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1、寻觅我的路黎小靖黎小靖 高考过后,我走进了我梦中的天堂-大学。 在我上大学的路上,父亲跟我谈起了他当年求学的窘境。说如今的本人总算苦尽甘来了。我清楚他这样说是想让我记住:没有付出就没有收获。我把他的话铭刻于心,踏上了我的大学征程。 走进大学,我觉得新生活在想我浅笑招手。在那里,我感遭到与室友的温馨同时还有更多的压力和挑战。 大学的第一节英语课,新奇,激动且紧张。我们的教师是个活泼,自信又人才横溢的人,她希望班上的同窗都可以充溢热情,有勇气,训练有素,这深深地撼动了我,让我觉得我应该为本人的大学还有青春做点什么。Find My WayFind My Way After the college e

2、ntrance examination,I approached to the haven in my dream-the university. On my way to the university, father talked with me about his awkward situation when he was in school.But now,all sufferings had their rewards.Its clear to me that he wanted me to remember: No pain no gain.I bore it firmly in m

3、y mind and started my journey to the university. Stepping into the university,I felt my new life was waving to me with a smile.There,I shared happiness with my roomates but I also realized more stresses and challenges. The first English class in university was fancy ,thrilled and nervous. Our teache

4、r, an active, confident and brilliant women,hoped us to be enthusiatic,courageous and well-trained , which had a deep impression on my mind .I knew I should do something for my university and my youth. 可是一节节的英语课,我并未能如我所想的那样。活泼的课堂,紧张的气氛还有同窗们脸上严肃的神情总是让我感到很有压力。最后,我还是没有足够的勇气去抓住时机,只是留在本人的座位上,照旧沉默。我忽然觉得到外

5、面冷得可怕,正如我心中的寒冬腊月。 渐渐的,生活似乎变得淡而无味。像夏末的花儿般盛放过后渐渐凋谢。但父亲的话却时常萦绕心中。 后来,我明白了-人生就如一通往终点的列车,沿着轨道,而我们要做的就是把握好每一次可以生长的时机。 However,the following classes, everything was out of my expertation. The exciting class,the anxious moments and the serious expressions on every classmates face always made me felt stressf

6、ul. Finally, I didnt brave enough to seize the chances and just in my seat without saying a word. I suddenly felt very cold outside , like the way I was feeling inside. Gradually, life seemingly became wateriness. Like blooming flowers in the end of summer starting to be withered. But what my father

7、 said to me crowed in my mind repeatedly. Later,I began to know that life is just like a train leading to the destination of our time, and what we should do is to grasp opportunities along the track to become mature. 约翰*沃夫冈*冯*歌德曾说过:生活属于生者,而生者必需预备着应对变化。不错,我置信我能一步步走完我的路。由于我知道我的梦并不像挂在深邃星空的天星般遥不可及,只需我能让世界看到最好的我。 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said that: Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. Thats right, and I believe I can finish my road ste


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