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1、English Rhetoric英语修辞学Aesthetic Rhetoric美学修辞Figures of Similarity相似修辞学I. Figures of Similarity 1.Simile 2. Metaphor 3. Personification 4. Analogy1.Simile明喻 Simile: from Latin similis, meaning similar. It makes a comparison, but is different from an ordinary, literal comparison. 1.Simile明喻 It is a fig

2、ure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. 1.Simile A is like B. (A and B are two different elements.) A-tenor本体 B- vehicle喻体 Like: a function word1.Simile To make the comparison, words like as, asso,like, as if, as tho

3、ugh, seem, just as, similar to, such as are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.1.Examples of Similes 1) My heart is like a singing bird. 2) I wandered lonely as a cloud. 3)Life is like a candle. Why? What is/are the association (s)? 1.Simile Because it begins and ends in

4、 darkness; because while it burns, it gives off light and energy, active and colorful; because it gradually consumes itself, and gets shorter and shorter.1.Simile 4) As rust eats iron, so care eats heart. (proverb) 锈能蚀铁,犹如忧能伤人。 5) The streets seemed as quiet as graveyard. 6) You are as hungry as a w

5、olf.1.Simile 7) The shape of China is like a rooster. 8) He was a beautiful horse that looked as though he had come out of a painting by Velasquez. (Ernest Hemingway: For Whom The Bell Tolls) 他看起来仿佛是一匹俊马 从一幅维拉斯奎茨的油画里跑出来。1.Simile Similes are widely used in the English Language, esp. in literary works

6、. Modern English uses many short compositions in order to make expressions clear and vivid. 1.Simile In English there is an abundance of fixed comparisons, which have become idioms. Most of them are used with adjectives and follow the pattern “as +adj. + as + noun”.Idioms of comparisons: “as +adj. +

7、 as + noun”: 1) as blind as a bat 目光如豆(完全看不见) 2) as cool as cucumber 泰然自若 3) as cold as a marble 冷若冰霜Idioms of comparisons: 4)as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌 5)as firm as a rock 坚如磐石 6)as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛Idioms of comparisons 7) as mute as an oyster/mouse( out of fear) 噤若寒蝉 as mute as fish 默不作声 8) as s

8、trong as a horse 健壮如牛Idioms of comparisons 9) as happy as a lark/a cow/a king 快乐无比 10) as black as coal/ink (of sth. very dirty) 黑如煤Idioms of comparisons 11) as bold as brass (of a parson impudent) 厚颜无耻 12) as cold as charity/a frog/a stone ( of a person showing no emotion) 冷若冰霜Idioms of the pattern

9、 “as +adj. + as + noun” 13) as fat as butter (very fat, complimentary) 珠圆玉润 as fat as a pig (very fat, derogatory) 14) as fierce as a tiger ( of a person, very cruel) 凶猛如虎Idioms of comparisons 15) as fit as a fiddle/flea ( very healthy) 16) as good as gold (infml, of children very well-behaved) 17)

10、as free as the air/ a bird/the wind (of very free)Idioms of comparisons 18) as greedy as a wolf/a pig/a dog (of a person: eating more than it needs) 19) as pale as a ghost/death (of the color of ones face, usu. because of shock/illness)Idioms of comparisons 20) as plain as the nose on your face (ver

11、y easy to see) 21) as poor as a church mouse (very poor) 一贫如洗 22) as proud as a peacock (very proud)Idioms of comparisons 23) as quick as a flash/lightening 快如闪电 24) as quiet as the grave 死气沉沉 as quiet as a lamb/mouse 默不作声 25) as red as blood/a cherry/a roseIdioms of comparisons 26) as round as a ba

12、rrel/a ball/a globe/an apple 27) as sharp as a razor/a needle 28)as silent as the grave/ the death 死气沉沉Idioms of comparisons 29) as silly as a goose/ a sheep 30) as slippery as an eel (of a person: sly, cunning 滑头) 31) as smooth as a velvet 32) as smooth as butter/oilIdioms of comparisons33) as sobe

13、r as a judge (of a person, solemn, not drunk) 34) as soft as butter/wax 35) as sound as a bell (of a person: healthy; of a thing: in good condition)Idioms of comparisons 36) as sour as vinegar 37) as steady as a rock/ stone 38) as sure as eggs are eggs = as sure as one lives. (certainly) 39) as timi

14、d as a rabbit Idioms of comparisons 40) as tough as leather (used of a thing, often food which is difficult to cut or chew; also used of a person who is physically strong) as tough as nails (of a person with a strong will)Idioms of comparisons 41) as tricky as a monkey (of a person very clever, craf

15、ty) 42) as true as steel (of a person: very loyal, reliable)Idioms of comparisons 43) as ugly as scarecrow (of a person: very ugly) 44) as vain as a peacock (of a person very vain)Idioms of comparisons 45) as warm as toast (of person, or the air inside: very warm) 46) as watchful as a hawk (of perso

16、n: very watchful) 47) as welcome as flowers in May (very welcome)Idioms of comparisons 48) as well-known as Pauls (notorious) 49) as wet as a drowned rat 50) as white as snow/sheet 51) as wise as an owl 52) as fast as a cheetahMore forms of Similes 1. 虚拟句型虚拟句型: 用as if 或 as though 作比喻词 1) He speaks a

17、s if there were a frog in his throat. 2) It was/ seemed as though a sack of grain was supported by a matchbox.More forms of Similes 2. and型型 (这是一种特殊的明语句, 常用于英语谚语, 其中and的作用相当于like.) e.g. 1)A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. 说出的话犹如抛出的石头难以收回。More forms of Similes 2) Love and cough can not be

18、 hid. 恋爱如同咳嗽,难逃他人耳目。 3) Truth and roses have thorns about them. 真理如玫瑰,全身都带刺。 4)Mind and machine will be rusted if it is not used. 大脑犹如机器,如果不用,就会生锈。More forms of Similes 3. 动词型:A-tenor本体,B- vehicle喻体 1) compare A to B 2) treat A as B 3) regard A as BMore forms of Similes 4) consider A as B 5) serve A

19、 as B 6) honor A as B 7) respect A as BMore forms of Similes Examples: (1) I compare my genius to lightening flash. (2) He treats his daughter as the apple in the eye . (3) He considers his dictionary as his teacher. (4) We regard the Yellow River as our Mother River.More forms of Similes 5) He served our country as a willing horse. 6) We honored the dictionary as his best teacher. 7) He respected the dog as his best friend.More examples 1. A good book is like a good friend. 2. A man of words and


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