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1、8 / 8新版深圳广州沈阳版牛津英语七年级下unit5water知识点,语法及练习重点短语(词组)1. turn off 关上(电灯、煤气、自来水、电视等)turn on打开(电灯、煤气、自来水、电视等)turn up 开大 (收音机、电视等)音量turn down调低(收音机、电视等)音量off on up down都是 adv. 接代词只能放中间 如: turn itoff环顾四周到某人做某事的时间了。到做某事的时间了。是、的时间了。add A and B 把 A 和 Bmake sb do sth. 让2. look around = look round3. It s time for

2、 sb to do sth.It s time to do sth.It s time for sth.4. add sth to sth 把、加入、里加起来5. make sbsth + adj. 使某人、某物怎么样某人做某事6. remember (not) to do sth记得(不)要去做某事 (事还没做)remember doing sth记得做过某事 (事做了)7. a large amount of 谓语用单数,后接不可数名词8. noise:噪音,不愉悦白声音sound:几乎所有声音9. along 沿着(线);across®穿(面)10. 1)表示返回,return

3、不能和back连用2)表示归还,return 可以和 back 连用 Please return the book back beforeFriday.11. in the form of:以.的形式12. a bit有点;一点13. be made up of 由、组成14. dry up干涸15. continue to do sth. 继续做别的事continue doing sth 继续做同一件事After he finished reading a novel, he continued to play games with his friends. 他读完小说后跟朋友们继续玩游戏。

4、After a rest, he continues readin酢肖事休息后,他继续看书。H.语法:谈论名词的数量一 . 谈论多少1. “许多”的表达: a lot of = lots of + 不可数名词可数名词复数如: a lot of lots of water many + 可数名词复数 much +不可数名词2. “有一些;少量的(肯定意义)”的表达: a little + 不可数名词 a few + 可数名词复数3. “几乎没有;没有(否定意义)”的表达: little + 不可数名词the fridge. few + 可数名词复数 no +不可数名词 可数名词复数如: Ther

5、e is no water in the pool. pool.a lot of lots of swimmers如: many swimmers如: much water如: a little time如: a few friends如: There is little food in如: He has few friends.There are no swimmers in the4. 注意:a little = not- -much “很少(肯定意义)”如: There is a little water in this bottle. = There is not much water

6、 in thebottle.0) a few = notmany"很少(肯定意义)”如: There are a few swimmers in the pool.There are not many swimmers in the pool.询问多少1. How many +可数名词复数+ 一般疑问句 + 其他 ?如: How many oranges are there in the fridge?2. How much +不可数名词+一般疑问句 + 其他 ?如: How much paper do you need?How much isare + the + n. ?询问价格

7、如: How much are the oranges?三谈论足够与否1. “太多的”表达:too many +可数名词复数too much +不可数名词 water如: too many oranges如 : too much2. “足够的”表达:enough +数名词复数不可数名词“不足的”表达:not enough +W数名词复数不可数名词 salt4.“太少的”表达:too few +可数名词复数如: enough onions' salt3.如: not enough onions'如:toofew eggstoo little +不可数名词如:toolittle m

8、ilk 四.区别 1. too much + 不可数名词“太多的、”much too + adj. adv. “太、”如:The beef is much too delicious.牛肉太好吃了。2.enough adj.足够的;充分的 修饰名词,一般置于名词之前如: We have enough milk for everyone.enoughmoneyenough adv足够地;充分地修饰adj. adv.,只能放在adj.'adv.后面如: He didn't study hard enough.goodenough 五、分数的表达先分子,再分母,分子用基数,分母用序数

9、,当分子为大于 1的整数时,分母 要变复数。quarter 1/4 half 1/2 two thirds 2/3 three fifths 3/5一、根据首字母填空,注意用适当的形式1. Be careful. Don't d_ the plate盘子.2. Did you have a good j.3. They have to do e to find out if the drug is safe for humans.4. The island is short of fwater.5. Can you recognize认出 the v ? Whos that at th

10、e door?6. Then a_ a little sugar to the mixture混合物.7. We can drive t the tunnel隧道 in five minutes.8. Clean water is v in every part of the world.二、选择适当的词组填空,注意适当的形式turn off add to the end of remember not to fall from waste water look around drop into1. It is not right to at any time. It's valuab

11、le, like liquid gold液体黄金.2. You should your computer if you dorit use it any longer.3. The child the whirlpool 漩涡 from the ship. No one was ableto save him.4. Please leave your books in the classroom today.You need to go over the lessons for an important exam tomorrow.5. How much sugar do you want t

12、o your coffee?6. He, but couldHt see anybody.7. That s the class for today. Hers your homework!”The teacher said.8. Yesterday, Wendy her bicycle but luckily she didrt hurt herself.、用 many或 much填空:1. Did you buy food?2. There aren ' t hotels in the town.3. We haven ' t got petrol in our car.4

13、. Were there people on the train?5. Did students fail the exam?6. Paul hasn ' t got money in hist wall7. I wasn ' t very hungry. I didn ' t eat8. I haven ' t seen George for years.四、用 few, a few, little 或 a little 填空:1. There was food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.2. - When did

14、Sarah go out?-minutes ago.3. I can ' t decide now. I need time to think about it.4. There was traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected.5. The bus service isn t very good athecjhtare buses after 9 o' lock.6. I ' d like to practise my English more but I have chances.五、选择填空i根据句意,从下面四

15、个选项中选出和画线部分意义相同或接近的选项。()1. He can speak English , and Chinese as well.A. very well B. very good C. too D .either()2.W川 you please take care of my pet dog when I am not at home?A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look()3.Guangdong is famous for its food and clothes.A. is well known for B. is very

16、 popular asC. knows D. is possible for()4.Why not do it at once?A. How about do B. What about doingC. Let us doing D. Why don' t you()5.We don' allow pet in.A. ask B. let C. make D. have()6.You shouldn 'look around when you have an examination.A. look for B. look at C. look about D. look

17、 after()7.Look,there are hundreds of holes in the wall!A. a hundred of B. a lot of C. much D. some()8.You should apologize to him if you are wrong.A. say sorryB. say thanksC. say goodbyeD. say helloii从下面的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()9.Sam is Art teacher. He likes playing football.A an, the B an 不填 C a ,the

18、 D a,不填()10.I have notebook and two pens in my bag.Notebook is for you.A a, The B an, The C anf 填 D a,不填)11.We have no school today. Why not swimming this afternoon?A. go B. to go C. going D. went)12.The girl long hair is very beautiful.A. to B. for C. as D. with)13.Mr Smith is an English teacher he

19、 will teach us English next term.A. or B. and C. but)14.We don' t allow in our school.A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking)15.Keep quiet! The baby is.A. sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps16.-It is time for dinner. Where is your father? Emma?-He his bike in the yard.A. clean B. cleaned C. is cleaning)17.This

20、 kind of desk of wood.A. is making B. is made C. made)18.Look! The students trees in the garden.A. are planting B. planted C. plant19. Which sense doesn t a blind man have?A. sight B. hearing C. taste)20. -Do you enjoy at Jim ' s home?-Yes, he told me to help to the delicious food.A. yourself, m

21、eself B. yourself ,myself C. you , myself六阅读理解AIt is eight o clock. Thderecnhiglo to school by car every day, they are going toschool on foot.It is ten oclock. Mrs Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, butthis morning, she is going to the shops. It is four o clock.In the afternoon, Mrs Sawyer

22、 usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. It is six o clock, In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. It is nine o clock. Mr Sawyer

23、usually readsshpiaspneerwat night. But he nsot reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he rseading an interesting book.1. The children go to school every day.A. by car B. on foot C. by bike D. by bus2. Mrs Sawyer is going to _ this morning?A.staying at home B. go shopping C. drinking tea D. wa

24、tching TV3. Mrs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at in the living room.A. 8:00 B. 16:00 C. 18:00 D. 21:004. Are the children doing their homework at the moment?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don t. C. Yes, they are. D. No, they aren5. At the moment ,Mr Sawyer is.A. watching TV B. reading his n

25、ewspaperC.playing in the garden D. reading an interesting book.BJoan got home late from work today, and she was very happy. When she opened the refrigerator, she was upset. There was nothing to eat for dinner. Joan sat down and made a shopping list. She needed a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrot, a

26、 quart of milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, half a pound of chicken, and a loaf of bread.Joan rushed out of the house and drove to the supermarket. When she got there, she was very disappointed. There wasn t any lettuce. There weren t any carrots. Th wasn t any milk. There weren t any eggs

27、. There weren t any tomatoes. There wasn any chicken, and there wasn t any bread.Joan was tired and upset. In fact, she was so tired and upset. In fact, she was sotired and upset that she lost her appetite(食欲,胃口 ), drove home, didn ' have dinner, and went to bed.1 .Was there anything to eat in t

28、he refrigerator?A. Yes, there was. B. No, there wasn t. C. Yes, there wasn t.D. No, there was.2 .Did Joan need any fish?A.Yes, she did. B. No, she didn t. C. Yes. she didn t. D. No, she did.3 .How did Joan go to the supermarket?A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. D On foot.4 .Joan bought in the supermarket.A. carrots B. milk C. tomatoes D. nothing5 .What did Joan do after she drove home from supermarket?A. She watched TV B. She ate dinne


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