1、高中學生學習動機、學習情緒、求助行為與學業成就關係之研究The Relationships among Learning Motivation, Learning Emotion, Help-Seeking Behavior and Academic Achievement of Senior High School Students研究生:張雅綸 Chang, Ya-Lun指導教授:鄭明長 Cheng, Ming-Chang【摘要】 本研究的主要目的是:(一)瞭解受試高中學生學習動機、學習情緒、求助行為以及學業成就之情形;(二)分析不同背景變項的受試高中學生在學習動機之差異情形;(三)探討受
2、試高中學生的學習動機與學習情緒、求助行為、學業成就之關係;(四)探討受試高中學生的學習動機對學習情緒、求助行為、學業成就之預測情形。本研究以叢集隨機抽樣之方式,抽取985名高中學生為研究樣本,並以自編的學習動機量表、學習情緒量表及求助行為量表為研究工具,藉由Hotellings T²、MANOVA、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸來考驗各項假設。本研究主要發現如下:一、受試高中學生學習動機表現良好。二、受試高中學生學習情緒表現以正向情緒多於負向情緒。三、受試高中學生求助行為之使用以工具性求助多於執行性求助。四、受試高中學生之數學學習成績介於60至70分之間。五、不同性別之受試高中學生在學習動
4、學生的學習動機能有效預測其求助行為。成功期望是工具性求助及執行性求助最有力的預測變項。十三、受試高中學生的學習動機能有效預測其學業成就。自我概念是數學學業成就最有力的預測變項。 最後,依據本研究結果提出相關建議,提供教師教學及未來研究之參考。關鍵字:學習動機、期望價值、求助行為、學習情緒、學業成就【Abstract】The purposes of this study were to investigate: (1) the situation of subjects learning motivation, learning emotion, help-seeking behavior an
5、d academic achievement; (2) the differences of various background variables in learning motivation; (3) the relationships among learning motivation, learning emotion, help-seeking behavior, and academic achievement of subjects; (4) whether learning motivation predicts learning emotion, help-seeking
6、behavior, and academic achievement. The study chose 985 students as participants from senior high school through cluster random sampling. The instruments used in this study were the self-edited “Learning Motivation Scale”, “Learning Emotion Scale”, and “Help-Seeking Behavior Scale”. The data was ana
7、lyzed by Hotellings T², MANOVA, Pearson Product-moment Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The major findings were as follows:1. Learning motivation of subjects were fine.2. Positive learning emotion of subjects were more conspicuous than negative learning emotion.3. Instrumental hel
8、p-seeking behavior of subjects were more than executive help-seeking behavior.4. The Math scores of subjects were among 60 to 70.5. Significant differences in gender of subjects were shown in learning motivation. Males were higher than females in “self-concept”, “interests”, and “utility values”.6.
9、No differences in grade of subjects were shown in learning motivation.7. Significant differences in group of subjects were shown in learning motivation. The students of natural group were higher than those of social group and no group in “successful expectancy”, “self-concept”, “attainment values”,
10、“interests”, and “utility values”; the students of social group and no group were higher than those of natural group in “perceptions of difficulty”.8. Learning motivation of subjects were correlates with learning emotion.9. Learning motivation of subjects were correlates with help-seeking behavior.1
11、0. Learning motivation of subjects were correlates with academic achievement.11. Learning motivation of subjects could predict learning emotion, “interests” and “successful expectancy” were the most significantly variable in positive emotion; “perceptions of difficulty” was the most significantly va
12、riable in negative emotion.12. Learning motivation of subjects could predict help-seeking behavior, and “successful expectancy” was the most significantly variable in instrumental help-seeking behavior and executive help-seeking behavior.13. Learning motivation of subjects could predict academic achievement, and “self-concept” was the most significantly variable in Math academic achievement.According to these findings, some
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