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1、Ubuntu 16.042系统安装步骤2021年11月15日第一步:选择语言,默认回车继续L自ngugeAmharicFranaish日 KEEO H 匚KWTamilArabicGaeilgealay&lani5电凶AsturlanuGalegoKarathiThaiGujaratiBurmeseTagalogBbnrapcKiiriFiiNepaliTurkceBengaliHindiNederla ncisUyghurTibetanHrvatskih口rsk okmalypainCbKEBosanskiMagyarNorsk TjnorskTlSng VietCatalaBahama I

2、ndonesiaPunjabi (Gurmukhi)中文倘体cestlnaisienskaP01SK1中文驚體DanskItalianoFortugues do BrasilDeutsch曰本語FortuguesDzongkha寸亦空cRomansKasaF/CCKLfMEnlishK him erSamegilliiEsperanto著3西Esparial劃銅SioyenEin白EestlKurdiSlovenscinaEuskaraLaoShqipLiEtuviskaiCpncKKsuomiLatvisKlsvenskaFl Help F2 Language F3 Keymsp F4 Mo

3、des F5 Accessibility F6 Oth=r Options第二步:选择Ubuntu安装类型,默认回车继续ubuntuinstall ubuntu ServerInstall HAAS Region ControllerInstall HfiAS Rack ControllerCheck disc for defectsTest niemoryBoot from first hard diskRescue a broken systemFl Help F2 Language F3 Keymap F4 Modes F5 Accessibility F6 Other Options第

4、三步:选择默认语言,默认回车继续1 ! Select a lansuaee Lhoose The 寥範总 elso Lb (ht cits I nlll Itcm.to used fo* rhe lnstaJiaricn onocess, tie sei5cie(i language nihil ldfipjBgtj for the -italltjdC- Ho loco Heat LoriAlbanian-ShqlpAfati Lc- 说尸teturian-sturlariuBasque-Eur4(arjBtlaruiEin 5e napyciceiMBosnian-losansis IBu

5、Jfiarjjin-libnrapcKHCatslan一 CatalaCtilnese (SlnplHied)-中文简体Oiinese (TraditiDnaLJ-中文1舉鑒crcatian* HnvaisUCzech-CEilinaDanish-innsKIXjt J-ledBrlandsErtJishEnglishIEsprranto-EsperantotstanLan-EeliFinnLsh-ucm 丄French-rncaisGaJ ician-G3 ICEDGerman-ObuIcIireEK-EhSrii/i kw-Q dark?3 rc?ss: - ip-Ke? elects;

6、:Lter?- scti.zes tuitors第四步:选择位置,默认回车继续第五步:配置键盘,选择 No回车继续第六步:选择语言,默认回车继续第七步:回车继续|_7-;re ihg 己匚三rd |Please select Lauaut matching the Keyboard for this machine.fleyboard layiiLit:HiglLshi3Enilisti (US) EflK11st (US; English (LB) Enallstl (US) English (US) English (US) Engllsh (US) Ensuisti lk) Englis

7、h (US) Ensllsti (16; English (US) EnglUi (US) English (US) EtisHsh (US) English (US) Ersilsti (IK) English (US) Eng 1 lsti (US: English (usj Chernke-EnsUsh CCDleraaic-tnglish Qucrak 力丄t emat lve irrte广门at ional no cead teyJ-EneLiSh (DucraK)-Englisr LOucraK, inteiftstional uiith cead Keys)Engler (Mac

8、intosh)-Engli?r I.rcgrsirr* Dvak)English fus. airematl?e -niBmatlcmai:- English I IS , iniErn日tierm jtli dead keys)-EngLLh (US, ulth euro on 5)-Ergljh Mnrkniar J-EngLlsh rriorRnan. Internallnnal iiiLih dead Keys)-卜.classic DDrflhJEnglish (internal lanai rligt dead keys)-匸nlisr (le/-t hand?d Cvorak.)

9、Englishhanded DuoraK)-English Ithe divLde/miltiply Keys toggle the layout J-Russian (US, phonetic)-Serbo-Croatian (US)IT吕h?edm&s;匸口弓匚巴 we!已匚t客;疋EntET? bjzTjl材at巳咅 huttcin忑第八步:主机名设置为和工程相关的名字,例如:残联,主机名为: hainan ca nl ia n,设置好之后,选择继续 III conifiure The nctnuorK Flease mrrer -Jip hri=Jnmrr for This sytfr

10、.The hostname is a single word That Ldentliles your sysiam io the neruorK, if you dont knaiij dnt ijur I Dstneme should be, loisuH lcU1 retuiark dUtii-iisirdtcrx If you ertj smtling up your oi.n hotr neiirR, you can mane jongthnc up her.ihjrrrr-in iHOrnamp::朮由Tjb? riivesi ;so ?ce? ;e:e:st TbIj tnovE

11、E; 口昌t,fDrt 日匚tEyates buttons第一步:是否使用简单密码,选择 Yes1 1J Set Up users drd pasUioi d. |You iirfj .uirl igure your hunt? Jirtjclury 1 or sncrypiJi , such that any 1 lies sio ed there rrrnir pr vote I* yjur* contninci i: si - Lfjri,Ttie sysisir uiil; eaiieslM mcuriT Mour sncryoted home directors each time

12、ycu lofiin aic mutoniert 1=11 j unmourt ui-n ycu log ut of mil metve wwwwicinw.Encrypi our home directory?EWB! 亡g; “sp吕亡wErrt已号 占tt i已左匕utt口ue第十三步:设置时区,选择 Yes1 f iCurif Lgut Uh ulock Based on youp nceeni qliM91cai lixatlorit yuu1 time zone 11 asla/JShanghjl.if this Is not correct, sjdu nav select fr

13、on a full llfi of lime emcs msi西cL IS this time zcrie correct?BE3W训VTab?汐口目匚匕? 巳1已匚ts; 弓匚tii/grte实bt】un第十四步:默认回车继续第十五步:回车继续第十六步:选择Yes回车继续第十七步:默认不修改,继续! Pan it Lon dwkmYou ing use tFo iiihole vnlump Roup for gulden partHioning, or part ol it. If yau usp only part of it, or if you add mope disks later

14、, ttier mou uL_1 be able lo groiu logical volumes later tiding -the LVP 1ooLs; so using 帀 smaller part ot the vcLuhie group at LnstalJatton tlnp nay orf+er more -f lexlhl irhe vlnlw sise of itie ths pHLkdBi 9DU ChUUSE available size is L33jselected part it i on in e rec lre Is B.o gb (or lx): please

15、 note thst1 _ install hidL| rtijuiru inare sfeiLt :han this. Tie truxilium06-Hint: tibx rn bf8+E 2哄)to use itiait ercentaae oi thesize.耳宅 n stiartit t sppri-fy the TaKiwr si?e, nr enter a peraitdui tf volbire &rouu lu use for ruided uw th_.iilng:rnoT1.:unon第十八步:选择Yes继续第十九步:默认,继续第二十步:默认回车继续|;-匸.r -t=

16、 re: |fOfiiyung updates on a frea jent basis is an irruotani part erf eeping your sys*en secjrerDy fle+fiblr. updates need to bs applied mrnuai ly ueirtg packet fnongcmt 1019. FUternailT&lgn ycm can ctiQCse to have this system ajuraiicailg douniOdd 印注 Install security LpdBtes or you can choose to wi

17、nase this 和Eten over the neb bs pari cf grmjp erf 汕TEii& umlns canorlcai s Lgnds苗w service.Hou do you uiant t_ nanagE upgrmUes zn this syslemi?Ista)L securit-. uaefl-tes automatically Manage system mi th Lendscape:Tgib? rnciH曾晉;匸SuLtf:1 、己:巴lI;iatti廿目l&s hutlQ馬卜一步:默认继续1 !EDflmare JBKCticr) IPt thf mmnrr, rnly the corp Qf the system 广 instilJnd. Ttuhe thn syster 1c anur weds, 4IDU can chaose to Lnstgll one or moe cf the f o llQwinjt


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