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1、Unit 2Non-Finite Verbs非谓语动词非谓语动词 I. Grammar Learning II. Grammar Practice Grammar Learning1.Introduction of Non-Finite Verbs 2. Non-Finite Verb types 3. Examples1. Introduction of Non-Finite Verbs The Non-finite verbs refer to a verb form which plays a role other than the predicate in a sentence. Th

2、e Non-finite verbs are also a kind of verbs, embodied with some characteristics of verbs and serving as subject, object, and adverbial modifier and so on in the sentence. The Non-finite verbs and predicate verbs are a set of opposite concepts. 2. Non-Finite Verb types 动词不定式如今分词过去分词动名词3. Examples3.1

3、动词不定式动词不定式 动词不定式在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语、状语和补动词不定式在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语、状语和补语语等。等。To err is human, to forgive, divine.When to start has not been decided.It always pays to tell the truth.Mr. Chairman, I beg to move that the meeting be adjourned.He feels it his duty to help others.We are sorry to leave.The d

4、uties of a postman are to deliver letters and newspaper.That is for you to decide.This house seems to have been built by a good architect.He is the first man to come and the last to leave the office.This problem is difficult to solve.I have nothing to say on this question. He will go to the clinic t

5、o be examined bythe doctor.I will write down his telephone number soas not to forget it.In order to make a study of the kangaroo,He came to Australia.In 1935 he left home never to return.The tea is too hot to drink.The room was found to be empty.We believe her to be innocent. He gave the order to st

6、art the attack.I stayed there to see what would happen 3.2 如今分词如今分词如今分词在句中可用作表语、定语、状语、补语等。如今分词在句中可用作表语、定语、状语、补语等。Her work is nursing children. He asked an embarrassing question.Do you know the number of people coming to the party?He went out shutting the door behind him.Being sick I stayed at home.H

7、e sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper.I felt the house shaking.Can you get the clock going again?He was seen going upstairs.The question being settled, we went home.We went into a large waiting room with a large fan spinningoverhead.The house being built is a big project.Not having met him, I

8、 cannot tell you what he is like.3.3 过去分词过去分词过去分词在句子用作表语、定语、状语、补语等。过去分词在句子用作表语、定语、状语、补语等。Never touch an electric wire when it is broken.Did you pay a visit to a tomb of the unknown soldier.Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages,have never seen a train. Seen from the hill, the city looks

9、 magnificent. United, we stand; divided, we fall.The fire is reported controlled.He was seen angered at the delay.This done, we went home.The dispossessed are demanding the rights.3.4 动名词动名词动名词的构成与如今分词一样,但它在句子中的功能和分词动名词的构成与如今分词一样,但它在句子中的功能和分词有所不同,可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语、补语等。有所不同,可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语、补语等。Saving is

10、having.It is no use/useless/no good objecting.This is not playing the game.I suggest doing it in a different way.She has a strong objection to leaving early.What can prevent us (from) getting married.They set up an operating table in a small temple.I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul.Excuse my int

11、errupting you.Sophias having seen them do not surprise us.He prided himself on having never/not having been beaten in chess.His explanation sounds all right.He stood still except that his lips moved a little bit.3.3 助动词 助动词本身无词汇意义,不能单独作谓语,需求和主要动词组成复合谓语。它们有 be, do, have, shall (should),will (would)等。

12、The child is crying because he has been stung by a bee.When do we meet again?I do not care what she thinks.We shall go unless it rains.John told us Mary would be coming back the next day.3.4 情态动词情态动词情态动词词义不完全,不能单独作谓语,只能和实情态动词词义不完全,不能单独作谓语,只能和实义动词构成谓语。它们有义动词构成谓语。它们有shall (should), will (would),can, c

13、ould, may, might, must, need, dare, ought to, have to, used to等等You should always wash your hands before you eat.A frighten bear will maul campers.Would you like another glass of beer? She can speak several languages.He might have gone to the gas station, but I am not sure.You should have been here

14、five minutes ago.Grammar PracticeCase StudySample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 1A) Dear Sir or Madam, Our firm is interest in the project. As you know, it is our line of business 1) _ tenders and we are all 2) _in the construction field and have just recently 3) _ a container ship harbor in the south Chi

15、na. Sincerely yours, tender v. n. 招标招标container n. 集装箱集装箱 to participate in well-experiencedbuiltSample 1A) 亲爱的先生/女士: 我公司对这项工程感兴趣,参与招标是我们的本行,此外我们在建筑领域阅历丰富,最近刚在中国南方建立了一个集装箱码头。我们是最有竞争力的招标人之一,并想多了解一些参与招标的要求。 您真诚的,Sample 1B) Dear Sir or Madam, Our factory had 1) _ the printing technology by 2) _ in the

16、most advanced workmanship and equipment. We advocate 3) _ technology and high productivity. Our products enjoy stable quality and beautiful patterns. Sincerely yours, updatedbringingsophisticated Sample 1B) 亲爱的先生亲爱的先生/女士:女士: 我们工厂引进了最先进的工艺和设备我们工厂引进了最先进的工艺和设备来提高印花技术,我们倡导高科技和高消来提高印花技术,我们倡导高科技和高消费力。费力。

17、产质量量稳定,花样美观。产质量量稳定,花样美观。 您真诚的,您真诚的,Sample 2Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of June 6, 1) _(offer) us the 2) _ (caption) goods at $20 per dozen CIF London. In reply, we very much regret to state that we find your price rather high and out of line with the 3) _ (prevail) market level. Information

18、 4) _ (indicate) that some parcels of Japanese may have been sold at the level of $16.5 per dozen. So if you should reduce your price by, say 5%, we might come to terms. 5) _ (consider) our long-standing businesses relationship, we make you such a counter-offer. As the market is declining, we sincer

19、ely hope you will consider our counter-offer and cable us at your earliest convenience. caption n. 标题;vt. 给.加标题offeringcaptionedprevailingindicatesConsideringComplete the following passage with the words from bracket. Change the words forms if necessarySample 2 亲爱的先生: 赞赏贵方6月6日函报我方上诉货物的伦敦到岸价为每打20美圆。

20、兹复,我们非常负疚地奉告,贵方价钱偏高,与现行市价程度不一致。有音讯说一些日本货物以每打16.5美圆售出。故请贵方可以赞同降低货物价钱,比如说5%,这样我们或许能成交。 思索到我们之间长期的贸易关系,我方作了一点讨价。由于市场日趋疲软,我们非常真诚地希望贵方能思索我们的还盘,并请将结果尽快电告我方。 您真诚的,Sample 3 Dear Mr. Brown, We warmly welcome your enquiry of March 17 and 1) thank you for your interesting in our cotton piece goods. 2) We are e

21、nclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list give the details you ask for. 3) Specialized in this line for a long time, we are well connected with many customers in our country. At present, we are interest in back cushion fine in quality and low in price. It will be highly appreciated if you co

22、uld send us some brochures and samples for our reference and 4) quote your lowest price on CIF basis include our 3% commission. We are looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, John Smith Sales ManagerNotes: illustrated catalogue 有图示的商品目录 enclose 随信附上 be well connected with 与某人有亲密联络We th

23、ink you are well connected with the local buyers. cushion n. 垫子,软垫;back cushion 靠背垫我们置信他们与当地买家有亲密联络。 quote v. 报价;to quote sb. a price for sth. 给某人报价 commission 佣金Correct the following underlined sentences into proper erest givingHaving specialized includingSample 3 布朗先生, 欢迎您3月17日的询盘,赞赏您对我们的

24、商品感兴趣。我们随信附寄我们的图示商品目录和价目表以提供您所要的概略。我们在此行业运营多年,与我国的许多客户有着亲密的联络。 日前我们对质优价廉的靠背垫很感兴趣,贵公司如能寄给我们一些商品小册及样品供我方参考,并报包含我方3%佣金的CIF 最低价,我们将不胜赞赏。 您真诚的,销售部经理约翰斯密斯Task 1Complete the following passage with the right word. Dear Sir, Thank you for your promptness in 1) _ us the knives information we requested. We are

25、 glad to report that all of your information 2) _ favorably of you as a good businessman. Owing to the 3) _ transportation fee, we hope that you could cut your price to half. We would make a promise, 4) _you to have knives orders monthly. By 5) _orders frequently, you can absolutely obtain huge prof

26、its. sending spoke increasing entitling receiving Task 1 敬启者, 赞赏他们及时回复我们所需的小刀信息。我们会反映他们一切信息并以为您是一名优秀的商人。由于增长的运输费用,我们希望贵方能将费用减半。我们承诺每月都下小刀的订单。贵方可经过每月固定的下单而实现利益。您真诚的,Task 2 Dear Mr. Jones, We thank you for your letter of September 25 requested us to effect insurance on the caption shipment for your ac

27、count. We are pleased inform you that we have covered the shipment with the Peoples Insurance Company of China against All Risk for $ 90 000.The policy is preparing accordingly and will forward to you by the end of the week together with our debit note for the premium. Sincerely yours, Correct the m

28、istakes in the following passages.requestingcaptioned to informis being prepared will be forwarded Task 2 亲爱的琼斯先生: 谢谢他方9月25日来函,要求我方对标题货物代办保险。我们很高兴通知您,我们已为上述货物向中国人民保险投保了一切险,保险金额为90 000美圆。保单正在预备中,可望在本周底与保险费的借方结账单一并寄给他方。您真诚的,Task 3Complete the following passage. Dear Mr. Blue, Thank you for your 1) _ _

29、告知上周运抵之货物有误). We send our sincere apologies. After 2) _ (经与我公司出口部确认) you were billed for 50 000 pieces of magnetic heads. 3) _ (问题出现) when our export department mislabeled your cartons and your shipment went to another buyer. The 50 000 pieces of magnetic heads you ordered 4) _ _ (将于今日发运). As far as

30、 the shipment of microphones we sent to you in error is concerned, you can return them to us and 5)_(我公司将支付运费). Sincerely yours, telling us about the mistake in ourshipment to you last weekchecking with our export department I found The problem arose are beingshipped/will be shipped to you today we will pay the shipping charge Task 3 尊崇的布鲁先生: 贵公司通知上周运抵之货物有误的电子邮件已收悉,我公司为此深


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