1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 11.我们正在做一个关于学生课外活动的调查。We are doing a survey on students after-school activities.2.你多长时间和朋友做一次作业? 我从来不和朋友一起做作业。-How often do you do homework with friends?- I never do homework with my friends.3.我喜欢自己学习。I like to study alone.4.你经常在晚上读书吗? 我想读,但是很少有时间,我有许多的作业。-Do you often read in the
2、evening? - I want to, but I seldom have the time. I have a lot of homework.5.你经常在晚上看电视吗?我总在7点看晚间新闻。 -Do you often watch TV in the evening? -I always watch the evening news at 7 oclock.6.有时候我完成作业早所以就在电视上看场足球赛。 Sometimes I finish my homework early so I can watch a football match on TV.7. 消防员的生活。 the l
3、ife of firefighter.8.我与其他7名消防员住在一个房间里。I live in a room with seven other firefighters.9. 它很令人厌烦,但我不得不做。It is boring, but we have to do it.10. 训练以团队练习开始。Training starts with team exercise.11.我们不得不非常快地吃饭因为我们没有太多的时间。We have to eat very fast because we do not have much time.12. 我们总跑5公里,那一点也不容易。We always
4、run 5 km. Its not easy at all. ( not+ 形容词+at all)13. 下午两点,消防队进行技能训练。At 14:00, the team goes for skills training.14.我们练习三种技能,驾车、消防、沟通。 We practice 3 skills :driving, firefighting and communicating.15.只有一切都安好的时候我们的生活才是这样。 This is our life when things are fine.16. 如果发生火灾或有人拨打911,我们必须停止一切工作迅速出去执行任务。If t
5、here is a fire or someone calls 911, we have to stop everything and get out fast.17. 在恶略的雷雨天气,我们通常待在家里,关上窗户,不使用电话。During bad lightning storms, we usually stay at home, close the windows and dont use our phones.18.这些东西能保持我们的安全吗?是的。Do these things keep us safe? -Yes, they do.19. 远离窗户和电视。Stay away from
6、 the windows and stay away from the Tv.20.下一周是学校的防火安全周。Next week is Fire Safety Week at school.21. 50%以上的火灾都始于厨房。Over 50% of fires start in the kitchen.22.有时候火灾始于卧室,因为一些人在床上吸烟。 Sometimes fires start in bedrooms because some people smoke in bed.23. 她什么意思?她的话有道理吗?What does she mean? Does she have a po
7、int?24.请不要把你的地址和电话号码给他们并且不要在网上约见他们。Please dont give them your address or phone number and dont meet an Internet friend.25.我刷牙并且洗个淋浴。I brush my teeth and have a shower.26.我需要练习网球。I need to practice tennis.27.我练习30分钟的钢琴然后去睡觉。I practice the piano for 30 minutes and go to school.28.我上学从不迟到。 I m never la
8、te for school.Unit 21.我每天早晨整理我的房间。I tidy my room every morning.2.每个人都很忙 Everyone is busy.3. 我正在给植物浇水。I am watering the plants.4.爸爸正在倒垃圾。 Dads taking out the rubbish.5.他没有在做任何事情。She isnt doing anything.6. 别担心,我一会就能做。Dont worry. I can do it in a minute.7.我正在收拾玩具。Im putting away my toys.8.电话响了。The phon
9、e rings.9.你正在往我们家走。Youre walking over to our house.10. 有人正在敲门。Someone is knocking on the door.11. 你能让爷爷奶奶进来吗?Can you let grandma and grandpa in?12. 你用什么样的方式和朋友联系?How do you stay in touch with your friends?13. 我经常给我的朋友发送文本信息。I often send text messages to my friends.14. 她正在做头发,所以我可以用一会儿她的电脑。She is doi
10、ng her hair, so I can use her computer for a while.15.网速很慢,我正在接收一张照片。是的,是我叔叔的一张照片。-Its slow. Am I getting a picture.- Yeah, its a picture of my uncle.16杰夫正在做什么?他正在线观看一场足球赛。他最喜欢的队正在比赛。. - -Whats Jeff doing ? - Hes watching a football match online. His favourite team is playing.17.你知道去科学馆的路怎么走吗? Do kn
11、ow the way to the Science Museum?Can you tell me the way to the Science Museum? Excuse me. Where is the Science Museum? 沿着这条路一直走。Go down/ along/ straight this road. 向左向右拐 Turn left /right at/ to. On the left / right 在附近,在旁边,紧挨着,在对面。Near,beside, next to, opposite/ across from Unit 31.-How much are th
12、e tomatoes?西红柿多少钱?-Theyre 7 yuan 60 a kilo.他们每斤7.6元2.How many do you want?- I ll take six.你想要多少?我想要6个。3.- How much is the beef?- Its 2 dollars and 99 cents a pound.牛肉多少钱?它两美元99美分一磅。4. Can I have a sandwich and a glass of orange juice?我能来一份三明治和一杯橙汁吗?5. -What would you like to have?你想要什么?- Id like two
13、 sandwiches, two pieces of chocolate cake, an ice cream and a cup of coffee.我想要两份三明治,两块巧克力蛋糕,一份冰激凌和一杯咖啡。6. Arsenal is a top UK football team.阿森纳是英国顶尖的球队。7. The Arsenal players dont eat any beef ,cookies or sugar.阿森纳队员不吃牛肉,饼干和糖。8. They dont usually eat any pancakes ,cheese or things like that.他们不经常吃像
14、薄饼,奶酪那样的食物。9. Other people cant eat like him. They get very heavy.其他人不能像他那样吃。他们会变得非常重。10.- Is each sport different?-Yes, and each person is different, too.每一种运动是不同的吗?是的,每个人也是不同的。11. They do different exercises and eat different things.他们做不同的训练吃不同的东西。12. Well, thats food for thought.好的,那是引人深思的。13. Mo
15、st students eat healthy food.大多数学生吃健康食物。14. Most students drink some water every day but a lot of students have more than two drinks with sugar.大多数学生每天喝一些水但是许多学生每天喝超过两种含糖的饮料。15. People all over the world eat rice.世界各地的人都吃米饭。16. People in other places do not eat it as often.住在其他地方的人不像我们经常吃。17. There
16、are many different kinds of rice dishes in the world.在世界各地有各种不同米饭菜式。18. People eat it for dessert or during special holidays.人们经常把它当点心吃或者在特殊节日时吃。Unit 41. Winter is from December to February and it can be very cold.冬天是从12月到2月并且很冷。2. The Great Wall is good place to visit.长城是一个值得去参观的地方。3. Theres lots o
17、f white snow but there arent many tourists.有许多白雪但是没有那么多游客。 4. In spring, what is the weather like?春天,天气怎么样? 5. Spring starts with very cool weather in March and it gets warm in April.三月春天刚开始的时候很凉,到四月就会变暖。 6. You can wear sweaters and light clothes.你可以穿毛衣和轻便的衣服。 7. Its usually windy in spring, so you
18、 can see lots of people flying kites in Tiananmen Square.春天常常有风所以你能看到许多人在天安门广场上放风筝。8. Its often sunny and it rains hard sometimes.常常阳光明媚,有时候雨很大。9. The Summer Palace is a favourite place for tourists in July and August.在7月和8月,颐和园是游客最喜欢去的一个地方。10.But remember to go early in the morning or late in the a
19、fternoon.但是记住早上早点去,下午晚点去。11. Is autumn as good as many people think?秋天像人们想的那样好吗?12. If you have time, spend a day or two at the Fragrant Hills Park.如果你有时间,可以花一两天的是在香山公园里。13. Make sure you wear trainers or comfortable shoes.确保你穿你穿运动鞋或者舒适的鞋子。14. Itll be very cold tomorrow in New York.明天纽约非常寒冷。15. Therell be some snow and strong wind.将要下雪刮大风。16. Itll be snowy and windy, so it wont be a good day to go sightseeing.要下雪和刮风,所以不是一个你个观光的好日子。17. Itll turn cloudy in the afternoon.在下午会变得多云。18. Itll be rainy over weekend, too.周末雨也会停。19. The rainy weather there will
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