已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、2020年青岛市初中学业水平考试英语试题1售试时间* 1闻9件h满分:90分)说明7一本M卷廿加第I卷和第1【卷两部方.共六大刊,第1卷包含单项遗撵、完形填空融 阑送理解,共40小题;第I【盘包含词汇运用小H .阅读表达人.和书面表达a2.所有国目均在昔题卡上作杏.在成叁二作答无效b第1卷(满分4。分)L站项选樨|率屈10小题,&小题1分,倏W分)从每小疆所增的四个选项中选出最住连聘.1. Whai unusual tthool inp tud! I will never tocgeHtA. 0B. &aC, rheD. /2. oix d better noi hang ou

2、t alkr schoul telling your pirems, Thcv may worry 惠Eur 丫皿A. byB. withC. wrthourD. afier3. Li Lei didnJ phyg#irk$ hst dcokcrtd. he burked as a vohirKwr in an oldpcopk's hemeA. UhicudB. Cciuinly匚 ThuuhD. tijadudltyJ Please fLEeinher hithcelt>?tri?iy and ivalrt btT3rt hi Leave ihi- kihnrra. tdkc

3、oiy民*hutuirc. go uird. put Dfr5, 15 this hat ?一 No. thf red nne i*.A. Lucy工 herB. Luu,; htrC. Lucy s; hers D. Lucy; hers6, eKliccs j*pect ull ihcirslLidciiprogiw 山劈 day.A. to makeB. mak:fC. to lakeD. lakeI. In Uhinew kurilie. peefiL »an ri *4£irt dinner the elderstkc dicir wuts.A. afterB.

4、whenC. bccdUM:D. untilK. 4fiWk (/mrtiri- is mave Lve ever gn.D. kits uJkicJtLiThalD. couldX. muni educiitAHil B. the huds' udutJtional < . ixluCLliunol一AI kkn, sh nil we &口 to the hunk $tnn? this aftcniiwn-11 iti sorry. Dsivid. 1ml I ricet my cousin it: dir train Mjiimi.A. hvc toB. cmC. i

5、nay英酒试蹲第l页(共自页)L(L 一 LilyT could you tell me?-About icii minuies.A h。肾 fiir i% it from your hiymc io 笑hgj U. how tor it 1占 from your home to schoclC. hcwkng ii lake you lo wML to school Dhow Igg it iMebyou 10 unlL to kcIkioIII完附填空(在菌小陵,每小施1寸.技1。分)阅读下面近又,窜国其大零,从A* B、U D四个选承中选出最隹选项中y life u'»

6、s perfcci vhm 1 ant fvtelve yars old- F hud 门 big fiimily. I 】 my pistar 匚hris&$. ind a liulc brolher, Pairick. whom loved greatly. Spring was coming, and J,谢 _14 about iiXMlbct xjiLiJKi wilh GuidiiLji. Slit Ikd jdcti( iuii cugdLicr 尿l i-umirKr. She *心 iwuik】E ,:退休) this jvan 13 that meairt nwie

7、 time with her. Then, on Apnl ll, 2417, at P,M., we were ill oint lu bed 科hen Ilie pdone wng. My unde 叫如 J4 s say that Linndpa had jjst Idki;n Gruiidma g ihc E»spiLd,.The nirxl mcmirij 1 5u>ldl 由理 3由di力口 wuh ganc dkie a a Ikin chseas, 1 inedl tv Ihjbuieven iry tiither 51 hadnl even giwfruye

8、in lier 1 ooiHn't tnnTm rny :6阀 md加典1 io i> loudly; 1) (Inailv hit me; She was 典ne J7 , All #6 had left meIB ui (heVirden dK ho uh we apciit 词 ilii鸠 fb*cn aid inking an of 19 , tulievti 血it gfdndnu 认 a 就力watching over rne. and 5e would haw unreril me to M ”1 and hnppy lit? lw.ihnthihnt aic ba

9、d Linux My £mill)und Qitkls luw me Lbr Mhu 1 mn uid suppoal me Jbt Mih I du,心 J know mygrandinn cuild. toe.11. A. besideRR.incliwiingC. esreptD.hesKle12. A. woiricdB.cuikrJCL hkjvlxJD.aurpi bc<lL J. A. butB.whikC,珏D.orL4. A. calliiR.visitingC. helping),writingU. A. showeda.spekeC. TalkedD.cr

10、ied16. A, than1ghl3B-wordsCr ideasDfeelings17. A. nerB.foreverC. alwnv«D.tomeliniciiR. A. inAinjcti<irt>B.suf£estK)nsf. :i>enionesD.exrnmcnlsl也入 iIkjiiEklie】C. itD.20. A, wetikR,门refillC. polite口殖笛邮:IL阅设理噌i|本就刘小.掇小题1分.其刘芳阅读下列短文 做出正课利斯或逸出最佳选项,在H为判断上(八)误B)遢,B. CM为诱择迎 口篇为六更五讣仝假女,英酒试激

11、第2叮其?(页)(?b.f(ij Xilti)n;il Ki J in Mu>*tiiiikQ Nanying Riwd. Ch/rang PNnd,Tdl(OlO) 8435 5959Open MMJ/G匚。d卬l Mjflkwfk Wm tTg-cn3# J*皆 w油 MgiHmste DDs/ cofcteHa/ 言仰3m产甲n j门,-jimQForbfaUcn C'iis :md chi P:<Im« Muteun4 Jian臼Slr<rd. Dun器hnz DKtricl. BeijingTel:(QJO 1500 742L 7420Oj)cri

12、.8.3O-17.0U.Aj'i- l-tlsLJI;>i:3(k 16:31), Ndvp 1-Mar 31i'F M.''i iift<maoii except pmli bolhinand summer vicatrnn (J iid 1-Aug 司)wTAw.dpmnnrcnCriH 4/甲 如vX 7呻ittu"itn w'U* timihitk./v-ttflufvnt t'i ; /i. fa咚/,加炉印口,3*Nilionil A«1 Mustriia af ChiinI W"di Sti

13、tizL rXmfLlklL: htncL 1 k iirky 9(010)6400 l 加Open 史(MI'7:0U Ian entry t6:00www.numi'c.unCa/eferi0 .: t fiic back vf lh 日/$,需Ifltiomil Mummhih vf China16ChiikinDi)nch<rg Di>irci, Be ji ij*Td:(OLO) «51l 6188( vii 91K5-I 7(H» er ept ! i ri bckui N c insed it ” :川 wwiv.chiniUJia

14、mtltj: /滴2L. Yuu tun visit dhw Chiiki Nulioiiail MIiti Rlutciim un TutJuyII. If you wanit to team incre about tlhiis. you com call (010j 6400 I *67.23. Yim cso vtsi t lilSWil J6八eg l河理)闺e buck! £他印、具小皿l山c、3kl bLdiVLl IjJM 】IU lie 小Ml磐 WtlL I he be社、汽g JK c1口I hut式k唱 wildlife *ndthc ciivironiiic

15、iit;Over ten year?; jgt i hsiri'y(if beivcr< himed Up in,p;sH wF he river Oner, in 13ev<in No one knew exart !y u here they came fromH It wa 值 big sizpnse 明ifd beavers hadn't lived in Enflnnd :ur jmursd 44)0 y,Hx【In 2015, ihc gnvrmnicint 超Howcd :hc beavers 3 sty【hciE 四 part nf a triW (

16、yC5X Tlicj wittcd to 父c if 击上球 iminnnls mMd be neiER*d2fdi* ih* 述Ri The Irial dm,in Fi-hnuirj 弋外门他 w iml 鬲* Trom die I fivers ily of Fiel er ilnzad) die heavers help the widli le n the 泄cl < 也田niHt uulkd it _Bun iiin"in” siaryA lul uf diisi h bcLdu&v fdknu. Dealers build duits dluf ig ll

17、ic rivtr, Tlu ctmc: deep in the rwrbizd 口1记罩I。工 the Jpwn. Scicnti>hi uy thin 二斗严ler a may dill-etiMl tpe?pluriLt: and ujtir:idv! Mmiy plurits Lixe gruMiug 也已山 山 c 匕亡.卜年办.DiiScrcni门nd "more n che rk_er. Beavei s 捕山 help make flooding less.scientish say, J he I>lavers djm> slow di wn the

18、 spcfzd tit !h n; cra cspeciallj after heavy ram.There 3K tio叫门er、,um* prubletm. Beavers izriaw (咬. 啃i on irees jnd iliis raii liiirin ilxrni Tluir dsiniw- >iin u no svmaiiTKr rcuk IkxHh 6:4G un ptsipM% I湖Bcvcn 薄ron't ihc only miirnl» iht being ixiistrodutcd 2 (he 黄d! In red squbreh were

19、 brought Eitk 3 an. isrci of cIk Scettibli Efililand.i. Flirt her uwa% the wiTli-s mivW (罕 处的 J Jtek.Mud¥ggr pochard, is tnkmg & tonwbk. It 阳期 sei fr«c iiiilo the wild on ihe Afmea愤英酒试展第3酬1共X页) Fbrbidcten Cil Wld llw pa bee MuUirn Uh 山丁口尻y in summer24 YdjU can enter tile National Miseu

20、m of t hiria at 17 .Ml25 The (bur museums are in (lie same district af Beiiirgrjpes of inmuk ire nk。Mcomrnp moreHialoiidl in 2019 mid is doing well.Who kncw s v-hal cihur ininiah might hu making u coaiieback? 2(). Which ol' thu Ibllk.i-'rVing beijt ipliiEns, buitin1' ir. puragraph I !A.

21、buildingB . spreadingC. helpingD. creating27 U hy dud tht6rmm?nt 通口力t 常 triilth占3例anEed lcX gTnw more plants ulcmg rhe overB build dms for the beavers in die uiklV. inUroducc the bca ens to the ildD. see if (tiebeaven» could W uiiiuvdocal Io the wild二 K. WLii aie 山 i: JOijd Lliii 噌 abuul 内 dd b

22、cdtus- li % mg oil the ilvcj Ouci ?A. Tlicy liclp phnl3 ww yid nidkc llodnii lc».B. They bring heavy ram and floods.C They CTiaw on trees imd harm t hem.D Jwirchns ereale floods cn people's Lind.泡 Maw many kind* of uiinuls ore ittefllioMd 1rl ihe uda窗。惊r$ whkh htfve been ftimgduced to tWwil

23、rf?A Oue.H IwoC. I hiee.D. hour.3口. How dtn you Ihrnk aninnal lovers feel iboui the ncw s,iA. Embarrassed.B. Pleased.C. Tired.D. Disppoinied.C尸修门 of Eurih beau呼 comes from ii$ oceans. Oceaa scieoiiiUi mkly the diemical m)ke-up of ibe occaa. wcwihci patterm the gcogrqjlv of the ocean fluor, 口nd many

24、other 国口及 Tlicir work is ex<jdinT although wmctimMUsing ighno】曜y lo do ccrtiiin Lulc匹 helps.or cxninplcLrcbolic wins cite uad kr h crytwktric b居ic part uf uceaii iludy h uridenaandiiig warn gd huu hey gark_ m md h llic yea; mm ter of wavers, The asides. we kneu are mostly produced by wind? b tow

25、ng 01 er the sea. Tliey are Ji redly umnec忙 3 uith the ind speed and 小/ time tkit u:ind hstSiI 旭 1,5 Lt MC CMSometimes ze。life cim hr M7en in 计1 产相凯喏 Living ttiings seem 10 be stiyi睢 within the uave. cmvinig slowly invade 11 jas if they wurc 丹小卜把小 .he twiwjiy »f wmg. scieiilis:s 加u iriHibMeiJ i

26、 1 dicii tixbjiLLail waw. Ilie dkmiujai uf 郦!j、'g sluuwb huv 5cienthts eniinirrK HavEs W0/心 arv irncauripd (测量) from tlic top (crcit) ro fhc botfom (treugh) This allows筵imvr斌m k> find 力ui ihe hui曲 1 u口 %' flve. Th力川卜书 nueti. urc % 八from crest lo nnl 砥 deiurmine测定)tbt l>M0th tf u wuw.D*

27、Liriitg 久辽cmhl鼠 huge1 « inighi ciA j 鼠;!1 s;hip apurt £上地书 an? M rcjt ;riyk of u mdiiiiji up a与 broken pieces 号检er behig hit by tfie fbre of * huge wsw. Ry undcxkining the 0ce9.ru cicntib can prevent thi brsakup nl shrpR by ivediciing when the water will beU11rlg亡re1 tn-people and 亚才豆打押.I

28、he 式 iidy ot waves anil the oceH dsa aJaws KxirWsl* U Hraake >urc hu调 ertiiin beadles were fiDnned. By EtudyiTig (he ocenms. a prear del 门n be kanert alKut ihe surface we live vn.31B Wliy situ iubuiiu 抗脑占 u、vd/ Behumt .A kcruim UsKs arc、eybngcTuuxB. Um lusksart cxcuinC. the oeenEtr Life bdiili讪D.

29、 iIlctc urw mnuy Mkiilying 4£也力英酒试题第4页共代页)?2. Whai ctm wc kamnom ihc wiond pamnph?A. Wiixus cun mukc wind.B. Miwt wuvcs urv produced by 小 in&.C Sienliis niakinotii u;iv«s.D. avcKhAVirrkiihiiijj to do uidh wind.iS.叫'hr ".lv ircirin cl "Ihtf knt:lh nl a v av t siixording to

30、 pai'iiL'i'inh MA. TLie beaiLty cfhugc waus.& Ttxlcdu wM f冷 llsui.C. Tlie diAlaacc 1'iuiiL ercist lo cioltifa i4 i亡.D. The disiajicc fhoir the top lo tic bdtotn of a w.nc14 Miichnf the fcllowing cia lenwiik are right 部enrding tn Mw p3<KHje,xIL Srii'finss can decide rhe vrn

31、dier 岬31TH We caif* tird livnj; tJnnts ir the %,明典士 Hy sluiking Lhs ocuan.足 icn:iM、<un pic tent ihc icvakup ef sh.ps.:T' The study hclp knou un iciuin tKadi。*vcic fumted.A 3X§)B.'c.-D.的15. Where k ihw吧e piubiibly From?A. A diaty entryH. A faiiy tale.C. A travel udc.11 Ascitnee naga2m

32、e.DVbu've been learning words sine? you weie a liny baby Al fir乩 >ou learned them onl) by bcarinf otlirr pcopk talk. Now that you 7c l reader, vou hixe 即Mwr way to learn w«nh. Wliai flKHildyou do when you mmc iq a word and yen think you don't I now what ii nK(m&? 36, itFima, wund

33、 ii am Then 驾y i( to yauHelf 37,. Sometimes you know a word in your head but yon don't know wlut ii Itxiks lilu in print So if y<tu imidi up whit yea know end whit you rejd -h.He die wtudlUsr tmlicitJi' (his Jotiit. "1 Tvork. tuLi: thr iRxt tep: lcn:k jL Uli: cjntcxlth亡 Lather woh an

34、d enlcnccjnuLLiid il. Read thk entente HT出声 /: MwJ, the tvtkdxftMer in lite 3%3门馆小 Rain and in the doorway migtt give you helpKil infnmifitioii.3%If the con:ef doesii'f relp, fret n the ?ars of the vi ord. Doe? it hiii e anv part ven knew” rhtsc £国】hclpyuu .jndcTiiXJid whal it (utns. Tyau J

35、vp*l kiui tlx inniHg uf nbir, tn lunkii At panf of ihc word. ¥mi miglit ktww that a nim a a place iitMk(grcuQd where people get coil and ether akiibk tilings. A Int i>f Hm?h, c,' .it the end ol a word ircariK; "、penvn who di>CK somethingT1. Somi/nr might he 以,mton。%hu 固面人 杭 n min

36、eI jwk it pJI' llic thi ix: Jep* jbov。duii'L woi k. you ljii look it up. 4U cidjci a bock or onlmt.:hMy krius Ik Dialing uf ever> wjtd. bul txnJ icadetb know lii>w to uiideKUiad woids dlCY <l(i|'l k:iuwP根据捻文内容从逸限中选出能填入文中窄台处的城隹通项.选项中行r项为多余选项A. Uic 5gJ partsB. ak>K Jt the word?

37、C e might fiOLind likj a word jou knewD You cin find rhe word in i diefionayI' Fol Io itiE <ome 息i 到 sicpj> can help youF. If the won! sheher doesn't Look timilisr look H ifw acoiind ii英酒试海第5叮1共页)第II卷(满分5。分)V.诩汇运用率遨10小题.关15封)甥所蜡词的普当形式超空,晦调眼用一次41将小即之分,其m分)drtJirk亨、匕 lL win, hciM41. The

38、bfiy high praise for his cilorti lo help hix clftiTMAies 然 ttrtn.42. Idppius in ihv(Ilvui cjvs cli)limesc A pditcut 炉I iacII.4J. A concert on I me next month.11. Sufhc cliniKirKof jetting lo the h>p olMcunit Qi'mcknma Rw u lun 工 rime.45. LutyLbc hev bo«ks w)icn entered iJwclassroomr松箍旬学和

39、所端汉得完成句子.每空一词“每小虢分,其q分)44. In die Idee W山隼叫 nil tht m'MghlcEwen bravu mJ(设书个j uf Ihcm 助小 up.47. Flyincin the iky we ciin seethe fsciairirgcitj_ . Jfl下而ltfl. Doing sports cn m 业 e people hi ppiei'.*f强束,*14 nww conf dem49. Prqjjir vuu-5cli' Iue t.crvthiilg(ff of tiitlc, .iiid >vj 胃 iH b

40、e 乳版eaHuI>fl 疗,少年arc 勘ip网呜词 m hNp with hot divert io dotek.p du?i indepenMiic小V阅谟表达(本IS liH'E共加分)其建下面俎文,回答51至56小题“共吐分)I- L. J -ll-aminifi km、hIn Cliinu, ritiiu bruuhts. ink pupcr mid ink sion ar« culled th。Fout Treinure* o:-Suid> Anions 升 w liiah-quahiv ireasjrei, he wriiint brish pro

41、c weed in fiuzhot. the irU (tick produced in Huisrhou, ihe vnnn pnpfr nuidc in Xvanrhcng ind tlw nk stone midc in Duanxi irtr li e tcjtt-kiiLHA iiLI lie 计Tiling bnishes can be ied tn draw the picnireii on pn inted ponrrie? flMlil Thy arr na<c ul'Hit liair jm;kJ;s Thu>e nude ui wlxjI ire &l

42、t;- i lied winhd'y jnd d)L>>c nitic iht weaselLs 帛II ia:J huir art Itedfw颜。他heir iniUic eHeth 彳效果)in wriunt and cuniwl be C>pd h uny oilier pein.Tilt mk slkk ” the pLmciH 僦 *?) mu J jjt 稿 r:iiiy nue paintitij. Ilie nik NlcI prudii«.k:J in Huizhou is of high qu涧g A story 的es like th

43、is: Two ftmous skilled men Xi Chao and h】& son ptoduevd El kind cf high-quality inkAi a result, ihe FinpCIXir Ll Vu ID the Suulhcm TanDynasty grwd 田 give them the family nnme +LC. From then on, the fame of ttie Li fuk Slid英酒讥iS 第6页(共Niff ) *35 h id?ipiuiid. In Lhc Sciu Liytidst>. Lb pnxliHJti

44、号 uiru 讹1' duicJ mtu HuizIkiu. Jt)d lL 匹必 lhen called the H5 Ink Stick,Pdpcir j、di】kuiiE ihe lum rcjl inmioi in .iniuti: Chinu. fhc ml】kxib ihuh |1»口。1' i|ipcdccd tn (tie Sui and I mg dyria&Ujs.Tr: Xuan?hnu. AhIhii I'Twince where rhe xvmti piper is produced it's Sdid lh>l

45、 Cui Lur】、pupil KtMiii E)3n tonk Ihr job of producing叩wr hE l>ikhl To rridkr pcrfcvi while ptiptR Later he happeaed la mcc lIle cbunj(慢.木) in lIic rive is. Il w<» wcl with die water arxl turned vhire I hen he u;ed rhe hark <14 % ) tn pre曲ics rhe丫“。上 p司】er.Flit ink stiHic uhcad> pupu

46、lur in ihe J Ian Dynuj-ly The Miry dnA Qinii dyiid>lics setw lie dpfeiikLJictr uf ibe Fuur Fain口心 I山 Stones Duan nk Stone, She ltk Siuti亡, Tau Ink Strane fln<1( 'hcn;nt InL sriw)e They can ruM imiy be L.“d mi wriiin? andhut aho forddtnirati-jn.5 I. Wliji hit ilit ATiint bmJ心 mtiinly rmdt u

47、P f 2 5y )52. 4 5iy die Xi < huo .mJ hi> son 事dhu IiiinLy HJme !:rOfrt the l.irpcfOF Li Yu? ; 2 分:,>3 X lisi: dews it m piritraphrefir :口(指的息)" 工力;1.1 1 io附小U Kong Dan find U:c *吁心 nkiku Qi< ftiitm"“削 paper b accidaii? Q 分,55. When did ik J ui I migum Ink Sinner j|kai 阅读下面短文,完成

48、引至后什小越。.(共E分) To ihe Editor.am writing 朝 a mem Ker of Cne-ofl-One, ihe “xth-gtudw Tnentnritnj t 指导)group. Our group is Iwo yoarn olil and mtde up or 14 students. Our task i$ I© hiJp $tudertl# ixaeh ihcir 号4卜 由rougti natfitorlim We hope ihe readers of ihl$ schoo帆队切叫眸f will join out gj(Mp. This l

49、& my Grat year at a mentor、txit hav« «lTtndy 1eim?d ihnl fveiyone taking part in Tiiffntnring geft ujincULing out of it. u js 出川叩入:;分配p In 壮 iTtniiir In" vai McntoTinj: was tine m ihe hest 由二咋:ihu: hnppened to me I wis able to nirn tht comer fti nn impomri point in my fttdiee. going frem h<lh'L> Lilinti ni&lb Lu j it. It >liLl u:"ii"a m匚 ihut I njtcipklely uliLiiLid rom ii .tm: >1 iHin9 malti in Io vi


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