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1、Questionnaire for health Grade_ Class_1. Do you think you feel good and look good? A. Yes. B. No.2. Are you satisfied with your figure?(体形)(体形) A. Yes. B. No.3. Do you think you are healthy? A. Yes. B. No.4. Do you often take exercise every day? A. Yes. B. No. 5. Do you often drink water? A. Yes. B.

2、 No. 6.Do you have enough sleep? A. Yes. B. No. 7. Do you often eat Mcdonalds and KFC(肯德基)(肯德基)? A.No B.Yes.8. Do you think you need to lose weight? A. No B. Yes. 9.Do you go on a diet(节食节食)? A . No B. Yes10.Do you take weight-loss pills? A. No B. Yes Thanks for your cooperation.(合作)(合作) Looking goo

3、dfeeling goodBeautifulclothesAsk and answerClothes makes man.Slim?good figure?Dressed plainly(朴素)(朴素)Wow!StrongStrongHealthyHealthyLooking good?Original Chunky(矮胖) Looking good?Looking good?Feeling good?Feeling good?skinny(皮包骨)(皮包骨)Feel good!Much confidence(信心)信心)graceful?(优美)(优美)Michael PhelpsSuper

4、 Fish(飞鱼)(飞鱼)Use your imaginations! Speak out! (1) Who is she /he? (2) What is she or he doing? (3) Is she /he looking good or feeling good?Select(挑选)挑选)weightliftingweightliftingsome advice to keep healthyVie for it. 抢答抢答Good ways?In my opinion, we should I think, we shouldntgold medalsilverbronzeL

5、ooking goodfeeing goodConfident(自信自信)smileBeautifulclothesexerciseregularlyhealthydietlovingPositive(积极积极)EnoughsleepLets enjoy the proverbs and decide how to keep healthy.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Proverbs:(谚语谚语)Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures(治疗)(治疗) in the doctors book.3Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy.Fresh air impoverishes(使贫穷使贫穷) the doctor.Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway.Health is better than wealth.(财富财富) Its your chance!Lets


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