状态,老师不仅要重视布置任务,还要重视小组讨论的过程调控,从而不会导致小组合作其实只是一些优秀学生的成果展示,或者在展示讨论结果时学生相互推诿,不肯承担“说”的任务。其次为了让学生真正能“积极”参与课堂活动,教师不仅对合作学习的时机问题要有明确的思考,对合作学习的内容更

45、要有精心的设计,摒弃那些没有思维容量,或者范围很大,学生无法讨论的问题。7. 对学生学习成果的处理表面化新课程标准以学生为主体的课堂组织形式,学生探究活动和合作学习活动为主的教学活动,都涉及到教师如何有效处理学生课堂学习成果展示的问题。而英语课堂的低效性也体现在教师对学生学习成果的处理表面化,尤其表现在以下两种课型。其一是阅读课后的Discussion环节,教师在安排学生进行热烈的讨论后,让小组成员陈述其观点之后,往往缺乏对这些观点的总结,概括和分析的过程,这就使得这些观点的再度利用价值不高。其二是写作课后的写作展示环节,很多教师往往是借助实物投影仪,对着全班同学将好的文章读一遍,最多将一些明

46、显的语言错误纠正过来。让我们看以下的一个案例:(NSEFC Module4 Unit2 Reading, Speaking and writingdesigning a poster advertising your “green food”)Step 1 Leading in 1. Show some pictures of food and ask the students: Which food do you prefer/dont like? Why?2. Discussion. In pairs try to find reasons to persuade your partner

47、 to like the same food as yours. Try to use the following expressions: I would rather I dont like because Id preferbecause Its a great pity that3. Group activity: (说)Suppose you are a vendor, try to find reasons to persuade people to buy your food and use the above expressions. Give students a sampl

48、e:Id rather you bought these apples. Look, how clean they are! My apples are free of insects, and any chemicals, because while they were growing, we wore paper bags for each of them. They are delicious, pretty, clean, and the most important, healthy. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. So dont mis

49、s them, buy! Come on! Buy some! Divide the students into groups of four. One acts a buyer, the others act vendors. Give students some minutes to prepare dialogues, and then ask some groups to act out in public.(设计目的:用图片调动学生愉快的学习情绪, 引入写作话题。出于对学习对象的考虑,在活动之前,给学生一些例子的引导,教学过程由浅入深,层层递进,使每个学生都能参与其中,同时也为下一步

50、的写作做铺垫。)Step 2 Pre-writing (读) 1. Ask the students if you want to persuade more and more people to buy your food, what you will do? 2. Show some sample advertisements. Ask the students to pay more attention to the structure of the sentences and the feature of the language. 3. According to some sampl

51、es, ask students to summarize the characteristic of words and sentences in English ads, and then summarize the structure of a poster. (设计目的:逐步引入广告写作的话题,呈现一些广告作品和广告词,让学生自己观察、总结、归纳出广告的语言特点和结构特点。提供范例, 引导学生归纳出英语广告的写作框架,为写的训练积累必要的素材。)4. Skimming. Ask the students to skim the short passage in Ex.1 Page 15

52、, and find out what are the advantages of green food.(设计目的:读是信息输入的重要手段之一,采用泛读方式,引导学生快速捕获所需信息,为写作整理出有利的信息。)Step 3 While-writing (写)Divide the students into groups of four. Give them 5 minutes to design a poster.(设计目的:通过四人小组合作学习的方式来完成广告的设计任务,使学生体验与人合作共事的乐趣,培养其合作意识和创新精神。)Step 4 Post- writing The studen

53、ts display their posters to the whole class by reading them aloud. (设计目的:鼓励学生上台展示自己的成果,相互共享观点。)(最后:最后环节课堂气氛活跃,同学们欣赏着五颜六色的广告纸,听着上台的同学一个接一个朗读着他们的广告语,笑声不断。老师最后的结束语:Do you think they all did a good job? Lets give a big applause to them for their great performance.)这堂写作课的总体设计有以下亮点:课堂以学生为主体,以任务为载体,而且每一个任务


55、系统地或者有目的性地择要进行评价,也可以结合浙江省英语高考卷改错形式的新思路,组织学生进行互评,使学生在课堂中的受益更大。当然,对学生的互评教师应做出相应的指导,如上述案例中,我们如将最后的环节改为:Step 4 Post-writing1. In groups, the students check their mistakes in the poster and make assessment.写作报告评价量表评价项目Items5分:非常符合 4分:比较符合3分:基本符合 2分:不太符合 1分:不符合得分Scores内容Contents观点新颖,论证清楚Good opinion, clear and logical support1 2 3 4 5组织Organization条理清楚,连接词汇使用Well-organized and make senseAppropriate conjunctive words and expressions1 2 3 4 5语言表达Expressions使用得体的词汇和表达Appropriate vocabulary and expressions使用高级的词汇和表达Advanced vocabulary and expressions1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5


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