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1、12013 年高考英语二轮专题复习命题预测62A、B、C D 四个选项中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Cen ter inNorthwest China.His pla ne took off two hours ago, and itcan be rather se rious.worry about it.A. con siste ntB. arbitraryC. fragileD. bound29. More consumers are waiting for the further drop of housing prices with money in their han

2、ds_ buying houses, according to a report.单项填空21._ spacecraft Shen zhouVfltook off on November 1st, 2011, at Jiuquan Satellite Launchhours and inconvenient work ing place.A. on behalf ofB. in additi on toC. tha nks toD. i n terms of23. After being laidoff, he was reduced tohimselftoplant vegetable on

3、 the farmA. hiri ng outB. catch ing o nC. splitt ingoffD. taking up22. This job is great salary.However, it has severaldisadvantage.such as long working24. Whe n shall we meet your cous in at the stati on?请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A. The; theB. The;/C. A; theD. A; /reach at 5 pm.A. shouldB. couldC. mustD. can

4、25.Thedays when Walt Disney was a person,not a brand.A. was dated back toB. dates back toC. has bee n dat ingfromD. had dated from26. So thateven the studentsin the next classroomcould hear his argument with somebody.A. loudly he spokeB. he spoke loudlyC. loudly did he speakD. loudly27.Americare inc

5、reasinglywithcredit card debt and the consequencesA. boostedB. burdenedC. substitutedD. dominated28. Childre n are_ to meet with setbacks as they grow up, so their pare nts dont have toA. no better tha nB. little more than C. other thanD. rather tha n30. Many of us who have n ever bee n to Egypt alw

6、aysEgypt with the an cie nt pyramids.2A. associateB. abolishC. accumulateD. acquire31. good service, the restaura nt offers differe nt kinds of traditi onal Yan gzhou dishesto guests from differe nt places.and his cheerful reply were the 36 to our frien dship from the first day of school. Therewas a

7、 time whe n Ryan was not able to come to school. He was in a great deal of 37 afterhav ing a surgery on his legs, but he 38 his sufferings from every one.In our junior year, we found that we did nt 39 a sin gle class. This was not a problem,though. We just talked a little more in the hallway 40 pass

8、 ing periods. That year seemedto fly by. One day, Ryan asked me to hold the torch (火炬) runn ers flag that would 41 th _spot where Ryan would 42 his Olympic torch run. He gently explained that he would be honored43 I would accept this positi on for him. The Olympic committee sent a letter say ing tha

9、t the pers on that holds the flagfor him must be some one 44 to him. He said I was the only truefriend he had 45 made that talked to HIM and not to his wheel chair. How could I 46 such a request?A. FarfromB. In stead ofC. Apart fromD. Regardless of32. isknown to us is that the 2016 Olympic Gameswill

10、be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.A. ItB. WhichC. AsD. What33. The sun spot came into its activestage last year,thathappens once every eleven years.A. oneB. itC. the oneD. what34. Loulan cityis not at alltraveler who has never seen the desert before can imagine.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. where35. Have

11、 you graduated from collage?Yes,_.A. I studied French for two years.C. I have studied French for two years.B. Ihavebee nstudy完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I met Ryan, a young man with cerebral palsy (脑瘫),in3On the morning of June 5th, as I walked down the sidewalk, my heart

12、 47 anda factory of questi on s. I kept won deri ng how everyth ing was going to happen and how Ryan would48 the huge crowd of thousa nds of people.After the van arrived, the other runners got out and lined up outside the van, chanting hisname, Ryan! Ryan! Then all of the people 49_ in, “Ryan! Ryan!

13、” The lift then lowered Ryanto the ground. There he was, in all his 50 .It all became slow motion at the sight of the arriving torch. The runner lit Ryans torchand the n Ryan bega n his 51 . As he took off dow n the street, the cha nting became louder andlouder. The 52 filled the air and even I felt

14、 like I was on cloud nu mber nin e. I could nothave been any prouder of Ryan! He 53 thismomentin time -a historicmoment-a moment thathe was a part of and 54 me to be a part of, too.Mr. Wein heimer, the next torch runner, bent over and gave Ryan a hug. That mome nt will lastin time forever. It symbol

15、ized the whole 55 of the flame: love, exciteme nt, en thusiasm,brotherhood, and life of any man. The flame un ited us all and showed that love is really what makes this small world goaround after all.my mind became436. A. solutio nsB. keysC. routesD. responses37. A. dan gerB. fearC. painD. puzzle |3

16、8. A. hidB. preve ntedC. releasedD. relieved39. A. changeB. missC. atte ndD.share40. A. exceptB. forC. duri ngD.before |41. A. markB. testC. nu mberD. decorate42. A. coverB. beg inC. con ti nueD. lead43. A. whileB. althoughC. ifD. uni ess44. A. politeB. kindC. gratefulD. importa nt45. A. everB. neve

17、rC. alsoD. even46. A. admitB. refuseC. makeD. repeat47. A. achedB. racedC. stoppedD.sank48. A. explai n toB. differ from C. resp ond to D. call on49. A. joi nedB. steppedC. pouredD.broke50. A. pote ntialB. prefere neeC. gloryD. surprise51. A. trai ningB. journey C. lifeD. struggle5任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文,并根据

18、所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。In the United States, engineering is a profession that has been dominated historically bymen. Even today, it s still true that few womenbecome civil or chemical or mechanical engineers, but that ssomething www.EngineerG aims to change. Young women who visit the web s

19、ite can find out about a greatcareer choice they might not have con sidered.“Womenare very much underrepresentedin engineeringand in engineering education programsand the n of course, dow n the road, in the engin eeri ng workforce. So only about 20 perce nt of engin eeri ng undergraduate degrees go

20、to wome n, and the n only about nine perce nt of work ing engin eers are wome n.Mary Mattis in the Nati onal Academy of Engin eeri ng says the En gi neerGirl website aims toreach young womenar ound ages 11 through 14, whe n they are just gett ing old eno ugh to start thinking about theirfutures.“We

21、know from the research that middle -school girls are at a critical point in their lives, and that it s a timewhen we need to reach them, both with an understanding, increasing their awareness of interesting fields inengineering, what a wonderful productiveand exciting careeryou can have as an engin

22、eer. But we also n eed to reach them at that time because you have totake certain courses, and you can t start thinking about taking those courses when you re ajunior in high school. ”Engin eeri ng is a dema nding courseof study there is a lot of scie nee and mathematics,for many girls and even boys

23、, that can be challenging.But Ms. Mattis says that the EngineerGirlwebsite stresses that engin eeri ng can also be fun and excit ing.“ It s about designing things.It s about changing the world for people. It s about makinga differe nee. And, in additi on, you can make a good livi ng; you can be in d

24、epe ndent econo mically by beco ming anengin eer. All of those things are messages that girls n eed to get.”52. A. an xietyB. satisfact ionC. harm onyD. exciteme nt53. A. deservedB. recalledC. treasured D. chose54. A. promisedB. encouragedC. allowed D. followed55. A. mysteryB. powerC. in formati on

25、D. meaning注意:每个空格只填1 个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。6While most engineers go into traditionalfields such as mechanical and electrical engineering,7sual engineering careers in fields such as sportsen viro nmen tal engin eeri ng, some fields that might appealto girls who want to make a differe neeor have a me

26、aning for their careers bey ond earning an in come.”Even if you are not a girl in the target age group, there s a lot of interestinginformationon the site, in clud ing biographies of some no table wome n engin eers.TitleWebsite ( 71)Girls to learn EngineeringPresent ( 72)for the engin eeri ngprofess

27、i on in the USAThe majority of men take, while only a smallup the profession throughout ( 73)number of womenwork as engineers.(74)of theTo make young wome n(75) of interesting fieldswebsitein engineeringand what productivityand ( 76) career of being engin eers can bring them.the* It can be fun and e

28、xcit ing.(77) of being * It can(78) the world for people.engin eers* You can make a good livi ng.* You can gain economic( 79) by becoming an engineer.OtherfieldsVariousopport un itiesaretalkedaboutlikeconcerningbio-engineeringand engineering ( 80) to sports,andengin eeri ngeven chocolate.书面表达以Love i

29、s Needed ”为题,按照以下提示写一篇英语短文。要点:1.世界需要爱,爱的意义;2.用例子加以说明;3.我们该怎么做。要求:1.词数:150 左右;2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Love is Needed21-25 BDAAB 26-30 CBDDA 31-35 CDABA 36-40 BCADC 41-45 ABCDA 46-50 BBCAC 51-55 BDACDthe Engin eerGirl site also highlights unuengin eeri ng and believe it or notchocolateThere s a section

30、calledwhy be an engineer,and that talks about the manyopport unitiesand in creas in glydiffere ntopport unitieslike withbio-e ngin eeringand8书面表达Love is NeededIt is said that the world without love is like the fish without water I think it is right. Love is likeihc sunshine which makes people feel warm. Love is like the light in the dark which ca


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