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1、教师辅导讲义辅导科目:英语年 级:高一课时数:3课 题Unit 4. Creatures large and small 基础知识梳理教学目标1 .使学生能够基本掌握 unit4中的基础词汇及其拓展用法;2 .帮助学生梳理课文中的一些重点句型,并且会做一些基础的单选题。教学内容Stepl: Greetings & Free talkIs there something interesting or important this week?Step2: Homework checking & RevisionStep3:知识梳理1. Key Words重点单词2. creatur

2、en.生物,动物,人We can't see microscopic creature with naked eyes.我们不能用肉眼看至 U微生物。Pandas are precious creatures.熊 Wi 珍贵的动物。The king would appoint one of his creatures to the post.国王要派他的一名奴仆去任这差事。This creature lives in the depth of the ocean.这种生物生活在海洋深处。Man is the only creature that is gifted with speec

3、h.人类是唯一被赋予语言能力的动物。3. viewn.观点;看法The leader of this country expressed strong political views.这位国家的领导人表达了强硬的政治观点。What are your views on her resignation? 你对她辞职有什么想法?【拓展】viewn.视野;风景enjoying the magnificent views from the summit over the mountains 在群山之颠欣赏那壮丽的景色4. sheltern.避难所;庇护物,遮蔽物;庇护所,庇护,掩护;遮挡He stood

4、 in the shelter at the bus stop.他站在公共汽车站的候车亭里。They found shelter from the storm in a barn.他们在谷仓里躲恭风雨。【拓展】shelter v.给提供庇护处;躲避P shelter an escaped prisone何藏逃犯L shelter from the rain 避雨5. tent n.帐篷They set up a tent near the seashore.他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。6. survivev.存活;幸免于难;挺过No one could have survived such

5、a disaster.没有人能够在这样一场灾难中幸存下来。Only one soldier survived the battle.只有一个战士在这场战争中活了下来。【拓展】survivev.比活得长She survived her husband by four years.她比她丈夫多活了 四年。派生词:survival n.幸存;生存survivorn.幸存者6. emergev.(从暗处或隐蔽处)出现;浮现;露出After the rainstorm, the sun slowly emerged from behind the clouds, piercing the gloom w

6、ith bright rays of happiness.暴风雨过后,太阳慢慢地从云层中露出笑脸,灿烂的阳光一扫阴霾,给人们带来欢乐。【辨析】 appear, seem, emerge(1 ) appear重点在于进入视线,被看见One by one the stars appeared in the sky天空中的星星一颗接一颗地亮起来了。(2 ) seem重点在于判断He seems to know nothing about the serious present situation.他似乎不了解当前严峻的形势。(3 ) emerge表示的 出现“,暗含了此前曾有一个隐匿的不为人知的阶段

7、,也可用于 It emerges that句型。The truth emerged at last 最终真相大白。7. boredadj.厌倦的;烦闷的People become quickly bored with tired lectures.对毫无新意的讲座,人们很快就感到厌倦了。【拓展】bore v.使厌倦I've heard all his stories before; they bore me.他的事我以前都听说过了,那些事真使我厌烦。boring adj.令人厌倦的How boring the job is!这份工作真是单调乏味呀!8. elasticadj.有弹性的;

8、有弹力的Bungee jumping uses elastic cords that are similar to rubber bands.蹦极采用的弹力绳与橡皮筋特性相似。My plans are fairly elastic.我的计划相当灵活。【辨析】flexible , elastic(1 ) flexible有弹性的,主要指能弯曲的或容易折弯的。This piece of metal is very flexible. 这片金属很轻柔易弯。(2 ) elastic指变形后能复原的。an elastic swimsuit 有弹性的游泳衣而两者用于引申意义时,含义基本相同,只是 flex

9、ible更为正式些。9. property n. (l )性质;特征These leaves have medicinal properties.这些叶子有药用价值。(2 )财产被占有的某物;占有物common property 公共财产my country property 我在乡下的地产This car is my property.这部轿车是我的财产。10. artificialadj. (l)人工的;人造的;虚假的Nowadays, many stadiums use artificial grass on the football pitch.如今,许多体育馆的足球场使用人造草坪。H

10、er artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness.她以矫揉造作的快乐掩饰着内心的悲痛。She welcomed me with an artificial smile.她以虚假的微笑欢迎我。(2 )合成的synthetic dyes 合成染料synthetic substances such as plastics合成材料如塑料11. bulletproof adj.防弹的As the president of his country, for safety he often uses a car with bulletproof doors an

11、d windows.作为国家总统,他出于安全考虑出行通常用带防弹门窗的车。【拓展】proof用于构成复合词,意为 防的,抗的,耐的”。- waterproof coats 防水服a soundproof room 隔音的房间 fireproof gloves 防火手套12. nasty adj.污秽的,险恶的,(气味等)另人作呕的,脾气不好的.He is a person with a nasty mind.他是个思想肮脏的人。What a nasty man!多么恶心的家伙!(这个恶人!)13. bite n .咬伤;叮伤;蛰伤The little cat gave me a playful

12、 bite.小猫顽皮地轻轻咬了我一下。Mosquito bites can sometimes be quite dangerous.被蚊子叮咬有时候是很危险的。【拓展】bite v.咬Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。14. rarely adv.罕有;很少;不常I rarely eat in restaurant. = Only rarely do I eat in restaurants. 我很少至U饭馆就餐。15. treat v.医治;治疗This new drug is effective in treating

13、TB(tuberculosis).这种新药对肺结核病疗效很好。Last year the hospital treated over forty cases of malaria.去年这所医院医治了四十余例疟疾病人。【拓展】treat v.对待;视为treat asThey treat their children very badly.他们对待子女很不好。I decided to treat his remark as a joke.我把他的话当作玩笑话。16. disorder n.不适;疾病;紊乱For years, the poor old woman has been sufferi

14、ng from a mental disorder.这位可怜的老妇人患精神病已经多年了。 【搭配】in disorder 混乱His hair and clothes were in disorder.他的头发和衣服都乱糟糟的。It contained a vast number of letters in great disorder.它里面乱七八糟地放着大量的信件。The enemy retreated in disorder when our attack began.当我们开始进攻时,敌人混乱地撤退。disorderlyadj.杂舌 L 的a disorderly room 杂乱的房间

15、disorderly crowds妨碍治安的人群n . Key Expressions 重点词组1. be frightened of 对害怕He was frightened of the fierce dog.他让这只凶猛的狗吓怕了。He was frightened at the thought of his huge debts.他一想到他背负的巨额债务便胆战心惊。【拓展】frighten常与away, off, out of, into连用,意为 吓走,吓跑”。He frightened off his attacker by calling for the police.她呼叫警察

16、把袭击者吓走了。They frightened the white bird away by rising to their feet suddenly.他们突然站了起来,把那只白色的鸟吓跑了。2. change one's views on/about.改变对的观点My visit to the gallery has completely changed my views on art.参观美术馆之后,我完全改变了对艺术的看法。 view n. 观点;景色;视野one's view on sth 对某事的看法What is your view on school punis

17、hments? 你对学校的处罚有什么看法?I felt proud when I enjoyed the magnificent views from the summit over the mountains.当我站在群山之颠欣赏那壮丽景色时,我感到无比自豪。Soon the beautiful lake came into view.不久,那个美丽的湖泊便出现在眼前厂。【拓展】(l ) in view of鉴于;考虑到In view of these facts, we can say this accident is intentional.考虑到这些事实,我们可以说这个事故是故意的。(

18、2 )with a view of/to 为了,目的在于He studied hard with a view to serve the people better in the future.他努力学习,目的是为了将来能更好地为人民服务。3. protectfrom/against保护免受的侵害In summer you need sunglasses to protect your eyes from/against strong sunlight.夏天你需要戴太阳镜来保护眼睛免受强烈太阳光线的照射。4. hear about/of 听说,得知How did you hear about

19、this story? 你说过这个故事吗?I've heard of a job which would be just right for you.我听说有一份工作对你正合适。5. all over全面,遍,到处We have friends all over the world.我们的朋友遍天下。In the past few years, new buildings have sprung up all over Shanghai.在过去几年里,上海至U处盖起了新楼。6. get one's point理解某人的意思Finally, I got his point.最后,

20、我终于明白他的意思了。【拓展】point还有以下搭配:h have one's pointsW某些优点V make one's point充分解释自己提出的事 off the point 偏题:up to a(certain) point 在某种程度上7. slow down 减缓The cars slowed down as they passed Customs 小车经过海关时都减速行驶。There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development.尽管药物能减缓

21、其恶化速度,但这种疾病无法医治。n . Key Sentences重难点句子1. The scene begins with Winston and his wife Betty standing in their kitchen.with standing! with引导的 介词十分词”结构,在句子中作状语。With science and technology developing, more and more people expect to land on the moon.随着科技的发展,越来越多的人盼望着登上月球。【拓展】with后面跟非谓语动词,要依据实际情况,可以用现在分词、过

22、去分词,也可以用动词不定式。With a local guide leading the way, they walked out of the jungle.在当地向导的带领下,他们走出了丛林。(表示正在发生的动作,且guide和lead之间是主动的关系。)With all the work done, he set out to have a drink with his friends.所有的工作都完成了,他便出去和朋友们喝一杯。(表示动作已完成,且 work和do之间是被动的关系,故用过去分词。)With all the work to do, I won't have tim

23、e to go out. 有这么多工作要做,我就没时间出去了。(表示未做,将要去做的动作,用 to do。)2. .but I suppose you're going to tell me anyway.suppose认为; 猜想; 假定What do you suppose he wanted?你认为他想要什么?She'll be there today, I suppose.我猜想她今天能到那儿去。Suppose (that) the news is true; what then?假定这消息是真的,那又怎样?【拓展】I suppose的否定表达:I suppose no

24、t.(我不认为这样)。如果I suppose带从句的话,否定放在从句中。I suppose you are not going there, are you? 我想你不会去那儿的, 是吗?3. Surviving winter in them, the spiders emerge healthy and hungry when spring comes.(l )Surviving winter in them 是现在分词结构作时间状语,相当于 after they survive winter in them 。如果分词的动作或 行为发生在主句动作之前,则用分词的完成式。Having wor

25、ked as a photographer for over 20 years, he retired last year.作为摄影师拍了二十多年照片后,他于去年退休。Having finished writing the article, he took a rest. 写完文章后,他休息了一会儿。(2 )句中的形容词短语healthy and hungry作状语,表示蜘蛛出现时的状态。The missing child was brought back safe and sound.失踪的孩子被平安无恙地带了回来。He spent the whole night in the wind a

26、nd snow, cold and hungry.活学活用:To our relief, the six -year-old child, we though was lost, returned home two days later.A. who, safely and soundlyB. whom, safely and soundlyC. who, safe and soundD. whom, safe and sound答案:A4. So everyone is happy except the insects.except意为 除以夕卜”。except后面常用以下几种形式:(1 )

27、后跟名词I like most of the sports except skiing.我喜欢大多数运动除了滑雪。Everyone has been invited to the party except John.除了约翰,每个人都被邀请参加晚会了。(2 )后跟介词词组There is no difference between the twins except in height.这对双胞胎除了身高之外没其他区别。(3 )后跟从句I know nothing about this writer except what I read in the newspaper. 除了在报上读至U 的,

28、我对那位作家无所知。活学活用:She had a particularly happy childhood, her illness.A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for答案:D5. It's the silk the spiders make their webs with.定语从句the spiders make their webs with中的with不可省略。请注意下列定语从句中不可忽略的介词。He is the man (whom) you've been looking for.他就是你一直在寻找的那个人。He

29、is a man (that) you can safely depend on.他是一个你可以放心信任的人。The following are some of the points (that) you should pay special attention to.6. Scientists are trying to develop a material having similar properties.(l )having similar properties是现在分词结构彳定语,修饰material o having在这是 具有”的意思。The man with the scar

30、is a mechanic having more than 20 years of working experience.带伤疤的男子是一个有二十多年工作经验的机修工。Any person having a knowledge of Chinese history knows that Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times.任何晓得一点中国历史的人都知道台湾自古以来就是中国的一部分。(2) similar为形容词,意为 相似的”。【搭配】be similar to与相似。7. They plan to use it in spac

31、ecraft, artificial organs like hearts, and to make really bullet proof vests,(1 ) spacecraft宇宙飞船(单复数同形)【拓展】单复数形式相同,拼写不变化的常用名词还有:means方法,手段,工具,媒介species#类,(物)种Chinese 中国人Japanese 本人aircraft飞机sheep,名帛羊deerHseries连续,系歹U(2 )like在这为介词,意为 诸如等,像等等“,相当于such as.There are numerous hobbies you might enjoy, lik

32、e photography or painting.大家可以享用的文娱活动有许许多多,如摄影和绘画等等。8. Doctors think it might be used to treat brain disorders in humans 【辨析】 be used to do sth., used to do sth# 口 be used to sth /doing sth.(l ) be used to do sth.被用来做某事Spiders can be used to protect our crops.蜘蛛可用来保护我们的庄稼。(2 ) used to do sth.(表示过去多次

33、发生的动作)常常,经常,往往He does not come as often as he used (to)他不像从前那样常来了。(3 )be used to sth. /doing sth.已适应,已习惯I am quite used to hard work/working hard.我已习惯艰苦的工作/吃苦耐劳。1. Key Words重点单词2. hibernate v.过冬,冬眠,避寒Many animals are collecting food for getting ready for hibernating. 许多动物正收集食物准备过冬。3. occurv.发生;出现The

34、y were driving at a high speed down the motorway when the accident occurred.事故发生时,他们正在高速公路上飞速行驶。This kind of plant only occurs in Africa.这种植物只存在于非洲。【搭配】It occurs to sb that某人突然想到 It never occurred to him that he would be admitted to Harvard University. 他从来没想到会被哈佛大学录取。4. continuouslyadv.不断地;持续地It rai

35、ned continuously the whole day.整天者 B 在下雨。Let us start from now on, continuously work deepening dusk. 让我们从现在开始,直工作至U天黑。【拓展】continuousadj.不断的,持续的a continuous line of traffic络绎不绝的车辆For four days the town suffered continuous attacks.雄座城镇连续四天遭至U了袭击。5. absencen.不存在;缺乏;不上课;缺勤Few plants can grow in the dese

36、rt due to the absence of water.由于缺水,很少有植物能够在沙漠中生存。the absence of definite proof缺乏确凿的证据His repeated absence from school is worrying.他一再缺课使人担忧。In the absence of the manager I shall be in charge.经理不在的时候,由我负责。【拓展】 absent adj.(1 )缺席,缺勤to be absent from work/school/a meeting 缺勤 /逃课 /缺席(2 )心不在焉的,走神的an abse

37、nt expression/100k 茫然的表情/样子6. stirv.动;移动Everything was quiet. Not a creature stirred in the heat of the noonday sun.一切寂静无声。在正午骄阳的烘烤下,没有生物活动的迹象。【拓展】stir还有以下意思:(1 )激发,打动She was stirred by his sad story.他那悲惨的故事打动了她。(2 )(感情或情绪)逐渐产生,萌动,被唤起A feeling of guilt began to stir in her.她心里渐渐生出了 内疚感。7. disturb v.

38、打扰;干扰;妨碍;弄乱Do you mind turning down the radio? It is disturbing my sleep.你介意把收音机音量调轻一点吗?它影响我睡觉了。She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.她轻轻地开门,以免惊扰了睡着的孩子。n . Key Expressions 重点词组1. have sth in common 与有共同之处Though they are from different families, they have a lot in common

39、.尽管他们来自不同的家庭,但有很多共同之处。These two guys have little/nothing in common in dressing style.这两个人在穿衣风格上完全没有共同之处。What a coincidence, Mike and I have background in common. 太巧了,迈克和我有共同的背景。2. compare to 与相比The teacher asked the students to compare their own compositions to the sample.老师要求学生拿自己的作文与范文相比。【拓展】 comp

40、are A to B把A比作BWe often compare children to blooming flowers. 我们常常把孩子比作绽放的花朵。People are accustomed to comparing the healthy body to a finely tuned machine.入们习惯于把健康的身体比作调整良好的机器。compare A with/to B 把A与 B作比较Compared with watching TV , using DVD is a big step forward.与看电视相比,用 DVD 是向前跨了一大步。Compared with/

41、to small stores in the neighbourhood, supermarkets offer residents a wi4er choice of goods.和小区内小商店比起来,超市提供居民更多可供选择的物品。3. in contrast to 形成对照In contrast to their new sports car, ours seems very old -fashioned.和他们新的跑车相比, 我们的车看上去太过时了。【拓展】by contrast形成对照(跟句子)Running water is very common in big cities. B

42、y contrast, it is as precious as pearls in the desert.自来水在大城市很常见。相比而言,在沙漠里自来水就像珍珠一样宝贵。4. upside down 颠倒,侄转 (1)用作副词The boat floated upside down on the lake.小船底朝天漂浮在湖面上。(2 )用作形容词时,通常作表语The painting looks like it's upside down to me.在我看来这幅画好像是上下颠倒了。【拓展】turn sth. upside down(1 )把翻得乱七八糟;使凌乱不堪The poli

43、ce turned the whole house upside down looking for clues.警察为了查找线索把整个屋子翻得乱七八糟。(2 )给(某人的生活)造成大的变化或混乱His sudden death turned her world upside down.他的突然死亡令她的世界一片混乱。出.Key Sentences重难点句子1. Hibernation is a state often compared to sleep.often compared to sleep是过去分词结构作定语,修饰 state。e. g. This bridge built in t

44、he early 1900s will be pulled down soon.这座建于二十世纪早期的桥不久将被拆除。2. Looking like they are dead, they hang upside down.现在分词短语 looking like they are dead 在此句中作方式状语。He was sitting in sofa, reading a newspaper.他正坐在沙发上看报纸。Both of them were at the meeting, discussing the project to be undertaken next month.他们俩都

45、在开会,讨论下月要实行的项目。3. While hibernating, bears stay in their dens, which are filled with leaves to make their stay more comfortable and warmer.(1 ) while hibernating是"when/while+现在分词的一般式“。分词的逻辑主语为句中的主语bears,且谓语动作发生在分词所表示的动作过程之中。这种情况可以换作when或while引导的时间状语从句,即 while they are hibernating 。When (you are

46、) crossing the road, you'd better look at both sides first.过马路时,你最好先看两边。(2 )Which are filled with leaves to make their stay more comfortable and warmer 是which 弓I导的非限制性定语从句, 补充 说明dens的内容。Last week the Nobel Prize winner delivered us a lecture, which made a deep impression on me.上周诺贝尔奖获得者给我们作了一次讲座

47、,(这个讲座)给我留下了深刻的印象。4. ,hibernating bears do not appear as though they are dead, but seems as though they are very sleepy.as though意为“仿佛;好像一样”。He walks as though he is drunk.他走起路来好像他真的醉了。The nurse attends to the patient as though he were her father.这护士照顾这位病人仿佛在照顾她爸爸似的。She looked as though nothing had

48、happened to her.她当时看起来好像什么事都没发生似的。Step4: Consolidation exercise.Section A : Choose the right answer1. On Mother's Day, some department stores carnations, the warm atmosphere.A. decorated with . adding toB. are decorating . added toC. are decorated with . which adds toD. decorating with . which a

49、dding to2. Every year, thousands of tourists are attracted Provence for those purple flowers lavender.A. by . heavenly -smeltB. to . heavenly -smellingC. in . heaven-smellingD. to . heaven-smelt3. Jenny has slowly a gorgeous young lady. She is no longer in the middle school.A. turned into . a social

50、 butterflyB. changed to . an eager beaverC. grown up . a guinea pigD. grown into . an ugly ducklingswee4. In my view, an ideal wife should be diligent, intelligent and above all,nature. a womanA. ignorant . byB. tolerant . in C. tolerant . byD. ignorant . in5 .After the carnival, the streets were li

51、ttered with .A. cheerful crowdsB. empty cans C. traffic jamsD. deafening noise6 .Most blossoms and leaves changed to yellow, summer is A. fell off . goneB. falling off . in the airC. have fallen off . off the airD. having fallen off . gone7. the development of technology, divers can have the time in

52、 the depth of the sea with a watch.A. As a result . sound-proofB. In spite of . water -proofC. Thanks to . water -proofD. Because of . sound-proof8. There is no to compare the two objects since they .A. point . have something in commonB. point . have nothing in commonC. need . share something in com

53、monD. need . bear nothing in common9. Jeff seldom goes to the Shanghai Botanical Garden except his favorite plant- cactus.A. seeingB. when seeing C. to seeD. that he sees10. In the painting, the sunflowers are in sharp contrast to the sky which mirrors the artist'sdepressed mental state.A. brigh

54、tly -colored . blueB. brightly -coloring . darkC. brightly -colored . darkD. brightly -coloring . blueKeys:1. CBACA 6. DBDBBSection B : I . Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words and phrases given in the box.surviveemergebe frightened ofbe similar toelasticget one's pointcommonslow

55、 downdisturbin contrast to1. Silk is as as a rubber band and lighter than a feather.2. Although the teacher had explained the rules many times, the students still didn't 3. spiders, the little girl stayed away from the small creature.4. 'Adopt ' and ' adapt'each other in spelling

56、.5. Some animals can in the desert with very little water.6. Suddenly, a man from behind the bush, which really scared me.7. It is for a girl to leave her parents' house when she gets married.8. when you come to the main road.9. his younger brother, he is always considerate in his treatment of o

57、thers.10. I feel angry if someone me while I'm sleeping.n . Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.11. George and Michael are believed to have similar(viewer) on this question.12. The nurse(ignorant) the warning signals and didn't check the patient's medical notes.13. When


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