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1、1人称代词人称代词 I我 you你 he他 she她 it它 2you你们 we我们 they他们、她们、它们3人称代词I 我we 我们you你 you 你们 he他 she 她 it 它 they 他们 她们它们 单数单数复数复数4be动词口诀I am we areyou are you arehe /she /it is they are 我用我用am,你用,你用are,is用于用于他,她,它;单数名词他,她,它;单数名词用用is,复数名词全用,复数名词全用are。5人称代词有两类,一类主格一人称代词有两类,一类主格一类宾;主格代词本领大,一切类宾;主格代词本领大,一切动作由它发;宾格代词

2、不动脑,动作由它发;宾格代词不动脑,介动之后跟着跑。介动之后跟着跑。6 I和me 都是“我”的意思 。I 主格 me 宾格 造句: 1.我是一名老师。 am a teacher . 2. Shirley 喜欢我。 Shirley likes _ . I只能放在主语的位置上只能放在主语的位置上Ime只能放在宾语的位置上只能放在宾语的位置上me7 We和us 都是“我们”的意思,we用于主格,us用于宾格。 举例: 我们是中国人。 _ are Chinese . 父母爱我们。 Parents love _ . WeWe 只能用于主语的位置只能用于主语的位置usus 只能用于宾语的位置只能用于宾语的

3、位置8 You在人称代词中应该是最容易记的了: 造句: 你是一名学生 : 我喜欢你: 你们是学生: 我爱你们:“你”的主格“你”的宾格“你们”的主格“你们”的宾格youYou are a student .I like youYou are studentsI love you9 she 用于主格 ,her用于宾格 练习: 她是一名护士 : _ is a nurse. 妈妈很爱她:Mother loves _ very much. 她很漂亮: _ is very beautiful . 你能帮助她:You can help _ 总结一下: SheherSheher她主格宾格sheher10 造

4、句:他是我的朋友。 He is my friend 我的狗喜欢他。 My dog likes him 11主格练习:1.他们是学生:They are students.2. _(她们) are listening to the radio 3.There are some cats here , I like _ (它们)宾格theythem他他们们她她们们它它们们Theythem121._(我)like drawing pictures.2.(她)is Chinese girl.3._(他们) are not doctors。4. (他) _is going to visit the Gre

5、at Wall this weekend.5. (他们) _ go to work on foot.6.(他) _can sing an English song.7. (她) _works in a hospital.131. I (我)like drawing pictures.2. She(她)is Chinese girl.3.They (他们) are not doctors.4. He (他) is going to visit the Great Wall this weekend. 5. They (他们) go to work on foot.6. he (他) can si

6、ng an English song sing7. She (她) works in a hospital work.141.Excuse _.(我)2.Thank _(你)3.Let _(我们) go home together.4.Please give _(我) a piece of paper.5.Jims mother teaches _(他) Maths. 6.Look at the photo. Its _.(她)7.Who is it? Its _.(我)151.Excuse me.(我)2.Thank you(你)3.Let us (我们) go home together.

7、4.Please give me (我) a piece of paper.5.Jims mother teaches him (他) Maths. 6.Look at the photo. Its her .(她)7.Who is it? Its me .(我)16 It用来指动物 : 翻译成“它” What is this ?It is a lovely pig.17 It的特殊用法: 1. 指指天气天气 Its rainy this morning 今天上午一直在下雨来着今天上午一直在下雨来着 182. 指指时间时间Its six thirty.What time is it ?19物主

8、代词物主代词20 物主代词顾名思义指物的主人,表示所物主代词顾名思义指物的主人,表示所属关系。即:你的,我的,他的,她的,属关系。即:你的,我的,他的,她的,它的,你们的,我们的,他们的。例如:它的,你们的,我们的,他们的。例如:my dog我的狗我的狗, his pen他的钢笔他的钢笔, our pencil我们的铅笔我们的铅笔.21 在汉语中,在汉语中,“我的书包我的书包”中的中的”我我的的”就是物主代词,表述书包的主就是物主代词,表述书包的主人是人是 “我我”。英语中的物主代词则有。英语中的物主代词则有形容词性形容词性物主代词和物主代词和名词性名词性物主代物主代词之分。词之分。22min

9、eyourshishersoursI youheshe we youthey23 形容词性物主代词有形容形容词性物主代词有形容词的性质,可以修饰名词,词的性质,可以修饰名词,而名词性物主代词具有名词而名词性物主代词具有名词的性质。不能再用来修饰名的性质。不能再用来修饰名词。词。24 名词性质的物主代词名词性质的物主代词,等于形等于形容词性的物主代词加上他所要修容词性的物主代词加上他所要修饰的名词。饰的名词。例如:例如: This is my bag. = This bag is mine.形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词=名词性物主代词名词性物主代词25名词性物主代词名词性物主代词=

10、形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词 1.Lookatthetwopencils.Theredoneisyourpencil. = Theredoneisyours. Theblueoneismypencil. = The blue one is mine. 看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。2.Helikesmypen.Hedoesntlikehers.=Hedoesntlikeherpen. 他喜欢我的钢笔。不喜欢她的。 3. This schoolbag is not his. His bag is black. 这个书包不是他的。 他的书包是黑色的。 26my book =m

11、inehis sweater = hisyour desks = yours our desks = ours our classroom = oursour English teacher= ourstheir English teacher = theirs her CDs =hersits milk =its形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+名词名词=名词性物主代词名词性物主代词27My pen is yellow.Mine is small.Your watch is big.Yours is new.His book is old. His is over there.Her pen

12、cil is here.Hers is blue.mymineyouryourshishisherhers28ouroursyouryourstheirtheirsOur books are green.Ours are small.Yours are nice,too.Theirs are red.Your desks are big.Their presents are nice.29这是这是我的我的手表。手表。这块手表是这块手表是我的我的。This is my watch.This watch is mine.这些是这些是我的我的手表。手表。这些手表是这些手表是我的我的。These ar

13、e my watches.These watches are mine.30这是这是你的你的狗。狗。这只狗是这只狗是你的你的。This is your dog.This dog is yours.这些是这些是你的你的狗。狗。这些狗是这些狗是你的你的。These are your dogs.These dogs are yours.31这是这是他的他的猫。猫。这只猫是这只猫是他的他的。This is his cat.This cat is his.这些是这些是他的他的猫。猫。这些猫是这些猫是他的他的。These are his cats.These cats are his.32这是这是她的她的

14、汉堡包。汉堡包。这个汉堡包是这个汉堡包是她的她的。This is her hamburger.This hamburger is hers.这些是她的汉堡包。这些是她的汉堡包。这些汉堡包是她的。这些汉堡包是她的。These are her hamburgers.These hamburgers are hers.33这是这是我们的我们的香蕉。香蕉。这些香蕉是这些香蕉是我们的我们的。 These are our bananas.These bananas are ours.34这是他们的汽车。这是他们的汽车。这辆汽车是他们的。这辆汽车是他们的。 This is their car.This ca

15、r is theirs.35Michael: Whose shirt is this? Is this yours?Simon: No, it isnt. Mine is white. Ask Steven. His is blue.Michael: Hi! Steven. Is this your shirt?Steven: Let me have a look. Oh, yes, its mine. Michael: Here you are.Steven: Thank you, Michael.3613452This is watch.(A.my B.mine)my 3713452you

16、rsIs this comb ? (A.your B.yours)38 The skateboards are . (A.their B.theirs) 13452theirs39My hairdryer is red. is yellow. (A.Her B.Hers)13452Hers4013452They are books. Yours are over there. (A. our B. ours) our41exercises用所给代词的正确形式填空。1. These are _ ( he ) brothers.2. That is _( she ) sister.3. Lily

17、is _ ( Lucy ) sister.4. Tom, this is _ ( me ) cousin, Mary.5. Now _(her parents) are in America.6. Those _ ( child ) are _ ( I ) fathers students.myherLucy smytheychildrenhis42exercises7. Do you know _ ( it ) name?8. Mike and Tom _ ( be ) friends.9. Thanks for helping _( I ).10. _(Ann安)mother is _(we) teacher. ItsaremeAnnsour43A: Is this (you) comb? B: No, its not (I ) comb . ( I )is at home. A: Whose comb is it?B: Perhaps its Helens. Its (she) .A: Helen, is this comb (you)? C: Yes, its (I) comb. Thank


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