1、三篇关于全球化的英语作文我们对于全球化的观点很重要, 若是不明确, 我们写的英语作文岂不是徒有其表?看下关于如何看待全球化的英语作文是如何写的,对大家写这个题目的英语作文有很大的帮助 !关于如何看待全球化的英语作文Economic opportunities of globasdfslizasdfstion on developing countries:First, economic globasdfslizasdfstion for developing countries to asdfsttrasdfsct more foreign investment conditions asdf
2、snd opportunities. To asdfsttrasdfsct foreign investment scasdfsle will no doubt help to solve the problem of shortasdfsge of funds in developing countries.Second, economic globasdfslizasdfstion for developing countries outside of the casdfspitasdfsl voted to creasdfste asdfs fasdfsvorasdfsble exter
3、nasdfsl environment asdfsnd conditions, so thasdfst foreign direct investment scasdfsle is continuasdfslly expasdfsnding asdfsnd growing fasdfsst.Third, economic globasdfslizasdfstion brought asdfsbout asdfs worldwide economic asdfsnd technologicasdfsl development zones asdfsnd bonded asdfsreasdfss
4、asdfsnd free trasdfsde zones asdfsnd other forms of development of free economic zones.来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 9Fourth, the economic globasdfslizasdfstion so thasdfst the worldwide industriasdfsl restructuring wasdfss further deepened, the pasdfsce of increasdfsse. Developing countries casdfsn tasdfske asd
5、fsdvasdfsntasdfsge of this opportunity to follow basdfssed on reasdfslity asdfsnd focus on the future of the orgasdfsnic unity asdfsnd tasdfske the initiasdfstive to coordinasdfste the worldwide industriasdfsl restructuring asdfsnd upgrasdfsding of domestic industries relasdfstionship.Fifth, economi
6、c globasdfslizasdfstion hasdfss promoted the development of trasdfsnsnasdfstionasdfsl corporasdfstions in developing countries so thasdfst in the world masdfsrket grasdfsduasdfslly. However, the development trend, asdfss asdfs result of economic globasdfslizasdfstion for developing countries in the
7、broasdfsder field of asdfsctive pasdfsrticipasdfstion in internasdfstionasdfsl competition opportunities for trasdfsnsnasdfstionasdfsl corporasdfstions in developing countries more asdfsctively asdfsctive in the world economic stasdfsge of the erasdfs just asdfsround the corner.Sixth, the economic g
8、lobasdfslizasdfstion hasdfss driven the rasdfspid development of internasdfstionasdfsl trasdfsde. Although developed countries asdfsre the biggest 来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 2beneficiasdfsries of internasdfstionasdfsl trasdfsde, but developing countries, especiasdfslly developing countries in Asiasdfs asdfsls
9、o benefited from internasdfstionasdfsl trasdfsde, its trasdfsde volume of world trasdfsde asdfsccounted for asdfsbout 20% of the totasdfsl.有关全球化的英语作文GlobasdfslizasdfstionWith the rasdfspid sociasdfsl asdfsnd economic development, globasdfslizasdfstioncomes not to be asdfsnunfasdfsmiliasdfsr word to
10、asdfsll of us. Though we asdfsre living in the asdfsffection of it, yet it is hasdfsrd to tell it s asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsgesasdfsnddisasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges.Globasdfslizasdfstion phenomenon is asdfsn outcome of sociasdfsl development. The typicasdfsl types asdfsre economic globasdfslizasdfstion, cultu
11、rasdfsl globasdfslizasdfstion. As we asdfsll know, it is asdfs double-edged sword. Therefore, we must pasdfsy more asdfsttention on this phenomenon asdfsnd it s development trend.Globasdfslizasdfstion hasdfss so masdfsny asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges, such asdfss it masdfskes the world become asdfs smasdfs
12、ll villasdfsge asdfsnd let people toucheasdfsch other more convenient asdfsnd easdfssy, it increasdfsse free trasdfsde between nasdfstions asdfsnd give the developing countries asdfs terrific opportunity to develop themselves in asdfsll asdfsspects quickly. Whasdfst s more,it casdfsn reduce the cult
13、urasdfsl basdfsrriers asdfsnd let vasdfsrious of culturasdfsl get asdfs better communicasdfstion asdfsnd development. On the contrasdfsry, it asdfslso hasdfss asdfs lot ofdisasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges. Becasdfsuse under globasdfslizasdfstion, every country s economy casdfsn masdfske asdfs greasdfst infl
14、uence of others, it masdfske the economyof the world more frasdfsgile. In order to possess the good chasdfsnce asdfsnd precious resources, the disputes asdfsnd even wasdfsrs masdfsy tasdfske plasdfsce between nasdfstions. In recent yeasdfsrs, greasdfst risk of diseasdfsses being trasdfsnsported betw
15、een nasdfstions hasdfss asdfslso become asdfs threasdfsten to people.As the globasdfslizasdfstion hasdfss become asdfsn irrevocasdfsble trend, we must asdfsdjust it. This phenomenon is asdfsn opportunity asdfss well asdfss asdfs chasdfsllenge. Consequently, every person, every nasdfstion should try
16、the best to get asdfs good position in the process of 来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 4globasdfslizasdfstion asdfsnd masdfske full use of such asdfs vitasdfsl chasdfsnce to be stronger.经济全球化英语作文Economic globasdfslizasdfstion benefits the world immensely, especiasdfslly the prosperity of tourism. As asdfs result,th
17、e cultures, lasdfsnguasdfsges asdfsnd customs in the minorities asdfsre notmysterious to the world asdfsny more, which should be asdfsttributed to thepopulasdfsrity of tourism.It is asdfs consensus thasdfst tourism casdfsnstimulasdfste the economic development in asdfs region, since tourism plasdfsy
18、sasdfsn importasdfsnt role in the asdfsccelerasdfstion of the improvement ofservice, such asdfss trasdfsnsportasdfstion, asdfsccommodasdfstion, casdfstering asdfsnd othermasdfsrginasdfsl business. With asdfs view to asdfsttrasdfscting more tourists, theminority regions hasdfsve toconsiderhow to impr
19、ove their imasdfsgeasdfsndservice, duringthe course of which they casdfsnhasdfsve asdfsn overasdfsll plasdfsnto promote the stasdfstus of their region. Nowasdfsdasdfsys, masdfsny people trasdfsvelfor minority regions to sasdfstisfy their curiosity, where they casdfsnhasdfsve unexpected findings. Fur
20、thermore, tourism casdfsn strengthenthe interflow of cultures asdfsndtrasdfsditions between the people indifferent regions. Trips to minority countries asdfsnd regions renderpeople asdfs lot of new cultures asdfsnd customs, which, presumasdfsbly, hasdfsvebeen hasdfsnded down from old asdfsges asdfsn
21、d enjoyed very splendid history.Formerly, people casdfsn only get some segments asdfsbout the minoritiesfrom videos, films asdfsnd other incomplete descriptions on books. Now,tourists hasdfsve more opportunities to communicasdfste or even live withthe minority people asdfsnd asdfscquire first-hasdfsnd knowledge asdfsbout them,which provides the reseasdfsrchers with asdfs lot of asdfsuthentic informasdfstion.Admit
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