1、猜测词义的方法不少人在阅读中经常碰到生词,要是问他怎么办,他的回答是查词典。一碰到生词就查词典并不 是一个好的阅读方法。因为这样做势必影响阅读速度,而且因为查词典的次数越多,阅读信心也丧失 得越多有时会导致阅读半途而费。再说,就是在词典里查到了某个词,一看解释有十条八条的,也不 知应该选哪一条。因此笔者的建议是:尽量少查词典,碰到生词时猜猜看。也许有人会问,怎么个猜法?当然孤零零的生词是很难猜出来的如Can did,quelled ,andinun dated”这几个字如孤立地猜,确实很难猜但是如果把它们放在句子中,可能很快就能猜出意思。Since you want a can did opi
2、nion of your new pan ts,I hon estlythink they are too tight.Can did means.(A) complime ntary(B) straightforward and hon est (C) creativeThe kin dergarte n teacher quelled the racket in her classroom by promis ing that shedfin ish the funny story she had started yesterday.Quelled means(a) taught (B)
3、recorded(C) quietedThe tow n wasinun datedwith water whe n the river overflowed duri ng the storm.Inun dated means.(A) flooded(B) spri nkled(C) blessed在上面的句子中,那些不熟悉词的上下文有些暗示,提供了一些线索,因此,可能猜出can did 意即straightforward(直截了当);quelled 意即 quieted( 使安静);inundated意即 flooded( 遭水灾)。猜测词义是必须掌握的重要阅读技巧。因为作者在写作时,估计
4、到读者有时会碰到不认识的词, 他会通过上下文给出一点暗示或线索,让读者在上下文的语境中理解这些词。作为读者,应该学会寻 找这些线索。阅读的过程是一个思维的过程,是一个与作者交流的双向的过程。我们一边阅读,一边要问自己 好多“为什么”,并假设出可能的答案,然后去找出真正的答案来证实自己的假设。根据上下文猜测词 义也是这种创造性思维的一部分。假如动不动就去查词典(当然有时还需要查词典),那就等于放弃了 进行创造性思维的可能性,从发展思维方法上说,是很遗憾的。之所以不要一碰到生词就查词典,还因为假如这个词是重要的,作者一定会使它重复出现,因此,在没有查词典之前,根据上下文,能猜出它的意思。学会猜测词
5、义的好处之一,假如为了理解“生词”而前后左右去寻找线索,那就一定把注意力集中 到句子上,而不是个别词语上,久而久之,就一定会自然而然地提高对句子的理解,对句际之间关系 的理解,乃至对整个篇章的理解能力。好处之二,假如根据上下文的意思猜出了一个新的词语,就等于增加了词汇量。这个词语是在表 达意思的语境中学到的,不是干巴巴地靠背生词表,背词典而学来的,对它的印象一定很深刻。而且 知道这个词语与其他词语的关系,就知道应该怎样在句子中使用这个词语。这样学得的词汇二是轻易 忘不了的。好处之三,假如掌握了这个技巧,就一定会省下好多查词典的时间,加快阅读速度,增加阅读的 总量,也必定导致增强阅读信心。久而久
6、之,还会收到意想不到的结果,扩大了词汇量。那到底应该怎样根据上下文猜测词义呢?下面介绍一些方法。定义法提示词 is(are)called,that is , i.e., is referred to as,定语从句,同位语从句等。1. A line slanting from one corner to the opposite corner is called a diagonalline2. An ani mal with four feet is referred to asquadruped .重述法提示词or, put another way,破折号,冒号,括号等。3. I n le
7、ukemia - one ki nd of can cer - too many white blood cells are produced inthe body.4. Whe n you have a disease like measles or chicke n pox, your body cells producesubstances called antibodieswhich destroy the germs or make theirpoisonsharmless. Whenyou get well, you have eno ugh of these an tibodie
8、s left to protect you from gett ing thedisease aga in. This protect ion, orimmun ity , aga inst some disease may last the rest ofyour life.举例法提示词 for example, such as, e.g.等。5. Electricity is sent out to homes and factories over wires, but it cannot be sentfor long distances because it leaks out of
9、the wires.Insulators, especially robber, glass,and wood, are used to help preve nt this leakage of electricity.6. Agents of erosion, like wind, moving water, and glaciers, are always at work changingthe earths surface.常识及上下文相关信息法7. Luther was very sad whe n his gran dfather died, but tha nks to thei
10、n herita neehisgran dfather left him, he could afford to go to college.8. Baltimore at mid-ce ntury bega n toboom. By 1790 it has rise n to become the newrepublics fourth largest city with aspirations to overtake the three still ahead.同义词和反义词法9.Bob and Rose were as differentas nightand day; hewas ta
11、citur nbutshe was talkative.10.Consideringthe harshness ofthe crime,the lightpuni shme ntthathe received seemedquitelen ie nt构词法11. My horse, despite itsuni mpressiveappeara nee, had covered sixty miles un der thescorchi ng sun without any difficulty.Passage 1Aside from perpetuating itself, the solo
12、 purpose of the American Academy and Institute of Art and Letters is to foster, assist and sustain an interest in literature, music, and art. This is done by enthusiasticallyhanding out money. Annual cash awards are giventodeserv ingartists in various categories of creativity:architecture,musicalcom
13、position, theater, novels, serious poetry, light verse, painting,and sculpture. Oneaward subsidizes a promising:American writers visit to Rome. There isevenanawardfora very good work of fictio n that failed commercially-one won by the young Joh n Updike for The Poor-house Fair and, more rece ntly, b
14、y Alice Walker for In love and Trouble.The awards and prizes total about $750 000 a year, but most of themrangeinsizefrom$12 500, a welcome sum to many young practitioners whose work may not bring in that much money in a year. One of the advantages of award is that many go to the struggling artists,
15、 ratherthan to those who are already successful. Members of the Academy and Institutearenot eligible for any cash prizes. Another advantageis that,unlikethe NationalEndowmentfor the Arts or similar institutions throughout the world, there is no government money invo Ived.Awards are made by committee
16、. Each of the three departments-Literature(120 Art(83), Music(47) has a committee dealing with its own field. Committee every year, so that new voices and opinions are con sta ntly heard.The most finan cially rewardi ng of all the Academy-I nstitute awards are the Mildredand Harold Strauss Livings.
17、Harold Strauss, a devoted editor at Alfred York publish ing house, and Mildred Strauss, his wife, were wealthy and childless. They left the Academy-Institute a unique bequest: (and finan ciallyn eedy)writers would receiveen tirelyto prose literature”. In 1983,thefor fivecontinu ousyears,couldenough
18、money so theyfirst Strauss Livingsto short-story writer Raym ond Carver and no velist-essayist Cyn thia Ozick. By 1988, the fund had grow n eno ugh so that two winn ers,no velistsDiane Joh nsongot $50 000 a year for five years.1. Why does American Academy-Institute offer large numbers of awards(A) B
19、ecause they have a lot of money from various spon sors.(B) Because they want to help and en courage the young artists.(C) Because the gover nment allocates large amount of money to them.(D) Because the artists n eed money to go abroad for experie nee.2. The awards are give n to the follow ing except
20、(A) short stories writers(C) musical composers3. Accordi ng to the passage, many awards go to(A) the n eedy artists(C) the imag in ative artists4. Members of the Academy and Institutehere is closest in meaning to.(A) flexible (B) suitable(C) capable5. We can infer from the passage that.(A) The Mildr
21、ed and Harold Strauss Livings left a lot after they died.(B) Americangovernmentsave a lot of money because(B) architecture desig ners(D) medical practiti onersmembers),membership rotatesA. Knopf,the Newtwo distinguished devotethemselvesof $35 000and Robertand prizes(B) the famous artists(D) the expe
22、rie need artistsfor any cash prizes.are not eligible(D) imag in ablea yearStone,everywenteachyear?eligibleof fortune to the Academy-Instituteof the Academy-Institutesawards(C) People who are en gaged in creativity usually have finan cial problems before theybecome successful(D) Committee membership
23、changes every year so that new members can express their new ideasPassage 2The Neanderthal(尼安德特人)may not have had a poets soul, but there is evideneethathe was more huma n tha n had previously bee n thought.The much savage and now exti net member of the genus Homo, who lived around of theMediterrane
24、an from 100 000 to 45 000 years ago, is now recognized to have had an intricate social structure.Neanderthalman is believed to have followed forms of religious ritual.A ColumbiaUniversityanthropologisthas suggested that the practice of medicine mayalso bel ong on Nean dertha l s list of accomplishme
25、 nts. Dr. Ralph S. Solecki bases hisspeculatio n on an exam in ati onof preservedpolle ngrains found with a male skelet onburiedin an Iraqi cave 60 000 years ago. Of the eight pla nts represe nted in the grave, seve nare known today to possess medici nal properties, n atural chemicals still used in
26、herbalmedicine as diuretics(禾U尿),astringents (收敛),emetics ( 催吐),stimulants, and painrelievers. The body was laid on a bed of bran ches from a shrub that contains ephedri ne, a n erve stimula nt.Neanderthalswere usually buried with stone tools and body ornaments rituallyarrangedaround the corpse. Sha
27、nidar IV, as the corpse in question is identified(after the name of the cave and the series of skelet on s), is the only body found with flowers.Dr. Solecki, who has reported much of the earlier work on the Shanidarburials, saysthat the use of medici nal pla nts may have bee n a seas onal coin cide
28、nee; the flowers in question bloom only in the spring. But they may also have been buried with Shanidar IVto revive him, or, Dr. Solecki proposes, as relic of his trade, medicine man.6. Nea nderthal may not have had a poets soul means.(A) he probably did nt have much feeli ng(B) he probably did nt k
29、now how to write(C) he probably did nt have a highly developed means of expressi on(D) he probably did nt have the tale nt of a poet7. What docs the word extract mean?(A) no Ion ger in existe nee(B) in existe nee(C) outsta nding(D) an cestral8. What other important filing docs Solecki believe they k
30、new?(A) Growi ng pla nts.(B) Maki ng stone tools.(C) Using medici nal pla nts.(D) Revi ving the dead with flowers.9. What mason does Solecki prefer about the expla natio n of the flowers in the grave?(A) The man was buffed whe n the flowers bloomed.(B) The primitive man used flowers to bring back th
31、e dead to consciousness.(C) The primitive man always arran ged flowers around the corpse.(D) The man might be a medici ne man.10. The passage implies.(A) new studies give us new in formati on about Nean derthal(B) the wrong n ame was chose n for Nea nderthal man(C) Nea nderthals n ame is all we know
32、 about him(D) Nea nderthals were very primitive peoplePassage 3The progress of researchintoagi ng,the com mon con diti onof mammals frommice to men,has led some scientists tobelieve thatsome day they may beable to improvethe miseriesof old age, and eve n perhaps to stop the biological clock.The pres
33、ent state of gerontology (still a young scienee) was laid out recently in aseries of articles in the journal BIOSCIENCE. Evidenee was citedsuggestingthere may bea eentrally located pacemaker for life. There was also data indicatingthat an aging clockmay lie hidde n in the nu cleus of each cell.Can d
34、idates for the role of pacemaker in elude the hypothalamus, a part of the brai n,and the thymus, a gland (腺)in the upper chest. Hormones (荷尔蒙,内分泌)the thymus produces are critical to the complex of systems that gives the body resista nee aga inst in vasi on by foreign organisms; the glands effect wea
35、kens with age. The hypothalamus (视丘下咅E )isa regulator in the productionof hormonesimportantin reproduction;recentresearch hasshow n that ovaries(卵冋巢)from old rats bega n to fun ctio n aga in whe n tran spla nted intoyoun ger rats.On the side of a cellular clock, ongoinginvestigationshave already sho
36、wn that humancells appear to subdivide, or reproduce themselves, not more tha n 40 to 60 times. They are, appare ntly, programmed to stop.The precise mecha ni sms of the these orga nic timekeepers, or their exact relati on to the aging process, are not yet fully un derstood. The possibility rema ins
37、 that agi ng may result from their comb ined effect or may be caused by factors that are still unknown or by effect of wear and tear.11. Scien tists thi nk the possible pacemakers are.(A) hypothalamus and thymus(B) horm ones and thymus(C) hypothalamus and chest(D) brain and thymus12. What is the mai
38、n idea of this passage?(A) Aging is the com mon con diti on of all mammals.(B) Some day scientists may be able to improve the miseries of old age, and even tostop the aging clock.(C) There may be a cen trally located pacemaker for life.(D) Scie ntists have discovered the causes of aging.13. Which st
39、atement is NOT TRUE?(A) The thymus horm ones are importa nt to the body.(B) The cellular clock theory suggests that the aging mechanism may be life within each in dividual cell.(C) The function of hypothalamus is to adjust the producti on of horm on es.(D) Scie ntists un dersta nd the precise mecha
40、ni sms and their relati on to aging.14. The cellular clock theory suggests that the aging mechanism may lie within eachin dividua l cell, which is.(A) an example of the pacemaker theory(B) compared with the pacemaker theory(C) in con trast to the pacemaker theory(D) the result of the pacemaker theor
41、y15. The word geron tology (para.2, li ne 1) probably means.(A) the scientific study of old age, its changes in the body, and the effects of them(B) the scientific study of mind and the way it works(C) the scientific study of the nature of man including the development of his bodyand mind(D) the sci
42、entific study of living thingsPassage 4It is well known that whe n an in dividual joins a group hetends to accept the groupsstandards of behavior and thinking. He is expected to behave in accordaneewith these norms-in other words the group expects him to conform. Many illustrations could be given of
43、 this from everyday life, but what is of particular interest to psychologistsis the extentto which peoples judgme nts and opinions can be cha nged as a result of group pressure.Some remarkable con clusi ons were reported by Asch and others. They no ticed that people in group will agree to statements
44、 that are contrary to the evidence of their senses or thatcontradicttheir own beliefs. It would be a mistake to think that only particularlydocile people are chosen topeople areexperime nt,and independentIn a typical to join a grouptake part in experiments of this used and this, of course, makestype
45、. Usually highly the resultseven morewhich is inv estigati ngthis is what may happen. The visualperceptio n.experime nterThe victimsasks forare not.aware of the real purpose of the experime nt. Each volun teer is take n to a room where he finds a group of about seven people who are collaborating wit
46、h the experimenter. is show n a sta ndard card which contains a sin gle line. They are the n asked to look at a sec ond card. This has three lines on it. One is obviously Ion ger tha n the line card, one is shorter and one the same len gth. They have to say which line on the sec ond card is the same
47、 len gth as the line on the sta ndard card. The other members of the group answer first but what the volunteerdoes not know is that they have been toldof the wrong lin es. The volun teer sees that the other members of the group choose a line which is obviously not the same length as the one on the s
48、tandard card.When it is his turn to answer he is faced with the unanimous opinion of the rest of the group all the others have chosen line A but he quite clearly sees line B as correct. What will he do? According to Asch, more than haft of the victimschosen willopinion. What is equally surpris ing is that, whe n in terviewed about their an swers, most expla inedthat they knew the group choice was in correctthought they must be sufferingdifferent. However, Asch alsoof the group because they they were afraid of being judgment in t
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